Keys to the Kingdom
By Carolyn Tucker
Who is this Voice?
A few years ago, a new guy moved to my country neighborhood. While walking one day, I stopped to introduce myself and welcomed him to the area. I met his three beautiful short-haired dogs; I wanted to pet them, but they were unfamiliar with me so they kept their distance. The dogs are often outside playing with each other when I‘m walking by. They used to bark at me, but now they just basically ignore me. After all these years, the dogs and I still don’t know each other. They see me and I see them, but we’re still strangers. Sometimes I call for them to come closer but, since I‘m not their master, they don‘t pay any attention to my voice and sometimes run away from me.
While reading in the Book of John, I felt like my New Year’s priority should be to listen and follow the voice of Jesus more vividly in 2025. Let’s focus on Jesus’ illustration in John 10:2-5 TPT: “But the true Shepherd walks right up to the gate, and because the gatekeeper knows who He is, he opens the gate to let Him in. And the sheep recognize the voice of the true Shepherd, for He calls His own by name and leads them out, for they belong to Him. And when He has brought out all His sheep, He walks ahead of them and they will follow Him, for they are familiar with His voice. But they will run away from strangers and never follow them because they know it’s the voice of a stranger.”
The gatekeeper was in charge of a large fold where several flocks were kept. The sheep only recognized the voice of their own shepherd and responded only to him. Believers are members of Jesus’ flock, so there is only one voice, one way, and one will for us. In a culture of exceedingly-complex living, the sure way to peace of mind, purpose, and meaningful commitment is found in knowing and following the true Shepherd’s voice. There’s a lot of false/evil voices in the world that we should run away from.
Jesus is faithful to speak to us about how to proceed in every area of our lives. God’s Word reminds us that we can hear the voice of the true Shepherd: “Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, ’This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left” (Isaiah 30:21 NLT). Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He made sure His disciples would not be left stranded. Jesus said to them, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you” (John 14:15-17 NASB).
When we hear the inside voice of the Spirit of Truth speak to our heart, we are to follow because we know Him. Sheep who follow the true Shepherd won’t be led astray. I have a long-time dear friend who phones and greets me by saying her full name. Since I’m very familiar with her voice, she doesn’t need to identify herself. When I once mentioned this to her, we had a good laugh. It was just a habit for her to say her full name whenever she called anyone.
The Key: I’ll be somewhere listenin’ for my name; and then I will follow Him wherever He may lead.