Category Archives: Fort Scott

Fort Scott National Historic Site Celebrates Nation’s Independence with a Variety of Activities

Independence Day

Submitted June 16

John Adams, one of our nation’s founders, said of the 4th of July: “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival…it ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore.”

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Fort Scott National Historic Site proudly continues this tradition and invites you to come and join us in celebrating our nation’s independence with an Old Fashioned Military Holiday. Cannon and musket firings, children’s games and ice cream are just a few of the free activities offered Saturday, July 2, Sunday, July 3, and Monday, July 4.

On Saturday, living history will be featured, so come and mingle with soldiers, laundresses and officers’ wives as they present garrison life in the 1840s. The bark of cannon and crack of gunfire will be heard throughout the day as artillery programs pay honor to our freedom. At 2 p.m., enjoy a cup of homemade ice cream provided by the Friends of Fort Scott NHS, Inc., as Ranger Robert Thomas provides a rousing patriotic speech followed by a 30-gun salute honoring the 30 states in the Union in 1848. Join our Grice family volunteers on July 2nd and 3rd for candle making and children’s games. The Grices make hand-rolled beeswax candles and dipped tallow candles made from beef fat, just like they were made at home in the mid-19th century.   They will also demonstrate traditional toys and games of the era, like the whip top, peg top, flipper, marbles, graces, jacks, nine pins and more.

Activities will continue on Sunday and Monday with additional artillery demonstrations and programs focused on various historical events associated with Fort Scott.

Would you like to attend the Centennial Grand Ball in September but think you have nothing to wear? Does your spouse/mate/date use the excuse: “I don’t have anything to wear!” Join volunteer Dee Young on Sunday, July 3, at 1 p.m. for “Ball Attire 101: Creative, Affordable Clothing for the NPS Centennial Grand Ball!” Dee will share some simple ideas of how to prepare for the upcoming Grand Ball to be held on Labor Day weekend. Bring items you may currently have (prom dresses, evening gowns, wedding gowns, etc.) and she will discuss how they might be modified to make you the “Belle of the Ball.” If you have lace, lace curtains/tablecloths, ribbons and the like, bring them with you. Even if you feel clueless, come get ideas of what to look for as well as ideas for tweaking items you might find in your closet. This is your chance to make the Grand Ball experience stress free and purely an enjoyable and memorable occasion!

On Monday, July 4, at 11 a.m., Dr. Jeremy Tewell will present “A Self-evident Lie,” a program examining the extent to which Civil War-era Northerners and Southerners agreed with the proposition that “all men are created equal.” While some pro-slavery supporters denounced the Declaration of Independence as a “self-evident lie,” some Northerners, most notably Abraham

Lincoln, held that the only effective safeguard to individual liberty was universal liberty. Lincoln and others argued that as long as Americans believed that all men, at least in principle, were endowed with such inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, everyone’s liberty would be self-evident, regardless of social standing or circumstance.

The schedule of activities is listed below:


10:00 a.m. – “Load, Ready, Fire” – Artillery Firing Demonstration

11:00 a.m. – Guided Tour

1:00 p.m. – “Let the Games Begin” – Historic Children’s Games

2:00 p.m. – “The Union Forever” – Patriotic Speech and 30 Gun Salute

3:00 p.m. – “Bleeding and Purging” – 1840s Medicine

4:00 p.m. – Flag Retreat


11:00 a.m. – Guided Tour

12:05 p.m. – “Load, Ready, Fire” – Artillery Firing Demonstration

1:00 p.m. – “Ball Attire 101” – Creative, Affordable Clothing for the Centennial Ball

2:00 p.m. – “Let the Games Begin” – Historic Children’s Games

3:00 p.m. – “Load, Ready, Fire” – Artillery Firing Demonstration


10:00 a.m. – “Load, Ready, Fire” – Artillery Firing Demonstration

11:00 a.m. – “A Self-evident Lie” – Civil War Interpretive Program

12:05 p.m. – “Load, Ready, Fire” – Artillery Firing Demonstration

1:00 p.m. – Guided Tour

2:00 p.m. – “It’s a Grand Old Flag: History and Traditions of the Stars and Stripes”

3:00 p.m. – “Load, Ready, Fire” – Artillery Firing Demonstration


Fort Scott Offers Two Sessions of Trailblazer Program this Summer

Submitted June 20

In this centennial year of the National Park Service, area youth are invited to join in this 100th birthday celebration by participating in Fort Scott NHS’s annual Trailblazer workshop.

Now in its seventeenth year, Fort Scott National Historic Site will offer its Trailblazer program to youth from 9-12 years, twice this year, from July 18-22, and from August 1-5, with programs running from 8:30 a.m. to noon each of these days.

