Bourbon County Commission Minutes of June 8

June 8, 2021                                       Tuesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.


Also present were the following: (some were present for a portion of the meeting and some were present for the entire meeting), Susan Bancroft, Mr. & Mrs. Clint Walker, Mark McCoy, Angel Wilson, Anne Dare, Donnie Coffman, Ryan Coon, Robert Coon and John Coon.


Justin Meeks asked the Commissioners to amend the agenda for a 20 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel to discuss a new hire.  Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to have a 20 minute executive session, Jim seconded and all approved.  Clifton made a motion to have a 20 minute executive session to discuss KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy (job performance), the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 9:23 am, Jim seconded and all approved.   At 9:23, Clifton made a motion to resume the meeting and said no action, Jim seconded and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to approve last week’s minutes, Jim seconded and all approved.


Eric Bailey presented a culvert application for 2485 Locust Road; Lynne made a motion to approve the culvert permit, Jim seconded and all approved.


Eric said he had a few individuals approach him requesting dust control, he said they filled out the permit that is posted on the County website (which states there is a fee), but said they said they hadn’t been charged for the dust control previously.  The fee is $1.50/linear foot.  Jim Harris said they would have been charged, but said they didn’t charge for dust control on roads approaching or near quarries.  The Commissioners said people wanting dust control needed to fill out the permit and that Eric should proceed with charging for the dust control.


Eric said they needed to build the road salt inventory; the Commissioners were ok with this.


Eric said the new miner training had been completed (MSHAW training).


Eric said the pilot light had gone out on the oil burner for the asphalt; he said they have called an electrician to fix this and will then do work in Hiattville and then on 250th.


Eric said they would be going to Arkansas on Wednesday to pick up the truck they had recently purchased.


Windfarm update: Eric said Jayhawk Wind is still working on private access roads.  He said he had received a text message recently regarding rock spilled on Highway 3, he said the truck driver had turned and lost about 3 five-gallon buckets of rock; he said within 10 minutes Jayhawk Wind had swept the rock from the road.  Eric said that Jayhawk Wind didn’t know if they would have excess dirt until towards the end of the project.


Lynne said he would report to Eric of an individual that wants gravel and tree trimming done on a dead-end road.


Justin Meeks asked that a road closure from KDOT for Highway 7 & 180th street be placed on next Tuesday’s agenda.


Lynne made a motion to approve the 2021 firework permits in Fort Scott for the following locations: Jake’s Fireworks @ Wall and Goodlander, Jake’s Fireworks at 2221 S. Main St., Jubilee Fireworks, LLC @ 2420 S. Main and Hale Fireworks, LLC @ 2409 S. Main, Clifton seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the permits.


Emergency Manager William Wallis met with the Commissioners to present his 2022 budget requests; for the Emergency Management Performance grant he received $17,814 in 2021 and budgeted to receive $18,000 in 2022.  For Emergency Preparedness he requested $59,739 in 2022, compared to the $57,739 he received in 2021; he said the requested increase is due to training exercises, traveling and supplies.


Michael Braim met with the Commissioners regarding Bourbon County Attorney, Jacqie Spradling; he said that Jacqie is liability to our County and said when prosecutors create misconduct and lets criminals walk free it is a liability for our safety and our town.  He said there is no insurance policy to cover when these lawsuits happen, but said it comes out of taxpayer’s dollars.  He said he had consulted lawyers; one of which directed him to the Beatrice 5, in Beatrice, Nebraska.  He said there was prosecutor misconduct which caused 5 people to get off and they sued which cost Beatrice $23 million.  He said that every case that comes through here now while she is prosecuting is suspect.  He said she is an elected official and there isn’t a lot the Commissioners can do.  He asked the Commissioners to have a vote of no confidence.  He said they can ask for a resignation.  He questioned why we are paying her a lot of money to possibly screw this up, he said they could possibly reduce her pay to encourage this to move along. He said there is a lot of public out-cry for this woman to be gone.  He said she was first appointed to this position and then ran unopposed the next time.  He asked why she is hiring special prosecutors.  He said she resigned in Allen County.  He questioned her picking James Braun, (Justin said they couldn’t discuss non-elected personnel.  Mr. Braim said we can’t afford this and hoped the Commissioners did the right thing.  Justin said he was instructed yesterday to follow up on this; he said there are 54 jury trials pending in Bourbon County, he said there should be some comfort that they haven’t happened yet.  Justin suggested that the Commissioners pend any action for a week.  The Commissioners asked that this be scheduled again on the June 15th agenda.  Justin warned the Commissioners to not string meeting (talking to more than one Commissioner in private about the same issue).  Justin said that if Jacqie were to no longer be the County Attorney the Republican party would select her replacement to fill the unexpired term.  Justin said an elected official can run their department as they see fit.  Anne Dare questioned her position being salaried and only being in Bourbon County a few times a month; Justin said the Bourbon County Attorney makes $51,000 yearly and the average salary for an attorney is $65-$70/hour, he said the Bourbon County Attorney is paid well under the average.  Anne Dare said when you look at the court docket the Assistant County Attorney is listed more often than the County Attorney for coming to court.  Justin said there is a high probability that we will have a new County Attorney in the future.  Mr. Walker said that Kansas Statute doesn’t require the County Attorney to be resident of the County they are elected in.  Mr. Braim questioned the cost to have a recall election, but others felt it would be better to just ride this out.  Justin said that Jacqie still has a license to practice law in Kansas.  Robert Coon said the panel has given the opinion of misconduct.  Clifton said the Commissioners hands are tied.  The Commissioners were reluctant to do anything and said by doing anything this could add more liability.


