FortFest Fills Riverfront Park With Activity

Carts are available for those who need rides to the parking areas.

The annual Fort Fest continues until tonight at Riverfront Park, on North National Avenue.

The event highlights Blues bands from across the area.

At 1 p.m. the Howard Mahan Band with Miki P entertained guests. At 3 p.m. Sister Lucille, at 5 p.m. the Arkansas Brothers, and at 7 p.m. the Divas on Fire. People were enjoying the Blues musicians on lawn chairs and blankets.

In addition, arts and crafts, food and drink vendors, a cornhole tournament, a BBQ contest, along with a kid’s fair and petting zoo, and other happenings kept attendees entertained and fed.

The event benefits Care to Share a local helping organization that provides support to cancer fighters and their families.

The Care to Share group had a silent auction and bake sale at the pavilion at Riverfront Park.


Rollin’ Nostagalia Car Show was one of the many activities at the FortFest 23 on Sept. 30.
Max’s Axe House had a temporary place to demonstrate the sport.


Bo Co Commission Agenda for Oct. 2


Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832

Bourbon County, Kansas

Nelson Blythe

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

October 2, 2023 5:30 p.m.



  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute Followed by Prayer
  • Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 9-25-2023
    2. Approval of Payroll Totaling $416.24
  1. Public Comments
  2. Department Updates
    1. Public Works
    2. County Clerk
  3. Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk-Real Property Relief Application-202 Holbrook
  • Susan Walker, CFO
    1. Approval of Open Enrollment Letter
    2. Approval of Disability Insurance-Assurity
    3. Approval of Cancer Insurance-Prosperity
    4. Approval of Northwestern Mutual Life Options
  • Jim Harris-Executive Session KSA 75-4319 (b)(4)
  1. Commission Comments
  2. Adjourn Meeting

Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the  representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.


Payroll 9-26-2023

Fall Means Pioneer Harvest Fiesta

Fall has arrived and that means it is time for Pioneer Harvest Fiesta.

A parade on Thursday evening, October 5 at 6 p.m., starts the busy weekend.

Come join us at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds with activities for all ages.  Groups of school children will be there on Friday to see how their ancestors had to work hard to harvest their crops, saw the wood, crush rocks and more.  Demonstrations will be throughout the show, October 6, 7, and 8.

Live music and a Sunday morning service will be in the entertainment tent.

The quilt show will be in the Myers Building.  Quilts can be brought for display on Thursday, October 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.   The quilt show will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday during Pioneer Harvest Fiesta and noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday.

Please call Jackie Warren for more information 620-224-8161.

A car show is being added to Pioneer Harvest Fiesta!

The 25-year-old or older vehicles will be on exhibit Saturday, October 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., parked at the north end of the fairgrounds.

For more information, please call President Craig Shikles, 417-425-4552 or Vice President Larry Richard, 620-249-4385.

If you would like to be a vendor, call Delphine Parks, 262-416-6720.

Habits to Live a Healthier Life


Tara Soloman-Smith, Family and Wellness Agent, Sunflower District of Kansas State University’s Extension Office. Submitted photo.


The secret to living healthier, happier and longer lives has been out for many years now.  Decades-long research from explorer Dan Buettner reports areas of the world where people seemed to be living longer and healthier and termed the locations ‘Blue Zones’. His recent Netflix documentary gives a visual and is now trending as a top streaming pick.

The five original Blue Zones are in Italy, Costa Rica, Greece, Japan and California, with Singapore being added later.

So why do people in these areas live so long and so well? The answer is simple — lifestyle. Their lifestyle includes a healthful diet, daily exercise, and a low-stress style of living that focuses on family, purpose, religion, and meaning. Here are a few lifestyle aspects that Buettner has found in his research.

Move naturally.  If you are like me and do not like to go to the gym, you might be inspired by this one.  Those in the Blue Zones build movement naturally into their day by walking to the store, gardening, or sitting on the floor instead of lounging in a chair.

