Sen. Marshall Warns of Dangers of Fentanyl and Social Media

Sen. Marshall Warns of Dangers of Fentanyl and Social Media

(Topeka, KS, August 31, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. today released a video on International Overdose Awareness Day warning about the dangers of fentanyl poisoning and social media where counterfeit or fake drugs are often purchased and laced with fentanyl. While you may click HERE , Senator Marshall said,“Everywhere we go we try to share the message that just one pill can kill. That most every day in Kansas somebody dies from fentanyl poisoning. As kids go back to school, I want parents to understand the challenges out there: your children through social media, including through Snapchat are able to purchase one tablet of fentanyl, which can kill them. Please, parents, teachers, talk to your children about the dangers out there of fentanyl and stay in communication with your children whenever you can.”

Senator Marshall is a cosponsor of a Senate resolution to designate May 10, 2022 as National Fentanyl Awareness Day. The resolution supports the mission and goals of National Fentanyl Awareness Day in 2022, including increasing individual and public awareness of the impact of fake or counterfeit fentanyl-related substances on families and young people.



COVID-19 Retail Storefront Property Tax Relief Is Coming

Governor Laura Kelly Urges Kansas Small Businesses to Prepare for COVID-19 Retail Storefront Property Tax Relief Program

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced that her administration is launching the application process for the COVID-19 Retail Storefront Property Tax Relief program in October. She urged Kansas small business owners to verify they are registered for a federal Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) ahead of the application process opening.

“The financial assistance provided through this program will give Kansas entrepreneurs resources to continue to grow and invest in their businesses,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “Proactively verifying UEI registration will help small business owners receive this relief quickly and efficiently once the program’s application portal opens in October.”

In June, Governor Kelly signed bipartisan House Bill 2136, investing $50 million to help small businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 Retail Storefront Property Tax Relief Program is funded through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which requires a UEI registration to be completed for a business to be eligible to receive assistance. UEI registration ensures the accuracy of information and the security of funding being used for this program.

The UEI is a unique 12-character identifier assigned to all entities and is used as the primary means of entity identification for Federal awards and for those doing business with the federal government. The UEI is issued at no cost through the federal System for Award Management website (

If a business is already registered in, no additional action is needed to obtain a UEI. UEI registration can be confirmed by logging into and verifying that the business’ Entity Status states “Active Registration.”

Please note that due to recent increases in the number of entities registering with it may take up to 25 business days for new registrations to be processed. For any issues related to registering with or obtaining a UEI the Federal Service Desk can be reached at 866-606-8220.

Information detailing the application process and dates for the COVID-19 Retail Storefront Property Tax Relief Program is forthcoming from the Kansas Department of Revenue. The application will provide definitions, explain the assistance process in detail, and will specify exactly what information must be submitted in support of the application.

Claimants will have until April 15, 2023, to file an application for this financial assistance.

Traffic Signal Upgrade on Hwy. 69 Beginning Sept. 6

The City of Fort Scott in conjunction with Kansas Department of Transportation will be upgrading traffic signals along Highway 69 beginning September 6th, 2022.  This project will be done in four phases:  3rd Street, 6th Street, 12th Street, and 25th Street.  There may be times when traffic lanes are shut down as well as the intersections at these locations.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions or concerns, please call City Hall at 620-223-0550.


FSCC Hosts First Annual Night Golf on October 29

Tom Havron, Fort Scott Community College Vice President of Student Affairs and Foundation Director, had the idea to hold a fall golf tournament.

Tom Havron is the FSCC Vice President of Student Affairs and Foundation Director. Submitted photos.

“I  thought it would be fun to do something a little different,” Havron said.  “I used to play night golf when I was a high school kid in Montana and we always had a great time.  After doing a little research, I thought we could make this a really special event.”

The event will be a fundraiser.

The Twilight Open Golf Night is a four-person scramble teeing off at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 29 at Woodland Hills Golf Course, just down Horton Street from the community college.

Woodland Hills Golf Course, 2414 S. Horton, Fort Scott.

“The proceeds will go towards establishing a new golf driving range on campus,” Havron said.  The short-term goal of the first annual Twilight Open Golf Night, set for Oct. 29 at Woodland Hills Golf Course in Fort Scott, is a design for long distances.”

Proceeds from the event, sponsored by Fort Scott Community College’s Foundation office,  will go directly to the creation of a driving range on the FSCC campus, Havron said.

Fort Scott Community College, 2108 S. Horton is the site of the annual Independence Day fireworks event.

“College golfers need a driving range to work on different shots they will see on courses across the state throughout the season,” said Jeff Tadtman, head golf coach for the Greyhounds. “It has been an obstacle we have faced since the start of the golf program in 2019. We hope a driving range on campus will appeal to potential recruits looking to continue their golf career.”

Jeff Tadtman. Submitted photo.

The presence of a range in “their own backyard” is an immediate advantage for college golfers, said Havron, but the plan includes eventually opening the facility to community members.

“I think the community would really love to have a place to go and hit some balls,” said Havron. “Woodland Hills is an excellent course and I believe they would also see the benefits of a driving range close to their course.”