This workshop will expose young people to the mission that the National Park Service has of caring for the nation’s natural and cultural heritage. Participants will take part in an archaeological dig, work in the prairie and gain knowledge of methods used to preserve the buildings and artifacts of the fort. They will learn about living history and interpretation and will work on a play that they will present at the end of the week. Also, there will be green activities that will teach children how to use our resources wisely.

Registration for the workshop begins this week. To register, contact Fort Scott National Historic Site at (620) 223-0310. Participants must be aged 9-12 as of the beginning day of the camp. They will be sent an informational packet after registration is complete. There is no charge for the workshop. Space is limited to 12 people each week; since space is limited, those who are new to the workshop will be given preference over those returning.


Fort Scott hosts 20th Echoes of the Trail event

The 20th annual Echoes of the Trail event provided a number of festivities in Fort Scott over the weekend as country musicians performed, young poetry winners read their works and cowboy stories were recited by local and visiting participants.

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The event kicked off with a dance Friday evening with music provided by the band Crossfire and featuring singer Kinley Taylor Rice. A pie contest was also held on Saturday while western gear vendors sold goods at the Fort Scott Community College location. A silent auction Saturday evening gave its proceeds to Heroes Among Us, as did the chuck wagons available Saturday.

Art Walk brings together local artists

The Bourbon County Arts Council hosted a Downtown Art Walk Friday evening in downtown Fort Scott, drawing together local artists as well as shoppers and viewers interested in enjoying those items on display.

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A collection of photographers, painters, potters and other artists displayed a variety of items in numerous forms, giving Fort Scott residents an opportunity to enjoy and celebrate the arts in their community.

Another Downtown Art Walk will be held July 15. Artists are encouraged to sign up for a booth at the event.

Captured Images displays new renovations at open house

In recent weeks, changes have come to the downtown Captured Images photo studio as Gary and Kylene Palmer renovated their place of business in order to improve its appearance as well as the services they provide.

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“I’ve been in the studio business for 20 years this October,” photographer Gary Palmer said, adding there had not been significant changes made to their Fort Scott office during that time. “We were due for a refresher.”

To celebrate the renovations, Captured Images held an Open House Friday, welcoming visitors to come and see the changes.

In past months, the front space of the studio had been shared with other area businesses. But when those leases expired, Palmer said they decided to make changes to the front that would let customers and those walking by know they are there and what quality of services they offer.

Those changes came in the form of replacing old carpet with wood floors, adding new coats of paints and other features to the studio, including new shooting bays to provide more portrait options more quickly. Old photography equipment on display gives the building a vintage feel that Palmer said they wanted in their studio.

“Everything’s been redesigned or rebuilt,” Palmer said of the studio.

They also added a consultation room where customers can sit comfortably and view their photos on a screen as well as see options for sizes and styles of their portrait prints.

Photographic artwork will also be rotated through the front of the studio for visitors to view while items such as jewelry, frames, art prints and other retro items and gifts will be available for purchase as well, a new addition for Captured Images.

With the Open House, Palmer said they are also offering special deals, such as up to 50 percent off sessions booked between now and July 15, with the session paid for in advance. More information on portrait options and prices can be found at their website:

“I love it,” Palmer said of his job for almost the past 20 years. “This is where my passion is.”

USD 234 proficiency data brings good news and bad

During their meeting Monday, the United School District 234 Board of Education received a report on grade proficiency data gathered from the 2014-2015 school year through the present as the schools continue to work on creating their own curriculum since the adoption of the Common Core Standards in 2010.

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Curriculum Director Nicki Traul said for the past four years, the district has been utilizing Literacy First, an initiative that has trained staff and provided guidelines for the curriculum as well as a method for gathering data from the schools.

At Winfield Scott for example, Traul said they gathered data concerning three different areas; the students’ phonological awareness, phonics and fluency. Using that data, they have been able to assess where the students are at in their learning as well as how efficient the use of Literacy First has been in improving those reading and comprehension skills.

At that school, Traul said they data has been extraordinary, even drawing visits from other school districts wanting to learn from USD 234. Assessment tests for those students also showed the majority of the students are at expectation.

Eugene Ware data also showed improvement in those areas of data in recent years, with fewer students needing specific attention in areas of phonics and understanding the English language.

“We always want to get better,” Traul said, but said there has been much accomplished that should be celebrated.

Traul also shared data gathered from assessment tests taken by the third through 12th graders in the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years, dividing the results in the areas of math and reading into quadrants ranging from below proficient with no growth year to year, up to proficient and showing growth. With only two years of data, Traul said she is uncomfortable emphasizing trends, but said one can see the beginning of certain trends through the facts gathered, which were not all positive.

