CHC Update: Planning the Reno and Adding New Family Physician

Financial assistance and sliding fee discounts are available to eligible patients, as stated on the front door of the CHC/SEK Clinic in Fort Scott.

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, Fort Scott, is still in the planning stage of the new site they purchased, the old Price Chopper store at 2322 S. Main.

“Planning on the renovation of Price Chopper is going smoothly,” Krista Postai, CEO and president, said. “It will have walk-in care along with regular medical clinic space and diagnostic, including x-ray, CT-scanner and bone density diagnostic equipment, offices for behavioral health/addiction treatment staff and other support staff and a drive-through pharmacy.”


Krista Postai. Submitted photo.


“No start date for renovation, as of yet,” Postai said.

“To help offset the expense of renovation, CHC/SEK was the recipient of a $1.1 million federal grant through the American Rescue Plan,” she said. “A large portion of the diagnostic equipment will also be covered by an $11.3 million grant that CHC/SEK received through the American Rescue Plan for Health Centers program.”

New Family Physician Is Added

“Dr. Sarah Bradshaw, a board-certified family physician with additional training in treating allergies will be joining the Ft. Scott Medical Staff in June,” Postai said. “Dr. Bradshaw is a graduate of the University of Kansas School of Medicine and completed her residency in Family Medicine at the University of Missouri of Kansas City. She also has a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Kansas School of Public Health. She was formerly employed by Allen County Regional Hospital.”

“Her time will be initially split between Iola and Ft. Scott,” she said. ” Her schedule is now being finalized and more details will be available this week.”


Obituary of Jan Tate

Jan Ellen Tate

Jan Ellen Tate, age 66, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Saturday, May 29, 2021, at the Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg, Kansas. She was born April 2, 1955, in Ft. Scott, the daughter of Lewis Allen Dare and Virginia Bolinger Dare. Jan was raised on the family farm where she learned to love the land and country living. She also grew up attending the Mt. Orum Baptist Church south of Redfield, Kansas where she learned the love of God and her Savior, Jesus Christ.

She graduated from Uniontown High School and later went on to graduate from Pittsburg State University with a degree in business management. She married Kelly Tate on July 20, 1973, at the Mt. Orum Church.

In earlier years, Jan worked at Montgomery Ward and the Western Insurance Company. She also worked as a pre-need funeral counselor for Cheney Witt Chapel and as a bookkeeper for Ray Shepherd Motors.

Jan later began a career with American Family Insurance. She worked for a time with the Ed Graham agency in Ft. Scott and later moved to her own agency in Nevada, Missouri where she remained active with the business until the time of her death.

Jan will be remembered for her outgoing and cheerful personality. She enjoyed singing, playing cards, and attending her grandchildren’s activities.

She was a member of the Community Christian Church.

Survivors include her husband, Kelly, of the home; two daughters, Janelle Tate of Uniontown, Kansas and Jennifer Hymer (Charlie), of Ft. Scott and three grandchildren, Bryden, Bryleigh, and Kyndal. Also surviving are a brother, David Dare (Martha), of Uniontown, Kansas, a sister, Kathy Endicott (Garry) of Trafford, Alabama, and a sister-in-law, Mary Brownback (Loyd), of Mound City, Kansas.

She was preceded in death by her parents, and a brother, Max Dare.

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Thursday, June 3rd at the Community Christian Church.

Burial will follow in the Uniontown Cemetery.

The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 P.M. Wednesday at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Memorials are suggested to the Community Christian Church and may be left in the care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

The Veteran’s Last Breath By Carolyn Tucker

Carolyn Tucker. Submitted photo.

Keys to the Kingdom

Carolyn Tucker


My dad served in the United States Army on the front lines in Germany during World War II. In his later years, he once told me, “It kills me to hear Taps sounded.” I know for a fact that he’s not the only veteran who felt that way. This haunting mournful bugle call is sounded by the United States Armed Forces at dusk, during flag ceremonies, and at military funerals. Dad was in the heat of the battle in the European Theatre from 1944-1946 and he witnessed many of his buddies killed or injured. When Taps are sounded, tears stream down my face as I think about all the brave veterans and their sacrifices.

