True Correction Tape by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker



After graduating from business college, I began working as a secretarial receptionist. I typed a lot of specs and documents, so it was annoying when I made a mistake and had to brush on the white correction fluid and wait for it to dry. In 1980, I moved to Kansas and was employed at The Western where I used an IBM Selectric II correcting typewriter. I was so happy that someone brilliant had finally designed a built-in correction feature. I thought it was the best invention since high heels! Whenever I misspelled a word, all I had to do was hit the backup key, retype the wrong letter, then type the right letter and all was made right. It was just as if I’d never messed up. Even though I aimed for perfection, it was impossible to perfectly type every single document in a workday.


The heartbeat of God is to free us from our sins and baggage so that’s why He sent Jesus to clean, correct, and restore our flawed lives. He welcomes the bruised and crushed of humanity to come to Him for restoration. “…Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18 NKJV). The Samaritan woman at the well, who’d been married five times, didn‘t cause Jesus to bat an eye or raise an eyebrow. When she believed and placed her faith in the Messiah, she immediately became the first female evangelist in her village. Many broken people came to believe in Christ because of her life-changing testimony. Jesus used, and still uses, some of the most-controversial individuals for His work and purposes.


Apostle Peter lied and denied, then quickly repented and was forgiven and restored. Saul/Paul persecuted, imprisoned, and approved of stoning Christians. But he stopped doing that when the light of Jesus landed him flat on the Damascus road. Jesus takes the most unlikely and makes them likely. In season 1, episode 7 of The Chosen, Jesus turns to Peter and says, “Get used to different.” Jesus didn’t come to admire the outward pretenses of a person, He came to clean the dirty insides of a person. Jesus came to love, forgive,  and restore sinful and defective people and put them to work in the Kingdom of God.


Jesus specializes in picking up people and turning them around. He cast seven demons out of Mary Magdalene and she was miraculously freed from bondage and restored to her right mind. She became one of the faithful women who traveled and supported Jesus’ ministry and she’s mentioned in all four of the gospels. Her previous life may have been the worst, but Jesus made sure that Mary Magdalene was the first to see Him on resurrection morning. She is a beautiful example of a godly woman whose life was poured out in gratitude for God’s extravagant love, mercy, and grace. From the worst to the first — that’s how the Master of the Universe works. Jesus entrusted Mary of Magdala  with the awesome assignment of telling the grieving disciples, “He’s alive!”


Jesus is the only true correction tape for the world. A simple definition of “justification” is “just as if I’d never sinned.” When we believe in Jesus as Savior, God pardons, cleanses, and acquits us from condemnation. Justification is a gift of grace; not a result of human effort. Jesus died and rose again; He paid it all so we can be clean and free. “Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin” (Romans 4:7,8 NLT.)


The Key: Our faith in Jesus’ sacrifice makes us right in God’s sight (ref Romans 5:1.)

Children in the Garden

Jennifer Terrell, K-State Extension Agent



Children thrive when outdoors. It provides them the opportunity to observe, explore, and interact with their surroundings.


Like other forms of nature therapy, gardening decreases stress by increasing our connection to the natural world around us. It prompts kids to tune in to the changing seasons and weather conditions, teaches mindfulness and promotes physical activity and healthy eating. Add to that the development of confidence, a strong work ethic, and the ability to accept that some things are beyond our control, and it’s no surprise that growing things can result in a growth mindset!


Children can be involved in all stages of gardening from designing the garden space to tending the plants. What’s great about gardening is the ability to adapt how children help depending on their age and ability. A few gardening activities could include: germinating seeds, preparing soil, labeling plants, watering produce, pulling weeds, gathering produce, and tasting the produce.


While engaging in gardening activities, it is important to set limits with children. Talk with them about the difference between a weed or new plant growth. Discuss the importance of watering and caring for plants. For example, offer a watering can for young children to assist with watering duties.  Children need guidance to learn about their surroundings while having fun.


Don’t forget, gardening is a sensory experience. Call attention to the tactile feeling of the soil, the warmth of the sun, the sounds of the birds, the smell of the flowers, and the taste of fresh-picked produce. Each of these senses will be engaged while outdoors in the garden. Take advantage of these teachable moments to explore the world around them.