The future driving range, which is to feature a ball machine, is to be maintained by the FSCC golf team, and will provide a venue for fund-raising opportunities, Havron said.

“We would love to also be able to provide the facility to our area high school teams for practice, as well,” he said. “Details on the course are still being investigated and may take a few fund-raisers to get up and going.”

The night of the golf scramble will also include food and a silent auction.

“I’m working on having some food available for people to have during the silent auction period,” Havron said.  “I will provide more information on this as soon as arrangements are finalized.”

“We will have FSCC staff and students assisting players throughout the round,” Havron said.  “We will also have headlamps so players can make their way safely around the course.  I have some other ideas which will provide safety features but make the event unique.  I’m going to hold that information so it is a surprise at the event.’

What about inclement weather?

“We always will concern ourselves with weather in Kansas, but we are hopeful,” Havron said. “In my opinion, there is no better time to live in Kansas than October.  The leaves will be turning and we hope the weather is kind to us.”

Cost of the event:

$500/team – this price includes cart and glow-in-the-dark ball

$475/team – with one cart included

$450/team – with no cart included

“To ensure safety and space between groups, we will be limited to the first 18 teams to RSVP,” Havron said.

For more information:

Tom Havron – 620-223-2700 ext. 5830 or




Chamber Coffee Sept. 1 at Perry’s Store in Bronson

Join us for the Chamber Coffee & Ribbon Cutting this week
hosted by Perry’s Pork Rinds & Country Store!
Thursday, September 1st, 8am
702 Pine Street, Bronson, KS.
Click herefor their Facebook page to learn more about them!
Thank you to our Chamber Champion members below!
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Need Money: Job Fair Today at FSCC’s Elllis Center







2108 S. HORTON ST.


Employers registered include the following,

for a printable flyer click here:

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)

Ascension Via Christi

CHC/SEK – Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas

Crossland Construction

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce

Fort Scott Presbyterian Village

Heartland Behavioral Health

Integrity Home Care and Hospice

Kansas Department of Transportation


MyShift, Inc.

Nevada Regional Medical Center

Niece Products

Peerless Products

Sharky’s Pub & Grub

Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center


Twister Trailer

USD-234 School District

Valu Merchandisers Company


Ward-Kraft, Inc.

Positions Available

Thank you to the employers below who have

registered to have a booth at the Job Fair!

Facebook  Twitter  Pinterest

FS City Offices Closed On Sept. 5

The City of Fort Scott Administrative Offices will be closed on Monday, September 5th, 2022 in observance of the Labor Day holiday.  The offices will reopen on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022.


The City’s tree and brush dump site located on North Hill will also be closed on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 for the Labor Day holiday.  It will be open again on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Labors and Leisure on the Frontier: Ft. Scott National Historic Site Sept. 3-5

The bike rack at Fort Scott National Historic Site.

Labors and Leisure on the Frontier


Labor Day Weekend at Fort Scott


Fort Scott Kan. – Saturday, September 3 through Monday, September 5, 2022, Fort Scott National Historic Site will take you on an exploration of the labors and leisure on an 1840s frontier post. Labor Day weekend activities include artillery demonstrations, 1840s baseball, candle making, breadmaking, construction skill demonstrations, historic yard games, and a variety of interpretive programs. Visit with soldiers, and an officer and his wife and find out about the labors of the fort and the  leisure activities. All programs are free and open to the public.


Saturday, September 3, 2022


10:00 am – Guided Tour

11:00 am – Artillery Demonstration

Noon – Beam Me Up: Historic Construction Demonstration

1:00  pm – Guided  Tour

2:00 pm – Artillery Demonstration

3:00 pm – Saws and Scalpels: Frontier Medical Program


Sunday, September 4, 2022


10:00 am – Guided Tour

11:00 am – Artillery Demonstration

Noon – Hitting Home:  Baseball on the Frontier

1:00  pm – Guided  Tour

2:00 pm – Artillery Demonstration

3:00 pm – Let the Games Begin:  Historic Games Program


Monday, September 5, 2022


10:00 am – Guided Tour

11:00 am – Artillery Demonstration

Noon – Small Arms Drill (Children’s’ Program)

1:00  pm – From the Crack Post of the Frontier, Construction Tour of Fort Scott

2:00 pm – Artillery Demonstration

3:00 pm – Beam Me Up:  Historic Construction Demonstration



From April 1-October 31, Fort Scott National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service, is open for its summer hours of operation.  The site exhibit areas and visitor center are open daily from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. The park grounds are open daily from a half hour before sunrise until a half hour after sunset. To find out more or become involved in activities at the Fort, please contact the park at 620-223-0310 or visit our website at


Grand Opening of Lowell Milken Park and 15th Anniversary Celebration for LMC

The Lowell Milken Park. Submitted photo.

Lowell Milken Center Special Events


The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes will be celebrating two important milestone events on September 12-13, 2022. Those dates will mark the official Grand Opening of the Lowell Milken Park, as well as the commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes. A Community Open House is scheduled for Monday, September 12th from 1:00 – 5:00 pm and Tuesday, September 13th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. The public is invited to view the new Unsung Hero exhibits, both in the beautiful Lowell Milken Park and in the Hall of Unsung Heroes.