Lynne made a motion to sign the sewer bond documents, (tax certificate & Exhibit B -receipt for purchase price), Jim Seconded and all approved.  Jim made a motion to allow Lynne to sign the documents, Clifton seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the documents.


County Counselor Comment: Justin said they have stopped filing any new tax sale cases, he said there would be 100 cases for the first tax sale.  Justin said social media can be a problem when it comes to getting the truth of a matter, he said that opinions are great, but suggested maybe having someone as a fact checker on Facebook to say what has happened; the Commissioners asked that this be placed on the agenda next week for discussion.


Jim Harris asked Justin if they were making progress with the tower, Justin said they were going to use trucks to get the dishes off the tower to use the tower for internet.


Justin said he was meeting with Mr. Farmer this week regarding KDOT road issues south of town, he said they would also be talking about the sewer district.


Justin said he is dealing with the Secretary of State’s office regarding petition signatures required on a petition.


Justin said he has a cemetery issue he is working on and is dealing with old law, he said there are questions on how the boards are set up and how the budgets are done.  He said Susan Bancroft had volunteered to help with this cemetery issue.


Clifton made a motion to allow Jim to help Eric with soybean issues at the Landfill, Lynne seconded and all approved.


Justin said since they had an executive session, he will be talking with the chairman to make sure he has everything he needs.


Public Comment: Denise Duncan met with the Commissioners.  She presented a farm winery permit for the Kansas Department of Revenue Alcoholic Beverage Control for Vinedo del Alamo at 2304 Poplar Road.  She asked that the Commissioners approve Kendell Mason to sign the permit.  They have had a permit, but have expanded the winery plan to the next barn.  She said they first planted the vines in 2011 and opened in 2015.  She discussed the traffic in the area and said that Poplar Road is the only feeder road that isn’t a paved road, and said she thought it would be a good road to pave.  Lynne made a motion to allow Kendell to sign the permit, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Susan Bancroft met with the Commissioners: she said Clifton had asked for a wage schedule, so she provided this.


Lynne said that Eric Bailey was losing some key employees and said they had discussions over having progressive wages, Lynne said Eric was willing to give up a position to do this.  Justin gave the Commissioners salary comparisons from other Counties (from 2017) and gave them data on the declining population.  He said the valuation is going up.


Justin complimented KDOT on their road project (Highway 69).


There was a brief discussion regarding the County budget timeline and the new RNR enacted.


Commissioner Comment: Regarding the budget and mill levy- Clifton said they had talked about having townhall meetings to find out what people want and what they want to fund and said they need to start this process.  Susan volunteered to be a facilitator for these meetings and will get the meetings set up.


At 10:44, Clifton made a motion to adjourn, Jim seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

June 15, 2021, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of June 1


June 1, 2021                                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.


Also present were the following, (some were present for a portion of the meeting and some were present for the entire meeting), Susan Bancroft, Bill Martin, Ben Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Clint Walker and Mark McCoy.


Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 25th & May 27th Commission meeting, Jim seconded and all approved and signed the minutes.


Road & Bridge supervisor Eric Bailey met with the Commissioners, he reported they did some ditching and opened the tubes at 195th & Hackberry.


Eric reminded the Commissioners of the MSHAW training from Wednesday – Friday this week.


Eric said they pulled the shoulders near 250th & Arrowhead.


Eric said the F750 truck they are purchasing is ready and they will be picking it up next week.


Eric said the a/c is out of the Mack truck, but is still under warranty.  The Freightliner is at Inland for repairs for the bushings.  Eric said all the tractors are operating and mowing the sides of the roads.


Eric said he and Susan Bancroft had met with Don George and the paperwork had been sent off regarding the CFAP grant for possible dam repairs at Elm Creek Lake.  Lynne said they can use the Federal money for the matching portion of the grant to fix the dam.


