Upgraded Bathrooms in the Future For Cottonwood Estates, Uniontown

Cottonwood Estates in the 200 block of Fifth Street in Uniontown.

Uniontown’s Rural Renting Housing, Inc. has received a $40,000 grant to update bathrooms for the residents of Cottonwood Estates, located in the 200 block of Fifth Street.

The funds will be used to continue phase two of the rehabilitation process of the 12-unit housing complex.

“The first round of grant money we received was $25k,”  Jennie McKee, site manager, said. “The funds received were to make ADA accessibility improvements to the bathrooms. This would include the zero threshold showers, adding grab bars, ADA height toilets, etc.. It was originally estimated that we could get 6 bathrooms completed for that amount but with the increase in materials we hope to get 5 bathrooms completed for the $25k. With the additional $40k in grant money we will be able to complete the remaining 7 bathrooms.”


“These walk-in showers will be very helpful for many of the tenants,” said McKee.

This is a zero threshold shower that is being completed in Cottonwood Estates.

Tenants must be 62 years old or receiving disability, SSI, from the government. Currently there is a waiting list for the units.

“We began the process one and a half years ago with a $25,000 grant through USDA,” she said. “We were hoping that would do the cost of the walk-in showers, but it didn’t. SEKRPC applied for a second round of grants.”

“The first round was tiled with zero threshold, the rest will be pre-made,” she said.

SEKRPC helps individuals, companies, and government agencies with finance packaging, advice, and procedures, according to its website. It’s resources are available for community improvement, economic development, and other urgent needs.

Three shower updates that were started with the first round of grants are nearing completion. They were empty units, waiting for new tenants

“They should be done before the end of the year,” McKee said.

“It took a long time for Rural Development to distribute the funds,” McKee said. “Contractor issues led to the project starting in September 2022.”

SG2, Uniontown, was the contractor following the bidding process.

When work begins in the second round of the shower project, the tenant will be displaced for about five days per apartment while the bathroom is remodeled.

A hospitality room in a nearby church will be utilized for that tenant while the remodel is underway.

Funds won’t be available until late winter or early spring 2023, she said.

“Rehabs of older properties are not usually given grants,” McKee said. “It’s usually new builds.”

This grant required no match from the grantee.

The Uniontown Rural Rental Inc. board is comprised of Ron Eldridge-president, Larry Jurgensen-vice president, Lucille Ward-secretary and treasurer and other members: Matt Noll, Dan Ramsey, Susan Karleskint and Brenda Gleason.

In normal years, the board meets twice yearly and more if needed.

McKee can be contacted at 620.756.1000.








2 thoughts on “Upgraded Bathrooms in the Future For Cottonwood Estates, Uniontown”

    1. The first round of grant money we received was $25k. The funds received were to make ADA accessibility improvements to the bathrooms. This would include the zero threshold showers, adding grab bars, ADA height toilets, etc.. It was originally estimated that we could get 6 bathrooms completed for that amount but with the increase in materials we hope to get 5 bathrooms completed for the $25k. With the additional $40k in grant money we will be able to complete the remaining 7 bathrooms.
      Jennie McKee
      Site Manager

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