Category Archives: Fort Scott

Highway 69 widening project again in the plans

After Kansas Governor Sam Brownback announced in recent months that the state would have to delay indefinitely the Highway 69 project that would widen the highway between Fort Scott and Highway 44, that project could be back on schedule once again after Southeast Kansas politicians  and residents fought for the project.

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“This is a perfect example of people speaking up and legislators listening,” Fort Scott City Manager Dave Martin, expressing appreciation to those involved in the change such as Senator Jake LaTurner and Kansas Secretary of Transportation Mike King.

After the project’s delay was announced in April, LaTurner wrote a letter to the governor emphasizing the importance of the project and then met with him and other administration personally to find a way to continue the project. With the help of King, who agreed to use funding remaining in the Kansas Department of Transportation budget, an agreement has been reached that will allow phase one to begin within the next year.

“I’m not naïve enough to know we’re not there yet,” Martin admitted. “It looks like the first battle’s been won, but until they actually sign contracts and break ground, we can’t let up. We have to continue to fight.”

Although he admitted some might believe he is biased because of his position in Fort Scott, Martin said he believes, among the approximate 25 other projects the state of Kansas had to choose among, the connection between Southeast Kansas and Kansas City is probably the most crucial to the economic development of the state as it makes travel easier for visitors.

Martin added he and Fort Scott Director of Economic Development Heather Smith have made commitments to businesses located along that corridor and have even received commitments from businesses when they learned of the widening project, making its continuation important for area development.

“We can’t turn our back on it,” Martin said, encouraging the public to continue to keep pressure on the legislators. “That’s what we need to do to continue our development of our great city and county and Southeast Kansas.”

Contracts for the project could be let by October of 2016 with construction beginning on the $25 million phase one in the spring of 2017, earlier than it had been previously scheduled. The first phase will widen Highway 69 to four lanes from south of Fort Scott to the Crawford County line. Future phases will continue that widening even further south.

“I think once they start phase one, it makes even more sense to go ahead and continue it and get it done,” Martin said.


35th Good Ol’ Days brings crowds to Fort Scott

The 35th Annual Good Ol’ Days Festival, celebrating the 100th birthday of the National Parks Service, successfully brought large crowds of visitors to downtown Fort Scott as the city and local businesses provided a wide selection of events and activities.

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Kicking off the weekend with the Fort Scott Idol competition Thursday and the parade Friday evening, the festivities did not end until Saturday evening as vendors lined Main Street for the street marketplace and performances were put on regularly such as the Red Garter Show, the Hemphill Family Band and the Dueling Pianos along with others.

The Fort Scott National Historic Site also played a key role as eight different national historic sites were present to provide information and demonstrations, including American Indian dancing.

Other events included a baby judging contest, petting zoo, pony rides, human foosball tournament, a carnival and a motorcycle and car show.

The event will wrap up with a post-event meeting and then the Good Ol’ Days committee will begin preparing for another year of the popular festival.

Fort Scott kicks off 35th Good Ol’ Days

Thursday evening marks the beginning of the 35th annual Good Ol’ Days Festival in downtown Fort Scott, as local businesses, organizations and other participants prepare for the wide range of events and attractions that will be held Thursday through Saturday.

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Celebrating the 100th birthday of the National Parks Service, the Fort Scott National Historic Site will play a role in the weekend activities as eight different national parks will be represented and will provide tours, artillery and other demonstrations, a variety of historic presentations as well as a performance by Native American Dancers at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Saturday.

Entertainment will be provided throughout the weekend at stages located at 1st and 3rd streets intersecting with Main Street, including local bands such as the Hemphill Family Band, Danny Brown, BJ Pruitt and Close to Nowhere, as well as visiting artists such as the Vogt Sisters. The Red Garter Show will also be performed Friday evening and throughout the day on Saturday. Street dances will be held Friday and Saturday evening.

Activities will kick off Thursday evening with the 11th Annual Fort Scott Idol Contest at Memorial Hall, featuring contestants divided into groups ranging from 5 years to adults and group performances. From 7-11 p.m., visitors can then enjoy the carnival located at the west end of Skubitz Plaza.

