Category Archives: Schools

USD234 Board of Ed. Minutes of March 10

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        









Monday, March 10, 2025


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 10, 2025, for their regular monthly meeting at 409 S Judson.


President David Stewart opened the meeting.


The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:

Board Minutes

Board Minutes


Financials – Cash Flow Report

Check Register

Payroll – February 20, 2025 – $1,699,042.60

Activity Funds Accounts

USD 234 Gifts


March is Theatre in Our Schools Month.  Cooper George, President, and Emi King, Secretary, presented to the Board.  Cooper has been involved for six years and he explained the benefits such as working as a team and learning how to become adults.  Emi was excited to share about the creativity and development of many skills that she has been able to acquire in the last two years she has been involved.  They both had a presentation that included many activities, plays, and events that the department is involved in.  Everyone is invited to attend the upcoming Talent Show on March 28, 2025.


Meredith Tucker, No Limits Rehab, was recognized by Special Education Director Tonya Barnes.  Meredith is one of the district’s Physical Therapist.  She said she loves being a part of the community and school district.  Mrs. Barnes thanked her for her willingness and excitement to help our district’s students.


Superintendent Destry Brown reported that the district has been chosen for the Stepping Up Initiative Grant.  This first year will be mostly planning, and he said that the group will be great to work with and is excited for this grant.


Assistant Superintendent Terry Mayfield provided the Board with a shared update.  The building on Horton Street will be starting demo soon.  He also updated about the Cell Phone Tower purchase and how he is working for a bid soon.


Special Education Director Tonya Barnes updated the Board on Categorical Aid with a payment on March 15.


Nick Johnson, Preschool Principal, staff, and several students were present to inform the Board about the Preschool program. There are 122 students with five teachers.  Principal Johnson recognized the excellent staff that works with these students. A few of the students help everyone in attendance with their morning pretzel song.  Staff also recognized Principal Johnson for helping in every area throughout the Preschool including driving a van and more.

Michelle Stevenson, Early Childhood Coordinator, works with prenatal to six-year-olds.  She works on building relationships with parent/child/community.  It is a literacy and strength-based program that with each visit the children receive a new book. This program provides different events for families each year.


The Board Approved the following items:

  • 2025-26 School Calendar (Pending Negotiations)
  • Designate Make up Day due to missed weather
  • JAG Kansas School to Work Program Renewal


There was discussion about possible sale of district owned property.  This was discussion only.


There were none present for public forum.


The Board went into an executive session for personnel matters.


President David Stewart adjourned the meeting.



March 10, 2025




Hall, Kathi – Supplemental Resignation – Assistant Wrestling Coach

Holm, Susan – Resignation – Paraprofessional – High School

Mills, Lacy – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware

Trimble, Aidan – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware




Rainey, Taylor – KRI SPED Teacher to Eugene Ware SPED Teacher

Pitts, Jaxon – Maintenance II Groundskeeper to Maintenance I Groundskeeper/Athletic Fields Manager

Torres, Cynthia – ELA Teacher to Spanish Teacher – High School 2025-26




Certified Recommendations

Carney, Drew – PE & Weights – High School

Erie, Aleana – English Teacher – High School


Classified Recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:

Bowman, Kinsley – Paraprofessional – Winfield Scott

Chaplin, Mercedes – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware

Miller, Martha – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware

Weber, Shelia – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware


Supplemental Recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:

Abati, Delynn – Head Dance Team Coach – High School

Glades, Matt – Assistant Football Coach – High School

Horton, Curtis – Assistant Football – High School

Martin, Dave – Assistant Girls’ Swim Coach

Woods, Nick – Assistant Track Coach – High School


Administration Contracts – Extended 26-27

Terry Mayfield

Tonya Barnes

Nick Johnson

Chris Garzone

Nicole Gilmore

Yasmina Query

Brandon Boyd

Zach Johnson

Matt Harris

Scott Kimble

Jeff Johnson


Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Tuesday, March 11

Sending on behalf of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce

Join us for the Public Trade Show!


Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Tuesday, March 11th

11:30am – 12:45pm

FSHS Aux Gym, 1005 S. Main St.

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces the sixth annual Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge (YEC) in partnership with NetWork Kansas and Fort Scott High School. Forty-four students of the high school Business and Entrepreneurship classes have prepared startup business plans as either individuals or groups and will compete for cash prizes to be judged on Tuesday, March 11th , 2025.

The community is invited to a public tradeshow exhibit from 11:30am to 12:45pm that day to view the creative business plans in support of the students and place a vote for the Community Choice award.

