May 3, 2024
Veto Session is over and so is the 2024 session. The House was able to override the Governor’s veto of CCR 2036, but it failed in the Senate by one vote. There were two Senators who voted for the CCR but voted No on the override. They turned around and voted for the next tax package – CCR 37, which was similar to CCR 2036. It is the mega-tax relief package that would exempt Social Security from state income tax; take the grocery state sales tax to zero July 1, 2024 instead of Jan 1, 2025; provide some property tax relief; lower income taxes for all taxpayers; lower the privilege tax; and remove the Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction (LAVTR) language. The difference is the tax brackets. The top bracket would be 5.57, instead 5.55 and the other bracket would be 5.2 instead of 5.15. It is around a $3 million fiscal note from the Governor’s proposed legislation. The Governor is considering a special session costing $84,600 a day for what one accountant called, “a rounding difference”. Keep in mind, over $4 billion is in the state coffers. It makes no sense not to let this legislation become law.
Legislative Post Audit Committee had the Ford and Chase County Clerks answer questions regarding a previous audit on elections. Ford County sealed all of the election material and didn’t cooperate with the audit staff. After questioning, the Committee decided to request audits of Ford County for this year’s primary and general elections. Chase County had sealed election material also but had worked with audit staff during the audit. The Committee also asked that the election material be unsealed so that they can be audited. A copy of the audit is posted at https://www.kslpa.org/audit-report-library/reviewing-kansass-rocedures-for-election-security-part-2/
Lies are rampant in the Capitol. First, I was not blocking any tax relief, especially for veterans. In fact, I have been and will continue to lead the charge on tax relief. Some legislators told me, “we wouldn’t have any tax relief if it weren’t for you.” Remember Property Tax Relief in CCR 2096 that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago?
- Expand the property tax freeze for seniors and disabled veterans so more people qualify
- Eliminate personal property taxes on items not used for business purposes, such as off-road ATVs, 15,000 lbs. trailers, motorized wheelchairs, bicycles, scooters, watercraft, and golfcarts
- Veterans’ Valor property tax relief program providing for totally disabled and unemployable
- Provide the current year and a four-year lookback on property valuation notices
- Allow payment under protest and appealing valuation in the same year if new evidence is provided
- Stop government competing with business property tax exemption
- Clarify 1031 exchange, build-to-suit, or sale/leaseback are not used establishing fair-market value
The House sent the CCR back to conference committee and a state representative has put out “fake news” that I am blocking or won’t attend a conference committee. CCR 2096 is a House Bill so I cannot call a conference. I have been working diligently to find a solution that leadership, Senate and House members will support. The House called a conference and we made changes to the legislation. One of the changes was to add a childcare tax credit to the package. It would help families keep more of their hard-earned money. Both chambers passed the legislation, so it up to the Governor if these provisions become law.
Again, Tom Petty’s words say it well, “I won’t back down. Well I know what’s right; I got just one life; In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around; But I’ll stand my ground; And I won’t back down.”
I have worked diligently to pass tax relief for disabled veterans and all Kansans. I will not back down in my support for the Kansas taxpayers.
Good News! The legislature overrode CCR 2098 with several sales tax provisions. It creates new program for disabled veterans (50% or more), exempts custom meat processing services, and exempts manufacturer coupons from sales tax and other provisions. The CCR is posted at https://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/measures/hb2098/
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.
Good article – onward!