April 3 Online Session for Small Businesses

Kansas officials to provide information to small businesses via First Friday online session April 3

Heads of agencies will take part in K-State monthly program in light of COVID-19


MANHATTAN, Kan. – Officials of two lead Kansas agencies responding to the COVID-19 outbreak will provide information for small businesses online Friday, April 3 at 9:30 am, as part of K-State Research and Extension’s First Friday monthly webinar series. The call will be recorded and archived.

The session, to be conducted via Zoom, is free and open to anyone interested in resources available to the public, particularly small businesses and employees in Kansas affected by the global pandemic.

Speakers include:

  • David Toland, Kansas Secretary of Commerce
  • Delia Garcia, Kansas Secretary of Labor
  • Laurel Klein Searles, Kansas Director of Unemployment Services


“Kansas has responded quickly to the concerns of small businesses and employees who have lost their livelihoods because of COVID-19,” said Nancy Knopp Daniels, community vitality specialist with K-State Research and Extension. “This call occurs every month in support of small business, but this month we have a special edition to highlight these response programs.”

She noted that a record 3.3 million Americans filed unemployment claims in the past week, which eclipsed the old record of 695,000 new claims in 1982.

To participate, go to https://ksu.zoom.us/j/2636377104; or One-Tap Mobile, + 13462487799,,2636377104#.


More information about First Friday e-Calls is available online or by contacting Daniels at 785-410-6352 or nkdaniels@ksu.edu.


Governor: Help For Unemployed Workers

Governor Kelly issues Executive Order to help meet surging demand for unemployment benefits for workers affected by COVID-19
Executive Order 20-17 will draw down millions in federal stimulus dollars to cope with record demand


Today Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-17 to ensure Kansas can draw down millions in federal dollars under the federal CARES Act.


The federal stimulus will expand unemployment insurance to include self-employed, 1099-independent contractors, gig and low-wage workers who can no longer work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The agreement also increases weekly benefits for all unemployed workers by $600 a week for up to four months.


“Certain provisions of Kansas employment security law will impede Kansas’ ability to draw down millions in federal funds for unemployment insurance programs,” Kelly said. “This order will allow flexibility to ensure Kansas workers and small business owners can secure the safety and protection that unemployment insurance is designed to provide at times of crisis.”

Executive Order 20-17 makes three, temporary changes to Kansas employment security law:


  • The waiting week requirement for unemployment benefits is temporarily waived for all claimants;
  • The requirement that Kansans receiving unemployment benefits actively seek work each week is temporarily waived for all claimants to allow Kansans to continue the necessary social distancing practices;
  • All Kansas employers, as required by the federal Department of Labor, must notify separated employees if they qualify for unemployment insurance.

“This flexibility will ensure that our Department of Labor can keep up with the surge of unemployment claims our state is experiencing and that Kansas workers and small business owners can secure the safety and protection that unemployment insurance is designed to provide at times of crisis,” Kelly said.


Kelly also addressed the unprecedented volume of calls coming into the Kansas Department of Labor. Just yesterday, the agency received over 877,000 calls to their unemployment line. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the agency received an average of 1,100 calls per week.


“Labor Secretary Delia Garcia and her team are working quickly to expand capacity at the call centers,” Kelly said. “They have added phone lines, hired additional employees and are working with employers to speed up the benefit process. The website remains the fastest and most efficient way to file for benefits, but if you must call in, please be patient. This is an incredibly stressful time for everybody, and the Department of Labor is working hard to get applications processed and benefits distributed.”

The executive order can be viewed here: https://governor.kansas.gov/newsroom/executive-orders/

Please visit kdheks.gov/coronavirus for additional virus-related information. Due to the high call volume, Kansans seeking to file for Unemployment Insurance benefits are encouraged to file online at getkansasbenefits.gov.


Exposure and Symptom Information for Church Conference


TOPEKA – People who attended the Kansas East Jurisdiction’s 2020 Ministers and Workers Conference at the Miracle Temple Church of God in Christ located at 2106 Quindaro Blvd, Kansas City, KS, 66104 from March 16-22, may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This event has been identified as a place of exposure for multiple people in Kansas who have since become ill and tested positive for COVID-19.


Symptoms for COVID-19 appear 2-14 days after exposure and include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Other rarer symptoms that may develop include malaise, sore throat and diarrhea.