Mrs. Morgan Sage at the high school has incorporated YEC into the business curriculum she teaches. Therefore, the students have been working on their business concepts since last semester including four

components of a business plan, elevator pitch, formal presentation, and a tradeshow exhibit. A judging panel selected by the Chamber and a representative of NetWork Kansas pre-judge the first three

components, and the competition culminates with the public tradeshow.

Cash prizes totaling up to $3,000 will be presented for first, second, and third place overall and the Community Choice award at 1:00pm following the tradeshow after the final scores are tallied.

The Chamber organizes the program in association with the NetWork Kansas E-Community Partnership and Bourbon County is one of many communities across Kansas to host a competition. The local overall winner will advance to the state-wide Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge to be held April 17 th in Manhattan, which is sponsored by NetWork Kansas, Kansas State University Research & Extension, and Kansas State University for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship.

Contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce for more information at 620-223-3566 or

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members below!
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

Agenda for the USD234 Board of Education on March 10

The Fort Scott Preschool, at 409 S. Judson.

This meeting will be held at 409 S Judson (Please enter through the Judson Street Doors) instead of at the Board Office. 

Candace Jobe

MIS Clerk USD 234

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        







March 10, 2025 – 5:30 P.M.


1.0       Call Meeting to Order                                                                      David Stewart, President

2.0       Flag Salute

3.0       Approval of the Official Agenda (Action Item)

4.0       Approval of the Consent Agenda (Action Item)

            4.1       Board Minutes


            4.2       Financials – Cash Flow Report

            4.3       Check Register

            4.4       Payroll – February 20, 2025 – $1,699,042.60

4.5       Activity Funds Accounts

4.6       USD 234 Gifts

5.0       Recognitions

            FSHS Drama Department will present

OT/OTA/PT – Tonya

6.0       Leadership Reports (Information/Discussion Item)

            6.1       Superintendent’s Report     

            6.2       Assistant Superintendent’s Report

            6.3       Special Education Director’s Report

            6.4       Preschool Presentation                    


7.0       Old Business

            7.1       Cell Tower Purchase Update (Information Only)

8.0       New Business

            8.1       Approval of 2025-26 School Calendar (Pending negotiations) (Action Item)

            8.2       District Owned Property Sale (Discussion/Information Only)

8.3       Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) – Kansas School-to-Work Program (Action Item)    


9.0       Public Forum

10.0     Other Business – Time ____


10.1     Enter Executive Session – Personnel Matters (Action Item)

10.2     Exit Executive Session – _______ (Time)

10.3     Approval of Personnel Report (Action Item)


11.0     Adjourn Meeting _____ (Time)            David Stewart, President

Uniontown Will Get New Preschool Building, Fire Alarm System, and ADA Front Entrance

Vance Eden from the school website.

Voters yesterday approved an improvement plan for USD 235.

In 2021, Uniontown’s school district board of education had an engineering study in which they identified needs to be addressed, Superintendent Vance Eden said.

In November 2023 there was a bond issue put before the patrons of the district. That bond proposal failed, but the board felt that they still needed to address the issues pointed out in the 2021 study.

“The board came up with the money in the capital outlay fund to improve the agriculture department at the high school,” Eden said. “That took the majority of what they had in capital outlay.”

“The board didn’t have the cash to take on the other needs,” he said.

All graphics are from the Uniontown School District Facebook page.

Yesterday, March 4, another bond issue was presented to the patrons for approval, that has a $1,250,000 price tag with no annual tax rate increases for property owners.

It passed, with 67 percent of “yes” votes

“I’m glad the community had some consensus,” Eden said.

The next step in the process is that the finance team works with the Kansas Department of Education, with engineering and architectural work being approved, he said. Then contractors are sought for the construction and bids are let.

There are three components to the project: a new preschool building, a new fire alarm system at the high school, and a new front door area at West Bourbon Elementary School that is ADA and security compliant.

The fire system and front door areas should be completed by the start of the 2025-26 school year, Eden said.

The build of the preschool will take from 6-12 months and will likely start in the fall 2025.

The preschool program will continue in temporary accommodations until the new building is completed, he said.

Graphic of the unofficial results from yesterday’s voting on the bond issue. 211 patrons voted yes, 104 voted no. Graphic provided by the Bourbon County Clerk.


Uniontown High School houses the district’s school superintendent and board office.


The Preschool Building

The current modular preschool building, which is nearing the end of its usable life, will be replaced with an on-site built facility that will house the preschool and two offices.

Kansas law requires the district to provide special education services for children ages 3 and 4. Slots not filled by special education students are funded by Kansas law for at-risk children.

