Chamber Announces Spring Open House, Find the Golden Egg Shopping Event



The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces a Spring Open House, Find the Golden Egg shopping event which will take place on Friday and Saturday March 23rd and 24th.  Most stores in the Downtown Historic District and several additional locations will be participating in the hunt.


Customers are invited to shop local retailers to search for the hidden gold eggs. The golden eggs will contain coupons, promotions, Chamber Bucks, and more.

In addition to the shopping fun that weekend, there will be plastic multi-colored eggs hidden around Downtown on Saturday the 24th after 10 a.m. suitable for young children to find.


The Chamber encourages the community to join the hunt on March 23rd-24th. Get ‘egg-cited’ to shop local.  Contact the Chamber for more information at 620-223-3566.

Bo Co Coaltition Agenda for March 6

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition Board

Meeting Agenda

The  monthly meeting on March 6, 1:00 p.m. will be in the Conference Room at the Scottview Apartments, 315 S. Scott.


March 6, 2024


  1. Welcome and Call to Order:


  1. Approve January 2 minutes:


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  2. Family Assistance Recap: 4 families, 9 children, $491.20
  3. Bank Balance as of February 26: $44,218.41
  4. B. Baker request mailed February 26.


  1. Old Business:
  2. Programs for General meetings: March:  Teri Hamilton, Farmers’ Market
  3. Discuss possible fee for April program
  4. Still waiting for volunteer to take over chairmanship


  1. New Business:
  2. Approve swim pass application
  3. IRS tax return completed February 26.


  1. Open Forum:


  1. Adjournment:  Next General Membership meeting – March 6, 2024

  Next board meeting – May 7, 2024. 

Legislative Update by State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson


February 23, 2024


Turnaround is the halfway point of session. The days before turnaround, leadership schedules bills to be debated and brought to a vote. Thankfully, this year Senate leadership didn’t bring an extreme amount of bills above the line for debate. There were still too many bills to report in this update so below are some highlights. All bills can be found at


Property Rights would be protected from unfounded forfeiture and seizure if SB 458 becomes law. It passed the Senate 36 to 2.  I voted Yes.


Eminent Domain allows government to take your property. A majority of senators, myself included, supported legislation that would remove the Secretary of Wildlife and Parks authority to use eminent domain to acquire land, water, or water rights. SB 417 passed 25 to 14.


Coal Fired Energy Plants in Kansas have announced closures, all except for one in western Kansas. Thankfully, none have closed.  SB 455 would make it more difficult to close these plants by forcing certain conditions, such as requiring that another energy generating plant be in place before the coal plant could shut-down. I supported the bill that passed 29 to 8.


Protecting Patients’ Rights by establishing the Right to Health Freedom Act in SB 391 would limit isolation and allow patients to see their loved ones. It would permit the Secretary of Health and Environment to maintain a list of infectious or contagious diseases. However, they would not have the authority to enact rules and regulations. Local health officers (LHO) could recommend quarantines during a highly contagious or deadly disease outbreak. I voted Yes. The bill passed 23 to 17.


Privacy Protection in current law makes it illegal to record or photograph a person who is nude or in a state of undress when the recording device is hidden. SB 420 would make it a crime no matter if the device is hidden or not. It passed unanimously.


Military Drivers who qualify under the Even Exchange Program would not have to take a knowledge or a skills test to get a commercial driver’s license (CDL) if SB 462 becomes law. It passed unanimously.


Senate Sub for HB 2247 had several provisions in the bill dealing with the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) and the Kansas Mortgage Business Act (KMBA). The UCCC has only been adopted by 11 states since established in 1952.  Kansas is one of the eleven. By adopting updated UCCC, consumers will see a credit card surcharge on receipts. It has been against the law for businesses to charge this fee. Colorado’s version will limit the surcharge to 2%. Kansas will not have a limit. The bill would allow creditors after 10 days and written notice to collect a late payment and also charge reasonable cost of collection. If you don’t voluntarily pay, it appears a creditor can take possession. They cannot enter “a dwelling” or use “force”. Does that mean they can access your bank account? Another section of the bill would restrict financial examinations from “open records, subpoena and discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action” until July 1, 2030. Why?  There are more questions than answers with the bill so I voted No.  It passed 33 to 6.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.