With this data, Traul said they want to see students moving from less proficient with little growth to the proficient and growing areas. When they see significant numbers of students instead moving backwards, as was seen in some grades, Traul said that is cause for concern.

“There’re areas we really need to improve,” Traul said. “But there are areas that we really need to celebrate as well.”

After sharing the data with administration, Traul said she and Superintendent Bob Beckham were able to meet with those administrators to discuss why the data is the way it is among their students and what goals they might have for their specific buildings to bring improvements.

While the reading data shows some more positive numbers in proficiency and growth, Traul said the math students especially need to see improvement. While certain data shows there has been some growth, such as compared to national averages, Traul said they would like to see much more growth as some students appear to be stagnant instead of growing in their knowledge or remain below proficient.

“I didn’t get on the school board to build new buildings,” board president Jordan Witt said, saying the education of the students is their priority. “There’s areas on here I’m embarrassed about and we’re going to get better.”

Traul said this data helps her and others involved in developing new curriculum know where they need to focus. Some of that curriculum will be ready for use at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.



School Board discusses bond project

During their monthly meeting held Monday evening, the United School District 234 Board of Education received an update on the bond project underway at all four schools.

6-15 School Board

“We’re going full force,” Nabholz representative Steve Bennett told the board, but added the projects will likely not be complete by the time the next school semester begins. “There’s too much stuff to get everything done this summer.”

Because of the delay before work started as the district and Nabholz worked to get everything within budget, Bennett said there has now also been a delay in getting contractors to bid and get on board with the project because they have been busy with other projects. Other underground surprises such as rock, poor soils, coal, unexpected foundations and other issues such as weather and traffic have slowed the project slightly as well.

Bennett said they have worked through most of those delays and are nearing the completion of the utilities portion of the project. The design for the auditorium has also been completed and is now going through quality control for approval. The pre-casting is done as well as much of the demolition and electrical work.

While in a perfect situation Bennett said they would like to have most if not all of the projects complete by the fall semester, he said they will probably have at least 60 percent of the bond projects done by that time. The crews will then complete as much as they can during the weekends and evening hours when the schools are empty and schedule larger projects for the following summer.

But while the work may not be done in its entirety, Bennett assured the board that all four schools will be functional and ready for students by the time classes begin. Other projects such as the new gymnasium and other work that will not hinder the staff and students will be completed later in the semester.

The school board members explained they initially received several comments and questions from the community concerning the work since the beginning stages were either done inside the buildings or underground and could not be seen. But they are more encouraged now that the progress is more visible.

“It’s fun to drive by and see the projects moving along,” board member Michelle Hudiburg said.

Board president Jordan Witt said he has also received questions about how the projects are staying within budget and if the quality of the job has been compromised in order to stay within that budget.

“We have not sacrificed anything for the integrity of the job,” Bennett said, saying some excess, more decorative options were cut, a larger contractor selected for part of the labor and certain materials they will use have changed in order to save money, but only as long as the quality was equal to or better than the original.

Superintendent Bob Beckham said in future weeks the school board will be invited to participate in a walking tour of the buildings to see the progress being made.

New Lowell Milken Center facility draws visitors

During the weekly Chamber Coffee Thursday, employees with the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes announced that since the opening of their new building in just recent weeks, they have already welcomed more than 1,000 visitors to the new facility, including international visitors.

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“The outreach is amazing,” Director of Marketing Dani Gardullo said of the far-reaching impact of the center, which in recent weeks has had visitors from Australia and other overseas places.

More than 1.2 million students from around the world have participated in the vision of the center and its founder to research and recognize people who have had a positive impact on the world and had not been honored for it.

“These are the role models that we want to instill in the lives of younger generations,” Gardullo said.

Gardullo explained that they will continue using the former building for students working on projects and for other needs, but the exhibits featuring unsung heroes are on display in the new structure with additional, interactive features for visitors to take part in. An in-depth tour of the entire building and all its exhibits could take as long as a few hours, though shorter tours are also available. The center is also now open on Saturdays as well.

“There’s just so much to see and take in here,” Gardullo said.

The center also provides a conference room that fits 32 people and is available for local organizations, business or other groups needing a place to meet. The center continues to sell memorial bricks for $100 each to be placed in the Unsung Heroes Park that will be located on the south side of the new building.

City Manager Dave Martin said it was a pleasure working with Lowell Milken on the new center and he is grateful Milken decided to keep the center in Fort Scott despite others encouraging him to move it to a larger city. Martin said the city needs to continue to support the center, recognizing how important it is to the city.

