FSCC Minutes of April 22

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
April 22, 2024
PRESENT: Ronda Bailey, John Bartelsmeyer, Jim Fewins, Bryan Holt, Chad McKinnis, and Doug Ropp
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler-President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, faculty, staff, community members
Chairman Holt called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm in the meeting rooms of the Ellis Fine Arts Center.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Holt stated that votes moving forward will be taken as “All in
favor say aye, all opposed say nay” in an effort to speed up the meeting.
2022 – 23 AUDIT REPORT: Neil Phillips of Jarred, Gilmore, and Phillips, PA provided a thorough explanation of
the outcome of the 2022-23 audit and explained the audit report book. He reviewed violations and highlighted the
schedule of federal awards, which included a total of $8.1 million coming to the local area.
A corrective action plan was created to address areas of violation. Items within the plan have been reviewed with
each of the staff involved with any part of the corrective action plan so appropriate structure is in place for the next
audit period ending June 30, 2024.
Chairman Holt thanked Neil Phillips and his firm for their efforts on the audit process.
REVIEW OF PROGRAMS – STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Alyssa Martin, acting Director of Student Life,
summarized student life at FSCC. She reviewed the capacity and cost of each housing option, as well as the
application process for the 2024-25 year.
She also discussed activities that took place this year to enrich student life such as Dueling Pianos, a magician,
kickball, a neon dance, the men’s basketball playoff tailgate, volleyball and basketball intramurals, and a field day
partnered with TRIO. She said the dance was a huge hit, and students are begging for another. Intramurals had 5
teams, one of which included a completely online student who had never been to campus.
She closed by sharing her vision for student life for next year, including a goal of at least 1 activity a week.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda,
which included an amendment to the minutes of the special meeting on April 12, 2024 to reflect Dr. Kegler not
being present, reconciled treasurer’s reports through February, 2024, and an updated list of personnel actions.
A. Representative for Negotiations with FSCAPE – John Bartelsmeyer explained the duties of the Board
member during the negotiations process. Chad McKinnis agreed to serve as the board’s representative for negotiations with FSCAPE.
Bartelsmeyer recommended reading through the personnel changes in the consent agenda, and Chairman Holt
read all personnel changes represented in the consent agenda as well as the additions approved with the consent
A. Resolution 2024 – 11: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous
vote to approve the Purchasing Policy.6

B. Resolution 2024 – 12: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Travel Expenses Policy.
C. Resolution 2024 – 13: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the College Vehicle Use Policy.

D. Resolution 2024 – 14: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Guidelines for Use of FSCC Facilities Policy.

E. Resolution 2024 – 15: A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the purchase of 4 semi tractors from TLG Peterbilt for a total of $192,085.

F. Resolution 2024 – 16: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Great Western Dining contract.

G. Resolution 2024 – 17: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the 2024-25 Vice President contracts for Sonia Gugnani and Sara Sutton.


HLC – Last week Dr. Kegler, Sonia Gugnani, and Sara Sutton traveled to the annual HLC Conference. Dr. Kegler reported the group will meet to debrief the conference soon. Dr. Kegler reported he attended great sessions and had great conversations with colleagues. This process will take the next fifteen months to get
it completed. He says he’s less concerned about the process than Sara and Sonia because he’s been through it as a peer reviewer. He said he plans to engage the board in the preparation process, as the peer reviewers will want to talk to the board when they come to campus. He added he will also be engaging the community in the process. Dr. Kegler summarized the HLC multi-location visit last week. Sonia and Sara met with the site visitor in Pleasanton and Crawford County campuses. He added Sonia and Sara did an
excellent job being the conduit for the college with the site visitor. FSCC will receive another report highlighting the visit, but no major concerns were brought forward.

FOUNDATION – Dr. Kegler stated an offer was extended for the director position, but that individual has declined the offer. He said he will reconvene with the foundation to determine next steps moving forward.

ADMINISTRATION – The Board reviewed and heard updates from Academic Affairs, Finance and Operations, Student Services, and President.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by unanimous vote
to adjourn to executive session for 45 minutes beginning at 7:45 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to discussion of identifiable personal information of non-elected personnel with no action expected to follow. At 8:05 pm the Board invited Dr. Kegler to join.

OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to return to open session at 8:32 pm.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Bartelsmeyer, and carried by unanimous
vote to adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 8:34 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussion of identifiable personal information of non-elected personnel with no action
expected to follow. The Board invited Dr. Kegler to join.

OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 8:46 pm by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous
vote to return to open session.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
8:46 pm by Bartelsmeyer, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote.

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