Owies, Stings, and Toes By Carolyn Tucker

Carolyn Tucker. Submitted photo.

Keys to the Kingdom by Carolyn Tucker


I had drastically overused my left shoulder awhile back, so I made an appointment for a therapeutic massage. During my “first-time-ever” session, I could tell the massage therapist/friend knew exactly what she was doing. She had the proper training and several years of experience under her belt. The massage kinda hurt but helped my shoulder all at the same time, so I scheduled another appointment because I’m not a wimp!

God’s Word can also help and hurt all at the same time. “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16,17 NLT).

Forty years ago, you possibly heard this statement during the sermon, “Say ouch or amen!” In the 1980s, I remember my pastor often saying, “You’ve got to love me enough to get to heaven,” when he would preach a hard truth. And then there would be times when some parishioners would shake the pastor’s hand and say, “You stepped on my toes today!” Not every message from the pulpit is easy to swallow, or what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to hear in order to become a mature Christ follower.

It’s not just apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers that deliver messages. My current pastor recently reminded us, “You are preaching a gospel — I hope it’s the right thing.“ That one adage should give all believers something to chew on until our last day on earth. Our attitudes, actions, reactions, habits, hobbies, and casual conversations are sending messages to everyone we’re around. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where people place their loyalties.

Do we believers have enough of Jesus to rub off on anybody? As a teen in high school, I worked in the kitchen at a restaurant. When I got off work, I smelled like I’d had a hamburger-grease massage because I was completely saturated in it. Honestly, Christians should have enough Jesus in them to affect everyone they’re around. We should be so overflowing with Jesus that His love permeates the very space we’re occupying.

The Word of God is a bit like pouring antiseptic on an owie. It’s necessary to clean the wound (which stings), but it begins the crucial healing process. Believers should never shy away from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Conviction is simply God’s mercy speaking to our heart when we need to make a change in our life. It’s important to respond quickly by obeying God in whatever He‘s telling us to do or not do.

My shoulder and spiritual muscles need to be in first-rate condition, so I‘m willing to go through some discomfort in order to be whole and strong. The Word of God shows us the right way to navigate life. As we read and study the scriptures, we may sometimes think, “Ouch!“ But we should be thankful God is showing us how to come up higher and get in tip-top shape to do His good work.

The Key: God’s Word is beneficial for teaching, conviction, correction, and instruction. Amen.

Letter to the Editor by Janice Allen

Letter to the citizens from Janice K. Allen


The Michael J. Hoyt you all are talking about is unknown to me!

The Michael J. Hoyt I know is an active certified Advocate for Veterans and the disabled seeking to file a claim for compensation.

The first time I met him he asked my husband (Pete) if he was a veteran and received benefits? Pete replied he was but didn’t think he was eligible for benefits. Michael checked it out and was able to get Pete qualified for benefits including his new hearing aids.

He has done the same for other veterans and he recently attended a meeting at the VFW to offer his services.

The Michael I know stood at the commission meetings and proposed action on the bypass speed limits and clearer vision of the 12th street intersection.

Last spring one of our school busses was hit by a truck that had run a red light. The bus was carrying students but luckily there were no serious injuries.

Michael asked several times to cut down three trees on the west right-of-way that impaired vision of the traffic going from north to south; – when done, traffic from the north had a better vision of the light at 12th Street.

He also brought attention to the fact the warning lights on highway 69 were not working and we now have an agreement from KDOT for a $2M project to install all new traffic signals on 69 highway.

He also proposes a walkway over the highway at that same intersection.

This Michael proposed the destroying of guns that had been confiscated by our police and sheriff officers – rather than letting them return to circulation. There are organizations that pay a substantial amount of money for this service.

This is the same Michael that worked on the resurfacing of the city tennis courts by gathering supplies, and by bringing water and pizza to the crews at his own expense and donating funds. He also worked on the part of “the city cleanup” by gathering tools and supplies, ice and water for the 30+ college workers who worked on the repair of the failing stone wall at Buck Run that has been damaged by storm water runoff.

This Michael Hoyt is in favor of encouraging inmates at our jail to obtain a GED to help get employment for them when released.

