Women’s Right To Vote Exhibit Reception Oct. 8

Lowell Milken Center Announces October 8th, 2021


In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote, the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes invites all to attend a reception and unveiling for the new exhibit/panel on Friday, October 8th at 3:30pm. The Center will honor unsung heroes and African American suffragists Carrie Langston Hughes and Mamie Dillard with a reception including wine and cheese, fruit and dessert, and music. This event is sponsored by a grant from Humanities Kansas and will be followed up in November with a cultural arts presentation on women’s suffrage and a community book read, Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.”

About Humanities Kansas: Humanities Kansas is an independent nonprofit spearheading a movement of ideas to empower the people of Kansas to strengthen their communities and our democracy. Since 1972, our pioneering programming, grants, and partnerships have documented and shared stories to spark conversation and generate insights. Together with our partners and supporters, we inspire all Kansans to draw on history, literature, ethics, and culture to enrich their lives and serve the communities and state we all proudly call home. Visit humanitieskansas.org.

About the Lowell Milken Center: The Lowell Milken Center is a non-profit 501 © (3) that works with students and educators within a range of diverse academic disciplines, to develop projects focused on unsung heroes.


Chamber to host Election Candidate Forum

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces an Election Candidate Forum will be held on Wednesday, October 20th at Memorial Hall, 1 E. 3rd St. in Fort Scott. The forum will feature candidates for the races of USD 234 School Board, Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees, and Fort Scott City Commission. Doors will open for a Meet & Greet with the candidates at 5:30 p.m. and the forum will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Residents of the community are encouraged to submit questions for the candidates to the Chamber by Monday, October 18th at 1:00 p.m. Questions may be emailed to information@fortscott.com, mailed to 231 E. Wall St., or dropped off in person. The forum will also be broadcast live on the Facebook page Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce. Candidates in these races are asked to RSVP to the Chamber by October 13th to confirm attendance.

Contact the Chamber for more information at 620-223-3566.


Coalition Meeting Agenda For Oct. 6

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda

October 6, 2021

  1. Welcome:

Thanks to Nancy for chairing the meeting!

  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:
  1. Program: Jody Hoener, Healthy Bourbon County.

November program will be an update on Communities in Schools presented by Rhonda Hoener and Lewis Dunkeson.

  1. Open Forum:
  • Discussion: Would it be better to meet from 1:00 – 2:00 starting in January?
  • Discussion: Do we need to find a location with reliable internet connection where combination meetings (face-to-face and Zoom) can be held?
  1. Adjournment: Next General Membership meeting will be November 3, 2021.

For those who can’t attend in person on Wednesday, October 6th via Zoom on the noon hour:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 4713 3102
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K-3 Hwy. closed on Oct. 11 for wind turbine crane move (revised date)


K-3 will be closed from K-39 south to K-47 on Monday, Oct 11. The daylong closure will start at 7 a.m., when a wind tower crane will be moved across the highway between Birch Road in Bourbon County and Arrowhead Road at the Bourbon-Crawford county line.


A detour will be signed on K-146, U.S. 59 and K-39. Traffic should use the detour and other alternate routes. Persons with questions may call Kansas Department of Transportation Area Superintendent Derrick Shannon at (620) 901-6550 or Public Affairs Manager Priscilla Petersen at (620) 902-6433.


Map: www.kandrive.org




Kansas Conservation of Aquatic Species Measures

Public Comment Encouraged on Proposed Agreements to Protect 14 Aquatic Species in Kansas

PRATT – The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) seek public comments on a proposed programmatic Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) and programmatic Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA) designed for 14 aquatic species in Kansas. If approved, the CCAA/SHA would allow the KDWP and USFWS to work with willing landowners to implement conservation measures and recovery efforts for the 14 species listed in the agreement, which are designated as either Species in Need of Conservation or threatened or endangered in Kansas. In turn, these agreements allow landowners and neighbors to receive protections should the species be listed as threatened or endangered or if landowners and neighbors accidentally harm any of the sensitive species in the course of their work.

“This is a really novel approach to proactively recovering sensitive Kansas species and protecting landowners and their neighbors while allowing them to farm and ranch as they always have,” said KDWP Secretary Brad Loveless.

CCAAs and SHAs are voluntary agreements between private landowners and the USFWS designed to reduce threats to federally-listed or at-risk species. The five federally-listed species in Kansas that would be covered by the proposed SHA are the Topeka ShinerNeosho MucketArkansas River ShinerRabbitsfoot mussel, and Neosho Madtom.

CCAAs afford protections for species that are not listed under the protection of the Endangered Species Act but are still considered “at risk.” This is accomplished by providing assurances to enrolled landowners who implement various conservation activities that the landowner will not be subject to additional restrictions should the covered species be listed under the Endangered Species Act. The nine species that would be covered by the CCAA in Kansas are the Alligator Snapping Turtle, Peppered Chub, Plains Minnow, Silver Chub, Hornyhead Chub, Butterfly mussel, Fluted Shell mussel, Cylindrical Papershell mussel, and Flat Floater mussel.

