April 19, 2024
Regular Session Ends with many pieces of legislation being sent to the Governor’s desk – too many to cover in this update. All legislation can be found at www.kslegislature.org. Here are some highlights of changes in law that have passed both chambers and signed by the Governor:
- SB 336 removes the requirement that underground storage tank operating permits are renewed annually. It passed the Senate unanimously.
- SB 399 changes the deadline for vehicle sales reports from the 20th to the 25th of each month for vehicle dealers and for salvage dealers. It passed the Senate unanimously.
- SB 424 establishes the Kansas Plan Coordinate System by adopting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Geodetic Survey. It passed unanimously.
- SB 430 substantially increases workers compensation and provides coverage for members of the Kansas National Guard. It passed unanimously.
- HB 2453 puts Kansas in an interstate Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact so they could practice in other states that are in the program. It is our state allowing another group to decide the parameters for Kansas. I do not support these efforts, as Kansas is a sovereign state and we should govern as such. The bill passed the Senate 38 to 2.
- HB 2536 establishes SOUL as a permanency legal option for children who are 16 or older. It passed the Senate unanimously.
- HB 2604 increases the Small Claims court maximum from $4,000 to $10,000. It hadn’t been changed since 2004. It passed unanimously in the Senate.
- HB 2783 prohibits any state agency, city, or county from restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on the energy source of the vehicle. It passed the Senate 25 to 15. I voted Yes.
Veto Session begins with 12 bills vetoed. That number could increase as the Governor hasn’t responded to the mega tax relief bill or other legislation. The legislature could start voting on veto overrides April 26th. You would think it would be fairly easy to override the vetoes, but there are 165 legislators, and some are not always able to make it to the Capitol. In my years of service, I have not missed a day of session. It is not always easy because life happens, but I am committed to representing you. Thank you for your support and the opportunity to serve.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.
Thank you so much Ms. Tyson. I appreciate you for taking the time to break down the activities of the legislature. I am impressed with your dedication and your attendance, we don’t find those attributes very often any more.