“After that, we fill with other students, most commonly referred to as model students,” he said.

Up to twenty students for the morning session and twenty more in the afternoon can be served in the district.

Also housed in the new building will be the speech therapist and the school psychologist, “who spend the majority of their time in that classroom,” he said.


The High School New Fire Alarm System

The new high school fire alarm system will replace the outdated one that operates by manual pull stations, which does not notify the fire department should a fire occur while no one is in the building. The new fire alarm system will have heat and smoke detectors and notify the fire department immediately.



The New Entrance Doors At the Elementary School

The current doors do not always close and latch, in spite of frequent repairs, and are a security risk. In addition, they are not in compliance with Standards for Accessible Designs.


FSHS Principal Scott Kimble Chosen for Leadership For Tomorrow Class

Scott Kimble from USD 234 Staff Directory.

The Kansas Association of School Boards recently announced its Leadership for Tomorrow (LFT) Class of 2025, according to a KASB press release.

Participants are nominated and then chosen through an application process that focuses on individual leadership in Kansas public education and participation in activities that promote effective governance and raise student achievement.

Scott Kimble, Fort Scott High School Principal was selected to participate in the leadership class.

The class gives board members, superintendents and administrators time to explore change theories and strategies, participate in leadership skill training and expand understanding of education and key issues for effective governance and raising student achievement, according to a press release. Through five two-day sessions, the class will visit local schools, hear classroom presentations and participate in class discussions of issues and challenges facing Kansas education.

“My participation in the KASB Leadership for Tomorrow class will greatly benefit our school district by enhancing my leadership skills and deepening my understanding of effective governance and educational policy,” Kimble said. “This program will provide valuable insights into best practices, innovative strategies, and emerging trends that can be applied to improve student achievement and district operations. Through collaboration with other educational leaders, I will gain new perspectives and ideas that can help us address challenges and implement meaningful changes. The knowledge and skills I develop will enable me to advocate more effectively for our students, staff, and community, ensuring that our district remains forward-thinking and student-centered. Ultimately, my participation will strengthen our district’s leadership capacity and contribute to a culture of continuous improvement.”


The KASB Leadership for Tomorrow Class of 2025 includes: 

  • Rex Boley, Blue Valley USD 384 Superintendent
  • Kristin Borrowman, Lyons USD 405 Building Leader
  • Ashley Bugbee, Oxford USD 358 Building Leader
  • Jordan Carlson, Washington USD 108 Building Leader
  • Leslianne Craft, Andover USD 385 Building Leader
  • Anne Costello, Lawrence USD 497 Board Member
  • Alec Gartner, KASB Staff
  • Dan Grundy, Columbus USD 493 Superintendent
  • Amy Jones, Nickerson-South Hutchinson USD 309 District Leader
  • Tyson Kendrick, Canton-Galva USD 419 Building Leader
  • Scott Kimble, Fort Scott USD 234 Building Leader
  • Gina Loomis, SPT Architecture KASB Partner
  • Jared Meitler, Rock Creek USD 323 Board Member
  • Liz Plunkett, Syracuse USD 494 Building Leader
  • Jennifer Reed, Haysville USD 261 District Leader
  • Chase Rietcheck, Ulysses USD 214 Building Leader
  • Heather Stapp, Colby USD 315 Building Leader
  • Megan Storey-Kupersmith, Osawatomie USD 367 District Leader
  • Melody Stuckey, Goddard USD 265 District Leader
  • Christy Weiler, Seaman USD 345 Board Member
The events schedule over the next year:

SESSION 1 Topeka KSHSAA Office and Seaman USD 345 on March 27- 28.

SESSION 2 Troy USD 429 and Easton-Pleasanton Ridge USD 449 on April 24-25.

SESSION  3 Herington USD 487 and Manhattan USD 383 on June 12-13.

SESSION 4 Ellsworth USD 327 and Russell USD 407on Sept. 4- 5.

 SESSION 5 Frontenac USD 249 and Fort Scott USD 234 on Oct. 2-3.

November 14-16, 2025: Wichita will be the class graduation, held during KASB Annual Conference.

Kimble’s Education and Experience
Kimble graduated from Derby High School and continued his education at Montana State Northern. After earning his degree he spent several years teaching in both Colorado and Oregon before returning to Kansas in 2003.
“I dedicated nine years to teaching at Buhler High School before transitioning into administration. With 15 years of classroom teaching experience and 12 years as an administrator, I have developed a deep commitment to education as the true equalizer in life. I believe every student deserves our very best, and I am passionate about empowering teachers to be great and make a lasting impact on their students.”