Downshift. This relates to stress relief. Here there is a lot of talk about mindfulness and reducing stress but in Blue Zones it seems to be a natural practice.  For example, in Okinawa, Japan, people take a minute every day to remember their ancestors. In Loma Linda, California, people take time to pray every day. In Greece, it’s an afternoon nap. In Italy, a Happy Hour.

Plant Slant and the 80% Rule.  Blue Zone diets include meat, however it’s about a tenth of the amount Americans eat.  Incorporate more plant-based foods, such as beans and nuts and green leafy vegetables and try ways to add herbs for flavoring. Another principle allows your stomach to catch up to your brain by eating only until your 80% full.

Build that Social Network with Purpose.  Blue zones have similar prioritization of family and community.  A network of support and a sense of belonging is good for the body and the soul.  This has often been found in a faith-based community, but it doesn’t have to be.  It can be accomplished within an interest group or through volunteer project work. We do know that habits are often contagious so surround yourself with others that inspire you to live a healthier life style!


There’s no quick fix or one thing that will create this all-encompassing health change. It requires dozens of small steps that can move us toward a healthier life.  We can start this within our home in small increments to improve connections, increase movement, and decrease stress.


For more information, contact Tara Solomon-Smith,, or call 620-244-3826.


# # #

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director of K-State Research and Extension, Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts.


Proposed Evergy Settlement Agreement If Approved: Approximately $5 More Per Month for Kansas Central Customers

A Proposed Settlement Agreement Has Been Filed in the
Evergy Rate Case, Now It’s Up to Commissioners to Decide

TOPEKA – This afternoon, the parties in the Evergy rate case filed a unanimous settlement agreement with the Kansas Corporation Commission covering all issues in the case.  The parties include KCC staff, Evergy, the Citizens Utility Ratepayer Board, and a variety of groups representing industrial, commercial, educational, and environmental interests.  The Commission still needs to evaluate the proposed settlement, and may approve, reject, or modify the agreement.

The Commission will conduct its hearing on the settlement agreement on Monday, October 9, 2023 at its Topeka office.  The hearing will be livestreamed on the Commission’s YouTube channel.  Limited public seating will also be available in the hearing room.  At the hearing, Commissioners will have an opportunity to hear from parties’ witnesses and ask questions before deciding whether or not to approve the agreement. A Commission order is due by December 21, 2023.

In its Application, Evergy sought a net revenue increase of $204 million (9.77% increase) for Evergy Kansas Central (formerly Westar) and a net revenue increase of $14 million (1.95% increase) for Evergy Kansas Metro (formerly KCP&L).  Under the settlement agreement, Evergy Kansas Central would receive a net revenue increase of $74 million (3.54% increase), and Evergy Kansas Metro would receive a net revenue decrease of $32.9 million (4.53% decrease). If the settlement agreement is approved, the average monthly impact to residential customers will be an increase of $4.64 per month for Evergy Kansas Central customers and a decrease of $6.07 per month for Evergy Metro customers.

A link to the proposed settlement agreement is available here .


What’s Happening in Fort Scott

What’s Happening in Fort Scott! September 29th Weekly Newsletter



Fort Scott National Historic Site

Daily Guided Tours: 10am & 1pm

Special activities all this weekend! See link below.

Visit your National Park!

Trolley Tours of Fort Scott

50-minute narrated historical tour

Every Friday & Saturday on the hour

Fridays 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

Saturdays 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm

$6 adults, $4 12 & under, leaves from the Chamber

Click this link: The Artificers

October pottery class/workshop

schedule, a creative space for all ages!

BINGO hosted by the American Legion Post 25 every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month unless it falls on a holiday. Doors open at 6pm and Bingo starts at 7pm at Memorial Hall.

9/29 ~ The Artificers presents Darrell Williams Opening & Reception, 6-9pm, click here for more info!

9/29 ~ Kick off FortFest23 with a street dance featuring Danny Brown & the Bourbon County Revival starting at 7pm, and Left of Center with Lori Hixon starting at 9pm, see flyer below for more info!