The Bible best describes a U.S. veteran who dies for his/her Country: “No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends” (John 15:13 NIRV). Dying for something you believe in is the ultimate sacrifice. Memorial Day commemorates the brave men and women who died in battle, or as a result of wounds sustained in battle, while serving their Country and fighting for freedom.

It grieves me to see some Americans lightly treat Memorial Day as simply an opportunity to get together, have a picnic, and start the summer off with a bang. The only reason we’re even able to do that is because of our valiant Armed Forces. Honoring and mourning the loss of those who have died in the line of duty should be the #1 priority on Memorial Day. In addition, Americans have also taken this opportunity to decorate the graves of all their loved ones, not just military graves. God cares about all those who die. “His loved ones are very precious to Him and He does not lightly let them die” (Psalm 116:15 TLB).

When our veterans die for others, there is no more that love can do to show dedication to their fellow man. Fallen soldiers give their lives to protect everyone — not just family and friends but strangers too. They die for those who refuse to salute the flag. They die for those who take freedom for granted. They die for those who refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance. They even die for those who don’t stand for the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.

For those who die in Christ, they have a rich reward. “…when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see You face to face” (Psalm 17:15 TLB). Even though God’s Word states that we’re born to die, I don’t see many volunteering for it. Everyone I know is trying to stay alive. But when an unselfish individual signs up for the military, there’s a chance he/she will come home in a flag-draped coffin.

Taps is sounded nightly in military installations to indicate “lights out” and mark the end of an evening. The lights have gone out on our Nation’s fallen heroes, but let’s keep the memories of their brave sacrifices burning brightly in our hearts. The National Moment of Remembrance takes place across America at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day. Let us pray for those who mourn and also for our national leaders.

The Key: The flag of the United States of America doesn‘t unfurl because the wind blows it. It reverently unfurls with the last breath of every veteran who died to protect it.

FS Public Library Newsletter June 1, 2021

Fort Scott Public Library Newsletter
June 1, 2021

Fort Scott Public Library will be opening to the public on June 1st. Our hours will be 9:30-5:30 Monday through Friday, and 9:30-1:30 Saturdays. Masks are not required, but patrons are encouraged to follow the current CDC recommendations. We will have hand sanitizer and a supply of disposable masks available for those who need them.
Patrons are asked to limit browsing the stacks to thirty minutes. Newspapers and magazines may be checked out for reading at home. We will not have a seating area for reading in the library.
We will continue to have our “curbside” service for those who prefer it. We realize this service has been popular, as we’ve had 3,730 scheduled pickups of over 13,000 materials. We are renaming it NextDayGrab&Go. If you wish to use this service, place holds on items or let us know what items you need, then arrange with library staff as to what date and time you plan to come pick up your items. We will have them checked out and ready for you to pick up at the downstairs circulation desk. Just tell us your account number when you come in. If you prefer, we can place them in the entryway where we’ve been placing items for patrons to pick up.
Also we will still have our themed book bags available to check out. These include 10 books on a topic either for kids Birth – 1st Grade or for kids 2nd – 5th Grades. We keep a list at the circulation desks of the topics currently available. You can arrange to check out book bags when you’re here to browse the stacks by letting us know a day ahead of time, or you can schedule NextDayGrab&Go, and we’ll have the book bags ready for you to pick up. The books need to be returned. The bag, and any goodies in it, are for the child to keep.
For a few weeks, we will still be calling everyone with holds available to check out at the library. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will assume you are coming in person to check out items, and they will be located at the upstairs circulation desk. If you haven’t already set your account to receive email or text notifications about holds, staff can assist you. Sadly, T-Mobile and Sprint cannot send library text notifications, so you’ll need to arrange for notifications by email if you have those providers. We will continue to call anyone who doesn’t set their account to receive emails or texts, so don’t worry if you prefer to hear our voices.
Items can be returned in the book drop or inside the library at either circulation desk. If you have items that belong to Fort Scott Public Library that have already been processed as unreturned and are still in good condition, you can return them until June 30th , and we will remove the charges from your account. If you have items that belong to other libraries that have already been processed as unreturned, we have already paid the owning library for the items, and your account won’t be reinstated until you reimburse Fort Scott Public Library.
We have set up several temporary stations downstairs for wifi use in the library. These stations and the public computers are limited to one hour’s use per day. We will be adding software soon that will make it easier for patrons to remember if they’ve already used the library computers by logging in with their library cards.
Our public restrooms and drinking fountain are available for use. We still are not accepting donations of any materials. Weather permitting, we will continue to place free books on the north lawn.
Library programming continues to be virtual. Follow us on Facebook or check our website to see our program schedule. We are beginning some new programming on the library’s Discord Server, including coloring for all ages, online jigsaw puzzles, and many teen programs. You can sign up for our Discord Server through our Facebook or website.
Coming soon, we will have wifi hotspots for patrons to check out. These devices will allow you to connect devices to wifi from home or anywhere that can find a cell tower.
The library will close at 2:00 on Friday, June 4th and will be closed on Saturday, June 5th for Good Ol’ Days.
Fort Scott Public Library
201 S. National Ave.
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701

