KDADS Announces $66 Million in Facility and Workforce Training Expansion Grants


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services today announced $66 million has been made available through the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Executive Committee and State Finance Council to close service gaps in the continuum of care by addressing statewide shortages of health and behavioral health services and the state’s increasing demand for a well-trained healthcare workforce.

The funds, approved by the State Finance Council in December, are available to service providers, educational institutions, local units of government, and non-profit organizations to specifically address three program areas: expansion of health care facilities; expanding the reach of current service providers; and workforce training expansion.

“The $66 million in SPARK funding allocated to KDADS can make a significant difference in expanding access to services by funding new facilities, program expansions, and workforce training,” KDADS Deputy Secretary of Hospitals and Facilities Scott Brunner said. “KDADS is excited to put these funds to use in communities across Kansas to meet the needs of people with mental illness, disabilities, and long-term care needs.”

Applicants must specify which of the following three program areas their proposal addresses:

Program 1: Expansion of health care facilities.  KDADS seeks applications from service providers, local units of government, established partnerships of providers, or non-profit organizations to expand health care facilities.  The facility expansion must result in more services being delivered within a defined geographic area or clearly increase service capacity through more licensed bed space, expanded treatment facilities, or additional credentialed providers.  Expanded health care facilities must deliver more services in one or more of the following areas:

  • Behavioral health
  • Services for adults or children in acute psychiatric crisis
  • Forensic evaluation and restoration for criminal competency cases
  • Community based services for individuals with disabilities that would otherwise require nursing facility level of care

Program 2: Expand reach of current service providers.  KDADS seeks applications from Medicaid enrolled service providers to deliver Medicaid services through innovative delivery models using technology to expand the reach of current service providers or to reach additional Medicaid eligible beneficiaries.  Grantees must describe how their proposed intervention expands access to services for underserved individuals or communities.

Program 3: Workforce Training Expansion.  KDADS seeks applications from providers, local units of government, educational institutions, or non-profit organizations to expand workforce training.  Workforce training expansion must result in an increase in students being trained to serve in the medical field.  Grantees must document the number of trainees and how they will impact the future health care workforce.

KDADS’s application process is open now, with submissions closing March 17 at 5:00 p.m. and awards announced March 29.

Applicants and any questions regarding the funding opportunity should be submitted to Melinda.Gaul@kdads.ks.gov. More information about this funding opportunity and the complete Request for Application can be found on the KDADS website: https://kdads.ks.gov/funding-opportunities.

Letter To The Editor: Pete Allen

What Do Honesty, Integrity, and Trust Mean in Leadership?


Think of an ethical leader you know who exemplifies integrity, honesty, and trust. What specific behaviors cause you to experience this leader as upright, honest and trustworthy? Here are some examples of what I’ve heard.

  1. Honesty may be seen as transparency and openness- your willingness to communicate what you’re thinking or feeling, even when it is uncomfortable or unpopular. Honesty may be seen as a willingness to listen and discuss issues before the data is completely thought through, when available alternatives are not fully crystallized, and when decisions are not yet final. It may also be seen as keeping your word, following through on promises, and delivering on time.
  2. Integrity in leadership is often equated with courage- courage to speak up when your point of view is at odds with a manager’s perspective or with a commonly held belief about how things should be done. Integrity may also be interpreted as work ethic- in early, staying late to get the right things done for the city.
  3. Trust may be based on a feeling that you have the other person’s back when he or she is not in the room. It may be the confidence you will advocate the other person’s point of view with clarity and understanding. Or, trust may be gained as you’re seen to act in the best interest of the city, rather than acting primarily to advance your personal agenda.

Do What it Takes

While most everyone is adamant that ethical leadership ought to demonstrate integrity, honesty and trust, they do not define or understand those terms consistently. The differences in perception make it critical for you to find out more specifically what your managers, colleagues, direct reports, and other key stakeholders are looking for when it comes to leader integrity, honesty, and trust. It may not be enough for you to simply tell the truth when challenged or to turn in accurate expense reports. To be known for your integrity, honesty, and trust, you may need to demonstrate more personal courage; you may need to create an environment that is more open and transparent; or, you may need to build a stronger sense of teamwork and cooperation.

