Presbyterian Village

Fort Scott, KS – It’s that time of year again when you are getting ready to see family and friends for the holidays and looking for fun ideas for activities and gifts. One place in town is offering both right now!

The Presbyterian Village, located at 2401 S Horton in Fort Scott is hosting a Christmas Tree decorating contest. Entries will be received from November 27th-December 7th and judging will take place on December 8th. There are cash prizes for the top three winners, first prize being $100!!


AND… if you are looking for gift ideas, the Presbyterian Village is offering gift certificates. The gift certificates are for home services such as a personal shopper, house cleaning, homemade cooking and more. You can purchase a one-time service or monthly recurring services.

Please contact the Presbyterian Village if you have questions about the Christmas Tree decorating contest or are interested in ordering a gift certificate!
2401 S Horton, Fort Scott, KS

Hundreds Come to Beacon Soup Line and Raise Thousands

Fort Scott, KS – Last Friday, November 21st, Young Professional’s League of Bourbon County sponsored the Beacon Soup Line at the St. Mary’s Kennedy Gym. Every year, the Beacon Soup line is an event that happens and all the proceeds go the Beacon food and clothes pantry.


This year hundreds of people streamed through the doors at St. Mary’s to enjoy option of vegetable or chicken noodle soup, home maid pie and drink for $5. Volunteers from area churches and organization were on hand to serve all those who came out to support the Beacon.


If you missed the event and want to support the Beacon, they are a non-profit that is supported by donations and received donations year round. They serve hundreds of family each month and need continue support to enable them to do the ministry they do.

Contact the Beacon:
525 E 6th St.
Fort Scott, KS 66701

Casey’s General Store Ribbon Cutting

Fort Scott, KS –Many people in town have been long anticipating the new Casey’s store opening. Friday morning, November 21st, was their ribbon cutting and grand opening. The ‘soft’ opening of Caseys happened a few days before, however, the Area Manager, Bekki Gibson said, “It has felt like the Grand Opening since the doors opened. We have averaged making 200 pizzas a night.”


Fort Scott Area Chamber, several city officials, staff and about 30 community members came out to support Caseys grand opening and ribbon cutting. For the grand opening, Caseys was offering free coffee and certain items at a discount. A few things including any 6” sub for $1.69, large pizza for $7.99 and $2.99 for a dozen donuts.

Circulars will be going out today for additional coupons for the next week. Until next Thursday, with the purchase of a large pizza, you will get a coupon for .25 / gal off gasoline. If you are ordering pizza, you maybe want to call ahead to get your order started.


The store is open 24 hours, including the kitchen. Caseys is currently being staffed by 24 employees and they are hoping to pick up a few more to cover night shift. Hopefully, you’ll be able to swing in and say hello sometime in the next week.

Contact information:
2216 S Main

FSCC FREE Winter Concert

Fort Scott, Kansas – Fort Scott Community College will be hosting the annual Winter Concert on Sunday, November 23rd at 3 p.m.  The band, orchestra, choir and Fortté will be performing.

The FSCC choir and orchestra are under the direction of Dr. Greg Turner.  The orchestra plans an arrangement of holiday film music with “Christmas at the Movies” followed by “It’s Christmastime,” “O Holy Night,” “An Old World Christmas” and “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

The choir will be singing holiday numbers “Christmas on Broadway;” Harry Simeone’s “Do You Hear What I Hear;” and “Look Into the Christmas Sky.”  The latter part of the show will feature the Spanish Renaissance with Thomás de Luis Victoria’s “Magi Viderunt Stellam;” then an arrangement of Nathaniel Dett’s African-American spiritual “Rise Up Shepherd and Follow;” and end with Mendelssohn’s “There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth.”

Fresh off the fall’s marching band season, the band will play a compilation of holiday favorites with “Swing the Songs ofChristmas.”  A sing-along is also planned with other pieces still to be determined.

Band Director and Fortté advsior, Michael Dzbenski, said, “Fortté is our new a cappella group.  The Winter Concert isn’t our first concert, but it will be a fine debut for folks in the community that haven’t gotten to hear us sing.”

Fortté will sing classic carols including God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and Silent Night.  Other selections are still in the works, but a favorite 50’s holiday standard was much discussed.