If you develop any of these symptoms, but are not ill enough to seek medical care, you must stay home for at least 7 days after symptom started or for 72 hours after fever is gone (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and with a significant improvement in symptoms, whichever is longer. If you develop these symptoms and need to seek medical care, call your healthcare provider beforehand to inform them that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 and require medical attention.


If you attended this event and develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 between 2 and 14 days later, please call your local health department as they will conduct a confidential investigation to prevent further transmission of COVID-19.


For more information about COVID-19 in Kansas, please visit www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus. For questions regarding isolation and quarantine for COVID-19, please contact your local health department or KDHE’s Epidemiology Hotline at 877-427-7317.

March 31, 2020 Public Update COVID-19

For more information: www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results
Updated 3/31/20 at 10 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab (KHEL)

Deaths (included in above numbers)
KDHE does not release locations of deaths.

Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases* (not counted in KS #s)

Total Negative Cases for Kansans
Note: Update on 3/29 should have read 4,194 negative

Positive Case Information
County Number

*Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents.
**1 case in Douglas and 2 cases in Crawford are presumptive positive at a reference lab, but were not confirmed through the KDHE lab, so are included in the county numbers, but not in the overall state total or demographics at this time.




Age Range
Age range on patients is 0 to 95 years of age, with a median age of 56.

79 hospitalizations to date reported*

* this is a cumulative number, based on 255 cases where information is available.

Conservation Reserve Program

USDA Announces More Than 3.4 Million Acres Selected

for General Signup Conservation Reserve Program

Manhattan, Kansas, March 26, 2020 – Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced the acceptance of more than 3.4 million acres in the general Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) signup recently completed, the first general signup enrollments since 2016. County offices will begin notifying producers with accepted offers no later than April 3.

Through CRP, farmers and ranchers receive an annual rental payment for establishing long-term, resource-conserving plant species, such as approved grasses or trees, to control soil erosion, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat on cropland. Farmers and ranchers who participate in CRP help provide numerous benefits to the nation’s environment and economy.

“The Conservation Reserve Program is one of our nation’s largest conservation endeavors and is critical in helping producers better manage their operations while conserving valuable natural resources
. CRP is a part of the heritage that producers use to help our next generation continue the legacy of great stewardship,” State Executive Director David Schemm said. “The program marked its 35th anniversary this year, and we were quite pleased to see one of our largest signups in many years.” Information about acres accepted by state and more can be found at https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/conservation-programs/reports-and-statistics/conservation-reserve-program-statistics/index.

Over these 35 years, CRP has addressed multiple concerns while ensuring the most competitive offers are selected by protecting fragile and environmentally sensitive lands, improving water quality, enhancing wildlife populations, providing pollinator forage habitat, sequestering carbon in soil and enhancing soil productivity. Seventy percent of the nation’s land is owned and tended privately, and America’s farmers, ranchers and landowners have willingly stepped up to protect the environment and natural resources.

This general signup included offers for State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE), which allows producers to install practices that benefit high-priority, locally developed wildlife conservation objectives using targeted restoration of vital habitat. Over 95 percent of SAFE offers submitted were accepted under this general signup representing more than 487,500 acres. This acceptance level highlights the commitment to SAFE as an important part of CRP.

The 2018 Farm Bill established a nationwide acreage limit for CRP, with the total number of acres that may be enrolled capped at 24.5 million acres in 2020 and growing to 27 million by 2023.

While the deadline for general CRP signup was February 28, 2020, signups for continuous CRP, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, CRP Grasslands and the Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) are ongoing. The CRP Grasslands deadline is May 15, and the SHIPP signup begins March 30, 2020, and ends August 21, 2020. 

Continuous and Grasslands enrollments are available nationwide.  All counties located within the Prairie Pothole region states of Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota are eligible for SHIPP.   

This spring, FSA will roll out a new pilot conservation program, the Clean Lakes, Estuaries, and Rivers 30 (CLEAR 30).

USDA Service Centers are open for business by phone appointment only and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While our program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with our producers by phone, and using online tools whenever possible. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or any other Service Center agency are required to call their Service Center to schedule a phone appointment. More information can be found at farmers.gov/coronavirus

For state-by-state information on general signup results, visit www.fsa.usda.gov/crp.