The critical next step is to ask around. When it comes to ethics like honesty, integrity, and trust, what do the people in Fort Scott expect from authentic leaders?


My introduction on how it works in Fort Scott

In 1971, I moved back to Fort Scott to enter contracting business with my brother. We started doing small jobs. Later, in that year. an urban renewal project was proposed, and we thought we could handle it. We picked up plans and over several days and nights, we came up with an estimate for it and we decided to bid it. There were now two bidders. On the morning of the bid opening, the other bidder called me and asked me to meet with him at a local restaurant. I agreed to the meeting. When we met his first question was “how much would it cost me for you to forget to sign your bid” and he went on to assure me he would sub the work out to us, with him being the prime contractor.  I turned down his offer and turned in our signed bid, which turned out to be the low bid and we were awarded the contract.

Since being elected commissioner, I have learned of many instances of seemingly unethical and dishonest behavior of the “staff” of the city.

  • I have been told of dishonesty in expense reports as observed by other staff members,
  • I have seen city projects with certain items missing, such as the sidewalk project going west from the Middle School missing $65,000 of protective guard railings, but presumably paid for,
  • I have observed a contracted mill and overlay project that was heavily loaded with milling costs and the project was completed without the milling,
  • I have seen sewer projects that were done by outside contractors that did not meet city standards and specifications, but were paid for by vote of the commission, based upon recommendations of approval by the then city attorney,
  • I have seen a 20-foot-deep sewer manhole dug out and replaced on a made-up “emergency” declaration without commission involvement. Said manhole was a drop for a single eight-inch sewer pipe that could have been extended about sixty feet and emptied into an existing manhole at a cost of one-tenth the cost of the new manhole.
  • I have seen a cash donation from pickleball players of $1,000 given to our then finance director with a promise of a receipt. That receipt never came.
  • I have seen our city streets and alleys torn up by hired crews installing sewer improvements and internet cables and junction boxes without any, or inadequate inspection from our staff, who by ordinance, were responsible to the citizens of our city.
  • I have observed city crews excavating for water and sewer lines without proper knowledge of prescribed methods and materials for repairing them,
  • I have seen at least two connecting link projects funded entirely by the taxpayers, when. with the proper procedures, funding would have been paid for by the state on a 90/10 basis. A third one was proposed last year but was stopped and a grant applied for to completely rebuild Wall Street with treated base, asphalt, curbs and gutters and new sidewalks. The grant was approved, and work will begin soon on the project.
  • I have been told by a local hardware dealer that provided city employees with unlimited purchases without verification by supervisors,
  • I know of a past situation where a privately-owned piece of equipment was overhauled at taxpayers’ expense.
  • I have seen the Bourbon Co. Attorney disbarred due to unethical behavior and fabricating false evidence.
  • I have seen the illegal transferring of funds from sewer revenue to the general funds with a ruling from city attorney that it was legal because “everybody does it” and he was told by an accountant that is was legal.
  • I have seen our economic development director issue checks with instructions to “keep it on the down low”.
  • There have been charges of “illegal wiretapping” by county IT and “illegal video surveillance.”
  • Suppression of the right to petition has been an issue.


All the above pales in comparison to the current issue with our involvement with ADM. When I became a commissioner, there was never any mention of our involvement with treating raw sewage and furnishing treated wastewater to the ADM plant, and the budgets did not mention a source of income for the sewage plant called ADM. It was late 2021 when a contract was expiring, that the issue was brought before the commission. That contract was to extend the current one, which I presume was signed in 2018.  At the regular commission meeting on 12/7/21, the commission was told by the utilities director only that we had a “wonderful situation’ with our contract with ADM and that we now had a spreadsheet that automatically calculated the billing for processing the raw sewage. (I might mention it was our engineering firm. Earls, who developed the spreadsheet to calculate the billing based upon the test results). However, it was September in 2022 before we began testing for BOD (which was the main billing factor for determining the pounds of solids over the prescribed limits of 1,500 ppm).

