All posts by Clayton Whitson

Presbyterian Village Annual Auction and Dinner

Fort Scott, KS
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This Wednesday, May 13th, the Presbyterian Village is hosting their annual Good Samaritan Auction and Dinner. The Village is a wonderful, not for profit independent and assisted living community that provides excellence in service guided by Christian values.
Part of the Good Samaritan program provides assistance for seniors that have outlived their financial resources and allows them to continue to receive services at the Village. This is only made possible by generous donations and the Village’s once a year fundraiser: dinner and auction.
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Live auction begins at 5:30pm, donations appreciated ($5 / ticket or $10 for 3 tickets) for a chance to win a 4-day, 3-night vacation package to the Ozarks in Branson!Tickets may be purchased from any Presbyterian Village Board Member or at the Village office. Tickets for dinner are $8.50 in advance & $10.00 at the door. Meal provided by Chicken Annie’s- you can choose to dine-in or carry-out! Call the Village to order early to get the $8.50 price, orders need to be placed by 8:30am, Wednesday morning.
Presbyterian Village:
2401 S Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701

National Day of Prayer at FSCC

Fort Scott, KS

Last Thursday, almost 100 city leaders and community members gather at FSCC  Ellis Fine Arts building to observe the National Day of Prayer.

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The National Day of Prayer was established in 1952 by Harry S. Truman. Since then, events like Thursday morning’s prayer breakfast has been happening around the nation ever since.

Dona Bauer, President of the Pioneer Kiwanis started the meeting followed by an opening prayer by Pastor Scott Moore, Church of the Nazarene. Sarah Mae Lamar shared special music accompanied by Jeremy Culbertson followed by a short message from Pastor Tim Woodring, Community Christian Church.

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This event was generously sponsored by: Cheney Witt Funeral Chapel, FSCC, FS Area Chamber of Commerce, FS Ministerial Alliance and FS Pioneer Kiwanis.

Fort Scott City-Wide Garage Sale

This year’s Spring Town-wide Garage Sale has over 50 participants! The map & listing are shown below, or stop by the Chamber, Bids & Dibs, the Smoke Shop, County Cupboard, Main Street Gallery & Gifts, Pete’s at 6th & National and Pete’s on Wall Street to pick up a printed copy. Maps & Listings are also available online at!

THANK YOU to everyone who registered w/the Chamber!
Additional events taking place this weekend include:
Friday & Saturday: Pioneer Harvest Swap Meet @ Fairgrounds
Friday & Saturday: 50-min. narrated tours of Fort Scott, 1oam-4pm on the hour, $5 adults, $4 children
Friday & Saturday:  Fort Scott National Historic Site open for touring,
8am-5pm, 12 buildings w/exhibits & cell phone tour, and 20-min. film
for viewing in the newly remodeled auditorium.
Friday: Dinner Theatre @ Common Ground “Rumors” by FSCC,
Dinner 6:30pm, Show 7:30pm
Friday:  Holmtown Pub presents live music by “Eastbound” featuring
Todd East on the patio, 9pm.
Saturday: Farmers’ Market, Skubitz Plaza, 8am-noon
Saturday & Sunday:  Two Girls & a Zoo open to the public
Sat. 10am-7pm, Sun. 12-6pm

Faith Christian Church Reaches Out to Guatemala

Fort Scott, KS

Faith Christian church is hosting a garage sale this Saturday starting at 8 am. Items will be sold for a donation and the funds will go to help the 10 Guatemala Mission trip team members and provide for the ministry activities on the trip.

Ministry activities will include: home visits to two impoverished families to pray and deliver food staples along with gifts, ministry to students at a local school, visit and prayers for patients at a regional hospital, and building a house for a homeless family. The sale will be held at 1201 S. National. Maybe you don’t have extra cash,  but need to clean our your garage, you can drop off your things to sell starting at 1 pm on Friday at the sale location. 

If you have further questions, please contact Matthew Wells 417-684-1714.


Top picture is Tomasa, a widow and two of her five boys during a special visit in her home last year. The second picture is the guys with a mother and daughter after making much needed repairs to their home last year. All four of those guys will be going again the year. Team members this year are: Greg, Carie, Connor, and Gibson Fess; Rhonda Myers; Matthew Wells; Paul Wilson; Kasey Eaton; Kaylee Coombs; and Brady Simpson.