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

Community Christian Joins First Methodist Church In Feeding Local Families That Need A Meal

Community Christian Church, across from Fort Scott Community College on Horton Street. File photo.

Members of Community Christian Church, 1919 S. Horton, will be feeding families in need as a drive-by.

The first meal offering was last night.

“We served 159 people last night,” Gayle Sackett, a member of Community Christian Church said.

Community Christian Church members prepare the to-go boxes for the free meal offered the community on March 30. Submitted photo.
“We will be serving on Monday night from 5 to 6 pm.  Everyone is welcome. Enter the church parking lot across from Fort Scott Community College. Drive along the south side of the building then turn left. No need to get out of your car. We will hand your meal through your car window.”

Names will be taken of anyone eating a meal, she said.

Community Christian Church members prepare for the drive-by recipients on March 30. Submitted photo.

The church members believe there is a need for families currently, with many people losing jobs, she said.

“There is a greater need, right now,” Sackett said.


“It’s the same principle as the Feeding Families In His Name,” she said.

Feeding Families In His Name, a ministry of the First Methodist Church has been offering a free meal on Wednesday evenings for nine years, Jean Tucker, coordinator, said.

First United Methodist Church, 301 S. National. File photo.

“When Gayle Sackett called me, the group wanted to go under Feeding Families umbrella,” Tucker said. “I am so excited they are doing this.”

FFIHN is a 501 3c organization that receives food commodities from the Department of Agriculture and goes through the Department of Children and Families.

“CCC is using our commodities, they will augment that with other donations,” Tucker said.

First Methodist Church is located at Third and National Avenue.

Access to the free Wednesday evening meal is behind the church in the alley between Main and National Avenue. That meal is from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

There, individuals and families will be served to-go boxes.

Tucker wanted to thank the volunteers that help.

“We have a very dedicated group of volunteers,” she said. “Just a few come to cook.”

The need for meals is increasing, as evidenced by the number of people who have received free meals in March at the Methodist Church.

“Two weeks ago it was 180 people, last week 210, this week we are planning for 230,” Tucker said.



The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now.

When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain non-profits and other employers.

This guide provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to address these needs, as well as some additional tax provisions that are outside the scope of SBA.

To keep up to date on when these programs become available, please stay in contact with your local Small Business Administration (SBA) District Office, which you can locate here.

Struggling to get started? The following questions might help point you in the right direction.

Do you need:
• Capital to cover the cost of retaining employees? Then the Paycheck Protection Program might be right for you.
• A quick infusion of a smaller amount of cash to cover you right now? You might want to look into an Emergency Economic Injury Grant.
• To ease your fears about keeping up with payments on your current or potential SBA loan? The Small Business Debt Relief Program could help.
• Just some quality, free counseling to help you navigate this uncertain economic time? The resource partners might be your best bet.

Already know what resources you’re looking for? The table of contents can direct you to more information about the program or assistance product you need.

Table of Contents
Paycheck Protection Program Loans
Small Business Debt Relief Program
Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Emergency Economic Injury Grants
Small Business Counseling
Small Business Contracting
Small Business Tax Provisions


Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans
The program would provide cash-flow assistance through 100 percent federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll during this emergency. If employers maintain their payroll, the loans would be forgiven, which would help workers remain employed, as well as help affected small businesses and our economy snap-back quicker after the crisis.

PPP has a host of attractive features, such as forgiveness of up to 8 weeks of payroll based on employee retention and salary levels, no SBA fees, and at least six months of deferral with maximum deferrals of up to a year.

Small businesses and other eligible entities will be able to apply if they were harmed by COVID-19 between February 15, 2020 and June 30, 2020. This program would be retroactive to February 15, 2020, in order to help bring workers who may have already been laid off back onto payrolls. Loans are available through June 30, 2020.



What types of businesses and entities are eligible for a PPP loan?
• Businesses and entities must have been in operation on February 15, 2020.
• Small business concerns, as well as any business concern, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, a 501(c)(19) veterans organization, or Tribal business concern described in section 31(b)(2)(C) that has fewer than 500 employees, or the applicable size standard in number of employees for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industry as provided by SBA, if higher.
• Individuals who operate a sole proprietorship or as an independent contractor and eligible self-employed individuals.
• Any business concern that employs not more than 500 employees per physical location of the business concern and that is assigned a NAICS code beginning with 72, for which the affiliation rules are waived.
• Affiliation rules are also waived for any business concern operating as a franchise that is assigned a franchise identifier code by the Administration, and company that receives funding through a Small Business Investment Company.