“We are so appreciative of all the support that we’ve received from this community,” Gardullo said. “Fort Scott is wonderful.”


Fort Scott NHS hosts unique art exhibit

Submitted by Fort Scott National Historic Site, June 8

Fort Scott National Historic Site is pleased to announce a unique exhibition of national park artwork now on display at the fort.

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Visitors can enjoy images from other national parks across the country with this collection, part of the National Park Service 100th Anniversary celebration. The traveling art exhibit by Chad Farnes is unique in its medium as well in its theme. The collection, titled A Tribute to our National Parks, depicts 21 National Parks from around the country in duct tape and masking tape on canvas. The scenes vary as much as our national parks, including animals, scenery, people recreating and historic buildings. Some of the parks featured are Acadia, Mammoth Cave, Hot Springs, Yellowstone and Great Smoky Mountain.

The collection of works is on display now at Fort Scott National Historic Site, on the second floor of the museum, next to the theater. The exhibition arrived at Fort Scott from Homestead National Monument of America, and will travel next to Fort Larned National Historic Site after the exhibit ends on June 21. It will be displayed at several other national park sites in this Centennial year.

Chad Farnes was raised in California and moved to Utah for college. He originally stumbled across tape art when a roommate used painter’s tape to decorate a wall. Chad began creating his own wall creations and eventually expanded into using other types of tape, such as masking tape and duct tape, and different surfaces, such as canvas. Chad has exhibited at several locations around the country, such as the Utah County Art Gallery and in Brooklyn, New York, at the Crest Hardware Art Show. Discover more about Mr. Farnes’ creative work at

Fort Scott National Historic Site is one of over 400 units of the National Park Service. It is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Entrance to the site is free of charge.

FSCC to host summer camps

Livestock Judging Camps

Submitted by Heather Cutshall, May 31

The Fort Scott Community College Agriculture Department will host its annual livestock judging camps in June. A beginners’ session for younger students will be offered on Tuesday, June 14, and an extended session for older students will be offered from Wednesday, June 15, through Friday, June 17.

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During both sessions, students will learn how to evaluate livestock and provide oral reasons in a fun, learning environment. Students will learn transitions and phrases used during livestock judging, and they will be encouraged to improve on every set of reasons. Upon completion of the camp, students will be more comfortable with judging livestock and presenting their oral reasons.

The fee for the beginners’ session is $45 and the extended session is $165. Students who attend the extended session will stay two nights in the FSCC Boileau Hall dorms, and meals are included in the fee.

For more information or to register, please call (620) 223-2700, extension 3290.

Volleyball Camps

Submitted by Heather Cutshall, June 6

The Fort Scott Community College Volleyball Program will host several camps this summer to help students who wish to develop or enhance fundamental volleyball skills.

Kids’ All Skills Training Camp
The Kids’ All Skills Training Camp, open to students grades 3 – 6, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday, June 22. Emphasis will be placed on form and movement training for passing, hitting, setting and other skill areas. The campers will work in small groups with a great camper-to-coach ratio. The fee is $15 and includes a t-shirt.

7th – 12th Grade Skills Training Camp

This volleyball camp will be held 1 – 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 22. The camp will focus on fundamental skills, mental training and efficient ball control skills during game situations. The fee is $15 and includes a t-shirt.

College Prep Camp

The College Prep Camp is designed for high school athletes who would like to play volleyball in college. This camp will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at noon on Thursday, June 23. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental skills, mental training and efficient ball control skills during game situations. The fee is $30 and includes a t-shirt.

Payment is due at the beginning of each camp. Camp shirts will be guaranteed only for those who preregister. To preregister, please visit

For more information, please contact Lindsay Hill, FSCC Head Volleyball Coach, at (620) 223-2700 or [email protected].

City thanks Norris Heating and AC for donation

It will now be more comfortable for residents and visitors to use shelter house #5 at Gunn Park throughout the year after Norris Heating and Air Conditioning donated and installed an air unit in the building.

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The city of Fort Scott recognized and thanked the local business Thursday with a plaque on the wall of the shelter house during the businesses customer appreciation lunch.

“We appreciate your business here in Fort Scott and we appreciate your community support,” Fort Scott Mayor JoLynne Mitchell said.

City Manager Dave Martin said it is businesses like Norris Heating and Air Conditioning that help smaller cities like Fort Scott thrive by being active in the community and supporting it in whatever ways they can.

“It’s very nice and I know it’s being used by a lot of people,” Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lindsay Madison said of the addition to the shelter, pointing out it has already been used for events this summer.