Special events for the afternoon of Monday, September 12th, include the following four sessions with honored guests recognizing special Unsung Heroes:

1:00 pm – Family of WWII Navajo Code Talker Chester Nez

2:00 pm – Rwandan Rescuer Carl Wilkens

3:00 pm – Family of WWII Boat Developer Andrew Jackson Higgins

4:00 pm – Family of Astrogeologist Gene Shoemaker (whose ashes are    buried on the moon)

Seating for the presentations is limited.

The Lowell Milken Center is a non-profit 501 © (3) that works with students and educators within a range of diverse academic disciplines, to develop projects focused on unsung heroes.




Fire at Fort Scott’s Catholic Church Causes Extensive Damage

A cross can be seen from the fallen timbers in the sanctuary of Mary Queen of Angels Church. Courtesy photo of Shane Walker.
Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church fire on August 29, 2022. Courtesy of Stephen Toal.
The Catholic church  fire damage to the sanctuary. Courtesy of Kenny Felt.

Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church, 705 S. Holbrook, Fort Scott suffered extensive damage in a fire that started in late evening on August 29.

According to a press release from the FSFD, on Monday, August 29, 2022 at approximately 9:12 p.m. the Fort Scott Police Department and fire department, along with Bourbon County EMS responded to St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Fort Scott for a report of a fire.

When the units arrived the church was on fire with heavy smoke and flames emitting from the southeast corner of the structure.

The Fort Scott Fire Department, with assistance from Nevada Fire Department, Scott Township Fire Department, Bourbon County Rural District 3 Fire Department, and Arma Fire Department battled the blaze until the early morning hours today.

The cause of the fire is currently being investigated by the state fire marshal’s office, along with local fire investigators, according to the press release from Fire Chief Dave Bruner and the FSFD Public Information Office.

One Fort Scott Firefighter sustained a minor injury and he was treated and released from the Via Christi Emergency Department. No other injuries are known.

“Our hearts and prayers go out to the parishioners of St. Mary’s Church, and the members of our community who have been affected by this tragedy,” according to the release. “All official updates on this case will be posted to the Fort Scott Fire Department Facebook page, as well as the Facebook and Twitter accounts for the Fort Scott Police Department.”

Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church this morning, following the extensive fire last evening. Photo courtesy of Stephen Toal.
Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church. Courtesy of Shane Walker.
Inside the sanctuary of the Catholic Church this morning. Courtesy of Kenny Felt.
Inside structure damage from the fire. Courtesy of Shane Walker.
The Catholic Church fire as seen from the backside of the church. Courtesy of Sara Simonds.
People watch the fire at Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church on Monday evening, August 29. Photo courtesy of Stephen Toal.
Fort Scott Firefighters take a break during the fire at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Monday night. Courtesy photo by Stephen Toal.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church fire. Courtesy of Angie Bin.

The following was from the St. Mary’s School Facebook page this morning.

“We had a major fire at our church last night. Damage is extensive but all indications are that we will be able to rebuild. However, for safety reasons we will cancel school for today. We will work tomorrow to get information from professionals and develop a plan to return to school as soon as possible, hopefully on Wednesday. There is no faith community more devout, fierce, or resolute than ours. God will get us through this, stronger than ever!”

Ascension Via Christi Hospital’s trauma program recognized for quality

Ascension Via Christi Hospital’s trauma program recognized for quality


Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg’s Level III Trauma Program, which treats patients who have critical injuries threatening life or limbs, was first accredited by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma in 2008. Now, it has passed re-accreditation for another three years.

The program, which will turn 15 next year, was recognized for its quality, improvement, maturity and focus, as well as for its trauma leadership and outstanding relationship with regional EMS.

“A Level III Trauma Program accreditation designates our hospital as one that has resources and expertise to care for our community and neighbors when any trauma occurs,” says Brett Dunbar, DO, hospital surgeon . “As a trauma center, our team is committed to improving and providing evidence-based care through our involvement at the local level as well as at the state level.”

The ACS Trauma Survey is designed to help hospitals evaluate and improve trauma care as well as provide objective, external review of capability and performance. A Level III Trauma Center designation indicates that the hospital has demonstrated an ability to provide prompt assessment, resuscitation, surgery, intensive care and stabilization of injured patients and emergency operations.

This achievement allows Ascension Via Christi Hospital to continue to provide Southeast Kansas with quality care close to home and when it’s needed the most.

For more information about Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg, go to




About Ascension Via Christi


In Kansas, Ascension Via Christi operates seven hospitals and 75 other sites of care and employs nearly 6,400 associates. Across the state, Ascension Via Christi provided nearly $89 million in community benefit and care of persons living in poverty in fiscal year 2021. Serving Kansas for more than 135 years, Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization committed to delivering compassionate, personalized care to all, with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable. Ascension is the leading non-profit and Catholic health system in the U.S., operating more than 2,600 sites of care – including 145 hospitals and more than 40 senior living facilities – in 19 states and the District of Columbia