The Good Ol’ Days Parade will begin at 6 p.m. Friday and will travel north on Main Street and then turn at Wall Street and head south on National. A chicken dinner will be provided for $7 between 5 and 7 p.m.

For the first time, visitors will also be able to shop the street fair on North Main Street Friday between 5 and 10 p.m. as well as 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday. A total of about 115 vendors will be on hand for the street fair.

Other activities and events throughout the weekend will include races at Frary Field, a human foosball tournament, dueling pianos show, a petting zoo, baby judging contest, motorcycle and car show, the farmer’s market, guided shuttle tours and food vendors.

Visitors should prepare for road closures throughout the weekend in downtown Fort Scott. A full schedule of events and map brochure can be found at:

Fort Scott holds groundbreaking ceremony for Dog Park

In upcoming months, a new feature will be available at Gunn Park as work begins on the Bark in the Park dog park, which will provide a fenced-in, dog run area in the field located near Shelter House #7.

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Those involved in initiating the planning for the dog park as well as the city leaders and Gunn Park crews who helped in the process participated in a groundbreaking ceremony Friday evening while other members of the community attended with their dogs.

“With the leash laws, our doggies need exercise,” organizer Jim Scott said, saying he and his wife first Martha considered the idea of a dog park when they saw one while visiting another city park five years ago. “What a great opportunity for them to get out. And I think it will be used far more than people anticipate.”

The dog run will cover under an acre of fenced-in land, where dog owners can enter the gate and then choose whether to take their dog into an area for large dogs or small dogs.

“It should be a lot of fun,” Scott said.

After about a year of planning and receiving approval from city leaders, whom Scott said were very supportive of the idea, the team of organizers was able to raise the needed funding for the fence from the community without having to ask the city for financial support from taxpayers’ dollars.

“Things don’t get done unless you have citizens that step up and raise money to make things happen,” City Manager Dave Martin said, saying the city can accomplish projects such as the dog park only through that partnership with the community.

Recent rains have prevented work from beginning as the ground has been too damp to begin digging post-holes for the four-foot fences, which have already been purchased. But once work begins, it will likely only take about a month to complete the project.

Though funding for the fences have already been raised, the group will continue to accept donations in order to purchase additional features such as toys for the dog park.

A fundraiser that will help that purpose will be held on June 12, with today being the deadline for signing up. That event will allow participants to submit photos of their pets which will then be made into a sketch that the participants can paint themselves on canvases during the event.

Those interested in registering for that fundraising event can visit

Fort Scott National Cemetery hosts Memorial Day events

Residents of and visitors to Fort Scott honored fallen heroes of the United States of America Monday with a Memorial Day ceremony at the National Cemetery, hosted by organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1165 and American Legion Post 25, along with others.

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Kevin Johnson, director of the Leavenworth National Cemetery Complex and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom II and III, said many people confuse Memorial Day with Veterans’ Day, admitting he himself did the same before he served in Iraq. Johnson stressed that Americans should take time to remember those soldiers throughout the country’s history who did not get the opportunity to become veterans, but made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country.

“The first day you lost a brother you understood what Memorial Day was,” Johnson said of when the holiday truly gained meaning for him while he was serving in Baghdad in 2004.

American Gold Star Mother Jennifer Jackman also spoke during the Fort Scott event and praised the city and local organizations for their care for the local cemetery, which she described as beautiful.

“What a wonderful way to remember our fallen,” Jackman said of the many flowers throughout the cemetery and especially the American flags placed at each grave.

Jackman also encouraged listeners to take time to visit private cemeteries and look for similar headstones and flags marking the places where other veterans are buried outside the national cemetery.

In his invocation of the event, Reverend Chuck Russell encouraged those in attendance to make sure they never forget America’s fallen heroes, but that they also make sure their children understand those sacrifices as well, since anything less could be a disservice to those men and women who died to protect the freedoms Americans enjoy.

“We answer a call and do what we’re told,” Johnson said of himself and his fellow soldiers. “And that’s why we’re all free today.”

The event also included an honor volley, Taps, the Gettysburg Address, pledge of allegiance led by a local boy scout and the reading of General Logan Order Number 11 concerning the purpose and origins of Memorial Day.