Jayhawk Wind update:  Eric said they are battling moisture due the recent rains.  They ditched an area at 60th & Birch where water had been standing.  Weather permitting, Jayhawk Wind will be trenching this week on private property.  Jim Harris said it might be possible for Jayhawk Wind to put excess dirt north of the Laroche Ballpark.


Rebecca Johnson with SEK Multi County Health Department met with the Commissioners to present the 2022 budget; she requested $90,750 (the same amount as was granted for the 2021 budget).  Along with their normal duties, they have been dealing with COVID-19 issues, such as case investigations, contact tracing, COVID phone calls, quarantine letters, provided COVID public guidance, provided COVID recovery, mask education & distribution, distributed hand sanitizer, assisted with long term care and school reopening, provided COVID vaccines, as well as much more.


Bourbon County Clerk & Election Officer, Kendell Mason met with the Commissioners to present her 2022 budget requests; $111,917 was requested for the Clerk’s office and $86,900 for the Election office, both are the same as was granted for the 2021 budget.


Lynne made a motion to amend the agenda to hold an executive session for non-elected personnel, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Lynne made a motion to have a 7-minute executive session for KSA 75-4319(b) (1) to discuss personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy regarding three specific employees, their titles and their job functions, the Commissioners will hold the session in the Commission room and will return to open session in the Commission room at 9:24, Clifton seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Susan Bancroft).  At 9:26, Lynne made a motion to come out of executive session, Jim seconded and all approved.


Elected official Comments:  Bill Martin and Ben Cole met with the Commissioners, Bill said last week the US Marshalls, KBI, Homeland Security, the Sheriff’s department, Police department and the Correctional Center did a sweep of registered sexual offenders.  The US Marshall will be paying for the overtime for the Sheriff and Police department, they will offset expenses for supplies and the Sheriffs office was able to buy a computer, scanner, printer and camera and the US Marshall will reimburse the County for these items.  Bill said this was a successful event.  The met with 58 sex offenders to make sure they were in compliance.  Ben said they needed approval from the Commissioners to pay the overtime rate which will be reimbursed, Lynne said that payroll needed the information from the Sheriffs office for the hours.


Justin Meeks discussed the tax sale; he said anything received back by the end of this week will be part of the 1st tax sale which might be in August and there will be a second sale in December.  Justin said he had a couple of meetings regarding Windfarm issues and will bring those issues to the Commissioners at a later date.  Justin briefly discussed the KDOT road (near the Laroche Ballpark), Justin said he assumed that if the County takes over this road, then the County would take care of this road (maintenance) in the future.  Justin said he and Susan Bancroft would be working on EMS issues.


Susan Bancroft had nothing to report to the Commissioners.


Public Comment:  Mark McCoy (regarding the Highway 69 Corridor Plan) said he believed eventually there would be four lanes from KC to I44.  Mark said he had read Facebook comments regarding the BEDCO funds and the grant process for these funds; he said when Rob Herrington met with the Commissioners, he said those funds would be used throughout the County.  The applications for requested funds will be turned into Rob and said the Commissioners discussed doing a 50/50 grant.  He said there was a comment about the Marmaton Massacre event at Gunn Park being moved to a later date, Mark said this was moved to September due to the heat.  Mark said what is on the radio and in the newspaper may not be 100% accurate and said Facebook and Twitter is opinion.  Mark suggested anyone with questions or concerns or wanting clarification on what the funds could be used for regarding the BEDCO grant listen to the Commission meeting when Rob Herrington met with the Commissioners.  Mark said he felt that sharing services with all the cities and BEDCO is the right thing to do.  Mark discussed the new activities/businesses in or coming to this area, such as roller skating, ax throwing and the new barbershop.  Lynne said Uniontown had two new businesses and said the Bronson Meat Locker was talking about expanding.


Clint Walker asked if the PILOT money from the Windfarm had been received and asked how much the County is scheduled to receive; Lynne said the County has received $405,000 for this year and will receive $365,000 for the next 9 years.


At 9:45, Clifton made a motion to adjourn, Jim seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner



Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

June 8, 2021, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Agenda for June 22


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00


Date: June 22, 2021

1st District-Lynne Oharah                                                                Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jim Harris                                                                      Corrected: _______________________

3rd District-Clifton Beth                                                                              Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason





Call to Order


  • Flag Salute
  • Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
  • Eric Bailey – Road and Bridge Report
  • Bourbon County Soil Conservation District 2022 Budget Review
  • Wallstreet Group Insurance – Cassie Laemmli, Health Insurance Presentation
  • Assured Partners – Health Insurance Presentation
  • Commission to Review Fireworks Permits
  • Kendell Mason – Annual Statements
  • Michael Clancy – Reodry USA – Inspection of Courthouse Foundation for Free
  • Will Wallis – Termination of County Declaration
  • Bill Martin – Sheriff’s 2022 Budget Review
  • Elected Officials Comment
  • County Counselor Comment
  • Susan Bancroft, Finance Director Comment
  • Donation to Kansas Road Trip
    • Public Comment
  • Commission Comment

Justifications for Executive Session:

          KSA 75-4319(b)(1) To discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy

          KSA 75-4319(b)(2) For consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

          KSA 75-4319(b)(3) To discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency

          KSA 75-4319(b)(4) To discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual proprietorships

          KSA 75-4319(b)(6) For the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property

          KSA 75-4319(b)(12) To discuss matters relating to security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures.