FSCC Presents Urinetown, the Musical

Fort Scott, KS
Starting Thursday night, FSCC Theatre is presenting their Spring Musical. The cast and crew have been working hard for nearly two months to get this show ready.
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Urinetown, the musical is this Thursday-Saturday 7:30, Friday noon and Sunday at 2pm! Tickets are only $5! The show challenges and pokes fun at: capitalism, corrupt government, bureaucracy and even musical theatre itself!!
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Producer Sarah Mae Lamar, commented, “this show is student directed by: Miss Carly Hyer, student choreographed by: Miss Natalie Pellow and student costumed by: Miss Amanda Longpine and Miss Krista Hightower! I am extremely proud of our FSCC Theatre department and their ability to take initiative to lead this production!”
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Cast and Crew:
•    Bobby Strong: Caleb Gazaway
•    Caldwell B. Caldwell: Chris Herman
•    Hope Cladwell: Taylor Schilling
•    Officer Lockstock: Alyx Thompson
•    Little Sally: Jaley Hoyt
•    Penelope Pennywise: Lori Hixon
•    Piano: Janderon Harrison
•    Trombone/Conductor: Michael Dzbenski
•    Alto/Soprano Saxophone: Ryan Goldberg
•    Soprano/Bass Clarinet: Bailey Seetin
•    Bass: Carson Felt
•    Musical Director: Michael Dzbenski
•    Choreographer: Natalie Pellow
•    Stage Manager: Amy Eisele
•    Assistant Stage Manager: Joshua Schellack
•    ASM2: Claira Hollingsead
•    Producer: Sarah Mae Lamar
•    Light Design: Linden Little
•    Light Board Operator: Grace Thomas
•    Sound Board Operator: Brenden Wood & Clayton Whitson
•    Set Design: Brenden & Nick Russell

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce Host Annual Awards Celebration

Fort Scott, KS

Last Thursday, March 26th, the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce celebrated 135 years and held their Annual Dinner and Awards Celebration at the Liberty Theater in downtown Fort Scott. There were plenty of activities throughout the evening.

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Kicking off with a silent auction and social kept the hundreds of guests busy while dinner was being prepared and served. After dinner, outstanding community members were  presented awards for their leadership and contributions to the community:

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  1. Agri-Business of the Year: Miller Feed & Oil Inc.
  2. Business Person of the Year: Dave Martin
  3. Young Professional of the Year: Heather Griffith
  4. Business of the Year: Firstsource Solutions USA
  5. New Business of the Year: Common Ground Coffee Co.
  6. Community Spirit Award: Craig Campbell
  7. Not an award – but recognized Outgoing chairman of the board, Barb Albright
  8. Mayor’s Award – Beth Nuss
  9. Keystone Award – Steve & Elaine Buerge (selected by the Chamber Board of Directors)

This wouldn’t have been possible without generous support of the community sponsors. Please click here to see the full program and sponsors. Following the awards, the evening was concluded with a live auction.

For more information about Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce:

231 East Wall Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701
FAX 620-223-3574

Fort Scott Community College presents Spring Musical

Fort Scott, KS –

Fort Scott Community College presents Urinetown, the Musical. Not fond of the title? Neither is the show. Within the first five minutes, the dialogue addresses the glaring problem. On April 9-12, you will have a chance to see for yourself what all the drama is about.

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Producer, Sarah Mae Lamar and Student Director Carly Hyer are enthusiastic about the production. The show is a musical satire, making fun of corrupt government, capitalism and even musical theatre. Lamar says this show stands out from other FSCC performances because, “this show starts to speak to things much deeper than what we have touched on thus far, like: corruption, lies, loss, radical ideas, and all veiled in a “happy musical”. It is much more demanding on our actors for the simple fact, the music and choreography is more demanding than previous shows! It is also a challenge for them to connect to these very real characters with real issues, while keeping the intention light hearted and comedic! This show is much more intellectually challenging for actor, audience and production team!”

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Lamar is also excited about the numerous ‘larger’ roles this production has to offer. “The students get to dig into characters that have to wrestle with societal implications and complex character development.” There are many themes the audience will be able to relate to: love, loss, taxes, governmental power and capitalism.