Papa Don’s celebrates 20 years in Fort Scott

This week, Papa Don’s restaurant in downtown Fort Scott celebrated its 20th anniversary in the city, where it continues to provide pizza and other menu items and services to the community on a daily basis.

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“I’d like to sincerely congratulate you guys from the chamber and the community on your 20 years of service to Fort Scott,” Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lindsay Madison said.

Named after current general manager Brita Rygmyr’s grandfather, who helped finance the family’s endeavor, Papa Don’s has changed locations and owners but has been in its current location for the past five years. Rygmyr said they enjoy being in what she called a quaint downtown and such a short distance from the Fort Scott National Historic Site.

“We’re happy to be back here,” Rygmyr said of their arrival in Fort Scott, which first came in 1991 before the family’s decision to sell the business in 2005, only to buy it again in 2011. “We love it.”

After her family was part of the A&W restaurant business for the 20 years, Rygmyr said her family opened the pizza restaurant with her mother’s secret dough recipe and came to Fort Scott at the invitation of the city manager at the time.

“A lot of things that we do is in-house, which is very time-consuming,” Rygmyr said of their services, which include making dough and pizza sauce from scratch each day and grinding their own cheese.

New additions have also come to the menu as Papa Don’s tries to provide for all customers by adding gluten-free items and other menu options for vegans as well as take-and-bake pizzas that can be picked up and then baked at home. Papa Don’s also provides catering and has a back room that can be rented for parties or other events either by the hour or for the price of the food and drinks provided for the visitors.

Fort Scott City Manager Dave Martin congratulated Rygmyr and Papa Don’s for their years of existence and expressed his appreciation for their involvement in the community such as through hosting downtown meetings.

“You have a lot of vision and energy and you love Fort Scott,” Martin complimented Rygmyr and her team at Papa Don’s. “Thank you for being here because it’s helping everybody.”

Other announcements made Thursday during the weekly Chamber Coffee event included:

  • Friday at 5:30 p.m., a groundbreaking ceremony will be held at Gunn Park shelter #7, rain or shine, for the new dog park.
  • Saturday through Monday, the Fort Scott National Historic Site will host live history events in honor of Memorial Day.
  • The summer feeding program begins Tuesday at three locations in Fort Scott; My Father’s House, the senior citizens’ center and the Keyhole. The program will provide free meals to children through July 29, while My Father’s House will also be allowed to feed the parents and have an area on hand for games or reading for the children. At each location, children can submit their name into a drawing for a free bicycle.
  • Friday and Saturday, June 3-4, Fort Scott will host the annual Good Ol’ Days event with a parade, vendors, booths, live music and carnival rides.
  • On Friday June 10, Elks Lodge and the Chamber of Commerce will hold a steak dinner fundraiser together to raise money for the community fireworks.
  • On July 16, My Father’s House will hold a pancake feed fundraiser to raise funds for the fall, school supply program for students, grade 6-12.

Library to kick-off summer programs with party

On Tuesday May 31, the Fort Scott Public Library will celebrate the beginning of their summer schedule, reading program and other activities with a party at the Fort Scott Community College walking trail from 10 a.m. to noon.

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Children of all ages are invited to attend the event which will include water games, trivia, snacks, crafts, prizes and an opportunity to register for the summer reading program.

A family story walk and scavenger hunt will be available along the walking trail for the first hour of the event, with Fort Scott High School mascot Tigger on-hand for photos. Relay races will be held during the second hour with an Olympic-style medal ceremony at the end to award prizes with help from the local Boy Scout Troop 114.

Those interested in volunteering their time or donating items such as food, beverages and other supplies for the event are encouraged to contact Youth Librarian Valetta Cannon.

In the case of rain, the event will be moved to the public library for a scaled-down version of the planned events.

Fort Scott celebrates opening of Lowell Milken Center

Despite storms rolling through Fort Scott Tuesday morning, a large number of Fort Scott residents as well as visitors attended the opening ceremony for the new location of the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes located on Main Street.

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“This is a joyous day and event for the Lowell Milken Center,” Executive Director Norm Conard said, expressing appreciation to a number of people who participated in the completion of the project, including city leaders, LMC employees, construction team members as well as the students and teachers who completed the projects on exhibit.