That misguided contract has, and still is, threatening our federal and state permit that allows the dumping of our treated wastewater into the Marmaton River. Staff was ignorant in the testing requirements of the permit, as well as for the treatment of the raw sewage being dumped directly into our lagoons. For instance, testing requirements for our federal permit specified testing for BOD be done and reported twice monthly, yet our contract with ADM specifies the testing be done “up to twice monthly or at least quarterly”.  It was well into the year 2022 (September) before the first test was done for BOD, and it was propagated by our then city manager who was shocked by the lack of testing being done. Said city manager then was promptly fired by the commission.

Sludge removal requirements were ignored, and sludge was allowed to build up in our lagoons. By July of 2022, sludge was measured at 77 inches with a design capacity of 24 inches. The microbes that were part of the sludge control system had been killed off by the excessive amounts of sludge being pumped directly into the lagoons with BOD of 10 times the allowable limits. The smell of sewage began drifting over our city as a result, and by the end of the year, we signed a 1.1 million dollar emergency contract with a sludge removal contractor to remove the excessive sludge. That sludge removal is still ongoing. Our “wonderful situation” with ADM has been a major embarrassment, as well as a costly one and the utilities director has been terminated.

What has this incompetence cost the city taxpayers? A breakdown of billings done since the spreadsheet and BOD testing has shown that average billing has gone from 55K per month to 514K, a difference of 459K per month. From January 2019 to September of 2022 is approximately 45 months. That amounts to a shortage of billing of approximately 20 million dollars. It was pointed out that the number of loads had increased two-fold in 2022, so even if that is so, one half of 20 million would be 10 million. And we will never know, due to inadequate testing, but 10 million would have replaced all the 20-year-old parts of our disposal plant and could have eliminated the remaining sanitary sewer overflows that occur with each rain event. Now it up to the citizens to pay the overhaul cost with exorbitant water and sewer charges and additional tax money.

We can trace the ADM fiasco to the then city manager and his inability to hire competent, trained staff to run this important function and protect the safety and wellbeing of the citizens.

How do we overcome the past? We start with the city manager and commissioners who would declare a new policy in FS. That policy would push to the forefront a declaration of honesty, trust and integrity be made a part of everyone working for the city, with training furnished. We would become more transparent, with more citizen’s involvement with real life town hall meetings and discuss the “new” push for serving the citizens with real projects, such as the Cooper Street project, the Special Street Improvement (Cape Seal) project that will improve the drivability of 80 more blocks of our streets this year, building on the 40 blocks we did last year, the upcoming Horton Street project and the rebuilding of Wall Street  coming up next year. We must utilize our public works director (Earls Engineering and Inspection) to set up comprehensive plans for water and sewer improvements and street improvements as recommended by the 2018 comprehensive plan. We must furnish the citizens with quality and timely projects that can be seen, with ribbon-cutting ceremonies and progress reports. As recommended in the above-mentioned comprehensive plan, we must become proactive in the pursuit of excellence for the citizens who furnish the funds to keep this city going and to improve the quality of life in fort Scott.  We want “real-life” reports on projects at each commission meeting….are we on schedule, are we within budget, what to expect from our crews over the next two weeks? Reports from each department head should become available at each meeting, or at least monthly. We must improve the meetings with topics the public wants to hear, not about what homeowners are doing or not doing with condemned properties. The sound quality of the meetings leaves a lot to be desired, especially to those of us with impaired hearing. I would recommend a new quality sound system with a notice before every meeting of the requirement to speak clearly into the mike. I make mention that most of the issues mentioned were under previous administrations. Current administrators have promised more accountability and transparency; we will see!