This Michael Hoyt tried time after time to get the commissioners to pass a resolution to make the 1% city-wide sales tax compliant with the wishes of the voters in the 1986 election. The motion to pass was never seconded. It would have solved the sales tax issue and kept the revenue coming.

The mayor was heard to say, “I want the voters to vote on it.” Our City Attorney said he would do his best to convince the commission to pass the resolution. He said the Finance Director had told him the vote to repeal the resolution and place it on the ballot would cause the city to defund our police department and firefighters and she also told the commissioners that it would happen. She is the only one who has suggested that the police and fire dept. would be defunded but according to law we will have a paid police force and paid firemen. It was a scare tactic so the people would believe that would happen. .

Toward the end of a recent commission meeting there was a noisy disturbance on the street outside the commission building. People were yelling, cussing and making all kinds of statements. A passerby came into the meeting to tell Chief Sheldon about it; he started outside to check the problem. Michael heard the exchange and went outside right along with Chief Sheldon – he later said he wasn’t going to let him go out there by himself, not knowing the situation.

So maybe I just see things more clearly than the group who are blasting Michael on Facebook. That he is trying to help citizens and this city to become a better place.

By now many of you have been told that Fort Scott City Commissioner Candidate, Michael Hoyt does not own a home in Fort Scott, that he’s been in Fort Scott only four years, and that you should be suspicious of him as a candidate?

He is at least 18 years of age, a legal resident and registered voter of Fort Scott. These are the necessary requirement for being a city commissioner in the state of Kansas.

After moving here to care for his mother he became passionate about maintaining and preserving this town. He saw that Fort Scott Veterans could use help in applying for and navigating the paperwork that would result in them receiving much-needed benefits they were qualified for. He also saw a need for better management of city funds. He attended numerous City and County Commission meetings, work sessions etc.

Michael also led the fight to repeal charter ordinance 31, the ordinance that would have allowed the transferring of funds from the sewers and was struck down by the voters.

For the past month, Michael has worked with Pete in researching our city connecting link agreement with the state. They have found that the agreement was not understood locally and that the last two projects on Wall Street cost the taxpayers of Fort Scott approximately $200,000 for a mill and overlay. That was outside of the city’s responsibility for maintenance, and it should have been done under an agreement that would have been funded 90/10 with state funding, thereby saving the city $180,000. As a result of that research, a meeting with area engineers is now set for Monday morning here in Fort Scott.

Fort Scott is a community that those who live here and those who move here value. It is a lifelong home to many and has always welcomed newcomers with the hope those newcomers will soon see the value of becoming involved in supporting the maintenance and growth of their new home town.

Michael Hoyt is one of those who came, appreciated what he saw here and became actively involved.

Many “nonresidents” and some residents of Fort Scott who are opposed to Michael Hoyt, the candidate, are actively putting forth innuendoes, loaded questions and smears in order to sway votes away from him as a valid candidate.

Have these same people shown an interest in actively working for the betterment and survival of the town they appear to be so concerned about?

Have they devoted countless hours attending meetings and researching laws, statutes, resolutions that are a part of the fabric of our city?

Have they been volunteers spending their time assisting the veterans or other worthy groups needing help?

Fort Scott citizens need to vote for the city commissioner candidates they know will put their backs behind the hard work of guiding Fort Scott with integrity, a willingness to address the concerns voiced by the community, and with objectivity!

When voting for a new Fort Scott Commissioner are you looking for someone with the integrity to direct city funds to be used for the purposes intended.

Often voters are thinking more of “who they like” rather than “who has the skills” to be a city commissioner.

A city commissioner isn’t elected to be your friend or because they are your friend. They aren’t required to go golfing or to go out to dinner with you.

Vote for Michael J. Hoyt!!

Janice Allen, concerned citizen

Land Bank by Gregg Motley

Gregg Motley. President of the Regional Economic Development, Inc. Submitted photo.


Our community created a land bank earlier this year, but few know about it and even fewer know what it is and why we did it. I agreed serve on the board when it was organized because I believe it is a valuable tool to help us address some of our challenges in residential real estate and commercial buildings in the county’s downtown areas.

Why a land bank?