9/29 ~ Dance Party 4-5th Grade followed by Middle School, Buck Run Community Center, 4th-5th 5-7pm, 6th-8th 7:15pm-8:45pm, sponsored by FS Youth Cheer, $5 entry

9/29 ~ Chicken Fried Steak Dinner hosted by the Knights of Columbus, free will offering, proceeds go to rebuilding of Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church, 5-7pm, click here for more info!

9/29-10/31~ Scarefest Haunted House & Clark Street Lights Display, $1 donation to enter 5+, entry comes with free popcorn and cotton candy,

see flyer below for more info!

9/30 ~ FortFest23, 400 N. National (Riverfront Park), BLUES FESTIVAL, free games/live music/BBQ Contest/Food Trucks/ FUN/ and much more, bring chairs and blankets as limited seating, free will donation, click here for more info!

9/30 ~ Children’s Business Fair at the Farmers’ Market, free business workshop taught by Small Business Development Center, 8am-12pm, stop by and check out our local young entrepreneurs!

9/30 ~ Special Saturday Chamber Coffee at Kansas Rocks Recreation Park, join us at 8:30am to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of KRRP, click herefor more info!

9/30 ~ Red Bull Imagination sponsored by

E3 Ranch, click here for tickets!

9/30 ~ Elks Lodge 579 Benefit Golf Tournament for Christmas Baskets, 4-person scramble, click here for more info!

10/3 ~ Downtown Meet & Greet at City State Bank, 202 State Ave, 8am-9am. Click here for more info!

10/3 ~ Remembering When the Flood of 1986, Join John Free at Hedgehog.INK! and share your stories, 2-4pm

10/5-7 ~ 20th Annual Gordon Parks Celebration, great events and sessions to celebrate 20 wonderful years, click here for the full schedule of events!

10/5 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by the Gordon Parks Museum, 2108 Horton St, 8am.

10/5 ~ Pioneer Harvest Parade in Downtown Fort Scott, 6pm, click here to register a float or for more info!

10/5 ~ FSHS Homecoming Pep Rally Bonfire, community bonfire held in the rear parking lot in the old Mercy Hospital Building, this event is free and begins at 7pm.

10/6-8 ~ Pioneer Harvest Fiesta 67th Anniversary, one of the oldest steam & gas engine shows in Kansas, click here for more info!

10/6 ~ Mural Unveiling – First Kansas Colored Infantry Mural, the mural will be on display at the north downtown building located at 9 S. Main St. near Skubitz Plaza, 4-4:30pm, click here for more info!

10/6 ~ FSHS Football vs. Chanute – Homecoming, 7pm

10/7 ~ Chamber member Kansas Crossing Casino presents Hairball in Concert, must be 21+ attend, click here for more info.

10/7 ~ Last Cruise in the Season, Sonic Parking lot, 1708 S. National, Sonic will be doing great giveaways, starts at 5:30pm, click here for more details!

10/7 ~ 2023 Alumni Baseball Game – Fundraiser for Spring Break Trip, gates open at 4:30pm, free will donation at gate, 50/50 drawing/silent auction/E3 burgers on the grill, click here for more info!

10/7 ~ Fall Plant Sale at Tri-Valley, in the Greenhouse 4305 Campbell Drive, 9am-1pm (while supplies last), click here for more info!

10/7 ~ FSCC Alumni Rodeo, 1pm Slack & 7:30pm Performance, see flyer below for more info!

10/7 ~ First Saturday Story Time at Hedgehog.INK! Bookstore, this event features a guest reader and an activity, 2:30-3:30pm, click here for more info!

10/12 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by Fort Scott Area Community Foundation @ Landmark National Bank, 200 S. Main St. 8am, 2023 Grants will be awarded.

10/14 ~ Royal-Tea Party hosted by FSHS Thespians, $10 per child (must be accompanied by an adult), each child can have a treat and make a project with each character, feel free to dress up too!