Child Tax Credit: American Rescue Plan

Governor Laura Kelly Encourages Families to Register for Monthly Child Tax Credit with New Online Tool

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today encouraged Kansas families who normally aren’t required to file an income tax return to use a new online tool to quickly register for the expanded Child Tax Credit under the American Rescue Plan.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announced this week that the new Non-filer Sign-up Tool for people who did not file an income tax return for 2019 or 2020 and did not use the IRS Non-filers tool last year to register for Economic Impact Payments is now available through

“Businesses are open, unemployment is back to pre-pandemic lows, and Kansas’ economy gets stronger every day – but we know that many families still need support,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “I encourage all Kansans who qualify to use this new online tool to quickly and easily register for Child Tax Credit payments – and to spread the word about the new tool in their communities.”

This tool, an update of last year’s IRS Non-filers tool, is also designed to help eligible individuals who don’t normally file income tax returns register for the $1,400 third round of Economic Impact Payments (also known as stimulus checks) and claim the Recovery Rebate Credit for any amount of the first two rounds of Economic Impact Payments they may have missed.

Learn more about the Non-filer Sign-up Tool here.

Southeast Kansas Library Newsletter June 2021

The SEKnFind Newsletter
June 2021

This newsletter about new books is distributed to people who are registered adult users at a southeast Kansas library participating in the SEKnFind catalog. We hope you find it useful, but if you don’t wish to receive this anymore, you can click on the “Manage Subscriptions or Unsubscribe” link at the bottom.
All the books included in this newsletter are new additions in one or more SEKnFind libraries–and since the catalog is shared, that means they are available to you whether they are in your local library or not!  Just place a hold on the item(s) you want.  If you don’t know how, your librarian can show you.

New Nonfiction

On Juneteenth
by Annette Gordon-Reed

In this intricately woven tapestry of American history, dramatic family chronicle, and searing episodes of memoir, the descendant of enslaved people brought to Texas in the 1850s, recounts the origins of Juneteenth and explores the legacies of the holiday that remain with us.

Mom genes : inside the new science of our ancient maternal instinct
by Abigail Tucker

Part scientific odyssey, part memoir, this fascinating and thought-provoking exploration of the biology of motherhood reveals the hard science behind our tenderest maternal impulses. 75,000 first printing.

The music advantage : how music helps your child develop, learn, and thrive
by Anita Collins

An expert in cognitive development and music education explains how learning music and listening to it can positively impact numerous aspects of a child’s development, improving language abilities, social skills, concentration, impulse control, emotional development, working memory, and planning competence.

Vibrant : a groundbreaking program to get energized, own your health, and glow
by Stacie Stephenson

“With pracitcal steps to improve everything from brain health and energy to immunity and weight, Vibrant introduces readers to a new way of looking at health, as something each person can control for themselves, rather than something that happens to them”

100 plants to feed the monarch : create a healthy habitat to sustain North America’s most beloved butterfly
by Eric Lee-Mäder

An in-depth portrait of the endangered North American monarch butterfly describes its life cycle and extraordinary migration and provides instructions for designing monarch-friendly landscapes with plants that provide it nourishment, including milkweed and flowering plants and shrubs. Original. Illustrations.

Cook for your gut health : quiet your gut, boost fiber, and reduce inflammation
by America’s Test Kitchen (Firm)

This cookbook presents nutritious, high-fiber meals that promote gut health and are perfect for those trying to calm occasional gastrointestinal symptoms, those who are among the 1 in 5 Americans who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or those simply seeking to nourish themselves with whole foods. Illustrations.

Craft your own happy : a collection of 25 creative projects to craft your way to mindfulness
by Becci Mai Ford

“Craft Your Own Happy is a collection of mindful craft projects to make you smile! Perfect for those moments when you need a bit of self-care and relaxation time.Do you ever feel like you spend too much of your day staring at screens, feeling anxious or stressed out? If the answer is yes – then you need this book! The cute colorful projects have all been designed with the feel-good-factor in mind. Crafting can help to take you away from the worries and pressures of your daily life, and give you back those moments of slowness and focus which can help to reduce anxiety.Unlike other craft books, this is a book that you can dip into and find projects based upon how you are feeling. So you can craft to suit your mood! There are 25 beginner friendly projects to choose from including cross stitching, embroidery, paper craft and more…”

Dream first, details later : how to quit overthinking and make it happen
by Ellen Bennett

A former line cook shares her experiences about turning a flash of inspiration about better kitchen aprons into an internationally-recognized brand as well as presenting her creative problem-solving tactics to encourage would-be entrepreneurs to follow in her footsteps. Illustrations.