Land banks can play a number of different roles including, (a) providing a mechanism for assembling parcels of tax-delinquent or abandoned properties for redevelopment, (b) acquiring and holding historic properties until the community can develop them, and (c) acquiring properties to convert to other uses such as retail, parks, or housing.

In addition to acquiring and holding land, land banks can maintain, rehabilitate, demolish, and lease or sell property.

Land banks are most commonly established in localities like Bourbon County with low housing costs and an inventory of tax-delinquent properties that the community wants to repurpose to support community goals.

Additionally, a land bank is great vehicle to create public/private/charitable partnerships in order to address difficult issues such as the market value gap between costs to construct and appraised value after the improvements are completed.

It is a great way to involve real estate expertise that might not be possessed by local governments.

It can also be an entity under which a community land trust is formed for the purpose of providing a community with a permanent and increasing level of affordable housing.

The Eagle Block buildings were the original motivation to initiate this drawing board idea that had been discussed for a few years.

Unfortunately, we were too late to save that historical structure, having been formed just a few weeks before the building collapsed. That building might still be standing, along with its neighbor, if we would have formed the land bank a few years ago; I am thankful that our current commissions had the vision to act, even though it was too late for the Eagle Block.

How could a land bank have saved the Eagle Block buildings? By working closely with the city to enforce codes and hold owners of buildings in the historical district to their responsibility to preserve and protect these irreplaceable memorials to our community’s history.

We have just started and it will take some time to create effective processes. These are the kinds of initiatives that we need to help Bourbon County be all that we can be. Look for the land bank to do good things in the years to come.

Governor Announces KDA Receives $500,000 Grant to Promote Mental Health

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced Kansas has received a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to spread awareness for the KansasAgStress.org website and destigmatize mental health in Kansas’ agriculture community.

“This $500,000 grant will help us destigmatize mental health and promote the wellbeing of Kansas farmers, ranchers, and our agriculture workforce,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “Kansas farmers and ranchers feed the world – they’re critical to society, and my administration will continue to use every resource available to support them. I want to thank the USDA and the Kansas Department of Agriculture for prioritizing the mental health of Kansas’ agriculture community.”

The Kansas Department of Agriculture will use funding to create a statewide campaign to raise awareness for the KansasAgStress.org website, develop reusable media content, and work to destigmatize the concept of mental health awareness while lowering suicide rates in the agriculture industry in Kansas.

There are several external factors that contribute to stress in the agriculture industry. Creating awareness and equipping workers with support resources will help reduce crisis situations.

“Members of the Kansas agriculture community feel stress that comes from many directions, and it is important that mental health is not overlooked,” said Kansas Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kelsey Olson. “These Kansans are valued members of their community and work hard to grow the food and fuel that supplies our state, nation and world. We look forward to using this grant to support all the members of our Kansas ag family and to shine a spotlight on the urgency of mental health in agriculture.”

“Mental health is health, and we must continue to fight the stigma through accessible resources like the Kansas Ag Stress network — especially as suicide rates are climbing in rural areas,” said Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-03). “Kansans work hard, and we take care of each other. Programs like this ensure every person in every corner of our state knows that if they are struggling, they are not alone, and there are resources here to help.”

In total, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced an investment of nearly $25 million for 50 grants supporting Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) State Department of Agriculture (SDA) projects.

Funded projects must initiate, expand, or sustain programs that provide professional agricultural behavioral health counseling and referral for other forms of assistance as necessary through farm telephone helplines and websites; training programs and workshops; support groups; and outreach services and activities.

Bourbon County Coalition Meets Nov. 3

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda

November 3, 2021

Meeting at the HBCAT headquarters, 104 N. National at noon

  1. Welcome:
  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:
  1. Program: Stacy Dickerhood, Southeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging.

December program will be an update on Communities in Schools presented by Rhonda Hoener, Winter Moore, and Lewis Dunkeson.

  1. Open Forum:
  • Meeting place
  • Continue combination face-to-face and Zoom; only face-to-face, only Zoom.
  1. Adjournment: Next General Membership meeting will be December 1, 2021.