The hard work children put into the garden can be showcased at the local county fair as well. There are opportunities in both the open class and 4-H divisions to submit an exhibit. K-State Research and Extension has great resources to assist with learning more about gardening and selecting items for judging.


For more information, reach out to Jennifer Terrell, 4-H Youth Development Agent for K-State Research and Extension – Southwind District by email at or by phone 620-223-3720.

Obituary of Leta Hull

Leta M. Hull, age 81, resident of Fort Scott, KS passed away Thursday, March 28, 2024, at Freeman West Hospital, Joplin, MO.  She was born on September 27, 1942, in Liberal, MO, the daughter of Cora Lavon Ross.

Leta was a woman with a kind heart and loving spirit.  She was known by many names such as Wife, Mom, Grandma, Grandma Leta, and most importantly Woman of God.  She shared Jesus with everyone who entered her home.  Her favorite scripture was Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Her life was filled with children’s laughter and tears as she shared her home and heart with Grandma Leta’s Daycare.  She called them her kids because she loved them all like her very own.  She had a heart of gold and a scripture for everything.


Survivors include 4 ½ children, Charles (Chuck), Jim, Jeff, Gina, and her beloved dog Kozee; 35 grandchildren and great grandchildren; all Grandma Leta’s Kids; and a sister, Betty Haynes.

She was preceded in death by her mother, husband Charles Hull, brothers Don and Jim, and sisters Lois Size, Helen Lett, and Carolyn Hessenflow.


Rev. Daryl Gaddy will conduct funeral services at 11:00 AM Thursday, April 4th, at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Burial will follow in the Evergreen Cemetery.

The family will receive friends from 10:00 until service time Thursday morning at the funeral home.

Memorials are suggested to Lee’s Paws & Claws and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main St., Fort Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted online at

Volunteers Needed For Downtown Clean-up On April 22


Downtown Fort Scott looking south on North Main Street.

The Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Downtown Committee is sponsoring another spring Downtown Cleanup event.  This year’s event will be held on Monday, April 22, to coincide with Earth Day.

According to committee member John Crain, there are several projects being planned downtown, that the committee hopes will make the area a little more attractive for both local residents and visitors.  This is the third downtown clean-up sponsored by the committee, the first in 2021, and second in 2022.  These included some of the same types of projects this year’s event will have, but also included others, such as the painting of awnings, striping of parking spaces on the streets and parking lots, painting of Skubitz Plaza light poles, and five murals on the sides of downtown buildings.

According to Crain, “This year crews will be cleaning up, and removing stuff from the downtown gutters, sidewalks, alleys and parking lots. Things such as trash, leaves, weeds, and remnants of the winter’s ice and snow treatments.  We will also be washing windows of unoccupied buildings, painting street lights on Main and Wall, as well as benches and tables on Skubitz Plaza.  New mulch will be put down in a couple of areas, and flowers planted in others.  We’re also hoping to get another mural painted.”

“This is the third downtown cleanup we’ve had, and what made the first two so successful and rewarding, was all of the community members that volunteered their time, to come together for a common good,” Crain said.  “And we need that same type of volunteer help again this year.  The actual cleanup starts at 4 p.m. and goes till 6 p.m., so if you can spare about two and a half hours, from 3:45 to 6:15, we’ll find something for you to do, give you a tee shirt, and feed you when you’re done.”

“We also need some tools, such as flat blade and scoop shovels, loppers and pruning shears, brooms, dust pans, and step stools,” he said. ” If you can volunteer, and or have any of those items that we can use, please call (620) 266-9448, and ask for Katie or Bailey.  You can also email them at  I promise, when you’re done, you’ll feel good about what you helped accomplish.”

The Clean Up Committee is made up of Chamber Downtown Committee members Baily Lyons, Cathy Bishop, Kate Freeman, and John Crain, Chamber President Lindsay Madison, and Craig Campbell, representing The Good Neighbor Action Team.

Crain said the committee would like to thank the following businesses and entities for their support:  Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, City of Fort Scott, Good Neighbor Action Team, My One Stop, Fort Scott Elks Lodge, Big Sugar Lumber, Bourbon County Arts Council, Bourbon County Garden Club, Holmtown Pub, Papa Don’s, Brick Street Barbecue, Common Ground Coffee, Sharkey’s Pub & Grub, Health Bourbon County Action Team, Fort Scott Community College, and Fort Scott USD 234.