SHAs are voluntary agreements involving private landowners whose actions contribute to the recovery of species listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In exchange for actions that contribute to the recovery of listed species, landowners receive assurances that they will not be required to implement any additional or different management activities. In addition, at the end of the agreement period, participants may return the enrolled property to the baseline conditions that existed when they initially enrolled.

“The Kansas Livestock Association supports voluntary conservation efforts that recognize the important role of private landowners,” said Matt Teagarden, Chief Executive Officer of the Kansas Livestock Association. “These types of programs have proven to be effective in supporting sensitive species.”

If finalized, the programmatic CCAA/SHA would allow KDWP to enroll interested landowners in Kansas and allow or continue proactive conservation of the covered species ­­– activities such as the introduction, reintroduction, augmentation, and translocation of the covered species, and habitat protection or enhancement for the covered species. Incidental take of the covered species as a result of the implementation of such conservation measures or ongoing land management activities on enrolled lands would also be allowed under the programmatic CCAA/SHA.

“As our nation’s original conservationists, farmers and ranchers understand how important it is to preserve and enhance our natural resources,” said Kansas Farm Bureau President Rich Felts. “Kansas Farm Bureau supports the development of voluntary, incentive-based conservation management plans, like these proposed agreements, that will help increase or maintain the population of target species, making a threatened or endangered listing for them unnecessary.”

Interested parties may submit comment on the proposed programmatic CCAA/SHA through October 15. To submit comments, parties may use one of the methods listed below. When submitting information requests or comments, please make reference to the “Kansas Aquatic SHA/CCAA.”

Online: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the instructions for submitting comments to Docket Number FWS–R6–ES–2021–0056.

U.S. Mail: Public Comments Processing, Attn: Docket No. FWS–R6–ES–2021–0056; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: PRB/3W; 5275 Leesburg Pike; Falls Church, VA 22041–3803.

For more information about CCAAs, SHAs and this project, visit https://www.fws.gov/kansases/landownertools.php. Or, contact Gibran Suleiman, USFWS biologist, at (785) 539-3474 ext. 114, via email at gibran_suleiman@fws.gov, or via the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.


Grants To Support Child Care Providers

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Additional Grants to Support Child Care Providers in Kansas

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that Child Care Aware of Kansas, in partnership with Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF), is launching a second round of Child Care Sustainability Grants to aid child care providers in meeting the costs of operating their business.

Grant awards will range from $5,000 for family child care programs to $60,000 for large centers.

“At the height of the pandemic, the Child Care Sustainability grant program supported nearly 3,200 child care centers in Kansas, allowing them to stay open when families needed them most,” Governor Kelly said. “As we grow the economy, this second round of grants will provide the continued support our child care facilities need to stay open and to ensure that Kansas families have access to safe, quality child care.”

“Time and again we heard from child care providers that as families sheltered in place during the pandemic, they were faced with difficult decisions involving staffing, operating expenses and even providing classroom supplies,” Kansas DCF Secretary Laura Howard said. “We are confident the second round of grants will continue to provide needed support to child care providers and offer one less worry for Kansas families.”

The Child Care Sustainability grant application will be available via the Child Care Aware of Kansas website beginning Oct. 1, 2021, and must be received by 5 p.m., Nov. 5, 2021. To be considered for funding, child care programs must maintain an active permanent license with Kansas Department of Health and Environment, whether they remain open or temporarily closed.

Funds may be used for any normal operational expenses, additional expenses the child care program has due to meeting CDC guidance for mitigating the spread of COVID-19, and other activities necessary to maintain or resume the operation of programs.

“Child care providers are essential to parents’ ability to work, especially at a time when child care is in such short supply. Financial support from these grants will stabilize our existing child care infrastructure, ensuring that parents have a safe, nurturing environment for their young children,” Kelly Davydov, Executive Director, said.

For more information about the Child Care Sustainability Grants, visit https://ks.childcareaware.org.

Health Department Provides Free Parenting Classes Starting Oct. 14

Free Parenting Classes

The Bourbon County Health Department is offering Parenting the Love and Logic Way®! This curriculum was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster W. Cline, M.D. of the Love and Logic Institute Inc. in Golden, Colorado. Parenting the Love and Logic Way® will be presented in six sessions beginning October 14th by Jan and Dave Elliott, who are independent facilitators of the curriculum.

Completion of Parenting the Love and Logic Way® consists of participating in six sessions: October 14th, October 21st, October 28th, November 4th, November 11th, and November 18th, all beginning at 6:00 PM.

The course will be offered at the Bourbon County Health Department at 524 S. Lowman. There is no charge for participation in Parenting the Love and Logic Way® and space is limited. Pre-registration is required. To register, please call the Health Department at 620-223-4464. The deadline to register is Thursday, October 7th.

Miles Woodworking: “A Pretty Good Team”

Mike and Danyell Miles. Submitted photo.