The ground breaking : an American city and its search for justice
by Scott Ellsworth

“The definitive, newsbreaking account of the ongoing investigation into the Tulsa race massacre In the late spring of 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma, erupted into the worst single incident of racial violence in American history. Over the course of sixteen hours, mobs of white men and women looted and burned to the ground a prosperous African American community, known today as Black Wall Street. More than one thousand homes and businesses were destroyed, and scores, possibly hundreds, of people lost their lives. Then, for nearly a half century, the story of the massacre was actively suppressed. Official records disappeared, history textbooks ignored the tragedy, and citizens were warned to keep silent. Now nearly one hundred years after that horrible day, historian Scott Ellsworth returns to his hometown to tell the untold story of how America’s foremost hidden racial tragedy was finally brought to light, and the unlikely cast of characters that made it happen. Part true-crime saga, part archaeological puzzle, andpart investigative journalism, The Ground Breaking weaves in and out of recent history, the distant past, and the modern day to tell a compelling story of a city-and a nation-struggling to come to terms with the dark corners of its past”

New Fiction

The plot
by Jean Hanff Korelitz

Wildly successful author Jacob Finch Bonner, who had stolen the plot of his book from a late student, fights to hide the truth from his fans and publishers, while trying to figure out who wants to destroy him. 200,000 first printing.

Lemon drop dead
by Amanda Flower

When a surprise guest at Emily Esh’s lemon-themed baby shower claims to know about her secret shame, and then winds up dead, Emily’s sister, Esther, is accused of the crime and Bailey King must put the squeeze on the real killer to keep this family together. Original.

The lost village
by Camilla Sten

Obsessed with the vanishing residents of an old mining town, dubbed “The Lost Village,” documentary filmmaker Alice Lindstedt and her crew set up camp and are soon plagued by strange events that makes them realize they are not alone. 100,000 first printing.

Local woman missing
by Mary Kubica

When Delilah, who disappeared 11 years earlier when she was only 6 years old, shockingly returns, the residents of a quiet suburban neighborhood want to know what happened to her, but no one is prepared for what they’ll find. 200,000 first printing.

What’s mine and yours : a novel
by Naima Coster

When the community rises in outrage of the integration in the Piedmont schools, two students, Gee and Noelle set off a chain of events that will bring their two families together in unexpected ways

Like cats and dogs
by Kate McMurray

“The fur flies when new veterinarian Caleb Fitch moves in next door to the Whitman Street Cat Cafe and gets on the wrong side of cafe owner Lauren Harlow. Caleb is cute and Lauren is instantly attracted, but he’s a dog person through and through, and Lauren is a dyed-in-the-wool cat person. Still, the friction between them is fascinating, and they can’t seem to stay away from each other. Determined to smooth things over, Caleb comes to the rescue when a litter of abandoned kittens is left on Lauren’s doorstep. But the kittens are only the first obstacle Lauren and Caleb are about to face, and they’ll have to learn to work together and confront the fiery attraction that’s been building between them from the start”

One last stop
by Casey McQuiston

Cynical August starts to believe in the impossible when meets Jane on the subway, a mysterious punk rocker she forms a crush on, who is literally displaced in time from the 1970s and is trying to find her way back. Original. 250,000 first printing.

Project Hail Mary : a novel
by Andy Weir

The sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission to save both humanity and the earth, Ryland Grace is hurtled into the depths of space when he must conquer an extinction-level threat to our species.

Breakout : a thriller
by Paul Herron

An imprisoned ex cop and a rookie correctional officer team up to survive and exact vengeance when their Miami jail is abandoned in the wake of two colliding Category 5 hurricanes. 40,000 first printing.

Surviving Savannah
by Patti Callahan Henry

A tale based on the Pulaski disaster of 1838 follows the efforts of a Savannah history professor to guest-curate a museum collection of wreck artifacts while researching the stories of 11 family members who were aboard the doomed steamship.

The Warsaw orphan
by Kelly Rimmer

Set during World War II in Poland, this novel, based on real-life heroes, follows Emilia over the course of the war, her involvement with the Resistance, and her love for a young man imprisoned in the Jewish ghetto who’s passion leads him to fight in the Warsaw Uprising. 10,000 first printing.

by Eric Red

Joe Noose, with the help of two U.S. Marshals, hunts down a serial killer who is cutting a bloody swath through the American frontier, branding his victims with a “Q” as he goes. Original.