Speakers during the ceremony included Fort Scott Director of Economic Development Heather Smith, Kansas Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson, LMC Fellow Dyane Smokorowski, Unsung Hero Ken Reinhardt and founder Lowell Milken.

Milken said he has traveled around the nation and even internationally to speak about the center, its exhibits and the project-based learning it encourages, which has influenced about one million participating students and reached about 80 countries. While meeting with so many people, Milken said the question most frequently asked concerns the decision to have the center located in Fort Scott, Kan.

“I believe that this center could only have been born out of a community that values education, diversity and history,” Milken said, saying the city has welcomed the center and its vision gladly.

Watson said the rich values of Southeast Kansas also provide a perfect backdrop for the center that encourages the development of students’ character, civic engagement, their own conscientiousness and importance of giving back to the community.

Kansas teacher Smokorowski said the center is an ideal place for teachers, superintendents and students to visit in order to learn and be inspired by the lives of Unsung Heroes, adding she cannot wait to see how it impacts students.

Smith said after the downtown fire in 2005, she could not think of a better organization to rise from those ashes than the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes. Smith said Fort Scott can be proud to be the home of the center, which she said is much more than bricks and mortar.

“Who are the real unsung heroes?” Reinhardt asked during the ceremony, saying he believes the students bringing him and other heroes out from anonymity deserve the title as well.

Milken said he believes history is never a done deal, as is evident by the LMC exhibits that portray the lives of people whose positive and widespread impacts were overlooked by history books.

“It’s sad to say that in an age of instant gratification and self-absorption, the concept of hero is often turned on its head,” Milken said, saying fame has become the definition of heroism. “This is the wrong message for our young people, in fact, for all citizens. Instead, the message we want to convey is that real heroes tower and guide. They are the North Star that today’s youth can look up to. But their stories need to be discovered and told.”

Visitors to the new center and its Hall of Unsung Heroes can now witness some of those examples of heroism through the interactive exhibits.


Lowell Milken Center Grand Opening festivities kick off

After months of planning, construction and preparing, the new location for the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes is finally ready for its grand opening, which began Monday with discussions with and presentations by visiting educators, students and even some of the Unsung Heroes featured in the new center’s exhibits.

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Monday’s activities included presentations by students and their teachers, referred to as LMC fellows, opportunities to meet surviving unsung heroes of projects as well as a panel discussion with educators from around the nation on the topic of why such projects are useful to them and their students.

Dyane Smokoroski, a middle school language arts teacher in Kansas, said teachers often have two goals, to help students be better students than they thought they could be and help build them into good citizens for the community. Smokoroski said the Unsung Heroes projects help accomplish those goals by giving students the opportunity to learn about role models other than the more common athletes or celebrities students might admire.

“These projects are so impactful,” said Rich Meserve, a teacher to at-risk youths in Maine, saying the impact reaches around the world by bringing attention to the unsung heroes but also is relevant and meaningful to individual students who may not otherwise be excited about their education.

Maddy Hanington, a Maryland teacher who works with students with learning disabilities or who are part of minority groups in their area, said her students gain confidence and a louder voice through their projects.

Teacher Nate Mcalister said the students take ownership of the project as they do the extensive research necessary, becoming experts on the individuals they select. Teacher Brad LaDuc, who with student Alexis Balaun shared a documentary project, said helping students with their projects has been one of his best experiences as a teacher as he sees the teens go from students, to collaborators in the project and eventually teachers through their presentations.

LMC Executive Director Norm Conard expressed his appreciation and admiration for the large number of educators helping their students through the projects, which are fun but also take a lot of work.

Attendees at Monday’s events got a taste of the projects that will be on display in the new center, which will be open to visitors after the ribbon-cutting event Tuesday morning. Many in the audience were driven to tears as they watched documentaries or witnessed presentations on individuals who stood up against injustice and did good in their lives.

Unsung Heroes present for the events Tuesday included Therese Frare, Ken Reinhardt, Ann Williams Wedaman and Harry Hue.

Festivities continue on Tuesday with the grand opening ceremony at 10 a.m. on Main Street in downtown Fort Scott. Guests include the Kansas governor, Kansas Commissioner of Education, the founder of the center and other participants in its development.