No Bourbon County Commission Meeting on Nov. 2


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00


Date: November 2, 2021

1st District-Lynne Oharah                                                                Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jim Harris                                                                      Corrected: _______________________

3rd District-Clifton Beth                                                                    Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Ashley Shelton





Obituary of Angelo Dell’Antonia

Angelo Eugene Dell’Antonia, age 82, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Thursday, October 28, 2021, at the Freeman West Hospital in Joplin, Missouri.
He was born October 25, 1939, in Arma, Kansas, the son of William and Viola Dell’Antonia.
He graduated from the Frontenac High School and then went on to serve with the United States Army during the Korean Conflict.
Following his military service, Angelo returned to Frontenac, KS, where he got reacquainted with a high school classmate, Sondra Forniciari.
Angelo and Sondra were married on June 24, 1961, at Frontenac, Kansas. Angelo, also known as Dell, worked many years for
Kansas Gas & Electric Company, later known as Westar. He began his career as a meter reader in Pittsburg and later moved to Ft. Scott in the mid-1960s and worked as an electrical engineer until
his retirement.
Angelo had a passion for electricity and was always willing to help friends and family with anything electrical. In his younger years, he enjoyed fishing and hunting with friends and working in his shop on electrical components.
Angelo was family-oriented and took pride in being able to help whenever he was needed.
Survivors include a daughter, Melissa Dell’Antonia-Renard (Jim), of Dallas, Texas, a son, Jody Dell’Antonia (Rachael), of Ft. Scott, and a granddaughter, Lily Dell’Antonia, also of Ft. Scott.
Other survivors include his two granddogs, Zeta and Cletus.
His wife, Sondra, preceded him in death on July 27th of this year. He was also preceded in death by his parents.
Rev. Rhonda Dunn will conduct graveside services at 11:00 A.M. Tuesday, November 2nd at the U. S. National Cemetery in Ft Scott, Kansas. Military honors will be conducted at the cemetery.
The family will receive friends at the Cheney Witt Chapel on Tuesday from 9:30 A.M. until leaving for the cemetery at 10:45 A.M.
Memorials are suggested to Paws & Claws Animal Shelter or Wreaths Across America and may be left in the care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.
Attachments area

Hearing on Commercial Industrial Hemp Production on Nov. 8

MANHATTAN, Kansas — A public hearing will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, November 8, 2021, to consider the adoption of proposed regulations to govern commercial industrial hemp production in Kansas. Due to public health concerns posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the hearing proceedings will be conducted virtually via a video conferencing system to provide the opportunity for virtual participation online.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture is proposing amendments to K.A.R. 4-34-24, K.A.R. 4-34-25, and K.A.R. 4-34-29 in order to provide greater flexibility to Kansas hemp producers and make the regulations align with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Final Rule on Commercial Hemp Production. These three amendments were temporarily adopted in August; this public hearing is to finalize the process and make the regulations permanent.

A copy of the proposed regulations, as well as an expanded notice of public hearing, may be accessed on the KDA website at agriculture.ks.gov/PublicComment. Anyone desiring to participate via video conference must pre-register to be provided with a video link. Written comments can be submitted on the public comment web page prior to the hearing or sent to the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, KS, 66502.

Any individual with a disability may request accommodation in order to participate in the public hearing and may request a copy of the regulations in an accessible format. Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least two working days prior to the hearing. For more information, including special accommodations or a copy of the regulations, please contact Ronda Hutton at 785-564-6715 or Ronda.Hutton@ks.gov.


WHAT:          Public hearing on proposed commercial industrial hemp regulations

WHEN:          10:00 a.m. on Monday, November 8, 2021

WHERE:       Virtual: via video conferencing system

Hearing for Proposed Adoption of Administrative Regulations.pdf

Obituary of John Haggard

John Paul Haggard, age 77, of Forsythe, Montana left this world for his place in Heaven on October 28, 2021. He was born November 6, 1943, in Manhattan, Kansas to Rev. Hilburn Ray Haggard and Ellen Eileen Stickley. His mother died when he was very young, and he moved frequently with his father to wherever the ministry called them.

He graduated high school in Quapaw, Oklahoma in 1961. He served his country valiantly in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War.