Even more reading suggestions

NextReads Sneak Peek
Looking for something else to read? Try subscribing to our free NextReads newsletters. Newsletters are divided into a variety of genres and topics so you can get recommendations tailored to your interests sent directly to your inbox every month to two months.
Each issue contains around 9 to 10 reading suggestions. If we don’t have a copy, make a purchase suggestion or ask your library about interlibrary loan. Here’s a sneak peek of titles from this month’s Travel & Adventure newsletter:

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Noxious Weeds: Permanent Quarantine Hearing June 30

Hearing for Proposed Permanent Quarantine of Federal Noxious Weeds

MANHATTAN, Kansas — A public hearing will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Dr. in Manhattan, regarding the issuance of a permanent statewide quarantine of weed species that have been designated noxious by federal regulation. The proposed quarantine would replace KDA’s existing Federal Noxious Weed Quarantine, which is expiring, and would prohibit all movement of items regulated pursuant to the quarantine into or within the state of Kansas.

All interested persons may attend the hearing in person or appear by counsel and will have the opportunity to express comments orally, in writing, or both. A copy of the proposed quarantine may be accessed on KDA’s website at Written comments and requests for information concerning the proposed quarantine can be shared on that website, or sent to Jeff Vogel, KDA plant protection and weed control program manager, at [email protected] or 1320 Research Park Dr., Manhattan, KS  66502.

Any individual with a disability may request accommodations in order to participate in the public hearing and may request a copy of the quarantine in an accessible format. Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least five working days prior to the hearing. For more information, including special accommodations or a copy of the regulations, please contact Ronda Hutton at 785-564-6715 or [email protected].


WHAT:          Public hearing on proposed permanent quarantine

WHEN:         10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30, 2021

WHERE:       Kansas Department of Agriculture

1320 Research Park Dr., Manhattan, Kansas

Hearing for Proposed Permanent Quarantine of Federal Noxious Weeds.pdf

COVID Testing in Adult Care Facilities Ordered

Governor Laura Kelly Directs Kansas Department of Health and Environment to Require COVID-19 Testing in Adult Care Facilities

~Order introduced to prevent future spread of COVID-19 in adult care facilities~

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly directed the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Dr. Lee Norman, to issue an order requiring COVID-19 testing in all adult care facilities statewide beginning today, June 18. State-licensed adult care facilities were no longer required to continue COVID-19 testing for staff or residents following the expiration of the state’s disaster declaration.

“We have a responsibility to protect Kansans most vulnerable to COVID-19 – and that includes those working and living in adult care homes, which have been some of the hardest-hit populations,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “While we work to get Kansans vaccinated – we’ll continue to take these commonsense measures to keep our communities safe and healthy.”

The State Health Officer has the authority to issue health orders as medically necessary under K.S.A. 65-101 and 65-128. Under this order, vaccinated staff members at adult care facilities will not be required to get tested. The state strongly encourages all employees to get vaccinated to ensure the health and safety of all individuals.

“This order ensures that vulnerable populations in Kansas’ adult care facilities continue to receive the testing needed to continue combatting COVID-19,” KDHE Secretary Norman said.

The health order will align testing protocols for adult care facilities that fall under state jurisdiction with facilities regulated by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines. This order has no effect on facility visitation policies.

“Screening, testing, vaccination and good infection control all remain critical to reduce the spread of COVID-19,” KDADS Secretary Laura Howard said. “Dr. Norman’s order is important to maintain the health and wellbeing of residents and other staff members who work in long-term care and the tremendous progress we’ve made in reducing the number of people sick with COVID-19 and the number of facilities with active outbreaks.”

The order will be effective immediately and will remain in effect until otherwise modified or rescinded. Read the full order here.