Student Director, Carly Hyer comments, “One of my favorite things about directing this show is seeing the growth of the actors. The cast has been amazing to be handed such a challenging show and to commit so fully in a direction that they’re not comfortable with. To see them learn is why I go home happy each night.”

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Producer: Sarah Mae Lamar
Student Director: Carly Hyer
Student Choreographer: Natalie Pellow
Student Costumers: Amanda Longpine and Krista Hightower
Student Pianist: Janderon Harrison
Musical Director: Michael Dzbenski

Dates and Times:
April 9-12
Thursday through Saturday at 7:30
Friday at Noon (student show)
Sunday at 2pm
All tickets are $5


Fort Scott Needs Your Support for the Western

The City of Fort Scott learned a few days ago that this year’s tax credit competition through the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation is highly competitive. Our downtown Western Building redevelopment project is dependent on the award of these tax credits.

We are asking for your assistance in writing a support letter to demonstrate how much the Fort Scott community is behind this project to save the Western Building. Below is some information about the project and talking points to personalize in your own letter. Thank you in advance for your help in revitalizing Fort Scott’s historic downtown.

The City of Fort Scott views this project as an excellent opportunity for economic development by taking underutilized property and redeveloping it for valuable use. We have worked diligently for several years with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, through the Brownfield’s program, to identify environmental hazards and determine potential future use for the former Western Insurance property. The Fort Scott City Commission voted unanimously in 2014 to commit $1,000,000 of city capital improvement funds to the project for environmental remediation consisting of mold and asbestos abatement. The Western Building Senior Apartments will be a significant improvement over the existing blighted structure.
The redevelopment will be focused on preserving the historical characteristics of the building while incorporating high-quality apartments. The attention to historic preservation of the building while offering modern amenities, embodies the spirit of Fort Scott as the hometown with a historic past and a promising future.
Please consider sending a personalized letter of support for the project. Some information to consider when drafting a letter (please do not copy and paste, but make the letter your own, as KHRC has seen this information in the City’s support letter):

* Fort Scott residents thoughtfully remember the former Western Insurance building as a thriving business and the center of commerce for this community.

* Saving the property from demolition, and converting it to much needed elderly housing, will preserve a significant piece of our city’s great history.

* The addition of 40 apartment units serving fixed-income seniors will help meet the current and future housing needs of our community.

* The setting of downtown is perfect for seniors that do not wish to travel far for services and activities.

* The housing project would be a neighbor to City Hall and there are a number of restaurants, retail, barber/salons, service-based businesses and attractions within walking distance.

* The successful completion of this project a critical component in the revitalization of our historic downtown. The project will be a catalyst for further developments in the downtown historic district.

* Local companies are expanding and working diligently to recruit employees to the area. A thriving downtown is a key consideration people take into account when relocating to a community for employment.

* The redevelopment of the Western Building property is not financially possible without the allocation of tax credits to an experienced developer of historic properties.

* It would be devastating to the Fort Scott community to allow the property to continue to deteriorate to the point of condemnation and ultimately demolition.

Address letters to:

Fred Bentley
Director of Rental Housing Development
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Email letters to:

DEADLINE: Friday March 20, 2015 (TOMORROW – at the time of publication)

Bourbon County Arts Council Host Exhibit

Fort Scott, Ks –
The Bourbon County Art Council is hosting their annual art exhibit and sale. This year marks the 23rd year the exhibit has been on display. Yesterday morning community members gathered in the Ellis Fine Arts building to participate in the exhibit and the Chamber coffee.

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Over 35 artists contributed to the exhibit this year. Artist ranged in age from 16-82 years old, including various types of media, from 19 cities across the region. Winners have been selected and the prizes have been provided by area businesses who support the arts including: H&H Realty, Landmark Bank, City State Bank, McDonald’s, Union State Bank, H&R Block, The Liberty Theatre, Fort Scott Broadcasting, Ward Kraft and individual donors.

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If you haven’t made it out to see the exhibit, today is the last day the art display will be open, Friday, March 13th from noon to 7pm.

Presbyterian Village to Host Annual Auction

Fort Scott, Kan. – Now that it’s warming up outside, it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning. As you identify the things you no longer need, consider donating those items to the annual Fort Scott Presbyterian Village fundraiser.