The concert is free to the public.

Fort Scott Christmas Parade

Fort Scott, KS – The holidays are nearly upon us and many are gearing up for all the festivities. One event you need to make sure and have on your calendar is the city Christmas parade happening December 2nd, downtown. The parade starts at 6pm on Main Street and ends at the Skubitz Plaza. At the plaza will be Santa and drawings for prizes.


If you are the creative type and interested in putting a float in the parade, there is still time to get your entry submitted!! There are cash prizes for the top three entries and you can submit your entry to the Chamber.


If you have questions, contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber and Tourism Center
231 E. Wall

Bourbon County Jail Opens for Tours

Fort Scott, KS – Since the elections for Bourbon County where Bill Martin has retained his position of Sheriff, addressing the county jail is high on his list of priorities. Tuesday, November 18th the Sheriff office was giving tours of the jail from 2p-8p showing the condition of the jail.

Originally, the jail built in 1977, was made to accommodate 27 inmates. However, the average census is around 40 inmates, almost twice the original capacity. The aging facility has many issues that are not a quick fix, but would require extensive repair to satisfactorily fix the issue. A few issues are original plumbing, fixtures, wiring, cameras, electric gates, security and communication systems.

Obviously, there is much to discuss in the conversation about the best way to go about providing an adequate facility for our county jail. Undoubtedly, the conversation comes about that inmates do not need a nice place. The repairs needed at the county jail are beyond the comforts of the inmates, but are affecting the safety of the corrections officers and the energy expenditure of the aging building.

If you missed the tour, the Sheriff’s office will be offering tours again in the Spring. In the meantime, click along on the pictures below for a narration of the condition of the jail.

For further questions, contact the Sheriff’s office:
204 S National Ave
Fort Scott, KS

Soup Line to Benefit The Beacon

Fort Scott, KS – Earlier this year, ran an article highlighting the outreach and mission of The Beacon. The Beacon is a non-profit that serves those in Fort Scott, or surrounding areas, who need a little boost with food, shelter, clothing or other necessities during difficult times.


The Beacon is a non-profit, and primarily rely on the generosity of others to fund the outreach. During the holiday season, you may be wondering how you can play a part in assisting those who are experiencing hard times.


You will have an opportunity to get a good meal AND help The Beacon this Friday, November 21st. The Young Professional League of Bourbon County and area churches are sponsoring a Soup, Drink and Dessert meal for $5 (of course, you can give more if you wish). The proceeds will be used to fund activities for the Beacon.

Meals will be available 11am – 7pm on Friday at St. Mary’s Kennedy Gym (702 S. Eddy).



Chili Feed Today – United Methodist Church

Fort Scott, KS — If you are wondering what to do for lunch today, the United Methodist Women will sponsor the “Friendship Soup Lunch” in the church’s fellowship hall from 11:30a – 1:30p.  The menu will include Chili, Potato Soup, Hamburger Soup, a variety of pies and a drink! There’s no charge, but you are welcome to make a donation! They will also be having a bake sale starting at 11am.

Also, next weekend (November 22), First UMC is sponsoring a concert at FSCC in the Ellis Fine Arts Center at 7pm. No charge for the concert, but there will be a offering to help cover expenses. Two bands will be playing, Among the Lost and Greater than Fables will be performing.


Check out their Facebook page here. 


Check out their Facebook page here. 

You can keep up with all that’s happening at First UMC at their website here or you can ‘like’ their Facebook page here

Address: 301 S National Ave, Fort Scott, KS 66701
Phone:(620) 223-1950

If you have an event coming up or think you know of something we maybe interested in covering, please email us:

Tedesco Skatepark – Further Expansion Made Possible!

Fort Scott, KS – If you are a skateboarder or know someone who is, something very exciting is happening to the James B. Tedesco Memorial Skate Park, located at 4th and Scott St. The Tedesco Skate Park has plans to expand and the Fort Scott City Commission approved those plans at their November 4th commissioner’s meeting.