Bailey Lyons is the owner of Lyons Realty Group. Submitted photo.
Cathy Bishop is the events coordinator at the River Room Event Center. Submitted photo.
Kate Freeman and her husband Trent own the Artificers, a downtown art gallery. Submitted photos.
John Crain,is owner of Crain Insurance.
Lindsay Madison is the executive director of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce. Submitted photo.
Craig Campbell is the chairman of the Good Neighbor Action Team.


“We’ve had several people volunteer already, but still need lots more,” he said.

Agenda For April 1 Bourbon County Commission Meeting

Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832

Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701


April 1, 2024 5:30 p.m.


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 3/25/2024
  1. Public Comments
  2. SEK-CAP Request for Funding
  3. Communities Grant Application/EMS Stats
  • Commission Comments
  • Adjourn Meeting




Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


Frazzled by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche. 2023.
Author: A Little Faith Lift…Finding Joy Beyond Rejection
AWSA (Advanced Writers & Speakers Assoc.)

I’m not sure how I came up with this idea, but I think that my life would be less stressful if I didn’t get frazzled about anything that couldn’t have frazzled me 30 years ago.  Take gadgets, for example, and their ability to frustrate:

Delayed Amazon deliveries

A slow internet                                                                                                                    Passwords                                                                                                                           Fast-food restaurants that use kiosks                                                             Pinterest ideas that never turn out like the pictures

Yellow, blinking lights that fail to blink

In the list above, all of these modern inventions are intended to make our lives easier, yet when they fail to do so, I become frustrated instead of being thankful for the times they do work. Why is that?  In Luke 17:11-17, we read of 10 outcast lepers who were healed by Jesus. Lepers were no small deal.  They were considered permanently unclean, so they could not worship in the temple. They could not hang with their families and were cut off from society. Jesus curing them was no minor miracle.

Still, only one thanked him, and in no insignificant way.  That leper fell at Jesus’ feet and loudly praised him for this miracle.  Jesus questioned why the other nine just went on their merry way while only one stayed behind to show gratitude.  Being thankful was important to Jesus.

Typically, I love thanking people and look for ways to do so.  Still, I need to do a better job of thanking God. Take this morning, for example. I had countless reasons for which to be grateful: life itself; opportunities to pray; a phone call from one of our children; a car that started; great friends; inspirational, Christian Instagram posts; Kleenex (allergies); and short lines at the post office. The list was endless, but only now, while writing this, am I thanking God.

In the Bible, the word “thanks” or “Thanksgiving” appears over 100 times, and no season reminds me of the need to show gratitude more than Easter.  Without the Resurrection, we would be hopeless. The Bible would be just another history book, and Christianity would be pointless. None of us would have a chance to spend eternity with Jesus.

The next time I’m frustrated because my internet is weak or my Pinterest macaroons look more like a blackened pizza crust, or I’m spending 15 minutes pushing the wrong buttons, trying to order an Egg McMuffin, I need to remember what’s truly important.  Actually, I need to remember Who is the most important…and maybe fall at His feet when I do

That’s what Easter is all about.

FSCC Community Conversation: Nursing Program Resumed Enrollment, 4-Day Class Week Initiated

Fort Scott Community College President Dr. Jason Kegler held another Community Conversation on March 27, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the college.

These public discourses are to allow the public to have some knowledge of the challenges facing the college.

He referred to a recent  FSCC Trustees board meeting where it was announced that the college is in much better shape and no longer at risk of not making payroll through June 30th.

At a recent employee meeting, he used the analogy of “just bobbing with our heads above the water,” Kegler said.

There are still definite challenges, but they can see the surface better than they could in the past, he said.

The audience at the March 27 Community Conversation led by FSCC President Dr. Jason Kegler.


A recent update was given to the Kansas Board of Nursing after FSCC voluntarily ceased admitting new nursing students.

Vickie Laderer, Sonia Gugnani, and Darcus Kottwitz requested to the Kansas Board of Nursing that FSCC begin readmitting students for the fall 2024 semester, and was approved.