10/19 ~ Mill Creek Vet Clinic After Hours Open House and Ribbon Cutting, 5:30-7pm with remarks and cutting of the ribbon at 5:45pm

10/19 ~ Cato Days located between Pittsburg and Fort Scott (turn west on 720 and follow the signs),9am-2pm

10/28 ~ Halloween Parade & Festivities in Downtown Fort Scott, open to all ages, parade will begin at 11am starting at La Hacienda heading south to 2nd street then back around to the City Scales building, after the parade pizza and a drink will be handed out to kids in costumes. The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is asking for donations and businesses that are willing to pass out candy downtown, if you are interested email



Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!

Click here for Chamber member

specialty shopping & other retail in

Downtown & other areas of the community.

Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue

Calendar of Events

Special Event Features

THANK YOU Chamber Champion members!!

Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.

Join us for a Special Chamber Coffee hosted by Kansas Rocks Recreation Park!

Red Bull Imagination hosted by E3!

FortFest23 at Riverfront Park!

Downtown Meet & Greet at City State Bank!

Fort Scott Community College Alumni Rodeo!

Upcoming Movie Schedule @ Fort Cinema

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
231 E. Wall Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701
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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Flood of ’86 Remembered: Author John Freed at Hedgehog INK on Oct. 3

John Freed. Submitted photo.

John Freed was a graphic arts and photography instructor at Fort Scott Community College in October 1986, when the levy on Mill Creek burst.

Mill Creek feeds into the Marmaton River in the current Riverfront Park area.

On October 3, 1986, after nearly 20 inches of rain in 3 days, the Marmaton River crested at 52.5 feet, breaking the previous record set in 1915, according to information on the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce website.

The Fort Scott Cattle Sales Company released 250 head of cattle from their pens, according to the website. These cattle swam in the water, and three ended up on the roof of a home in Belltown, the area east of the cattle sales company.

Three cattle released from the cattle sale barn escaped the flooding Marmaton River by swimming to the roof of this house. John Freed took this photo. From the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce website.

The area between the Marmaton River Bridge on North National Avenue and U.S. Highway 54 was covered with several feet of fast-moving water.

Freed started taking photos of the historic event on the afternoon of October 3.

This was the beginning of his publication of the book, which is mostly a photo album with stories and poems from residents about the historic event, entitled the ’86 Flood. We Booked It Just For You.

He sponsored a photo contest for the book and over 1,500 photos were submitted by community members.

The stories of the flood were from local Fort Scott students and a few adults.

“Kids wrote the stories,” Freed said. “The superintendent of the schools made it mandatory that elementary, middle, and high school kids had to write an article for the book. The Catholic school students contributed as well. Fort Scott Community College students sent a few articles.”

“A few Panamanian students attending FSCC saw a bunch of Kansas National Guard helicopters that brought flood victims to the college because it was higher ground,” he said. “They thought America was being invaded. They wrote some stories. Theirs are written in Spanish, translated by the college Spanish instructor.”

“I resigned from FSCC and started my print shop a short time after the flood,” he said.  The print shop was located on Main Street, in a space now occupied by Papa Don’s Pizza.

The book was a long-term project.

“I  designed it, put it together,” he said. “It took weeks and I had considerable help from volunteers,” Freed said.

Freed judged the photos, and local English teachers judged the stories, and prizes were awarded to students for their contributions to the book.

The book was published in 1987.

A page from the book. Submitted photo.

In commemoration of the flood stories, he is promoting the book again at an author’s event at Hedgehog INK Bookstore at 16 S. Main Street on Oct. 3 from 2-4 p.m. There will be copies of the book for sale for $8.95, the original cost of the book in 1987, the year it was published.

“I want to encourage people that wrote in the book, to come a get a copy, if they don’t have one,” Freed said.

KS Hearing for Proposed Seed Law on Oct. 19

MANHATTAN, Kansas — A public hearing will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 19, 2023, to consider the adoption of proposed regulations that govern the administration of the Kansas Seed Law. The hearing will be held in person at the Kansas Department of Agriculture at 1320 Research Park Dr. in Manhattan, as well as via video conferencing system.