What’s Happening in Fort Scott, June 18 Newsletter

What’s Happening in Fort Scott!
June 18th Weekly Newsletter
Adam LaRoche 16U Tournament @ LaRoche Baseball Complex
Click here for bracket!
Every Friday & Saturday!
50-minute Narrated Trolley Tour
of Historic Fort Scott. Every hour on the hour. Depart from The Fort Scott
Chamber at 231 E. Wall St.
Friday hours: 11 am until 3 pm
Saturday hours: 10 am until 2 pm.
$6 Adults & $4 for 12 yrs & under.
6/18 & 6/20 LaRoche Baseball Complex! Saturday I am running 3 tournaments in town an 8u with 8 teams, an 11 u with 4 teams, and a 16u with 12 teams. Click here for more info.
6/18 & 6/19- Care to Share Benefit Yard Sale at 1123 Burke St. Friday (7:30 to 6 pm) and Sat. (7:30 to 2 pm)
6/18 – Jazz and R & B Violinist, Dominique Hammons Music Performance Fundraising. Performing at Liberty Theater at 8 pm. $35
Click here to see all the details.
6/18 thru 6/25 – Museum of Creativity – OPEN PLAY SEASON. Admission – $3/person (free-4-1 yr old) Monday, Thurs. & Fri. 10 am – 2 pm
Friday also at 4 pm – 8 pm. Click here for info.
6/18 – Friday Night Karaoke at The Boiler Room Bewhaus! 7 pm until 10 pm! 2 S. National St.
6/18 – Friday Night concert at Common Ground Presents, The Wood Family from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Click here for more info.
6/18 & 6/24 – Fort Scott Cinema. Now showing: Petter Rabbit 2, In the Heights, Fast & Furious 9, The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard. Click here for more info.
6/19- Farmers’ Market, 8 am to noon, Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort.
6/19 ~ The Lavender Patch Farm 4th Annual Fest from 9 am until 3:30 pm. The Trolley will be transporting passengers to the event all day. Jump on at The FS Chamber, 231 E. Wall. To learn more about the festivities,click here.
June & July Hours open daily. Thurs. thru Mon.
6/19 – Main Street Gallery & Gifts – 2nd Annual Junk & Disorderly Event!. Join us for shopping over 10,000 Sq. Feet of Space and 50 + Vendors! Click hereto view more information.
6/19 – Fort Scott Paint in the Park by Creative Signs “USA Flag” Click hereto view more information.
6/22 – Lego Club hosted by Museum of Creativity, Tuesdays through August, 4:30-5:30 click here for more info.
6/21 & 6/23 – RAMM Bicycle riding across USA, will be thru Fort Scott, June 21st thru June 23rd. LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEER’S FOR STATIONS Click hereto view more information.
6/22- Security 1st Title Customer Appreciation Luncheon Click here to view more information.
6/24- KANSAS ROCKS…Summer Off Road 101 Course. 9 am until 5 pm.Click hereto view more information.
6/24- EVERGY FREE Community Safety Workshop 9:30 am 11:30 am.Click hereto view more information.
Downtown Fort Scott is booming!
Click here for Chamber member
specialty shopping & other retail in
Downtown & other areas of the community.
Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue
Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.
Many fitness options are available…
SPIN classesnow offered bySmallville Athletics, every Mon & Wed at 5:15 pm, and Tu & Thurs at 6 pm. $5/class or $50/mo. unlimited.
Total Body Fitness ~ M & W Karen Reinbolt at BRCC@
8:15 am $20/8 week session.
Zumba~ M,W, F @ 6pm Monalynn Decker at BRCC $40 for a 12-week session.
Indoor Fitness/Gyms at
I AM Rehab + Fitness, Smallville Athletics, and Buck Run!

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Lavender Festival IV Tomorrow

The Lavender Patch Farm. Submitted photos.

The Lavender Patch Farm,  2376 Locust, Fort Scott, was started in 2010  by Betsy and Davin Reichard, and this year marks the fourth time they have invited the community to a festival in summer.

Lavender Festival IV, which celebrates all things lavender, will be happening Saturday, June 19 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

“The Lavender Festival celebrates the beginning of the lavender harvest and invites guests to enjoy the beauty of the lavender fields, surrounding wildflowers and prairie grasses, and other special activities of the day,” Betsy said.  “Admission is $5 for 13 and up and includes great music, games, and children’s activities around the Lavender Patch. ”

“Festival activities include you-pick lavender and wildflower bundles ($5), enjoying time with family and friends while listening to music, playing some games, watching demonstrations, going on a lavender tour, a hands-on children’s fairy garden, partaking of lavender foods that will be for sale – ice cream, lavenderade, or a pulled pork sandwich with lavender seasoning for lunch,” she said.

The Lavender Patch Festival 2019. Submitted photos.

“There will be lavender distilling (for essential oil) demonstrations throughout the day,” Betsy said.  “The lavender gift shop will be open to take home memories and lavender creations.”

“Remember to bring your camera and take as many photos as you like,” she said.

The couple’s loyal staff and many volunteers make the festival a fun event, Betsy said. They also staff other days the farm is open, most weekends in June and July.

“As a Kansas agritourism farm, guests can visit our working lavender farm when we are open,” Betsy said.  “Come pick a bundle and smell the lavender; relax and reconnect with friends and the outdoors.  Enjoy our lavender fields, surrounded by wildflowers and prairie grasses, then take home some lavender memories from our gift shop.”

Clumps of lavender plants on the Lavender Patch Farm, 2019. Submitted photos.

Check the website for details.