Artists Sought For Art Walk June 25

Bourbon County Arts Council’s annual art walk is seeking artists to display their work.
The annual art walk is on June 25 from 5-8 p.m. at the Liberty Theater/Crooners Lounge patio 113 S. Main Street.
“Items sold must be creative, original pieces, no national companies,”  said Deb Anderson, spokesperson. “Artists are responsible for their own display  needs and setup.”
The BCAC Wine Stroll in 2017
The mission of the council is: To foster, promote and increase the knowledge, appreciation, and practice of the arts.
The cost to display/sell their art is $15 for non-member of the council, free to council members.
Food and drink for the art walk is available to purchase from Crooner’s Restaurant.
In the event of inclement weather the event would be canceled, Anderson said.
For more information contact Anderson at  or 224-8650  or Terri Floyd at 224-7221.
Current members of the council are Anderson, Floyd, Cindy Bartelsmeyer, Elaine Buerge, Bre Eden, Steve Floyd, Deb Halsey, Laura Meeks, Linda Noll, Tedena Tucker, and Chris Woods.

Good Ol’ Days Parade Entry Registration

The Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
is taking registrations for
Parade Entries
for the
40th Annual
Good Ol’ Days Festival!
Click HERE to register online.
Click HERE for a printable registration form.
The 2021 Good Ol’ Days Festival Parade
is drawing near!
The deadline for entries is
Wednesday, June 2nd
@ 1:00 p.m.
Entries which arrive without pre-registering
will not be allowed in the parade.
The theme for this year’s festival is
“40 Years of Family, Friends & Fun”
For full festival information, please visit the
Good Ol’ Days website by clickinghere.
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce,
231 E. Wall, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Local Patriots by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Bourbon County Economic Development Council. Submitted photo.


In a previous column entitled “Successful Small Towns”, I listed the 11 common factors held by towns eluding the negative growth megatrends, noted by researcher James Fallows during his 55,000 mile travels around the USA. One of those factors listed is “Local Patriots”. Who are those leaders who keep the town moving toward progress? Who are the straws that seem to stir every drink?

In the last 20 years, we have seen American leadership gradually transition from the “Greatest Generation”, to the “Silent Generation, to “Baby Boomers”, and now to Gens X, Y, and Z. In many cases, this transition has not been smooth. All these generations tend to view the world and our country much differently, and sometimes the gens have devolved into competing camps and conflicts.

We have seen these types of lively battles in various communities in Bourbon County, playing out in commission rooms and conferences rooms everywhere. Many of us have witnessed loud encounters between commissioners with diverse priorities, critical citizens, organization board members and trustees charged with the public trust. Uncomfortable. Discouraging. It gives us a feeling that our communities are not doing very well.

I disagree. We have so much going for us! I believe that Bourbon County and our towns are on the verge of a leadership surge that will pave our way to progress. We have a unique opportunity to create a common vision of success, bringing together the list of generations, including past, present and future leaders to set aside personal agendas in favor of the common good. We need the wisdom of age and the energy of youth to unite behind the investments that will make our communities better. We need to start trusting each other again.