KDA is proposing four new regulations along with amendments to two existing regulations, all of which implement revisions and offer clarification to the Kansas Seed Law. The new regulations define terms, set guidelines about analysis to determine violations, establish a list of restricted weed seeds, establish a list of prohibited weed seeds, and clarify rules for seed labels.

For the most part, these changes implement revisions that were made to the Kansas Seed Law during the 2022 legislative session and also make minor clarifications. The only change imposed by these regulations that has the potential to have a practical effect on the agricultural seed industry is the addition of Caucasian bluestem and yellow bluestem seeds to the list of restricted weed seeds. This addition is proposed to help safeguard the agricultural industry from the threat of invasive weeds which is part of the agency’s mission to protect plant health.

KDA welcomes public input on any portion of the proposed regulations — especially the addition of the new species, including those species of Old World Bluestem — to the list of restricted weed seeds. Input can be shared on the public comment portion of the KDA website at prior to the hearing or sent to the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Dr., Manhattan, KS 66502. A copy of the proposed regulations, as well as an expanded notice of public hearing, may be accessed on that webpage as well.

Public comment will also be possible at the public hearing both for in-person and online participants. Anyone desiring to participate via video conference must pre-register at the Public Comment webpage to be provided with a video link.

Any individual with a disability may request accommodation to participate in the public hearing and may request a copy of the regulations in an accessible format. Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least five working days prior to the hearing. For more information, including special accommodations or a copy of the regulations, please contact Ronda Hutton at 785-564-6715 or


WHAT:          Public hearing on proposed Kansas Seed Law regulations

WHEN:          Thursday, October 19, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE:       Kansas Department of Agriculture

1320 Research Park Dr., Manhattan, Kansas

Or virtual: via video conferencing system


Hearing for Proposed Seed Law Regulations.pdf

Bourbon County Approved for Bridge Replacement Over Pawnee Creek and Hwy. 69 at Crawford County Line

KDOT announces approved September bids

The Kansas Department of Transportation announces approved bids for state highway construction and maintenance projects. The letting took place Sept. 20, 2023, in Topeka. Some of the bids may include multiple projects that have been bundled based on proximity and type of work.

District One — Northeast

Marshall ‑ 9‑58 KA‑7038‑01 ‑ K‑9, from K‑99/K‑9 north junction east to K‑87/K‑9 junction, milling and overlay, 4.5 miles, Hall Brothers Inc., Marysville, Kansas, $1,175,416.00.

Osage ‑ 70 C‑5146‑01 – County bridge, located 0.5 mile south and 4.0 miles east of Vassar over 110 Mile Creek, bridge replacement, 0.1 mile, King Construction Company Inc & Subsidiaries, Hesston, Kansas, $1,260,666.80.

Shawnee ‑ 89 C‑5033‑01 ‑ Shawnee County, Topeka Boulevard at 57th, University and Gary Ormsby, traffic signals, J Warren Company Inc., Topeka, Kansas, $1,759,278.50.

Statewide ‑ 36‑106 KA‑7109‑01 – U.S. 36, from the west city limits of Hiawatha east to the Brown/Doniphan county line; U.S. 73, from the south city limits of Hiawatha north to the north city limits of Hiawatha; U.S. 36, from the Brown/Doniphan county line east to the east city limits of Troy and then from the north city limits of Wathena east to the Kansas/Missouri state line, sealing, 33.7 miles, Vance Brothers Inc. and Subsidiary, Kansas City, Missouri, $1,792,246.60.

District Two — North Central

Dickinson ‑ 70‑21 KA‑7141‑01 ‑ I‑70, from 2.3 miles east of K‑43/I‑70 junction east to the Dickinson/Geary county line, pavement patching, 6.2 miles, Prado Construction LLC, Valley Center, Kansas, $2,032,974.50.

Geary ‑ 31 KA‑7123‑01 ‑ K‑57, from 0.2 mile east of U.S. 77/K‑57 junction east to the north city limits of Junction City; U.S. 77, from 0.02 mile south of U.S. 77/Lacy Drive junction north to 0.1 mile north of U.S. 77/Lacy Drive junction; U.S. 77, from 0.1 mile south of U.S. 77/Rucker Road junction north to 0.3 mile north of U.S. 77/Rucker Road junction, milling and overlay, 2.7 miles, Shilling Construction Co. Inc., Manhattan, Kansas, $2,067,478.15.