Early Childhood Spring Fling 2024

On behalf of the USD 234 School District, we would like to invite you to the 2024 Early Childhood Spring Fling.  This year’s event will be held on Thursday, April 18th from 5:30-7:00 PM at the Fort Scott Preschool Center.  All children ages birth-six years old and their families are invited to attend.

For this event, we are asking family resource providers and community partners to bring an interactive activity for students and families. We will provide space and a table for your activity. During the event, you will also have an opportunity to visit with families and distribute flyers, handouts, giveaways, etc. Our goal is for children and families to interact, be active, and learn about the resources available in our community.  If you are a preschool or childcare provider, please share the attached flyer with your families.  We also welcome you to set up an activity and table for your program.

If you plan to attend our event, please complete the short form below by Thursday, April 11th so we can have a table reserved for your organization.  If you have questions, please let me know.

Spring Fling Registration

Nick Johnson, FSPC Principal

[email protected]

(620) 223-8965

Building Bridges Out of Poverty Workshopo

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member CORE Community…

Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop

Bridges Out of Poverty workshop is a unique and powerful tool designed specifically for social, health, and legal services professionals. Based in part on Dr. Ruby K. Payne’s myth shattering A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Bridges reaches out to the millions of service providers and businesses whose daily work connects them with the lives of people in poverty.


As a workshop attendee, you will learn specific strategies and brainstorm potential solutions which you and your organization can implement right now to: Design programs to better serve people you work with; Build skill sets for management to help guide employees; Upgrade training for front-line staff like receptionists, case workers, and managers; Improve treatment outcomes in health care and behavioral health care; Increase the likelihood of moving from welfare to work.


If your business, agency, or organization works with people from poverty, only a deeper understanding of their challenges-and strengths-will help you partner with them to create opportunities for success.


Continuing Education credits available with a certificate issued at the end of the workshop.


The Workshop will be lead by Deborah Factor, CEO of Youth Core Ministries (YCM). Core Community Bourbon County is a chapter affiliate of YCM.


Deborah Factor serves as CEO/Executive Director of Youth Core Ministries, Inc. YCM, formerly Youth for Christ-South Central Kansas, was founded in 1995 as a ministry to reach kids outside of the church. After becoming Executive Director in 1998, Deborah watched as many of her students moved into adulthood repeating the cycle of poverty. To address this need, YCM launched a community and school-based mentoring program, Core Mentoring, in 2012 and in 2015 an initiative to resolve poverty called Core Community. Deborah and her team are having a profound impact on rural Communities. They are passionate about ending poverty and seeing kids and families truly thrive. Deborah, her husband, Tony, and their son, Caleb, live in Greensburg.


Participants will review a mental model of poverty, examine a theory of change, and analyze poverty through the prism of housing, the hidden rules of class and resources. Cost is $35 (payable at event) including training materials and book. If cost is prohibitive, there are a limited number of scholarships available.



DATE: Saturday, March 2, 2024

TIME: 8:30 AM TO 12:30 PM

LOCATION: Fort Scott Nazarene Church

1728 Horton, Fort Scott, KS

To Register email: Cherri Walrod – [email protected]

Hosted by Core Community Bourbon County

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members below!
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Unofficial Minutes of the Uniontown City Council on February 13

The Regular Council Meeting on February 13, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, City Superintendent Bobby Rich and City Clerk Sally Johnson.






Clerk Johnson reported that Shane Kober requested speed bumps in front of his residence.  After discussion, Council does not wish to put speed bumps on Sherman Street.  Clerk was asked to advise him to follow up with the Sheriff’s department for information on how to proceed.