How do we bring this to reality? First, civic leaders of the past have to come out of retirement. We need you! Current leaders need to expand their vision to be more inclusive, and more young people need to take the personal risk to get involved in setting goals for our communities.

It is human nature to battle for scarce resources when the population drops and assets dwindle. We become fearful and retreat into “every person for themselves” mindsets. When we invest our time, talent and treasure toward the common good, instead of our own narrow interests, it is risky and we become vulnerable. These are risks Local Patriots are willing to take.

Step forward. Invest your resources. Suggest, LISTEN, and seek understanding. Drop your grudges. Don’t assume. Don’t yell! Pursue the common good. I believe we can create a plan for our communities to resist the megatrends that are impacting virtually every small town in America, and make BB a more attractive place to live and work.

I leave you with a quote from the One who I consider the greatest Teacher who ever lived: “…let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves.” I encourage you to serve our communities with the resources you have.

Challenges of Settling an Estate

Barbara Stockebrand. K-State Extension Agent. Submitted photo.



Someday you may find yourself filling the shoes of someone who settles an estate for a loved one or close friend. You may be asked in an estate planning process (prior to a loved one’s death) to serve as an Executor for a Will, or you may be asked by the Court to serve as an Administrator of an estate. If an Administrator is appointed, no Last Will and Testament exists. If you agree, either way, be ready for a challenging road ahead.

Even in a simple estate where a living spouse inherits everything, there is paperwork to be done — paying creditors, closing accounts, and distributing assets. Settling an estate is not a quick process.

The grieving process sometimes makes it hard to think clearly if you are close to the one who has passed on. Family dynamics often create extra challenges.

An Executor will usually be asked to fill that capacity by the writer of the Last Will and Testament. Often a copy of that official document will be shared with the named Executor. It’s a good idea to have a conversation with the writer prior to passing to learn more of the background of their decisions and their wishes.

An Executor’s role doesn’t begin until after the loved one has passed and has been officially appointed by a Probate Court. For this to take place, the original Will needs to be located and filed with the Court. The attorney who drafted the Last Will and Testament will likely need to be contacted. An attorney will likely need to be hired, however, it’s not required to use the attorney who drafted the Will for the estate settlement process.

Families are sometimes surprised with designations that may be laid out in a Will, such as a gift to a long-lost friend or a charity. Purposeful exclusions, such as a direct heir, can create conflict in the estate process. To help address those potential trouble spots, asking the writer of the Will to include an informal letter with the Will explaining the reasoning behind their actions, can help deflate those obvious contention points.

If there is a home or other property involved after the loved one’s passing, putting small valuables in a safe place is advisable. Empty homes are prime targets for thieves who may be watching obituaries. Family members may also believe things in the home may be theirs. Locking buildings, possibly even changing locks, and taking photos of contents are good steps to take to document the property and help you as the estate representative to follow the guidelines of the tasks before you.

Some of the greatest conflicts within families during an estate process rise from those items with sentimental value. These items may have little or no monetary value. However, they may hold great meaning to more than one of the heirs. Coming up with a process that is fair for everyone involved when distributing the assets, may be one of your most challenging tasks as the estate representative.

The Probate Court will make sure that all creditors and taxes are identified and paid before real estate transfers and monetary payments can be made from the estate to the heirs. You, as the estate representative, may need to convey this message to all of the heirs to prepare them for the extended time frame before the estate can be settled.

K-State Research and Extension has a simple publication called “Decisions After Death” which shares practical suggestions in knowing where to start relating to financial and legal matters after the death of a loved one. Gathering needed documents and learning who to contact are included in the information.

Not everyone is comfortable wearing the shoes of an estate representative. It’s okay to decline that responsibility when asked if it is going to create undue stress.

It is an honor to be asked to represent a loved one’s wishes after they have passed. Hopefully these tips can better prepare those asked to settle an estate in a way that respects the loved one who has passed, serve the heirs that remain, and complete their tasks as well as possible.

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.