Statewide ‑ 28‑106 KA‑7056‑01 ‑ K‑28, from the Jewell/Cloud county line east to K‑9/K‑28 junction; K‑28, in Jewell county from K‑28/K‑148 junction east to the Jewell/Cloud county line, sealing, 22.9 miles, Heft and Sons LLC, Greensburg, Kansas, $818,311.00.

District Three — Northwest

Logan ‑ 83‑55 KA‑7002‑01 – U.S. 83, bridge #026 over Smoky Hill River located 6.8 miles north of the Scott/Logan county line, bridge repair, L & M Contractors Inc., Great Bend, Kansas, $259,709.50.

District Four — Southeast

Bourbon ‑ 6 C‑5152‑01 – County bridge, located 1.0 mile west and 2.8 miles north of Pawnee Station over Tributary to Pawnee Creek, bridge replacement, 0.1 mile, Mission Construction Co Inc., St. Paul, Kansas, $299,833.00.

Bourbon ‑ 69‑6 KA‑7178‑01 – U.S. 69, southbound lanes beginning 2.1 miles north of the Bourbon/Crawford county line north 3.8 miles, crack repair, 3.8 miles, Pavement Pro’s LLC, McPherson, Kansas, $82,780.00.

Miami ‑ 169‑61 KA‑6241‑02 – U.S. 169, beginning 3.9 miles south of K‑68/U.S. 169 (Baptiste Drive) junction to 1.4 miles south of the Miami/Johnson county line (northbound only), guard fence, 10.7 miles, Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, Kansas, $686,153.00.

Miami ‑ 69‑61 KA‑6055‑02 – U.S. 69, beginning 1.3 miles south of 359th Street north to 0.6 mile south of K‑68, guard fence, 10.8 miles, Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, Kansas, $841,828.75.

Woodson ‑ 54‑104 KA‑6726‑01 – U.S. 54, bridge #007 over Cherry Creek Overflow located 6.7 miles east of U.S. 75; bridge #008 over Cherry Creek located 6.8 miles east of U.S. 75, bridge repair, Mission Construction Co Inc., St. Paul, Kansas, $879,901.40.

Statewide ‑ 106 KA‑7173‑01 ‑ Various locations in Allen, Bourbon, Coffey, Franklin, Greenwood, Labette, Linn, Miami, Neosho, Wilson and Osage counties, mud jacking, Nortex Concrete Lift & Stabilization Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, $135,016.00.

District Five — South Central

Kingman ‑ 42‑48 KA‑6939‑01 ‑ K‑42, bridge #046 over Wild Horse Creek located 5.1 miles west of K‑14; bridge #067 over Chikaskia River located 7.3 miles west of K‑14, bridge repair, PBX Corporation & Subsidiary, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, $83,179.19.

Statewide ‑ 281‑106 KA‑7085‑01 – U.S. 281, from K‑19/U.S. 281 junction north to the Stafford/Barton county line; U.S. 281, from the Stafford/Barton county line north to 2.5 miles south of the south city limits of Great Bend; U.S. 281 from 2.5 miles south of the south city limits of Great Bend north to the south city limits of Great Bend, sealing, 13.7 miles, Venture Corporation, Great Bend, Kansas, $1,569,990.60.

District Six — Southwest

Ford ‑ 56‑29 KA‑6776‑01 – U.S. 56, bridge #064 over the Arkansas River located 2.6 miles northeast of U.S. 56/U.S. 283 south junction, bridge repair, PBX Corporation & Subsidiary, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, $293,370.03.


The following projects were held from the Aug. 23, 2023, letting.

Finney – 156-28 KA-6440-01 – K-156, from 130 feet east of 3rd/4th Street east to 300 feet west of Belmont Place, grading and surfacing, 0.2 mile, Smoky Hill LLC, Salina, Kansas, $1,413,165.31.