“This means one of our long-standing programs is no longer on hiatus,” Kegler said. .He said this represents a huge positive direction from being on ‘life support’ and ‘in trouble’ in December.

Dr. Kegler pointed out that FSCC’s nursing program used to be better than Pitt State University, but FSCC has lost the overall standard of excellence. He said there are still pockets of excellence, but the college needs to get back to having excellence across the board.

An audience member asked if the nursing program would be in a new location. Dr. Kegler said they hope to have them back in the lower level of the Hedges administration building. He said if anyone wants to help paint, there will be some opportunity to help.

Anne Dare asked if students had said they wanted to come to nursing but have been put on hold. Dr. Kegler said he wasn’t aware that had happened. He said they are working on a plan to make sure it is communicated to students that they will be accepting nursing students again.

FSCC Is Here To Stay

Dr. Kegler said he doesn’t want the local community wondering if the college is going to be here in the future. “We are going to be here,” he said.

An audience member asked if current students needed to enroll in another college as a backup. The president said he has no reason to believe a student would need to have a backup enrollment. He pointed out that FSCC has gone through one of the toughest times and has done so without laying people off.

“We have a long way to go before we truly need to be concerned about whether our doors are going to be open for students the following semester,” he said.

Dr. Kegler suggested that if people didn’t get a chance to attend the last board meeting, they should go to the YouTube channel and watch the agricultural presentation that highlighted the programs associated with the agricultural department.

FSCC President Jason Kegler speaks to the audience at the Community Conversation on March 27.


Four-day School Week

The college is switching to a four-day school week because students are asking for it. Several high schools are also going to four-day school weeks, and students from those schools are very interested in the flexibility that type of schedule allows. The college will still be open on Fridays, but the majority of courses will be Monday through Thursday.

An audience member said that the 4-day week was important for students because it allows them to take on more work responsibilities to help pay for college.

Softball Question

An audience member asked if softball would still be running this fall and accepting scholarships. He said it should continue to be fully functional in the fall.

FSCC’s Image

Dr. Kegler asked what the community thinks of when they think of the image of FSCC.

Some of the things that were mentioned:

  • Affordability for large families
  • A good stepping stone to a 4-year degree.
  • FSCC used to represent a lot of community involvement
  • The building we are meeting in used to be a lawn, but it is providing a lot of value to the community now.

Audience members mentioned that they would be very interested in taking some adult education classes and suggestions were made to gather survey information to see what people were interested in.

Jerry Witt mentioned that the community doesn’t know the faculty like they used to and there might be opportunities to “sell the faculty” so the community knows more about them.

Rodeo Team Member in Top Third In the Nation

Dr. Kegler said FSCC has a bronc or bull rider in the top third of the nation.  “He was recently injured but his time is good enough that he should qualify for the national finals,” he said.

Future Students and Community Involvement

Aggie Day had 1,250 potential students visiting the college, he said.

Dr. Kegler said that in August the school is hosting a move-in day and asked if the community would come in to help greet the students, hand out water, and make people welcome.

He asked what it would take to get the community involved in the college.

Someone asked about a public relations person to let the alumni know what is happening at the college. Dr. Kegler said there were some other priorities first but that it was a good idea.

Dr. Kegler said the college would need help mowing, cleaning the residence halls, and painting and suggested that people interested in helping should contact the college.

He asked alumni why they attended here. Some of the answers:

  • Because it was close.
  • Dual credit when they were in Fort Scott.
  • They were paying for their own college and it was a good investment.
  • Their dad made them come because they were going to quit after going to Pitt State.

There was some discussion about how the community could be more informed about what was happening at the college. An audience member suggested that the community could be more active in seeking information about the college. Dr. Kegler said it was a two-way street. The college should try to do a better job of putting information out there, and the community can do a better job of seeking out information about what is happening.

Dr. Kegler said Dick Hedges used to come to work at the college, then run home and put on overalls and go drink coffee with members of the community at the sale barn. Dr. Kegler said he doesn’t drink coffee, but that type of relationship is what the college needs to be building with the community.

He asked if people would like to continue these conversations after the one planned for April. One person suggested continuing and another suggested taking a break.