Former City Commissioner,

Harold (Pete) Allen

February, 28, 2023







Mural, Public Art Funding Available from Department of Commerce


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Commerce today announced multiple opportunities to support the creation of murals and public art in the state though coordinated funding programs from the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission (KCAIC) and the Office of Rural Prosperity (ORP). The programs will provide funding for communities to use public spaces for the purposes of artistic use and creative endeavors.

“Public art is one of many factors that drives decisions about where people will stop for a meal, open a business or move their family,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “Commerce looks forward to partnering with communities across Kansas on this important quality-of-life opportunity that supports economic growth and community pride.”

The programs are designed to utilize artists, creative interventions, and arts organizations to increase community vibrancy and provide space for artistic expression and public engagement.

KCAIC’s Mural and Public Art Program applications are open through March 13 to all 501c3 organizations, units of local government, and federally recognized tribes across Kansas. The maximum request is $10,000. A 100% match is required for the award which must be at least 25% cash match and up to 75% in-kind match. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2024. Applications may be found here.

“Public art projects provide an opportunity for communities to reflect on and celebrate their unique story,” KCAIC Interim Director Kate Van Steenhuyse said. “Whether large or small in scale, public art becomes part of community identity, and can have far-reaching benefits well beyond the installation itself.”

ORP’s Rural Mural Program will also be accepting new applications from March 13 to May 1. The maximum grant award will be $7,500. Only applicants from communities with a population fewer than 15,000 are eligible. A 100% match is required for the award which must be at least 25% cash match and up to 75% in-kind match. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2023. ORP will have a Rural Mural Planning Webinar at 2:00 p.m. Friday, March 3 (register here). Once the application window is open, applications will be available here.

“Last year, a total of 37 Rural Mural projects were completed in 14 different communities,” ORP Director Trisha Purdon said. “Our office looks forward to working with a whole new group of partners in 2023.”

The Kansas Department of Commerce is committed to helping communities through financial support, technical assistance and process guidance as they imagine new projects through the Mural Making initiative. As part of this effort, an online resource guide designed to put communities on a path for growth and prosperity through arts and culture and place-based community development is available here.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce:

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award in 2021 and 2022, and was awarded the 2021 Governor’s Cup by Site Selection Magazine.


Learn How to Can

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member
Southwind Extension District…
Are you interested in food preservation? Do you need to brush up on current food preservation methods? Come join food safety specialist Karen Blakeslee for a hands-on workshop
in Bronson on April 14th!
Registration is required by contacting Clara Wicoff at 620-365-2242. There is a $25 fee to cover the cost of supplies and lunch. This fee must be paid to secure your spot in the class.
Learn about and practice:
  • Pressure canning
  • Waterbath canning
  • Dehydrating herbs
Bronson Community Center
504 Clay Street
Bronson, KS 66716
K-State Research and Extension is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Program information may be available in languages other than English. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, including alternative means for communication (e.g., Braille, large print, audio tape, and American Sign Language) may be requested by contacting Clara Wicoff two weeks prior to the start of the event by March 31, 2023 at 620-365-2242 or clarawicoff@ksu.edu. Requests received after this date will be honored when it is feasible to do so. Language access services, such as interpretation or translation of vital information will be provided free of charge to limited English proficient individuals upon request.
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Obituary of Lynne VanLeeuwen

With a warm smile and a welcoming heart, Lynne Mary VanLeeuwen lived a life rich in family and friends. Lynne welcomed every moment as a gift, relishing life’s joys and meeting its challenges with unwavering faith and confidence. Lynne enjoyed adventure, appreciated the beauty in life, and treasured nothing more than her family. Cherished by many, Lynn will long be remembered and so very missed.

The mobilization of war efforts in 1942 was quick and effective, with carmakers and other manufacturers changing to the production of weapons of war. Gas rationing, Scrap Days, and Victory Gardens became the norm. At the same time, The Declaration of the United Nations, the newly formed Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, and The Voice of America ensured that every citizen had their eyes focused on a better future. Nowhere was there more hope for the future than in the hearts of Robert and Evelyn (Shearer) Brown as they welcomed their daughter, Lynne, into their family on December 6 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Growing up in a large family, Lynne was the second youngest child. Her older siblings were much older, and she came to know her younger brother, John, best. While her father was a handyman who worked on many rental properties, her mother worked for Michigan Tag Company. The family enjoyed summer vacations at a cottage in Idlewild, Michigan and Lynne attended Palmer Elementary School. A gifted singer and percussionist, she took music lessons and attended band camps at Michigan State University.