Comanche -17 C-5129-01 – Intersection of RS 711 and RS 963, intersection improvement, 1.0 mile, APAC-Kansas Inc. Shears Division, Hutchinson, Kansas, $540,237.05.



Letter to the Editor: Pete Allen

By the Book!

I have been preaching to city staff for the past 4 years, to do things “by the book”. That means using our written policies, ordinances, and procedures for accomplishing their stated duties with public funds. It is hard to do when the attitude perpetuated by our leaders is to “do whatever we want”.

Our past leaders have “done whatever they wanted” by ignoring ordinances, standards and procedures that have been put into place to protect the well-being, health and welfare of the citizens who fund the city. An example of this are the ordinances and statutes that require funds for user fees for our sewers and water to be used only for the purpose of funding the maintenance, operation, and replacement of those utilities. These ordinances and statutes are law and not up for discussion. Millions of dollars in Fort Scott have been “transferred” from our utility funds to other funds and never replaced. Therefore our utilities are in critical need of additional funding.

Doing it “by the book” was recently impressed upon our current leaders by the Kansas Department of Transportation with their direction on the repair of the water line break at 20th and 69. Our leaders decided they were going to do it their way and KDOT engineers said “NO”, you will do it by the book according to KDOT specifications and using KDOT approved materials! City leaders wanted to patch and repair to open the road to traffic, which is not an option in the state rule book but is an option in the Fort Scott city ordinance. City ordinances do not govern on a state highway.

I applaud KDOT for impressing upon the city that when we are using public funds, we use the book to govern our decisions. The “book” is the only thing that the taxpayers have to insure timely and quality work is being done. The goal of the government is to provide quality at the least possible cost. The “book” was written by experts in their field! Let’s use it!


Patty LaRoche. 2023.
Author: A Little Faith Lift…Finding Joy Beyond Rejection
AWSA (Advanced Writers & Speakers Assoc.)


I would love to see that invitation on the marquis of every Christian church, wouldn’t you?  Zig Ziglar tells of a time he invited a friend to go to church with him. The man answered, “Well, I’d like to go. But the church is so full of hypocrites.” Ziglar replied, “That’s okay. There’s always room for one more.”

Let’s face it.  We all are sinners.  If we were to appear before the local judge and charged with “talking the talk but not walking the walk,” we all would be behind bars.  Even King David, called “a man after God’s own heart,” was confronted by the prophet Nathan about this very thing.

The story cannot be read without being furious at David.  He is not content with being an adulterer.  Once he finds out his bed-mate Bathsheba is pregnant, he sets in motion plans to lay paternal responsibility on her husband, Uriah.  When that fails, David has Uriah killed.  Desperate measures for a desperate man, yet he refuses to repent.  We pick up the story in 2 Sam. 12:1-6 where God intervenes.

The Lord sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.

“Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him.”

 David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die!  He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.”

David is clueless as to Nathan’s motive.  I can only imagine how the king reacted when Nathan put his finger in the King’s face and announced, “You are the man!”  He then reminds David of all God has done for him and explains the repercussions of his actions: This is what the Lord says: “Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad daylight.  You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.”

All of which came true, and all which contributed to David’s repentance.

Hypocrisy is the #1 excuse for people looking for a reason not to come to church…or to Jesus, yet it is a defense that is terribly flawed.  As Josh McDowell and Don Stewart write in their book Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask About the Christian Faith, “Christianity does not stand or fall on the way Christians have acted throughout history or are acting today. Christianity stands or falls on the person of Jesus, and Jesus was not a hypocrite. He lived consistently with what He taught, and at the end of His life He challenged those who had lived with Him night and day, for over three years, to point out any hypocrisy in Him. His disciples were silent, because there was none.”

Every one of us is a hypocrite.  That’s because, as the Bible says, we are sinners.  The next time someone calls you that, tell them that they are right.  But also tell them that the only non-hypocrite to ever live died for your hypocrisy…and wants to do the same for them.