Mike and Danyell Miles started their business, Miles Woodworking, in 2010 when they couldn’t find the right dining table.

“My wife showed me one and I built it,” Mike said. “Then I said ‘You know we could build and sell these.’ The rest is history.”

A cabinet creation by Miles Woodworking. Submitted photo.

“We have been doing this for over 10 years now,” he said. “It’s fun and enjoyable because every order is different. Sometimes we get repeat orders, but mostly they are a different scheme.”

Dining tables, bedroom sets, buffets, cornhole sets, and shuffleboards up to 20 feet long, kitchen cabinets, kitchen islands, and desks are some of their past creations.

A desk that was created by Miles Woodworking. From their Facebook page.

“We take custom orders,” Miles said. ” The client generally shows us what they want and we create that for them. My wife is the brains of the operation, she designs it. I build it. We make a pretty good team.”

The same year they began their business, they also started taking their creations to Sugar Mound Arts Festival, he said. “We showcase all of our new seasonal products there. That’s next weekend.”

For more information contact Miles Woodworking at 620.224.4724 or mikemiles33@hotmail.com



New Overland Park Hospital Opens

Governor Laura Kelly Celebrates New AdventHealth South Overland Park Hospital

OVERLAND PARK –  Governor Laura Kelly yesterday celebrated the grand opening of the AdventHealth South Overland Park Hospital, the Kansas City metro’s first new, full-service hospital in 15 years.

“I want to thank AdventHealth for anticipating and responding to the increased need for health care in this area,” Governor Kelly said. “My administration will continue to work with our hospitals during the pandemic and beyond to ensure that they have what they need to provide quality health services for Kansans.”

The 193,000-square-foot addition to the Bluhawk development was designed to provide patients with access to a full suite of medical and emergency services when it opens in early October 2021. The addition includes a birth center, surgical services, intensive care unit, heart care and more.

“Our patients have demonstrated clear need for expanded services in southern Johnson County and surrounding communities, and we are thrilled to provide these with our whole-person care approach,” Alan Verrill, MD, chief executive officer for AdventHealth South Overland Park, said. “Our facilities and our staff provide so much more than medicine by caring for our patients’ body, mind and spirit and we are proud to have the opportunity to deliver this care in a beautiful, high-quality facility.”

New Wildlife Conservation Bill Applauded by KS Governor

Governor Laura Kelly Applauds Kansas Delegation Members for Bipartisan Support for Wildlife Conservation, Extinctions Prevention

~Governor Kelly Thanks Senators Moran, Marshall, Rep. Davids, Continues to Push All Kansas Delegation for Passage of Recovering America’s Wildlife Act~

TOPEKA — Governor Laura Kelly applauds Senators Jerry Moran and Roger Marshall and Representative Sharice Davids for their bipartisan support of the most significant wildlife conservation bill seen in nearly half a century: The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). The bipartisan bill will devote $1.4 billion annually to locally-led efforts – including $17.6 million to Kansas – to help prevent extinctions and help at-risk wildlife species. More than 280 local species would benefit from the bill, including lesser prairie chickens, barn owls and swift foxes.

Since 2017, Kansas Wildlife and Parks has advocated for RAWA and its many benefits to Kansas native wildlife and plants which are at risk. The bipartisan bill requires state agencies to work with locally led wildlife restoration efforts and interested Kansas partners to help conserve sensitive species in Kansas and keep them off protected lists. In Kansas, 98% of land is privately owned, and KDWP staff have the technical expertise and long-standing relationships with landowners that will accomplish the tasks of increasing habitat quality and reversing habitat loss trends.

“Conserving sensitive species in Kansas is an all hands-on-deck project, requiring vital collaboration from our federal delegation, our restoration and conservation organizations, and our local landowners,” Governor Kelly said. “Voluntary programs like this give us the resources we need to support both landowners and the species. I appreciate Kansas’ congressional delegation’s work to create a healthy environment that supports all of our native plant, fish and animal species.”

The money to fund the Act comes from civil or criminal penalties and fines generated from violations of environmental and natural resources laws and regulations. At least 15 percent of the funds will be used to help species already designated as endangered or threatened. Federally recognized tribal nations, such as the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of the Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas, would share $97.5 million annually to fund wildlife conservation efforts on tribal lands.

“We’re facing a critical period with many sensitive species in precipitous decline. This is the most important piece of wildlife legislation in the past fifty years because of the help it offers,” Brad Loveless, Secretary of Kansas Wildlife and Parks said. “Ultimately, helping species recover and stay off of protected lists is in everyone’s best interest. By signing on as bill cosponsors in the House and Senate, Rep Davids and Senators Marshall and Moran are leading the way, and all of Kansas is grateful.”

“The Kansas Wildlife Federation is excited for Senators Moran and Marshall and Rep Davids’ engagement in this bipartisan process. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is a once in a generation opportunity to do something great for wildlife and we thank these legislators for being part of this on behalf of all Kansans,” Jeff Seim, Board President, Kansas Wildlife Federation said.