After graduating from Creston High School with the class of 1960, Lynne went away to college in Alva, Oklahoma. In 1963, she returned to Michigan to marry Douglas Carnevale who worked with her mother at Michigan Tag Company. The couple married in a ceremony at St. Judes Catholic Church.

In time, Lynne and Doug were blessed to welcome three children to their family. Though their marriage ended in divorce after 16 years, Lynne was always grateful it gave her the gift of motherhood. Christine, Maria, and Martin quickly were the centers of Lynne’s world. She was an awesome mom who totally devoted herself to ensuring her children were loved and supported.

As a musician in the Grand Rapids Symphony for over 20 years and a principal percussionist for part of that time, Lynne thoroughly enjoyed sharing her love of music with her children and took them to all her rehearsals and concerts. While cooking wasn’t her passion, she made great meatloaf, goulash, and chili, and her weenie wraps were her specialty!

While vacationing with her brother Bob in Uniontown, Kansas, Lynne had the good fortune of meeting Joe VanLeeuwen. Joe had two adult daughters from a previous marriage and owned and operated Van’s Grocery and Meat Locker in Uniontown. The pair began dating, fell in love, and married on February 24, 1981.

Lynne helped run the store until they retired in 1998. She then worked as a church secretary in Fort Scott, Kansas, for a time. They took many trips together; Hot Springs, Arkansas, was a favorite destination. They also enjoyed visiting casinos to gamble. She was a member of the Arts Council in Fort Scott for twenty years and was always up for a potluck dinner with friends.

A practicing Catholic her entire life, faith was always important to Lynne, and she was grateful to be a member of the fellowships at St. Jude in Grand Rapids and Mary Queen of Angels in Fort Scott. Without a doubt, Lynne’s greatest joy was her family. And her grandchildren were her heart’s delight! She adored her grandkids and nurtured a special relationship with each one of them. She taught them numbers and math, music and art appreciation, and loved to joke and play. Their biggest fan, Lynne attended all their events and supported their every endeavor. Whether sharing a meal, playing Yahtzee of Boggle, or cheering them on, Lynne proved a constant source of love and support.

Without a doubt, life feels less certain in the absence of Lynne’s steadfast companionship. May we find comfort in our many treasured memories and in the honor of carrying her beautiful legacy forward. In each moment we gather with loved ones, cheer on each other’s’ dreams, enjoy a trip, or share our passions, we celebrate the many ways Lynne gifted our lives. In this way, we keep her spirit alive and inspiring others as she so inspired each of us.

Lynne M. Vanleeuwen of Grand Rapids, MI, age 79, passed away with her loving family by her side November 20, 2022.

She was also preceded in death by her husband, William Joseph VanLeeuwen; siblings, Bob and Alice Brown, Arthur Brown, Ben and Joan Brown, Delores and Frank Hall, Ardis and Ken Jacobs, and John Brown.

Lynne is survived by her children, Christine Carnevale of Grand Rapids, Maria (Don Myles) Norman of Grand Rapids, Martin (Michelle) Carnevale of Belmont, Kim (Ron) Pendell of Bloomington, IN, Debbie Elliot of San Diego, CA; grandchildren, Sean Norman, Caitlin (Kyle) Johnson, Syler Moser, Lisa (Ryan) Tabereaux, Amber (Josh) Zink; great-grandchildren, Avery, Dawson, Jackson, Turner, Sophie, Evan, Gilbert; sisters-in-law, Mary Brown and Carol Brown; and many nieces and nephews.

According to her wishes, cremation has taken place. Interment will be in Ft. Scott National Cemetery.