Treasurer Bolinger presented the January 2023 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $235,479.20, Receipts $85,918.56, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $24,988.18, Checking Account Closing Balance $293,383.58. Bank Statement Balance $293,816.11, including Checking Account Interest of $54.56, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $432.53, Reconciled Balance $293,383.58.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,083.20, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,153.58, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $38,862.06, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $390,482.42. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $54.56, and Utility CDs $0 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $54.56.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of January 2023, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0.  January Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00 for Total Transfers of $3,026.00.  Net Income for the month of January $57,904.38, Year-to-Date Net Income $57,904.38.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $8,044.20 (6.5%), Expenditures $6,943.58 (4.3%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $2,715.90 (7.3%), Expenditures $2,136.25 (5.1%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $17,162.10 (11.7%), Expenditures $10,531.03 (5.9%); General Fund YTD Revenue $52,382.78 (31.9%), Expenditures $8,403.32 (4.2%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $1,987.58 (27.4%), Expenditures $0 (0%).  The February 2024 payables to date in the amount of $36,872.84 were presented.


Clerk Johnson explained the new report for current payables and the difference between the two presented.  She asked the council which report they preferred – Claims Report by Department, by Fund was chosen.



Motion by Esslinger, Second by Ervin, Approved 4-0, to approve Consent Agenda as amended:

  • Minutes of January 8, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables



City Superintendent Rich had nothing to report.


Clerk Johnson reported several notifications of insurance renewal conditional provisions from EMC.

Website hosting price increase of $2.50/month.

Municipal Court Clerks conference is March 1, in Wichita.  She will not attend this year.

CCMFOA Conference is March 20-22, in Manhattan.  She will not attend this year.

CDL storm siren maintenance agreement should renew in March.  She will have a new agreement for action at next meeting.

gWorks was used for accounts payable this month and end of month procedures will be done on gWorks.  She has a training on Thursday for bank reconciliation, deposits, and reports.  She will then get all deposits for the month entered, process penalties, and mail delinquent notices.

Bourbon County Job Fair is February 22.  She asked if they wanted a booth to try to recruit a clerk and maintenance worker.  Not at this time.

She did order a 2024 labor law poster.



Councilman Ervin – wished to recognize Clerk Johnson and thank her for all her work in the software conversion.

Councilwoman Esslinger – absent

Councilwoman Kelly – nothing

Councilwoman Pemberton – nothing

Councilman Stewart – nothing

Mayor Jurgensen – the school contacted the City to see if they could stage rock on the right of way for the walking trail project. The rock is being hauled by the county.  He told them yes.  Superintendent Rich stated that there is a gas main just south of the sidewalk by the medical clinic.  Mayor Jurgensen also asked Rich to get fescue and seed the ditches that were worked on Third St.



Rabies Clinic – tentatively scheduled for March 23, 1:30-3:00PM.


Mayor Jurgensen asked if the Council wanted to reskin the warehouse and put in the ramp and rollup doors to use as public works building.  We will need to determine specs and request bids for the metal siding/roof, the ramp and rollup doors, and the installation.



Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to enter in to executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss job duties and benefits of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 8:47PM


Clerk Johnson called in at 8:22, open meeting resumed at 8:47.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to call a special meeting on February 27, 2024, 6:30PM for the purpose of executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 4319(b)(1) to discuss job duties, benefits and employee handbook of non-elected personnel.


Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0, to adjourn at 8:48PM

Letter to the Editor: Lakyn Rucker


The bulletin board in Mrs. Rucker’s first-grade class. Submitted photo.

The Hearts Around the World project was brought to my attention by an amazing friend of mine.

I made the flyer and sent it out on Facebook.

People have shared said flyer more than 200 times
and then they shared it and it just exploded!

In a short amount of time, we started receiving
an abundant amount of cards and even gifts!

We ended up receiving cards from 48 states with Missouri being the most. Texas was the second runner-up. We even received postcards and letters from Italy, Canada, Bolivia, Australia, Ireland, Europe, and Puerto Rico!

The first-grade class was overjoyed with love and happiness. The excitement they experienced was unbelievable! There were even a few tears shed by a few of my students.

I would personally like to thank everyone who shared the flyer, or sent a letter, gift, or postcard.

You all were a huge part in making this project such a huge success.