Early Childhood Spring Fling April 3

On behalf of the USD 234 School District, we would like to invite you to the 2025 Early Childhood Spring Fling.  This year’s event will be held on Thursday, April 3rd from 5:00-6:30 PM at the Fort Scott Preschool Center.  All children ages birth-six years old and their families are invited to attend.


For this event, we are asking family resource providers and community partners to bring an interactive activity for students and families. We will provide space and a table for your activity. During the event, you will also have an opportunity to visit with families and distribute flyers, handouts, giveaways, etc. Our goal is for children and families to interact, be active, and learn about the resources available in our community.  If you are a preschool or childcare provider, please share the attached flyer with your families.  We also welcome you to set up an activity and table for your program.

If you plan to attend our event, please complete the short form below by Tuesday, April 1st so we can have a table reserved for your organization.  If you have questions, please let me know.


Spring Fling Registration


Nick Johnson, FSPC Principal

Come support FSHS Zero Reasons Why at Papa Don’s Pizza Wednesday, February 26th

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member

Fort Scott High School

Zero Reasons Why Club


Come support FSHS Zero Reasons Why

at Papa Don’s Pizza

Wednesday, February 26th


Papa Don’s Pizza

10 N Main St. Fort Scott

A portion of all sales will go to help with mental health awareness activities at FSHS.

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members below!
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

Local High School Play: Speaking Up For Oppressed People

FSHS Play Performance Opening Night Rescheduled
The Feb. 20 performance of Fort Scott High School’s play “And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank” is rescheduled for 7 p.m. on Feb. 23.
The rescheduling is due to the weather forecast for the week. Tickets previously sold for the Feb. 20 performance will be transferred or refunded, please contact Angie Bin, or 620-719-9622. Other performances should run as scheduled at 7 p.m. on Feb. 21 and 22 in the FSHS Auditorium.
Left to right: Clark Uttinger, Sypher Cannon, Gianna Gorman, Tray Maloun.Submitted photo.

The production, by James Still, is a multi-media performance with live sound bytes and videos from the actual Holocaust survivors portrayed in the play as well as real video footage from the time period.

Left to right: Cooper George, Mykael Lewis, Gianna Gorman, Sypher Cannon. Submitted photos.

In addition to the performance, the lobby will feature many items of interest to the audience. A collection of Holocaust memorabilia from local historian Ronda Hassig will be on display in the Art Gallery.

Left to right: Gianna Gorman, Sypher Cannon

Students in the Advanced Drama class are displaying research on groups of oppressed peoples and plays that have been written to speak up for those groups, much like how “And Then They Came for Me” speaks for victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

Left to right: Kaiden Clary, Levi Fairchild. Submitted photos, all taken during dress rehearsal.

Students in Jon Barnes’ Government and Current Events classes, after reading and listening to Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail,” wrote “A Letter From a Fort Scott Classroom” about a time in their lives that they felt discriminated against.

Many of these letters will be available to read.

The Technical Theatre class also built white models of set designs for the play that are on display.

Cast and crew members of the play were educated about the real lives of their characters through research and a presentation by Hassig. Hassig has personally visited sixty concentration camps and she shared her knowledge and photos with the students to help them better understand their characters and the world of the play.

Senior Kaiden Clary plays one of the Holocaust survivors, “Performing Young Ed gave me a chance to look into how a Jewish person was treated during WWll, how this person had to hide from SS guards to even be with his grandparents, how he had to try to escape time and time again. After learning about and discussing him, it is hard to believe that people actually had to go through many of these things, especially not seeing his parents for almost four years.”

Tickets for “And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the Life of Anne Frank” are $5 for students and $7 for adults and available at or at the door. Doors open thirty minutes prior to showtime.

The play is directed by FSHS Theatre Director Angie Bin with Mesa Jones serving as Assistant Director. It is produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois.

Left to right: Sypher Cannon, Cooper George, Gianna Gorman, Mykael Lewis, Mary Racer, Kaiden Clary, Clark Uttinger, Junie Fisher.

# # #

USD234 Press Release of Meeting on Feb. 10

Danny Hall-Jenkins, Dayne Downing, Luca Morter, (not pictured) Hadlee Simonds. Submitted photo.

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        








Monday, February 10, 2025


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2025, for their regular monthly meeting at the board office.

President David Stewart opened the meeting.


The board interviewed a potential board member.

The board appointed Phil Jackson and Rory Chaplin to the Board.