National Historic Site to host Memorial Day events

Submitted by Kathryn Danley, May 16

For the Memorial Day holiday this year, you and your family are invited to visit Fort Scott National Historic Site to experience the sights, sounds and smells of a frontier military fort. Celebrate the weekend with living history programs, cooking demonstrations and artillery firings.

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Saturday programs will focus on life at Fort Scott in the 1840s, with special presentations from our site volunteers on cooking, buying merchandise and washing clothes the old fashioned way. Gary Herrmann will demonstrate what soldiers and people ate in the 19th century. Barry Linduff will do a presentation on the many goods available for soldiers and civilians in the Sutler store. Come join Post Laundress Sarah Moppin as she demonstrates washing soldiers’ clothes, 1840s style. Living history stations will also include officer wives conducting a tea party and a soldier baking bread in the bake-house. At 2 p.m., come witness the power and sound of artillery. Kids of all ages are invited to join our soldiers in lowering the flag during flag retreat at 4 p.m.

Activities will continue on Sunday and Monday with more artillery demonstrations, a special wreath laying ceremony and programs focused on various historical events in which Fort Scott was involved. Join fort volunteer and master gardener Kelley Collins to learn more about the historic uses of herbs and flowers. Meet at the garden behind officers’ row. Help welcome several hundred motorcyclists to Fort Scott participating in the annual KC Thunder Ride to remember those who died in service and honor all veterans by joining them in a brief wreath laying ceremony at 1 p.m. on the Parade Ground. “Flash Flood” will focus on the role that the dragoon soldier played in westward expansion.

Monday’s guest speaker, Dr. Jeremy Tewell, will present a program examining the issues facing the nation in the 1864 presidential campaign. With the war seemingly at a standstill, and northern morale plummeting, Abraham Lincoln insisted on reunion and emancipation as conditions of peace. His Democratic opponent, George B. McClellan, made the Union the one condition of peace, although many in his party considered the war a failure and demanded a cessation of hostilities. That November, the new birth of freedom Lincoln and his armies had struggled to achieve hung in the balance.

On Monday at 2:45 p.m. will be a special Memorial Day program honoring Fort Scott’s fallen officers, followed by observance of the National Moment of Silence at 3 p.m.

The schedule of activities is listed below:


10:00 a.m. – “What a Mess” – Feeding a Frontier Army

11:00 a.m. – Guided Tour

1:00 p.m. – “Fish Hooks, Plug Tobacco, and Hard Candy”- Post Sutler Talk

2:00 p.m. – “The Gun That Shoots Twice” – Artillery Demonstration

3:00 p.m. – “Red Armed Women of the West” – Laundress Demonstration

4:00 p.m. – Flag Retreat


11:00 a.m. – Guided Tour

1:00 p.m. – KC Thunder Ride Wreath Laying Program

2:00 p.m. – “The Gun That Shoots Twice” – Artillery Demonstration

3:00 p.m. – “Flash Flood” – Westward Expansion Talk


10:00 a.m. – “Scents, Seasonings, and Stimulants” – Officer’s Garden Tour

11:00 a.m. – Guided Tour

1:00 p.m. – The Presidential Election of 1864

2:00 p.m. – “The Gun That Shoots Twice” – Artillery Demonstration

2:45 p.m. – Honoring Fort Scott’s Fallen Officers

3:00 p.m. – National Moment of Remembrance

Fort Scott Public Library prepares for summer activities

Submitted by Valetta Cannon, May 17

Get ready to get active in mind and body this summer with the “On Your Mark, Get Set…READ!” children’s program, the “Get in the Game – Read!” teen’s program, and additional programming for adults, courtesy of Fort Scott Public Library, USD 234’s PTO and other community volunteers.9-1 Library 3

Beginning with a kick-off party on May 31st and running through the end of July, this summer’s program will explore fun and healthy habits, games, sports and reading habits through various activities, crafts, books, music, rewards, prizes, snacks and guest performers. We will bring in many community members skilled in specific academic or sports-related fields to share their accomplishments and knowledge. See the schedule below, and keep an eye out for more details. Also, check out our Pinterest board for a sneak peek at some of the exciting activities we’re planning.