For more information:

See their Facebook page


BEDCO Changes Names

Bourbon County Economic Development Council, Inc. Gets New Name

BEDCO is now Bourbon County REDI. The Board of Trustees voted to change the name at their June 17th meeting, recognizing a new direction for the organization. The “REDI” acronym stands for “Regional Economic Development Inc.” The organization is also in process of transitioning from a 501(c)(6) entity to a 501(c)(3).

We wanted a name that reflected our passion for the whole county, and all segments therein,” explained Rob Harrington, the new Executive Director for the organization. “We have outlined strategies to deal with economic challenges experienced by all demographic and geographic interests in Bourbon County. We will also be working on a new look and feel that reflects who we are, and our vision for what we want to become,” said Harrington. “The 501(c)(3) status will give donors the opportunity to deduct contributions on their taxes, and create eligibility for more grants and programs,” explained Harrington.

Gregg Motley, President of the Board of Trustees, noted that the hiring of Harrington was deliberate and thoughtful, with the process spanning several months, and the consideration of 24 candidates from around the United States. “Our Human Resource Committee worked together closely to ensure the process had integrity, and identified the most qualified candidate,” Motley said. “During his first month, Rob has proven the process worked. We hired the right fit for Bourbon County.”

Additionally, The City of Bronson appointed a new representative. She is Kelly Perry, co-owner of Perry’s Pork Rinds, and one of the new owners of Hound Nutrition in Fort Scott. “We are pleased that Kelly has joined us,” Motley said. “She is young, energetic, and understands the economics of Bourbon County. She is a great addition to the Board.”

Bourbon County REDI, formerly known as Bourbon County Economic Development Council, was formed in 1992, and reconstituted in 2020 by a change in bylaws to accommodate the new economic realities of the 21st Century. The board is made up of 13 members, representing all cities, schools, and geographic segments of the county. There are two at-large Trustees. The Trustees are: Gregg Motley, President, Jim Fewins, Vice President, Mary Pemberton, Treasurer, Misty Adams, Mike Blevins, Heather Davis, Jess Ervin, Ted Hessong, Bret Howard, Lynne Oharah, Mark McCoy, and Kelly Perry. Rob Harrington, Executive Director, is Secretary of the Board.

Prayer Chain Negatives by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

When all you see is your pain, you lose sight of God.” The movie The Shack was recommended to me by several Christian friends. Others pointed to its lack of Biblical truth and refused to watch it. I opted to focus on its elements that line up with my personal faith. The quote written above was one of those moments.

A marriage counseling couple from Detroit came to visit my husband and me. Our friendship began in the late ‘70’s and has continued to this day. They shared how difficult it is to reach others for Christ who choose to host a never-ending pity party. Just recently, after eight years of off-and-on meetings with one particular couple, our friends told the husband and wife that they would continue to pray for them but could see them no more.

Eight years?” I asked. “I wouldn’t last eight sessions. Did you give them homework and ideas for things they were to work on?”

The answer was yes, every meeting, but nothing changed. Our discussion turned to John 5:6 where Jesus approaches a paralytic and asks, “Do you want to get well?” I’ve written articles on this verse before, and our friends said this couple was an example of individuals who do not.

If you are involved in a prayer chain, chances are you have been introduced to these types of people. I’m not trying to be insensitive, but week after week, year after year, their names appear, their symptoms varying from illness to work issues to family disputes. Tom Ehrich, an Episcopal priest and writer for “Religion News Service,” called complainers “narcissistic.” “Whining makes me the center of everything,” he wrote. A little drastic, in my opinion, because at least these people are seeking prayer. What’s wrong with that?

Nothing, until that becomes their identity. I have two friends whose lives are relentless trials and setbacks, yet they never complain and continue to trust in God’s goodness. If they add their names to a prayer list, things are pretty bad. But let’s face it, some people don’t want to do their part to get well.

Do you remember the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? Lazarus exited the tomb bound with graveclothes and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to the witnesses, “Loose him, and let him go.” Simply being raised from the dead was not enough. Lazarus needed to be unbound. The victim mentality allows Christians to remain in graveclothes that keep them wrapped up in their circumstances. They have made a declaration of faith in Jesus Christ but choose to attach themselves to defeat, refusing to change their focus to 1 John 4:4: He (God) who lives in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world.

These grumblers suffer from spiritual amnesia, rarely following up with thankfulness by crediting God for pulling them through their difficulties. That’s because their “rescuer” is people or a prayer chain or, like in my friends’ counseling experience, someone else willing to listen to the wife’s litany of gripes. (And yes, if you are wondering, that marriage ended in divorce.)

My heart aches for people who choose to focus on their misery. Most of the time, my prayers for them have nothing to do with their circumstances but all to do with them seeing how their complaints have become their label. Look again at the quote from The Shack: “When all you see is your pain, you lose sight of God.”

The remedy comes in Colossians 3:2: Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Bourbon County Local News