Courtesy Lindsey Madison

Expansion has been in the works for a while, but would not have been possible without another generous donation of Steve Tedesco. Tedesco’s $50,000 donation will cover the next phase construction costs and may also include lights. Mr. Tedesco is a business man from Colorado that has business connections in the Fort Scott area. The park is named after Steve Tedesco’s late brother, James B. Tedesco. The park was first opened in April 2012.

Construction for the expansion should begin soon, depending on weather and be completed by the end of year. Of course, there are many costs associated with building and maintenance. Any one interested can donate funds through an account at the city, who owns the skate park. You can check out the skatepark’s Facebook page here.

If you have an event coming up or something you think we maybe interested in covering, please email us!!

Fort Scott High School presents “Anything Goes”

Fort Scott High School Performs the Comedy Musical “Anything Goes” Tickets are now on sale to the comedy musical “Anything Goes” at Fort Scott High School.  Show dates are Nov. 11, 13, and 15 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 16 at 2 p.m.  Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for children and are available at the FSHS office and Country Cupboard.  Get tickets soon as seating is limited and shows tend to sell out.


Publisher Tams Witmark describes the 1962 version of “Anything Goes” as, “The age-old tale of Boy-Meets-Girl and the complications which ensue….  Terrific Cole Porter songs…include It’s De-Lovely, Friendship, I Get A Kick Out Of You, All Through The Night, Anything Goes, You’re The Top and Blow, Gabriel, Blow.  In addition the 1962 version includes Take Me Back To Manhattan and Let’s Misbehave.”


Nearly fifty Fort Scott High School students are involved the creative process for the show from singing, acting, and dancing to operating the lights and working as backstage hands.  The show features several lead roles including seniors Maddy Martin as Reno Sweeney, Tyler Parker as Billy Crocker, Emily Martin as Hope Harcourt, Tim Higgins as Sir Evelyn Oakley, Stephanie Rice as Bonnie, Jon Carpenter as Moonface Martin, and Makenna Robinson as Mrs. Harcourt.  The show also has many tap routines featuring dancers: senior Peyton O. Quick, and juniors Jensen Nielson, Karleigh Arndt, and Emmah Reeves, and choreography by FSCC Band Director Michael Dzbenski.

DSC_4619 (2)

The show is directed by FSHS Drama Director Angie Bin, Music Director Meredith Reid, Assistant Director Don Parsons and Orchestra Director Carson Felt.  The orchestra features local musicians Jara Martin on piano, Steve Harry on trumpet, Jane Williams on bass, Sandy Hemphill on sax, Michael Dzbenski on trombone, and David Lee with percussion.

Tigers on the Move!

Fort Scott, KS Last Saturday morning, over 300 participants gathered for a fun color run / walk. The event was targeted toward any student (and parents) within USD 234. It was organized primarily by PE teachers looking to provide active events for students outside of normal school activities.


Also, the Beacon Food Pantry benefited from the event. The entry fee was a canned good and add $5 if you wanted the t-shirt. Along the way, there were 6 ‘color’ stations that represented the 5 levels on the food pyramid plus water.


The event lasted about an hour and a half and the kids were having a great time. If this event becomes and annual event, make sure you are able to come out and participate (or volunteer). The teachers all did a great job and make sure you let them know if you see them.

If you have stories you think we might be interested in writing about, please email us:

Sleep Inn Give-a-Way

It’s time for another give a way here at In appreciation to our readers, we have partnered with Sleep Inn & Suites to offer one free night stay (valid only in Fort Scott). is always looking for more readers to tell about the news and events going on in Fort Scott and the surrounding areas! So…….   we are giving away another prize to one subscriber!  To sign up, all you have to do is to subscribe!  <– Click there or you can click to the “subscribe” button on the right  –>

The contest begins today and we will choose a random winner on Monday, November 24th. Just in time for family coming into town for Thanksgiving. Here are the rules:

  • You have to be subscribed to the list to enter. That means you’ll need to type in your email address and then confirm the subscription.
  • You can enter from this link or using the form on the right hand side of the page.
  • You’ll need to come to Fort Scott to claim the prize. If you live in Alaska, this might not be cost effective for you.
  • The winner will be announced and have their picture posted to the site. This probably isn’t a good contest for people in the witness protection program.
  • If you are under 18, you’ll need a guardian to accept it on your behalf.