What are affiliation rules?
Affiliation rules become important when SBA is deciding whether a business’s affiliations preclude them from being considered “small.” Generally, affiliation exists when one business controls or has the power to control another or when a third party (or parties) controls or has the power to control both businesses. Please see this resource for more on these rules and how they can impact your business’s eligibility.

What types of non-profits are eligible?
In general, 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) non-profits with 500 employees or fewer as most non-profit SBA size standards are based on revenue, not employee number. You can check here.
FAQ’s continue on the next page!
How is the loan size determined?
Depending on your business’s situation, the loan size will be calculated in different ways (see below). The maximum loan size is always $10 million.
• If you were in business February 15, 2019 – June 30, 2019: Your max loan is equal to 250 percent of your average monthly payroll costs during that time period. If your business employs seasonal workers, you can opt to choose March 1, 2019 as your time period start date.
• If you were not in business between February 15, 2019 – June 30, 2019: Your max loan is equal to 250 percent of your average monthly payroll costs between January 1, 2020 and February 29, 2020.
• If you took out an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) between February 15, 2020 and June 30, 2020 and you want to refinance that loan into a PPP loan, you would add the outstanding loan amount to the payroll sum.

What costs are eligible for payroll?
• Compensation (salary, wage, commission, or similar compensation, payment of cash tip or equivalent)
• Payment for vacation, parental, family, medical, or sick leave
• Allowance for dismissal or separation
• Payment required for the provisions of group health care benefits, including insurance premiums
• Payment of any retirement benefit
• Payment of State or local tax assessed on the compensation of employees

What costs are not eligible for payroll?
• Employee/owner compensation over $100,000
• Taxes imposed or withheld under chapters 21, 22, and 24 of the IRS code
• Compensation of employees whose principal place of residence is outside of the U.S.
• Qualified sick and family leave for which a credit is allowed under sections 7001 and 7003 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

What are allowable uses of loan proceeds?
• Payroll costs (as noted above)
• Costs related to the continuation of group health care benefits during periods of paid sick, medical, or family leave, and insurance premiums
• Employee salaries, commissions, or similar compensations (see exclusions above)
• Payments of interest on any mortgage obligation (which shall not include any prepayment of or payment of principal on a mortgage obligation)
• Rent (including rent under a lease agreement)
• Utilities
• Interest on any other debt obligations that were incurred before the covered period
FAQ’s continue on the next page!

What are the loan term, interest rate, and fees?
For any amounts not forgiven, the maximum term is 10 years, the maximum interest rate is 4 percent, zero loan fees, zero prepayment fee (SBA will establish application fees caps for lenders that charge).
How is the forgiveness amount calculated?
Forgiveness on a covered loan is equal to the sum of the following payroll costs incurred during the covered 8 week period compared to the previous year or time period, proportionate to maintaining employees and wages (excluding compensation over $100,000):
• Payroll costs plus any payment of interest on any covered mortgage obligation (not including any prepayment or payment of principal on a covered mortgage obligation) plus any payment on any covered rent obligation plus and any covered utility payment.

How do I get forgiveness on my PPP loan?
You must apply through your lender for forgiveness on your loan. In this application, you must include:
• Documentation verifying the number of employees on payroll and pay rates, including IRS payroll tax filings and State income, payroll and unemployment insurance filings.
• Documentation verifying payments on covered mortgage obligations, lease obligations, and utilities.
• Certification from a representative of your business or organization that is authorized to certify that the documentation provided is true and that the amount that is being forgiven was used in accordance with the program’s guidelines for use.

What happens after the forgiveness period?
Any loan amounts not forgiven are carried forward as an ongoing loan with max terms of 10 years, at a maximum interest rate of 4%. Principal and interest will continue to be deferred, for a total of 6 months to a year after disbursement of the loan. The clock does not start again.

Can I get more than one PPP loan?
No, an entity is limited to one PPP loan. Each loan will be registered under a Taxpayer Identification Number at SBA to prevent multiple loans to the same entity.