Mrs. Lakyn Rucker

West Bourbon Elementary School Teacher

Obituary of James Danley

James Roy Danley, age 82, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Guest Home Estates in Ft. Scott.  He was born September 21, 1941, in Ft. Scott, the son of Marvin James Danley and Ruth Post Danley.

Jim graduated from the Fulton High School.  After graduation, he served with the United States Navy from 1960 to 1964.  He was stationed in Japan for a portion of his service where he was assigned to Helicopter Utility Squadron #1.

Following his military service, Jim married Paula Baez.  Jim and Paula along with Paula’s two young sons, Pedro and Hector, then moved back to the family farm near Devon, Kansas.  Jim continued to farm and raise cattle until 1976 when he purchased the Finney County Feed Yard in Garden City, Kansas.  He owned and operated the feedlot for several years.

Jim and Paula later divorced and Jim relocated to Springfield, Missouri.  At this time, he began working as a cattle buyer for the Joplin Regional Stockyard.

He later moved to Ft. Scott to be closer to his family.  Jim enjoyed playing golf and traveling.  He was able to take several trips including vacations to Canada for fishing as well as touring Australia and Ireland.  He was a past member of the Masonic Lodge.


Survivors include his sons, Pedro Morillo of Fulton, Kansas and Hector Morillo of Garden City, Kansas; six grandchildren, Carmen Hickman (Chris) of Garden City, Kansas, Alisa Morillo of Wichita, Tonya Chandler (Donnie) of Wichita, Kansas, James Morillo of Ft. Scott, Joshua Morillo of Perkins, Oklahoma and Jace Morillo (Alexandria) of Mound City, Kansas; twenty-one great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren.  Also surviving are extended family members, Henry and Patty Homan who helped provide for his care and an aunt, Yvonne Short.


Funeral services will be held at 11:00 A.M. Saturday, March 2nd at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Burial with military honors will follow in the Mapleton Cemetery.

The family will receive friends on Saturday from 10:00 A.M. until service time at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Memorials are suggested to Mt. Carmel Hospice and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

FSCC Spring College Rodeo is March 8-10

To see how cowboys and cowgirls compete and hone their skills, the community is invited to Fort Scott Community College from March 8 to 10 to see, among other events,  calf roping, barrel racing, and bull riding in the rodeo arena.

The 45th FSCC Spring College Rodeo is this Friday through Sunday.

There are currently about 40 students on FSCC Coach Chad Cross’s rodeo team.

The FSCC Rodeo Team from its’ Facebook page.

“Our rodeo team is a group of student-athletes who came here to earn scholarships to rodeo just like a baseball or basketball player would,” Cross said. “They travel to 10 rodeos a year to hopefully earn enough points to qualify for the College National Finals Rodeo in June each year. They spend a lot of their own hard-earned money traveling to rodeos, paying fees, and taking care of their own horses to compete at these rodeos.”

“Our rodeo will showcase student-athletes from over 20 schools in our Region (Kansas and Oklahoma) in events like Calf Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding to name just a few,” Cross said.

The students don’t necessarily come from rural America, but the majority do, Cross said, but they learn skills that will help in life.

“The skills we hope to instill in them include responsibility, hard work, determination, and the ability to be humble, and we hope to mold respectful young adults who can become outstanding members in this community or wherever they choose to land in the future,” Cross said.

The events are Friday, March 8 at 7:30 p.m. then Saturday, March 9 at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m., and the ‘short-go’ at 1 p.m. on Sunday.

Tickets are $12 for adults, $5 for students and children under 5 years old are free.

Tickets are only sold at the door, according to the Facebook page.

At a recent rodeo competition, Bryce Eck was the  Bareback Riding Champion according to the FSCC Rodeo Team Facebook page.
and Blake Steuck was the Saddle Bronk Riding Champion.
Quintonn Lunsford, Dylan George and Jence Griffith all finished in the top five.
From the Fort Scott Community College Facebook page, Nov. 2023.

