If you know of a Fort Scott link, please leave it in the comments so we can add it to the page.
- Community Christian Church
- Grace Baptist Tabernacle
- Fort Scott United Methodist Church
- Fort Scott First Church of God
- Faith Church
- Fort Scott Nazarene Church
- Bethel Community Baptist Church
- Ruddick’s Furniture
- Atkins Insurance Agency
- Fort Scott Livestock Market
- Bartelsmeyer Jewelry
- RII Concrete Construction, LLC
- Armstrong Pressure Washing
Restaurant links to add:
La Hacienda Fort Scott: http://www.lahaciendafortscott.com/
Liberty Theatre & Crooner’s Lounge: http://www.fortscottliberty.com/
Papa Don’s Pizza: http://www.papadonspizza.net/
Hot Wok Chinese Buffett: http://www.hotwokchinesebuffet.com/
Subway: https://order.subway.com/Cart/Menu2.aspx?r=218396560
Sonic: https://locations.sonicdrivein.com/ks/fort-scott/1708-s–national.html
Taco Bell: https://locations.tacobell.com/ks/fort-scott/2305-south-main.html?utm_source=yext&utm_campaign=googlelistings&utm_medium=referral&utm_term=020463&utm_content=website
Casey’s Pizza: https://www.caseys.com/general-store/3399/ks/fort-scott/2216-s-main-st
You need to list in the church section that of “Trinity Lutheran Church ”
2824 South Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Fort Scott American Legion Thompson-Harkey Post 25
Last week at the budget session when I asked for an additional $500,000 for a street improvement program, all I got was why we could not do that. They (city staff and commissioners) asked me “where do you want to cut”? The $1 M that is in the proposed budget is equal to the original $400,000 that was in the 1983 budget before the voters passed the 1% sales tax for street improvements. In the proposed budget for the streets we can have one or the other… maintenance or street improvements. We are now getting a little of each… maintenance on a crises basis and improvements starting in July. We need a full time maintenance crew and a full time improvement program. Both could be funded with the sales tax money that we the voters voted for in 1983 and again in 1987 (that money was to be used for street improvements), the gasoline tax that is by law to be used for street maintenance, etc., and the state connecting link money to be used for highway maintenance. This would amount to approximately $1.5 M. Using the carry over from last year (which they are proposing for the current budget) would add another $116,000 to the budget. That would give us $1.616 M for both programs. (According to the resolution we passed in 1987 for the 1% sales tax, we the citizens have the right to specify what we want to use the money generated for). With that amount we could get some work done, get our streets cleaned up, pot holes patched, cracks filled, storm drains cleaned out and other things I am not mentioning. All we have to do to make that happen is to show up en-mass at the budget hearing and protest the proposed budget. They have to listen to the wants of the citizens. I’m calling for 500 citizens to be there for the protest… I’ll be there, will you? I would like to hear from those 500 by liking this post! BTW we will be having 5 to 10 thousand alumni in FS in June of next year. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could show them a town that is on the move, instead of a town “with bumpy streets”?