Where should I go to get a PPP loan from?
All current SBA 7(a) lenders (see more about 7(a) here) are eligible lenders for PPP. The Department of Treasury will also be in charge of authorizing new lenders, including non-bank lenders, to help meet the needs of small business owners.

How does the PPP loan coordinate with SBA’s existing loans?
Borrowers may apply for PPP loans and other SBA financial assistance, including Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs), 7(a) loans, 504 loans, and microloans, and also receive investment capital from Small Business Investment Corporations (SBICs). However, you cannot use your PPP loan for the same purpose as your other SBA loan(s). For example, if you use your PPP to cover payroll for the 8-week covered period, you cannot use a different SBA loan product for payroll for those same costs in that period, although you could use it for payroll not during that period or for different workers.

How does the PPP loan work with the temporary Emergency Economic Injury Grants and the Small Business Debt Relief program?
Emergency Economic Injury Grant and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) recipients and those who receive loan payment relief through the Small Business Debt Relief Program may apply for and take out a PPP loan as long as there is no duplication in the uses of funds. Refer to those sections for more information.

Small Business Debt Relief Program
This program will provide immediate relief to small businesses with non-disaster SBA loans, in particular 7(a), 504, and microloans. Under it, SBA will cover all loan payments on these SBA loans, including principal, interest, and fees, for six months. This relief will also be available to new borrowers who take out loans within six months of the President signing the bill into law.


Which SBA loans are eligible for debt relief under this program?
7(a) loans not made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), 504 loans, and microloans. Disaster loans are not eligible (see p. 7 for more information on these).

How does debt relief under this program work with a PPP loan?
Borrowers may separately apply for and take out a PPP loan, but debt relief under this program will not apply to a PPP loan.

How do I know if I’m eligible for a 7(a), 504, or microloan?
In general, businesses must meet size standards, be based in the U.S., be able to repay, and have a sound business purpose. To check whether your business is considered small, you will need your business’s 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and 3-year average annual revenue. Each program has different requirements, see https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans for more details.

What is a 7(a) loan and how do I apply?
7(a) loans are an affordable loan product of up to $5 million for borrowers who lack credit elsewhere and need access to versatile financing, providing short-term or long-term working capital and to purchase an existing business, refinance current business debt, or purchase furniture, fixtures and supplies. In the program, banks share a portion of the risk of the loan with SBA. There are many different types of 7(a) loans, you can visit this site to find the one that’s best for you. You apply for a 7(a) loan with a bank or a mission-based lender. SBA has a free referral service tool called Lender Match to help find a lender near you.

What is a 504 loan and how do I apply?
The 504 Loan Program provides loans of up to $5.5 million to approved small businesses with long-term, fixed-rate financing used to acquire fixed assets for expansion or modernization. It is a good option if you need to purchase real estate, buildings, and machinery. You apply through a Certified Development Company, which is a nonprofit corporation that promotes economic development. SBA has a free referral service tool called Lender Match to help find a lender near you.

What is a microloan and how do I apply?
The Microloan Program provides loans up to $50,000 to help small businesses and certain not-for-profit childcare centers to start up and expand. The average microloan is about $13,000. These loans are delivered through mission-based lenders who are also able to provide business counseling. SBA has a free referral service tool called Lender Match to help find a microlender near you.

I am unfamiliar with SBA loans, can anyone help me apply?
Yes, SBA resource partners are available to help guide you through the loan application process. You can find your nearest Small Business Development Center (SBDC) or Women’s Business Center here.


Economic Injury Disaster Loans & Emergency Economic Injury Grants
These grants provide an emergency advance of up to $10,000 to small businesses and private non-profits harmed by COVID-19 within three days of applying for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). To access the advance, you first apply for an EIDL and then request the advance. The advance does not need to be repaid under any circumstance, and may be used to keep employees on payroll, to pay for sick leave, meet increased production costs due to supply chain disruptions, or pay business obligations, including debts, rent and mortgage payments.

Are businesses and private non-profits in my state eligible for an EIDL related to COVID-19?
Yes, those suffering substantial economic injury in all 50 states, DC, and the territories may apply for an EIDL.

What is an EIDL and what is it used for?
EIDLs are lower interest loans of up to $2 million, with principal and interest deferment at the Administrator’s discretion, that are available to pay for expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred, including payroll and other operating expenses.