Please note: All events will be located in Fort Scott Public Library’s downstairs rooms unless otherwise noted. Teens will walk from the library to Common Ground Coffee in a group for their regular Tuesday morning meetings. Special Date: Friday, July 15th at 10 a.m. instead of Tuesday, July 12th, we will meet for Football and Soccer week, due to the Fort Scott Community College football team’s schedule.

Here is our tentative schedule. Please visit often to view updates and changes.

Olympics-themed Kick-Off Party (all ages welcome): May 31st 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the FSCC Walking Trail

Come for games, crafts, snacks, prizes and to pre-register for our summer reading program. Please email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer at or donate to this special event. We are looking for donors of healthy food and beverages, disposable tableware and specific craft supplies. Please contact Youth Librarian Valetta Cannon for more details.

Alan Cunningham performs at Ellis Fine Arts Center: June 7th at 10 a.m. All Ages Welcome, but geared more toward children 0-12 years old. We will also be holding our first teen meeting at Common Ground Coffee at 10 a.m. this day.

Homebodies and Healthy Living: June 14th at 10 a.m. with storyteller Valetta Cannon

Percussion Magic performs at Ellis Fine Arts Center: June 17th at 10 a.m. for all ages

Cheer and Dance: June 21st at 10 a.m. with a storyteller and possible special guests FSHS and FSCC Cheer and Dance Team Members

Track and Racing: June 28th at 10 a.m. with storyteller Principal Dave Elliott and special guests FSHS Track Team Members

Baseball and Basketball: July 5th at 10 a.m. with a storyteller and possible special guests FSCC Basketball Team and FSHS Baseball Team Member

C. Wolf performs at Ellis Fine Arts Center: July 6th at 9:30 a.m.: All Ages

Football and Soccer: FRIDAY, July 15th at 10 a.m. with a storyteller, who is still needed, and special guests FSCC Greyhound Football Team Members

Martial Arts and Self-Defense: July 19th at 10 a.m. with Mary Jo Harper and special guests Tae Kwon Do Instructor Walt Kimler and Class, and Nutritionist Vera Norris

Olympics and Gymnastics: July 26th at 10 a.m. with a storyteller and possible special guests Tumbling Tiger Gymnastics coaches and class

Possible Wrap-Up & Reward Party: Details TBA


FSCC Welcomes New Head Women’s Basketball Coach

Submitted by Heather Cutshall, FSCC, May 17

Fort Scott Community College welcomes Jeffrey Tadtman as the new FSCC Head Women’s Basketball Coach.

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Tadtman comes to FSCC from Carl Albert State College (CASC), where he served as the Head Women’s Basketball Coach for thirteen years. His record at CASC was 202-179. From 2000-2003, Tadtman served as Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Iowa Western Community College, where he led the Reivers to the NJCAA Regional Championships for two seasons.

“We are excited to have Coach Tadtman become a part of our college and community,” said Tom Havron, FSCC Director of Athletics. “His experience and the success he has achieved in his career will be a blessing to FSCC and our student-athletes. We look forward to the great things that he will bring to the basketball court, classroom and community.”

From 1993-1996, Tadtman served as Head Women’s Coach at Independence Community College. His teams won the NJCAA Region VI Championships in the 1993-94 and 1995-96 seasons. Additionally, he has served as Head Women’s Basketball Coach at University of Missouri-Kansas City and as Head Women’s Basketball Coach, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, Head Women’s Tennis Coach and recruiter at Cowley County Community College.

Tadtman is ranked 33rd in wins among active NJCAA coaches. He was named to the Independence Community College Hall of Fame in 2014 and Iowa Western Community College Hall of Fame in 2011. In addition, he has been recognized as the Coach of the Year by many organizations:

  • College Sports Magazine (1995-96 season)
  • Kansas Basketball Coaches Association (1993-94, 1994-95, and 1995-96 seasons)
  • National District D (1993-94, 1994-95, and 1995-96 seasons)
  • Kansas Region VI (1993-94, 1994-95, and 1995-96 seasons)
  • Jayhawks East Conference (1993-94 and 1994-95 seasons)

Tadtman earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Southwestern College in 1992. He is a member of Kansas Basketball Coaches Association, Women’s Basketball Association, Greater Kansas City Coaches Association and Kappa Sigma Fraternity.