A Celebration of Lynne’s Life will be announced soon. Memorials may be made to Grand Rapids Symphony or Bourbon County Arts Council (KS). Local arrangements are being handled by the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main St.


Bourbon County Arts Council Exhibit Features Many Local Artists

A 2016 photo of the Bourbon County Arts Council Annual Exhibit.

An annual art exhibit will include several local artists this weekend.

The Bourbon County Arts Council will present its 31st Annual Fine Arts Exhibit, March 2 through 11, at the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center, on the Campus of Fort Scott Community College at 2108 S. Horton.

Local artists entered include Kathryn Allen, Haley Beaton, Trista Brigg, Rylee Coulter, Stephanie Erie, Bareigh Farrell, Steve Floyd, Grace French, Alie Fuhrman, Chance Fuhrman, Barbara Gibson, Lucy Gladbach, Alexis Herring, Bobbi Kemna, Terry Koester, Connie Neil, Kadra Nevitt, Gayle Sackett, Jim Sackett, Caitlynn Tate, Cadence Tuck, amd Cayden Woods.

Other artists who are participating in the exhibit are from Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.

The mission of the council is to foster, promote and increase the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts, according to its Facebook page.

The council will host the Fort Scott Chamber Coffee at 8 a.m. on Thursday  March 2, at the Ellis Center, which kicks off the event.

A reception will be held on March 2  from 6 to 8 p.m. to honor this year’s juror and artists. The public is invited to attend and enjoy the opportunity to meet and visit with them about the art.

The exhibit will be open to the public  beginning  March 2 through Saturday March 11, weekdays from noon to 7 p.m., and on Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

There is no admission charge for this event, and the community is  encouraged to come and enjoy a collection of original artwork.

Artists will have their work on display and for sale in this multi-media exhibit, with categories including ceramics, drawing and  graphics, fiber arts, glasswork, jewelry, mixed media, painting, pastels, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and watercolor.

This year’s theme is “Doorways and Windows.”

Cash prizes awarded for category winners are given by the Bourbon County Arts Council in memory of E.C. Gordon, and by the generous sponsorship from these local businesses:  Buerge Art Studio, Citizens Bank, City State Bank, Edward D. Jones, Fort Scott Broadcasting,  H&H Realty, Landmark Bank, Lyons Realty, MidContinental Restoration, Osage Timber Mills, State Farm Insurance, Union State Bank, and Ward Kraft.

About the Juror

Trent Freeman is the juror for the exhibit.  Freeman received his Bachelors in Fine Arts from Emporia State University, and also studied at Kansas University and abroad in Australia.

Freeman is a sculptor whose works have been featured in private collections, local galleries, and at fine-art festivals.

He has instructed privately from his studio for the past 25 years, and continues teaching workshops and private classes currently in Fort Scott where he and his wife, Kate Riddle Freeman, have recently opened  a privately owned art gallery, The Artificers,  at 8 North National Avenue. From here, they are resident artists in their teaching and working studio.

As an artist, he draws inspiration from Old World and Asian techniques, using native wood, and recycled glass and metals to create his eclectic designs.

He has spent much of his career in education and instruction, facilitating college workshops, providing continuing education for teachers, and instructing at the Carnegie Art Center in Leavenworth.

He was a member of the Board of the Bonner Springs Art Alliance from 2017 -2020.

The Arts Council Board

The Bourbon County Arts Council Board is made up of Deb Anderson, President; Bre Eden, Vice President; Steve Floyd, Secretary; Terri Floyd, Treasurer; Cindy Bartelsmeyer, Elaine Buerge, Deb Halsey, Justin Meeks, Kelly Nelson, Linda Noll, Robin Whitlock, and Chris Woods.
Bourbon County Arts Council Members present at the Chamber Coffee in 2020, from left, Elaine Buerge, Deb Anderson, Terry Floyd, Steve Floyd and Linda Noll.