He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother, and a sister. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Barbara Lou White. They were joined in marriage August 10, 1968, in El Dorado, Kansas. He is also survived by his son and daughter in law, Johnny Joe Haggard and Julia Fern Falletti Haggard, all of Pittsburg, Kansas.

In his early employment years, he worked for the Missouri Pacific Railroad out of El Dorado, Kansas.

He later moved his family to Belle Creek, Montana where he was employed as a maintenance engineer with the oil fields there. He loved living in Montana and considered it his true home.

He was happiest when fixing anything mechanical, whether it be a small engine or the wonderful miracle of the internal combustion engine of his automotive brand of choice, Ford. He was a true softie when it came to the down on its luck animal. He never turned away a fur baby in need.

He was definitely a talker; he could carry on a substantive conversation on almost any topic. He often shared his knowledge and gave out mechanical advice whenever the need arose.

Although gone from this world he will never be forgotten. His colorful conversations and sometimes very different sense of humor will be greatly missed by his family.

There was cremation.

Private family interment will take place at a future date in the U. S. National Cemetery, Ft. Scott, KS.

Memorials are suggested to the John Haggard Memorial Fund and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main St., Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

New Barbershop Opens Soon At 118 S. Main

Matt Park. Submitted photos.
Hare & Crow is the name of a new barbershop soon to be opened at 118 S. Main.
Matt Park is the owner and soon-to-be barber.

“I recently graduated from Headlines Barber Academy in Kansas City,” Park said. “I have a couple of exams to take and hope to have my license within the next few weeks. We’re putting the finishing touches on the shop as we speak. If all goes to plan, we should be able to open by the end of November.”

Park has put together a link to a community survey he created.
“I’m hoping to get some insight on pricing, hours and services so we can serve our community well,” Park said.

The survey: https://hareandcrow.com/survey

“Hare & Crow is a modern barbershop with a traditional aesthetic and atmosphere,” Park said. “We offer haircuts, straight razor shaves complete with hot lather and steam towels, beard and mustache trims, facials and shampoos.”
Inside the Hare and Crow Barbershop, 118 S. Main. Submitted photo.
“We also plan to sell some retail items,” he said. “Mostly related to men’s hair and grooming, but we will also carry other items such as locally roasted coffee, craft chocolates, and handmade wood and leather goods from local and regional makers.”
“Our shop will be a comfortable and inviting space with a lounge feel for those waiting for their turn in the chair,” he said. “It will be a place to hang out, have a cup of coffee or a pop, chew the fat with friends and neighbors whether you need a haircut or not—loafers are more than welcome.”
Matt Park gives a shave. Submitted photo.

“This is a family business,” he said.  “My wife and I bought the building in July of 2020 and we live in the apartment above the shop with our four kids.”

Park can be reached by phone at (620)705-9287 or by email at matt@hareandcrow.com.
118 S. Main, with Matt Park in front, will be open soon. Submitted photos.

The Cold Weather Rule takes effect Monday, November 1

TOPEKA – The Cold Weather Rule, designed to help Kansans who are behind on their utility payments avoid disconnection during the winter months, will begin on Monday, November 1 and remain in effect through March 31.

While the Cold Weather Rule is in effect, utility companies cannot disconnect a customer’s service when local temperatures are forecast to drop below 35 degrees within the following 48-hour period. The Kansas Corporation Commission, the agency that regulates public utilities in the state, implemented the rule in 1983 to prevent utility companies from disconnecting a customer’s natural gas or electric service during periods of extreme cold.

The Cold Weather Rule also requires utility companies to offer a 12-month payment plan to allow consumers to maintain or re-establish service. Any residential customer with a past due balance will qualify for payment arrangements; however, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact their gas or electric company to make those arrangements.

Payment plan terms to maintain or restore service require that customers agree to pay 1/12th of the total amount owed, 1/12th of the current bill, the full amount of any disconnection or reconnection fee, plus any applicable deposit to the utility. The remaining balance must be paid in equal payments over the next 11 months, in addition to the current monthly bill.

The Cold Weather Rule applies only to residential customers of electric and natural gas utility companies under the KCC’s jurisdiction. More information about the Cold Weather Rule is available on the Commission’s website.

Kansans may also contact their local utility company or the KCC’s Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at (800) 662-0027 to learn more.