AD: Key Apparel Is Searching for a Director of Operations and Operations Coordinator

KEY Apparel is a clothing company located in Fort Scott, Kansas, focused on manufacturing and selling high quality work, industrial and outdoor related apparel. Key is searching for a Director of Operations and an Operations Coordinator. See details of each position below.

Director of Operations

Key is searching for a Director of Operations to manage and execute the procurement strategy of the company by analyzing the product and inventory needs of the company to meet sales and budgetary goals, to monitor and maintain the production process, including the identification, development and oversight of factory partners and the timely receipt of inventory that meet or exceed Key’s quality standards at competitive prices.

Primary Responsibilities Include

Strategic Planning

  • Coordinate with Finance and Sales Departments to assess the business strategy of the Company to enhance the Company’s competitive position and promote sales, profitability and growth in a sustainable manner that will meet future objectives;
    • Identify new areas of production opportunity for short and long-term change to improve profitability;
    • Take ownership of the company’s operational and supply chain strategy;

Contractor Management

  • Overall responsibility for the Contractor Management function and contractor relationships;
    • Responsible for the designation of factories for appropriate product placement;
    • Responsible for the costing process for each product;
    • Maintain and routinely update Key Vendor Manual to ensure best practices.

Forecasting / Planning

  • Responsible for ensuring the appropriate amount of inventory is always on hand to meet budgetary requirements.

Quality Assurance

  • Responsible for ensuring that incoming inventory receipts meet or exceed Key’s quality standards utilizing a mix of internal staff and external quality assurance vendors.


  • Develop and communicate training programs to help subordinates meet their job expectations and to grow professionally within the company through training and ongoing feedback;
  • Conduct annual (or more frequently if necessary) performance evaluations of subordinates.


  • Oversee the embellishment (print and embroidery) operations and staff

Key offers competitive compensation including a highly competitive benefits package. Interested candidates please send resume with references via e-mail [email protected] or by mail to Key Industries, Inc., Attn: Human Resources, 400 Marble Road, Fort Scott, KS 66701. For more information about Key, please visit our web-site at

Operations Coordinator

Key is searching for an Operations Coordinator to organize and communicate operational information between various KEY departments, including Operations, Accounting, Sales, Customer Service, and the Distribution Center and to be a central point of contact with internal and external Quality Assurance teams and our factories regarding all necessary information to create and receive high quality apparel. This role is responsible for all aspects of the purchase order process from creation to receipt, including closing-out, extending, and communicating changes to all relevant parties.

Primary responsibilities include:

  • Input, evaluate, and execute purchase orders with suppliers (forecast planning is not required – the purchase plan will be provided);
  • Establish and maintain supplier relationships by serving as a primary point of contact between KEY and its manufacturing partners;
  • Manage record keeping for all contractor correspondence and documentation;
  • Manage Work-in-Process (WIP) report weekly to ensure the timely delivery of products, timely communicate discrepancies or issues within the WIP report, propose resolutions to WIP report discrepancies;
  • Coordinate with the Quality Assurance Team – internal, independent 3rd parties, and factory personnel – to ensure that each Purchase Order has received an audit by both the factory (prior to shipment) and by either an independent 3rd party or an internal KEY Apparel audit;
  • Provide Purchase Order-related issue resolution, both internally and externally;
  • Monitor and complete Purchase Order close-out, extension, or renewal, as appropriate;
  • Coordinate freight / shipments between suppliers and freight forwarders;
  • Communicate Purchase Order related information to all stakeholders;
  • Create / set up new items within KEY’s ERP system;
  • Maintain all tech packs and insure all information is current (requires coordination with external vendors); and
  • Manage the Pre-production Check Run (PCR) process for new item creation.

This job profile is not meant to be all inclusive of the responsibilities of this position and this position may require the performance of other duties as necessary.

Key offers competitive compensation including a highly competitive benefits package.

Interested candidates please send resume with references via e-mail [email protected] or by mail to Key Industries, Inc., Attn: Human Resources, 400 Marble Road, Fort Scott, KS 66701. For more information about Key, please visit our web-site at

Bourbon County Local News