Niece Products of Kansas, Inc. Awarded Energy Efficient Improvement Grant from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

Niece of Ks. Inc., 3904 Liberty Bell Road.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Kansas State Director Christy Davis today announced $1,809,677 in investments in renewable energy and efficiency projects to lower costs, generate new income and create jobs for Kansas farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses.

“USDA is committed to ensuring rural Kansas is benefitting from the clean energy economy,” Davis said. “These investments will expand access to renewable energy while creating good-paying jobs and saving Kansas communities and businesses money.”

The details of the Kansas projects are:

  • A $189,554 grant will help purchase and install 45.6 kW and 107.5 kW solar arrays for Concrete Service Co. Inc. in Barton and Ellis counties. This project will generate 225,623 kWh per year, enough to power 20 homes and save $19,628 per year.
  • A $39,532 grant will help purchase and install energy efficient improvements including new HVAC systems, resized ducting, heaters, and a waste oil heater for Niece Products of Kansas Inc in Fort Scott. The project is expected to save 1,943,100 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,160 gallons of diesel, and 85,293 kWh of electricity, the energy equivalent of powering 65 homes. The project is expected to save the company $41,037 per year in fuel, gas, and electricity costs.
  • A $62,027 grant will help purchase and install a 34 kW solar photovoltaic renewable energy system for Route 66 Hardware of Baxter Springs. The project is expected to generate 45,594 kWh per year, enough to power four homes and save the company $6,233 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $181,925 grant will help purchase and install three rooftop solar photovoltaic renewable energy systems, an 83 kW and two 17 kW systems, for American Bank at their Baxter Springs and Galena locations. The project is expected to replace 174,829 kWh per year, enough to power 16 homes and save the company $28,369 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $219,284 grant will help purchase and install two solar photovoltaic renewable energy systems, a 72.80 kW system and an 84.24 kW system, for US Assets Recovery LLC of Galena. The project is expected to generate 216,915 kWh per year, enough to power 20 homes. The project is expected to save the company $35,220 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $9,360 grant will help purchase and install a 6.24 kW solar photovoltaic renewable energy system for Brian Jordan’s commercial property management business in Galena. The project is expected to replace 8,395 kWh per year and save the company $1,352 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $16,380 grant will help purchase and install a 10.92 kW solar photovoltaic renewable energy system for Liberty Hall LLC of Galena. The project is expected to replace 17,009 kWh per year and save the company $2,450 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $20,659 grant will help purchase and install a 14.08 kW solar photovoltaic renewable energy system for Clark Repair of Baldwin City. The project is expected to replace 20,697 kWh per year, enough to power two homes and save the company $2,621 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $51,250 grant will help purchase and install a 41 kW solar array for Hi-Plain Farm Equipment Inc. of Dodge City. This project will generate 55,068 kWh per year, enough to power five homes and save $3,870 per year.
  • A $156,183 grant will help purchase and install a 137.16 kW solar array for Blake Koehn, an ag producer in Grant County. This project will produce 250,279 kWh per year, enough electricity to power 23 homes.
  • A $21,734 grant will help purchase and install a 15.96 kW solar array for Rick’s Auto Repair LLC in Gray County. This project will generate 27,415 kWh per year, enough electricity to power two homes.
  • A $22,028 grant will help purchase and install a 114.72 kW solar array for Country Feeds Co. in Gray County. This project will produce 184,860 kWh per year, enough electricity to power 17 homes.
  • A $70,565 grant will help purchase and install a 60.48 kW solar array for Nichols Ironworks LLC in Haskell County. This project will produce 89,498 kWh per year, enough electricity to power eight homes.
  • A $46,966 grant will help purchase and install three solar photovoltaic renewable energy system rated at 6.32 kW, 10.66 kW, and 15.40 kW for RVH Properties LLC of Dennis. The project is expected to replace 71,585 kWh per year, enough to power seven homes and save the company $5,599 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $60,494 grant will help purchase and install a 34.1 kW solar photovoltaic renewable energy system for Summit Center LLC of Emporia. The project is expected to replace 54,287 kWh per year, enough to power five homes and save the company $7,744 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $68,957 grant will help purchase and install a 59.2 kW solar array for Rusty Feather LLC of Canton. The project is estimated to replace 74,896 kWh per year, enough energy to power seven homes.
  • A $12,187 grant will help purchase and install a 7.5 kW solar photovoltaic renewable energy system for Ports Farms LLC of Chanute. The project is expected to replace 10,030 kWh per year, enough to power one home. The project is expected to save the company $1,522 per year in electrical costs.
  • A $106,850 grant will help purchase and install an 81 kW and 40 kW solar arrays for Fusion Bank of Pratt and Larned. The project is estimated to replace 180,047 kWh per year, enough energy to power 16 homes.
  • A $110,625 grant help purchase and install an 80 kW and 31 kW solar arrays for Mix-America Redi-Mix Inc. of Hutchinson and Lyons. The project is estimated to replace 65,060 kWh per year, enough energy to power six homes.
  • A $61,745 grant will help purchase and install a 40 kW solar array for Hutchinson Transportation Company Inc. of Hutchinson. The project is estimated to replace 65,060 kWh per year, enough energy to power six homes.
  • A $56,540 grant will help purchase and install a 47 kW solar array for Custer County Concrete Inc. of Great Bend. The project is estimated to replace 54,199 kWh per year, enough energy to power five homes.
  • A $67,717 grant will help purchase and install a 75 kW solar array for Doug Bradley Trucking Inc. of Salina. The project is estimated to replace 97,201 kWh per year, enough energy to power nine homes.
  • A $78,250 grant will help purchase and install a 25 kW wind turbine for St. Francis Feed Yard LLC in Sherman County. This project will generate 123,965 kWh per year, enough electricity to power 11 homes and save $8,895 per year.
  • A $34,750 grant will help purchase and install a 21.4 kW solar array for Ricky Totten, an agricultural producer in Oxford. The project is estimated to replace 29,494 kWh per year, enough energy to power two homes.