The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:

Board Minutes



Financials – Cash Flow Report

Check Register

Payroll – January 20, 2025 – $1,682,710.56

Activity Funds Accounts

USD 234 Gifts

UMB Credit Card Agreement

Zero Reasons Why Fundraising


Superintendent Destry Brown reported on a Special Olympics Basketball at Pitt State to be held Wednesday. He also presented the board with Math & Reading reports from Eugene Ware. There has been great growth in the students.


Assistant Superintendent Terry Mayfield provided the Board with an update that the Football Field turf is officially completed. There will be more discussion with Wrestling in the coming months as different options have been looked at. He also provided updates on all the facilities as well as food service.


Chris Garzone, principal at Winfield Scott was present with many from his team to update the board on some amazing things happening in their school. Linda Minor along with Luca Morter, Hadlee Simonds, Dayne Downing, and Danny Hall-Jenkins informed the Board about Community Based Interactive Instruction and their favorite parts about this program. Each grade level took a moment to speak about the positive events happening in their classes. Jenny Tourtilott, counselor, explained about the time she spends with each of the classes and the life lessons she can teach them. Each teacher reported amazing growth within their classrooms. Mr. Garzone and Nicole Gilmore, assistant principal, both spoke highly of the staff and students this year.


The Board Approved the following items:

  • Towerpoint Acquisitions Letter of Intent to Purchase Interest in Wireless Site
  • Two 10 passenger van purchases from Hillsboro Ford
  • Eugene Ware event date changes


There were none present for public forum.


The Board went into an executive session for personnel matters.


President David Stewart adjourned the meeting.



February 10, 2025



Glades, Matt – Supplemental Resignation – Assistant Football Coach – High School

Hendricks, Sarah – Resignation – Teacher – Eugene Ware

Howell, Carolien – Resignation – 2nd Grade Teacher – Winfield Scott

Jones, Taylor – Resignation – Spanish Teacher – High School

Martin, Jara – Retirement – Orchestra aide/Choir accompanist

Martin, Jared – Resignation – PE Teacher – High School

Messer, Josh – Supplemental Resignation – Assistant Football Coach – High School

Metcalf, John – Resignation – Middle School Physical Education Teacher

Metcalf, John – Resignation – Middle School Head Wrestling Coach

Metcalf, John – Resignation – High School Assistant Wrestling Coach

Motley, Aubrionna – Resignation – SPED Teacher – Winfield Scott

Oxholm, Chris – Supplemental Resignation – Assistant Wrestling Coach – High School

Oxholm, Chris – Resignation – SPED Teacher – High School

Thurston, Erin – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware


Certified Recommendations

Stark, Jonathan – PE Teacher – High School – 2025-26


Classified Recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:

Dare, Jeremy – Full Time Bus Driver


Supplemental Recommendations for the 2024-25 school year:

Davis, Heather – Assistant Softball Coach – High School

Hall, Dakota – Assistant Wresting Coach – High School

Nickelson, Aaron – Assistant Softball Coach – High School

Stark, Jonathan – Head Football Coach – High School – 2025-26


Agenda for the USD234 Board of Education Meeting on Feb. 10

Unified School District 234
424 South Main
Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697
620-223-0800 Fax 620-223-2760



February 10, 2025 – 5:30 P.M.
1.0 Call Meeting to Order David Stewart, President
2.0 Flag Salute
3.0 Approval of the Official Agenda (Action Item)
4.0 Appoint New Members (Action Item)
5.0 Approval of the Consent Agenda (Action Item)
5.1 Board Minutes
a. 01-13-25
b. 01-20-25
5.2 Financials – Cash Flow Report
5.3 Check Register
5.4 Payroll – January 20, 2025 – $1,682,710.56
5.5 Activity Funds Accounts
5.6 USD 234 Gifts
5.7 UMB Credit Card Agreement
5.8 Zero Reasons Why Fundraising
6.0 Student Recognition
7.0 Leadership Reports (Information/Discussion Item)
7.1 Superintendent’s Report
7.2 Assistant Superintendent’s Report
7.3 Special Education Director’s Report
7.4 Winfield Scott Presentation
8.0 Old Business
8.1 TowerPoint Acquisitions Letter of Intent to Purchase Interest in Wireless Site (Action)
8.2 10 Passenger Van Purchase (Action)
9.0 New Business
9.1 Eugene Ware Event Date Changes (Action)
10.0 Public Forum
11.0 Other Business – Time ____
11.1 Enter Executive Session – Personnel Matters (Action Item)
11.2 Exit Executive Session – _______ (Time)
11.3 Approval of Personnel Report (Action Item)
12.0 Adjourn Meeting _____ (Time) David Stewart, President