Who is eligible for an EIDL?
Those eligible are the following with 500 or fewer employees:
• Sole proprietorships, with or without employees
• Independent contractors
• Cooperatives and employee owned businesses
• Tribal small businesses
Small business concerns and small agricultural cooperatives that meet the applicable size standard for SBA are also eligible, as well as most private non-profits of any size. See below for more info on size standards.

My private non-profit is not a 501(c)(3). Is it still eligible for an EIDL and a grant?
Yes, if you are a private non-profit with an effective ruling letter from the IRS, granting tax exemption under sections 501(c), (d), or (e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or if you can provide satisfactory evidence from the State that the non-revenue producing organization or entity is a non-profit one organized or doing business under State law. However, a recipient that is principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling, or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs, whether in a religious or secular setting, or primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities is not eligible to receive an EIDL. If you are uncertain whether you qualify, please consult with legal counsel to determine whether your organization meets program criteria.

Who is eligible for an Emergency Economic Injury Grant?
Those eligible for an EIDL and who have been in operation since January 31, 2020, when the public health crisis was announced.

How long are Emergency Economic Injury Grants available?
January 31, 2020 – December 31, 2020. The grants are backdated to January 31, 2020 to allow those who have already applied for EIDLs to be eligible to also receive a grant.

If I get an EIDL and/or an Emergency Economic Injury Grant, can I get a PPP loan?
Whether you’ve already received an EIDL unrelated to COVID-19 or you receive a COVID-19 related EIDL and/or Emergency Grant between January 31, 2020 and June 30, 2020, you may also apply for a PPP loan. If you ultimately receive a PPP loan or refinance an EIDL into a PPP loan, any advance amount received under the Emergency Economic Injury Grant Program would be subtracted from the amount forgiven in the PPP. However, you cannot use your EIDL for the same purpose as your PPP loan. For example, if you use your EIDL to cover payroll for certain workers in April, you cannot use PPP for payroll for those same workers in April, although you could use it for payroll in March or for different workers in April.

How do I know if my business is a small business?
Please visit https://www.sba.gov/size-standards/ to find out if your business meets SBA’s small business size standards. You will need the 6-digit North American Industry Classification Code for your business and your business’s 3-year average annual revenue.

How do I apply for an economic injury disaster loan?
To apply for an EIDL online, please visit https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/. Your SBA District Office is an important resource when applying for SBA assistance.

I am unfamiliar with the EIDL process, can anyone help me apply?
Yes, SBA resource partners are available to help guide you through the EIDL application process. You can find the nearest Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Women’s Business Center, or SCORE mentorship chapter at https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/find/.

Counseling & Training
If you, like many small business owners, need a business counselor to help guide you through this uncertain time, you can turn to your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Women’s Business Center (WBC), or SCORE mentorship chapter. These resource partners, and the associations that represent them, will receive additional funds to expand their reach and better support small business owners with counseling and up-to-date information regarding COVID-19. There will soon be a joint platform that consolidates information and resources related to COVID-19 in order to provide consistent, timely information to small businesses. To find a local resource partner, visit https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/find/.
In addition, the Minority Business Development Agency’s Business Centers (MBDCs), which cater to minority business enterprises of all sizes, will also receive funding to hire staff and provide programming to help their clients respond to COVID-19. Not every state has a MBDC. To find out if there is one that services your area, visit this site.

Do I have to pay for counseling and training through SBDCs, WBCs, and MBDCs?
Counseling is free and training is low-cost with these partners. The additional funds that Congress provided will help keep this possible. Mentorship through SCORE is always free.

What is a SBDC?
SBDCs are a national network of nearly 1,000 centers that are located at leading universities, colleges, state economic development agencies and private partners. They provide counseling and training to new and existing businesses. Each state has a lead center that coordinates services specifically for that state, which you can find by clicking the link above. To find out more about SBDCs, visit https://americassbdc.org/about-us/.

What is a WBC; is it only for women?
WBCs are a national network of more than 100 centers that offer one-on-one counseling, training, networking, workshops, technical assistance and mentoring to entrepreneurs on numerous business development topics. In addition to women, WBCs are mandated to serve the needs of underserved entrepreneurs, including low-income entrepreneurs. They often offer flexible hours to meet the needs of their diverse clientele. To find out more about WBCs, visit https://www.awbc.org/.