AD: The City of Uniontown is Searching for City Clerk

Uniontown is located 17 miles west of Fort Scott.

The City of Uniontown is Searching for City Clerk


Would you like to make an impact in your community while broadening your skill set, connecting with people, working close to home, and receiving good pay & great benefits?

As Uniontown City Clerk/Municipal Court Clerk you can do all this and more!  This is a 40 hours per week position with above average wage and benefits, including:                        

  • Paid Time Off: 10 Holidays, 1-4 weeks Vacation, 12 days Sick Leave, & More
  • Retirement Plan: participate in KPERS (Kansas Public Employees Retirement System)
  • Health & Life Insurance available
  • Wage Scale: minimum $15.00, may be more depending upon experience


Personal Requirements:

  • You must be a Motivated, Self-Starter
  • High Attention to Detail
  • Basic Computer, Accounting, and Secretarial Skills
  • Ability to Maintain Confidentiality and Discretion
  • Live Within 10 Miles of Uniontown
  • Valid Driver’s License & Pass Pre-Employment Drug Screen

The Clerk position entails performing all duties as defined by Kansas State Statute and City Ordinances:  receive and disperse monetary funds and maintain financial records; complete various administrative reports; grant applications & administration; prepare, mail and apply payments of monthly customer utility billing; assist residents via phone or walk-in; attend and record minutes of all city council meetings, write monthly community newsletter; other duties as required (a more detailed job description and list of duties available upon application).

Apply in person at Uniontown City Hall, call 620-756-4742, or submit your resume via email to .  Applications accepted until position filled.


AD: Key Apparel Is Looking For A Print Coordinator

Key Apparel is seeking a motivated person to join our Embellishment Team as a Print Coordinator.  This position will work primarily with screen printing and heat transfer processes with an opportunity to learn embroidery. As part of the Embellishment Team, you are responsible for embellishing uniforms, hats, outerwear, and other accessories.

A Print Coordinator should have an eye for detail, be comfortable on their feet and moving product, be able to navigate graphic design software, and be able to create expertly designed prints that fully meet the customer’s expectations. You should have the ability to work efficiently while staying on top of multiple projects.  Prior experience is not required, but a willingness and excitement to learn is!




Key offers competitive compensation including a highly competitive benefits package.


Please submit your resume to:, or stop by and pick up an application at our offices located in the Industrial Park at 400 Marble Rd in Ft Scott.