Considerations for Native Grass Management Before and During Establishment

Chad Guthrie
District Extension Agent, Crop production and Forage Management
Southwind District
210 S. National
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701
Office: 620-223-3720
Cell: 308-991-8415


Overgrazing and weed control are the two most important management considerations during estab­lishment. Grazing should be avoided during the first and possibly the second growing season depending on stand establishment. Short periods of grazing (flash grazing) for weed control early in the first growing season are encouraged to stimulate tillering in the new seedlings. For example, graze for 1 day with enough animals to harvest the weeds without damaging the grass seedlings.

Haying in the year of seeding may be beneficial if there is enough forage produced, but set the mower to at least 4-inch height to ensure the plants can readily regrow. As a general rule, hay most native species after the first week of July. This will allow time for the plants to develop tiller buds for the following year and to build reserves for early growth.
Figure 1. Native prairie a few weeks after hay harvesting. Photo: Bruno Pedreira, K-State Research and Extension.

Weed control

Weed control helps reduce competition for moisture, nutrients, and sunlight in new seedings. When weed control is necessary, the main methods are mowing and herbicides. Dense shade created by annual grasses is the greatest concern, the most com­monly encountered are downy brome, Japanese brome, crabgrass, and foxtail. Weed control is most beneficial during May and June with little benefit in August. Pre­plant or preemergence herbicides are labeled for some species and situations. Consider using an herbicide wipe-on applicator if weeds are 6 inches taller than the desirable grass or spot spray if the weeds are not spread throughout the whole field. Consult the Chemical Weed Control for Field Crops, Pastures, Rangeland, and Noncropland) for current herbicide recommen­dations for products, rates, and timing.

Mow before weedy plants produce seeds. Gener­ally, broadleaf weeds should be mowed before they are 8 inches tall. Annual grasses should be mowed to prevent seed production. Herbicides may be used to reduce annual or perennial broadleaf weeds after the grass plants have become established. Consult the label for application restrictions and instructions.

Chemicals must be federally and state regis­tered. They also must be applied in accordance with authorized registered uses, directions, and cautions on the label and all other federal and state policies and requirements.

Management after establishment

After establishment, seeded areas should be man­aged to promote tillering and to keep the soil covered. A great forage stand reduces erosion and runoff, con­tributing to minimized soil loss, providing high forage production, and improving wildlife habitat.

New stands must be grazed following appropriate stocking rates, good grazing distribution, and proper season of use. Proper management of a seeded grass stand is a must with the investment of time, money, and labor involved in establishing it.

Haying should be done in early July to harvest the highest combination of forage accumulation and nutrient value. A minimum cutting height of 4 inches is recommended to ensure plants have adequate oppor­tunity to regrow and build reserves for the following season.

Prescribed burning should be done in late spring, just as the seeded grasses are starting growth (less than 1½inches). Burning at this stage stimulates tillering, removes the last year’s dead forage, and increases forage quality. Prescribed burning can be done as early as one growing season after seeding.

Related KSRE Publications

  • Managing Kansas Grazinglands for Multiple Benefits (MF2086)
  • Rangeland and Pasture Grasses of Kansas (C567)
  • Prescribed Burning: Safety (L565)
  • Prescribed Burns: Planning and Conducting (L664)
  • Prescribed Burning as a Management Practice (L815)
  • Prescribed Burning: Equipment (L876)
  • Grazing Distribution (MF515)
  • Stocking Rate and Grazing Management (MF1118)

For more information on native grass establishment, contact Chad Guthrie, crop production and forage management agent, at any Southwind Extension District office.


U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Newsletter

Speaking at Grand Marshal’s Reception in Liberal
On Monday evening, I joined members of the Liberal community to celebrate the 74th year of the International Pancake Day Race. This friendly competition between Olney, England, and Liberal, Kansas, is an event I have attended since well before my time in Congress. These local festivities are great examples of the many things that make the places we call home special.