What is SCORE?
SCORE provides free, confidential business advice through our volunteer network of 10,000+ business experts. You can meet with a mentor online. Find out more here.

Who do MBDCs serve?
MBDCs are a good option for minority-owned businesses (including those owned by Black, Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and American Indian business owners), especially those seeking to penetrate new markets — domestic & global — and grow in size and scale.

If you are a government contractor, there are a number of ways that Congress has provided relief and protection for your business. Agencies will be able to modify terms and conditions of a contract and to reimburse contractors at a billing rate of up to 40 hours per week of any paid leave, including sick leave. The contractors eligible are those whose employees or subcontractors cannot perform work on site and cannot telework due to federal facilities closing because of COVID-19.
If you need additional assistance, please reach out to your local Small Business Development Center, Women’s Business Center, SCORE chapter, or SBA District Office. You should also work with your agency’s contracting officer, as well as the agency’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).

Small Business Tax Provisions
Employee Retention Credit for Employers Subject to Closure or Experiencing Economic Hardship
This provision would provide a refundable payroll tax credit for 50 percent of wages paid by eligible employers to certain employees during the COVID-19 crisis. The credit is available to employers, including non-profits, whose operations have been fully or partially suspended as a result of a government order limiting commerce, travel or group meetings. The credit is also provided to employers who have experienced a greater than 50 percent reduction in quarterly receipts, measured on a year-over-year basis.
Wages of employees who are furloughed or face reduced hours as a result of their employer’s closure or economic hardship are eligible for the credit. For employers with 100 or fewer full-time employees, all employee wages are eligible, regardless of whether an employee is furloughed. The credit is provided for wages and compensation, including health benefits, and is provided for the first $10,000 in wages and compensation paid by the employer to an eligible employee. Wages do not include those taken into account for purposes of the payroll credits for required paid sick leave or required paid family leave, nor for wages taken into account for the employer credit for paid family and medical leave (IRC sec. 45S).
• The credit is not available to employers receiving assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program. The credit is provided through December 31, 2020.
Delay of Payment of Employer Payroll Taxes
This provision would allow taxpayers to defer paying the employer portion of certain payroll taxes through the end of 2020, with all 2020 deferred amounts due in two equal installments, one at the end of 2021, the other at the end of 2022. Payroll taxes that can be deferred include the employer portion of FICA taxes, the employer and employee representative portion of Railroad Retirement taxes (that are attributable to the employer FICA rate), and half of SECA tax liability.
• Deferral is not provided to employers receiving assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program.

Legislative Update by State Senator Caryn Tyson

March 27, 2020


Before the last week of session, the Governor had signed only one bill into law that dealt with a cemetery near Wichita, but that changed.


The Kansas Legislature passed a budget for 2021 that is beyond belief.  It contains a $1.2 billion increase in total spending.  It increases the State General Fund (SGF) by over 9%.  It is over-the-top spending in this time of national crisis.  After thanking the legislature for passing the budget, the Governor admonished legislators for spending over $100 million more than she requested and she requested a lot.  This budget’s Billion dollar increase only allots $50 million for the pandemic and $15 million for emergency equipment.  This budget thumbs its nose at the situation before us.  Knowing the state is going to face a drastic decrease in revenue, less taxes collected; income tax, sales tax, fuel tax, and other taxes and fees; knowing taxpayers are facing unforeseen hardships; knowing funds will need to be redirected, why would anyone commit to this budget.  The excuse used to pass it by some was, ‘maybe it can be fixed when we’re back in session.’  Once in law, changes become difficult.  I voted no on this reckless overspending spree of a budget, Senate Bill 66.


SB 173, the 10-year transportation plan includes language for new construction, maintenance, and increasing broadband infrastructure.  The bill passed 37 Yes to 2 No votes.  I voted Yes.  The bill was signed into law.

SB 322 would make permanent the removal of sales tax on vehicle rebates.  If the law doesn’t pass by June 2021, then for example, a new vehicle listing for $30,000 has a rebate of $5,000 so you would pay $25,000 for the vehicle but you would pay sales tax on the $30,000.  I offered an amendment to remove sales tax on all manufacturer coupons.  You shouldn’t pay sales tax on money you didn’t spend.  I voted Yes with 34 Senators. Two Senators voted No.