“You may look at it and see junk, but others may look at it and see a collectible or a useful tool or the start to a new hobby,” said Executive Director Ginger Nance.

Stop by 2401 S. Horton during regular business hours, in the evening or on weekends, to drop off your donation. For pick-up and delivery of heavy items, call 620-223-5550 to make arrangements.

“Used hobby items are always popular at the auction, such a golf cart you no longer use, fishing tackle, that flat-bottom boat that’s been sitting out back untouched for a few years, household items, knick knacks and even some of those old farm equipment pieces you don’t use anymore,” Nance said. “The possibilities are endless, and everything will go at the auction, including that vintage jewelry you haven’t worn in years and the old furniture pieces you plan to replace with your income tax return.” Do you have a vehicle you no longer drive that you are tired of paying insurance to keep? Consider donating it to the Presbyterian Village’s Good Samaritan auction.

Items do not have to be old. New items are appreciated, as well. A receipt for your donation can be given to you to utilize when thinking about your taxes for next year. It’s a win, win for everyone involved!

Presbyterian Village’s annual dinner and auction will take place in May. Proceeds stay local and go to the Village’s Good Samaritan Program, which helps to pay for a senior’s care who have outlived their financial resources through no fault of their own.

FSCC Hosts 2015 Spring Rodeo

Fort Scott, KS

Fort Scott Community College has had a rodeo program for nearly 40 years. Through those years, many students have been educated in many aspects of not only rodeo, but teamwork and many aspects of livestock, not to mention a few bumps and bruises.

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The rodeo can bring upwards of 3,000 visitors to our community which provides many economical benefits. The rodeo kicked off last Friday with events lasting through Sunday. Many events included: calf roping, breakaway, saddle bronc, goat tying, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing and bull riding are a few of the highlights.

If you missed this years rodeo, you’ll want to come and participate in the event. 2014-15 Rodeo Team consists of: Dillon Adolf, Cooper Belt, Austin Bond, Jaice Cross, Hunter Deckard, Colton Delgado, Dakota Eagleburger, Alex Edmonds, Brenton Esslinger, Enzo Ferretti, Sandro Ferretti, Nick Franchett, Amanda Garrett, Trey Gates, Wyatt Gewinner, Colton Goad, Austin Graham, Lane Hamm, Wyatt Hoggatt, Heather Humphrey, Colton Jennings, Matthew Jordan, Cody Kendall, Alex Lee, Wyatt Maines, Boyd Miller, Ryan Myers, Dylan Schulenberg, Katelin Silovsky, Dillon Sondereggor, Ty Swiler, Timothy Tippman, Colton Wagoner, Jennifer Wisniewski, Breanna Wortman. Coached by Chad Cross and Assistant Coach Cali Griffin

Presbyterian Village in Fort Scott

Fort Scott, KS –

The Presbyterian Village in Fort Scott is one of 18 Manors across Kansas and Missouri. Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, the parent organization, is celebration 65 years of service this year. The local Village has been in our community for over 22 years.

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The Village is truly a remarkable resource in our community. Their mission statement is: “As a Presbyterian Manor or Mid-American Community, we provide quality senior services guided by Christian Principles.” “This is truly what sets our services apart,” said Director, Ginger Nance. “We see caring for people as a ministry and I believe you can tell that as soon as you enter the doors.”

Nance is clearly passionate about her service at the Village. She has a personal relationship with each staff and resident on site and is involved at every level. The big project she is focused on is “Founder’s Day,” a large celebration on April 21st. It’s open to the public and is a major fundraiser that helps the Village, a non-profit, continue to offer services.

Many aspects of the Village are open to the public. There are many “lifelong learning” classes for residents, but open to the public. Also, in the upcoming months, they are hoping to operate a small bistro / coffee shop open to the public and families visiting. Nance is always looking for volunteer speakers on just about anything from creative classes to finance to Bible studies.

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The Village has 45 apartments, both single bedroom and double bedroom, with covered parking option. They are licensed for 62 people and are set up for both independent or assisted living scenarios. Please click on the gallery to see a sample layout of the rooms.  Nance is very active and happy to talk with anyone who has questions about their mission or services.

Address: 2401 South Horton Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701