Andy Norris said his family and their business has been a part of the city of Fort Scott for many years and they were happy to have the opportunity to provide heating and air for the shelter house, a goal of the city for the past five or six years.

“The park means a lot to us,” Norris said. “The community means a lot to us.”

The business also used the event as a chance to express their appreciation to the “best customers,” according to Norris, who said those customers have made it possible for the Norris family to continue the business, earn a living and serve the community.

Norris’ father Phillip also expressed his gratitude to the city for making the park so attractive to visitors through their maintenance and other improvements.


Commission discusses street department needs, approves program

During their first June meeting held Tuesday evening, the Fort Scott City Commission approved of the 2016 street improvement program, but also discussed that department’s need for further revenue sources in future years.

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Finance Director Jon Garrison said the budget will be sufficient for the next year or two, but by 2018 the city may have to find other ways to fund the street department as it continues to use up carryover finances, becoming a “major concern” financially.

City Manager Dave Martin said the need for street repairs is great in Fort Scott and the city could benefit from spending $300,000 to $400,000 on projects each year to keep ahead of that need. The 2016 program approved Tuesday was for a total of $130,429 in improvements, as presented by Streets and Traffic Supervisor Chad Brown.

“It’s not unique to Fort Scott,” commissioner Jim Adams said of the need for repairs, saying he frequently hears from residents listing areas that need repaired.

Garrison said the department is currently funded annually by the gas tax, which brings in about $225,000 from the state annually, and $400,000 from the city’s general fund. Options for other revenue sources could include earmarking a portion of the sales tax for the street department, reallocating existing resources or continuing taxes such as the pool tax that will sunset in upcoming years, instead using that amount of about $675,000 a year for street maintenance and repairs.

The improvement plan the commission approved includes 11 projects, five of them road projects and the other six off-street parking projects.

Road projects include 9th, 10th and 11th streets between Main Street and National Avenue, Judson Street from 1st to 2nd Street and the intersection at 8th and Wilson streets.

Two of the road projects, at 10th and 11th streets near the high school, will include taking up about two blocks of brick roads and replacing it with asphalt, which Brown said is a quicker and much cheaper process. Commissioner Randy Nichols said he realizes the brick roads are an important part of the historic downtown community, but the area for the project is outside that designated historic area and will benefit those driving around the high school.

Parking areas are included in the program at areas that need consistency where surfaces are currently made up of asphalt, concrete and brick as well as improvements in order to make them safer for pedestrians who have tripped or fallen on uneven areas.

“Parking is becoming more critical as we continue to improve downtown,” Martin said. “And these parking lots haven’t had anything done to them for quite a few years.”

Brown also gave an update on the city’s use of the new pothole patching equipment, used since the beginning of the year. It has been used for a total of about 135 tons of patching material at the cost of just over $3,400, saving the city almost $15,000.

“That’s a tremendous asset to us,” Brown said of the machine, which has saved the city employees time and efficiency as well as money.

Velocity Tactics holds Grand Opening of Wall Street storefront

Since 2015, Velocity Tactics and Fort Scott Munitions, business endeavors started by Ryan Kraft, have sold lead-free ammunition through online sales. But with their Grand Opening held Saturday, their storefront at 523 E. Wall Street is officially open for customers as well.

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Office Manager Steven Kalm said the store has been open to the general public for about four months, but they did not want to widely publicize that fact until after their computer systems and new website were completely ready. With the Grand Opening during the Good Ol’ Days weekend and advertising through their website and Facebook page, Kalm said word has spread quickly, surprising many people who did not realize they sold more than ammunition.

Velocity Tactics provides tactical clothing, pellet grills, firearms, suppressors, knives and beef as well as lead-free ammunition in a wide range of caliber, designed and developed for more than three years and now manufactured by Fort Scott Munitions. The store also features a 13-foot alligator and other stuffed animals given to the store by hunters who used the ammunition, which is designed for greater accuracy, impact and damage.

“We’ve had real positive feedback,” Kalm said of their opening, which drew a long line of people Saturday interested in ammunition giveaways and the approximate 650 free hamburgers that were handed out to customers.

Kalm said the business has made great strides on the property, which was once the Key Industries building, improving the parking area as well as preparing the store and manufacturing areas of the building for Velocity Tactics and Fort Scott Munitions. As business continues to grow, Kalm said they look forward to tailoring their services to their customers and Fort Scott.

“Slowly we’ll add little by little,” Kalm said of Velocity Tactics, adding he believes their business will continue to grow as customers return and word spreads.

The store is currently open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and will be open this Saturday for the first time from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those Saturday hours could be adjusted based on how much business the weekend hours draw in.