During this celebration, I was pleased to congratulate Charles Posl on his induction into the Pancake Hall of Fame, as well as to honor 2023 Grand Marshal Tim Fowler. Thank you to Gary Classen, Mike Brack, Sally Fuller and the entire Pancake Day Board. I also appreciated the opportunity to visit with State Treasurer Steven Johnson, Mayor Jose Lara, County Commissioner Scott Carr, City Manager Rusty Varnado, County Administrator April Warden, City Commissioners Janeth Vazques and Jeff Parsons, County Commissioner Presephoni Fuller, Chamber of Commerce Director Rozelle Webb and Joe Denoyer.

Continue reading U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Newsletter

Rangeland Burns Start March 1: Air Quality Will Be Impacted

Health Advisory, Safety Tips Issued During Flint Hills Burning Season

Smoke Modeling Tool to be activated on March 1

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) reminds Kansans that March and April are the months when large areas of the state’s rangelands are burned, especially within the Flint Hills. These burns help preserve the tallgrass prairie ecosystem, control invasive species, reduce woody encroachment from species such as Eastern Red Cedar, and provide better forage for cattle. Prescribed burning also reduces the risk of wildfires and is effective in managing rangeland resources. Smoke from the burns can influence the air quality of downwind areas. The use of smoke management techniques is vital to reduce air quality and health impacts.

KDHE will activate the Kansas smoke modeling tool on March 1, prior to widespread burning in the Flint Hills. The computer models use fire data and current weather conditions to predict the potential contribution of smoke to downwind air quality problems. There are approximately 2.2 million acres burned on average in the Flint Hills of Kansas and Oklahoma each year.

“This is the thirteenth year we have been able to provide this important tool for the prescribed fire community,” said Jayson Prentice, meteorologist at the KDHE Bureau of Air. “We continue to encourage ranchers and land managers to utilize smoke modeling resources such as the smoke modeling tool to mitigate potential air quality impacts.”

Prescribed burns release large amounts of particulate matter and other pollutants that can form ozone. Particulate matter and ozone can cause health problems, even in healthy individuals. Common health problems include burning eyes, runny nose, coughing, and illnesses such as bronchitis. Individuals with respiratory issues, pre-existing heart or lung diseases, children and elderly are more vulnerable to experience symptoms.

Steps to protect your health on days when smoke is present in your community include:

  • Healthy people should limit or avoid strenuous outdoor exercise.
  • More vulnerable people should remain indoors.
  • Help keep indoor air clean by closing doors and windows and running air conditioners with air filters.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  • Contact your doctor if you have symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath or severe fatigue.

For more information about the burning in the Flint Hills, the Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan, April burn restrictions, and the smoke modeling tool, please visit http://ksfire.org.



Obituary of Judith Matson

Judith A. Matson, a former resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas and more recently of Pittsburg, Kansas, passed away Friday, February 24, 2023, at the Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg. Judy married
Roger G. Matson on January 20, 1962; he preceded her in death in 2018.

Survivors include a son, Quinton R. Matson of Kansas City, Missouri; two daughters, Quita Coffman (Donald) of Ft. Scott, Kansas and Dana Noe of Peculiar, Missouri and six grandchildren, Amber Sheehy (Joe), Tylar Montgomery (Justin) and Erin Coffman, all of Ft.
Scott, Devon Hudspeth (Taylor) of Overland Park, Kansas, Austin Noe of Cleveland, Missouri and Arie Noe of Webb City, Missouri; and six great-grandchildren, Brooklyn Sheehy, Madison
Sheehy, Joseph G. Sheehy and Madelynne Montgomery all of Ft. Scott, Jackson Montgomery of Nevada, Missouri and Easton Hudspeth of Overland Park, Kansas. Also surviving is an aunt,
Kathryn Bennett of Girard, Kansas.

Mrs. Matson donated her body to science for the study of SCA6 and other medical research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Following completion of their studies, Judy will be laid to rest with her husband, at in the U. S. National Cemetery #1 in Ft. Scott, Kansas.

Memorials are suggested to St. Jude’s Hospital, the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital, Oltjen Orthodontics or Operation Smile and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S.
Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the cheneywitt.com.