Senate Substitute for House Bill 2054 would allow banks tax breaks on certain loans currently enjoyed by credit unions.  It would also allow credit unions to increase membership.  It passed 29 Yes to 5 No votes.  I voted Yes.

House Bill (HB) 2595 eliminates the 30-day delay before state surplus can be sold.  I voted no.  Instead of removing the 30 days, there should be more restrictions.  An example is the private auction of state confiscated deer antlers.  The Minority Leader hosted a private auction in his office that only allowed two parties to bid on the antlers, the landowner where the deer died after being poached and Bass Pro.  The bill passed 36 Yes to 3 No votes and was signed into law.

HB 2168 combined SB 225 and SB 409, increasing bed taxes on nursing homes and hospitals to get more federal funding.  It will increase the cost to self-payers and health insurance because insurance companies will pass the cost to their customers.  I voted against these tax increases.  The bill passed on a vote 33 Yes to 6 No votes and was signed into law.


Legislation 101 Senate Bill (SB) 294, the bill we are following in these updates, that brings transparency to your property tax increases, had a hearing March 16 in the House Tax Committee.  The Committee did not take action.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.


Look-Out For New COVID 19 Scams

Barbara Stockebrand. K-State Extension Agent.

I seem to hit the fraud and scams topic fairly frequently. However, the landscape scammers work within is constantly changing, and scammers are crafty in learning new ways of reaching their targets. With the current climate created with COVID-19, more doors are cracking open for scammers to wiggle in and take advantage of unsuspecting victims. While we all need to be on guard, our older adults in our communities are still prime targets for scams.

Now that we are all spending more time in our home setting, the phones may be ringing more frequently. Along with the extra calls, we may be seeing more solicitations through email. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns of these potential scams:

Undelivered products – Online sellers claim to have much needed products, such as cleaning, health, and medical supplies. These could include offers for vaccinations and home test kits. You can place an order, but then it is never delivered.

Most anyone can set up an online shop. Be sure to research the company name online before ordering with words such as “review,” “complaint,” or “scam.” If things check out, pay with a credit card and keep a copy of your transaction.

There currently are no vaccines or products to treat COVID-19. Neither are there any Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized home test kits for the Coronavirus.

Fake charities – If you are looking for ways to help during this major health event, know that scammers use these same events to find ways to take advantage of good people’s generosity. Scammers will often set up charities that have similar names to those used by real charities. Do your homework and research before you donate. Again, if the proposed charity checks out, pay with a credit card. Never use a gift card or use a wire transfer.

Fake emails, texts and phishing – Scammers are very clever in getting their targets to share personal information, such as account numbers, Social Security numbers or passwords. Once they get a piece or two of personal information, they can steal your money or your identity.

Phishing emails lure targets to click on links within an email that can allow scammers to gain access to your computer. To make these phishing emails more realistic, they often use familiar company names and official logos from existing companies. Protect your computer by keeping your software up-to-date. This should include allowing automatic updates to your cell phone.

We have heard that as a part of the stimulus package being considered, that individual households may be receiving some future money direct from the government. While our pocketbooks could use an influx of cash right now, don’t respond to calls, texts, or emails relating to checks from the government.

Know that the government will not ask you to pay anything up front to get this money if it truly comes about. The government will not ask for your Social Security number, bank accounts or other personal information. Anyone who does ask for this kind of information or tells you they can get the money to you now is a scammer.

Robocalls – Scammers are using illegal robocalls to promote scams on various Coronavirus treatments and work-at-home schemes. Hang up on robocalls. Don’t press any numbers. Pressing a number will likely lead to more robocalls.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions relating to the Coronavirus. As we move forward into this uncharted territory, stay on your toes and question anything that may sound a little shady – especially those unsolicited requests involving money. Your money is yours, and you should be the one that decides how it is spent.

The FTC asks that if you come across any scams or suspicious claims, report them to the FTC by going to ftc.gov/complaint. The FTC wants to stop scammers as much as we as individuals would like to see scammer activity cease.



Bourbon County Commission Agenda March 31


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: March 31, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

Special Meeting

10:00am – Executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel – the meeting will take place over the telephone. The meeting can be viewed on the Bourbon County Facebook page.