Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes July Newsletter

July 2024                                                                              Vol. 4

Triple Excitement: Competition Results, LMC Fellows, and Fresh Exhibits

Pictured are Suzy Turner, Kadence Huck, Madison Glidden, and Megan Helberg.

On June 26, 2024, the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes unveiled exhibit panels featuring two new Unsung Heroes. The ceremony was held inside the Center’s Hall of Heroes, with one newly revealed exhibit honoring Dr. Christine Grant, the University of Iowa’s first director of women’s intercollegiate athletics. She was a national pioneer and voice in the fight for gender equity in athletics, significantly impacting the implementation of Title IX. The second honoree was Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first Native American doctor in the United States, a champion for her people’s well-being, and a powerful role model for Native Americans and women in medicine.

Featured VIPs included nationally recognized teachers and their students, whose award-winning projects shared the stories of these heroes. Suzy Turner, teacher and 2022 National Lowell Milken Center Fellow from Iowa, and Kadence Huck, one of the three students whose research uncovered the story of Unsung Hero Dr. Christine Grant, were present to reveal their project. Madison Glidden, who researched and discovered Unsung Hero Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte, attended with her teacher, 2021 National Lowell Milken Center Fellow Megan Helberg from Nebraska.

Additional VIP guests were Susan Picotte, the great-granddaughter of Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte, and Susan’s niece, Holly. Honored VIPs representing Dr. Christine Grant were her niece, Andrea Weiss, and Dr. Grant’s best friend and former colleague from the University of Iowa, Peg Burke. Other honored guests included the new 2024 Lowell Milken Center National Fellowship members, former National Lowell Milken Center Fellows Carly Bowden and Jennifer Farr, as well as family members and guests of the award-winning students and teachers.

Many guests joined us to celebrate the extraordinary lives of our two new unsung heroes, who have profoundly impacted history.

These new exhibits were made possible through a 2024 Attraction Development Grant awarded to the Lowell Milken Center from Kansas Tourism. The Lowell Milken Center is a non-profit 501 © (3) that works with students and educators within diverse academic disciplines to develop projects focused on unsung heroes.

The 2024 ARTEFFECT Competition received a record-breaking number of entries!

We extend our gratitude to all participating students and their teachers.

Fellows News

The 2024 National LMC Fellow from week 1 are: (sitting) Erica Quale, ND; Aaron Kruger, WY; and Michael Sandstrom, NE; (standing) John Rosenbaum, RI; and Kelly Hamilton, ID.

The LMC Fellowship unites top educators for a prestigious, merit-based professional development opportunity with high standards of excellence, output, and benefits. Fellows gain knowledge, educational resources, and ongoing support to enhance their classrooms and help students cultivate a passion for learning by creating projects that initiate positive change.

The LMC Fellowship provides educators with an opportunity to reflect, reenergize, and strategize. Fellows receive personal attention from our dedicated team of educational experts and time to network and collaborate with their exemplary peers. The program strengthens educators’ abilities to facilitate student ownership over projects and to help their students develop skills in critical thinking, research, analysis, and application. Fellows emerge prepared to develop Unsung Heroes projects with their students as they apply and evaluate the stories of role models who have changed the world.

The 2024 National LMC Fellow from week 2 are: Bibba Kahn, VT; Sarah Espinal, NY; Ann Marie Vanneste, Canada; Matthew Mayeske, KS; Ashley Libben, IN, and Leah Lawrence, MO.

2024 Lowell Milken Center Fellows Receive Keys to the City

As part of their week-long experience in Fort Scott, the five fellows for June 16 – 21 were given the key to the city on Tuesday, June 18th, by Jackson Tough, Tourism Director.

Pictured are (seated) Aaron Kruger, WY; Michael Sandstrom, NE; John Rosenbaum, RI; (standing) Erica Quale, ND; Kelly Hamilton, ID.

Six fellows for June 23 – 28 were given the key to the city on Tuesday, June 25th, by Jackson Tough, Tourism Director. During the presentation of the keys, Tourism Director Jackson Tough told both groups, “From Gordon Parks to the history of the Fort and the National Cemetery, along with this amazing place, the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes, we realize that Fort Scott is the home of heroes. Now we add you, the Lowell Milken Fellows to that list of heroes. You influence so many young people. You mold them, inspire them, and give them direction. We truly welcome you to our community and as a small token of our appreciation, we present each of you with a key to the city of Fort Scott.”

Pictured are (seated) Ann Marie Vanneste, Canada; Matthew Mayeske, KS; Sarah Espinal, NY; Leah Lawrence, MO; (standing) Lindsay Madison, Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce; Ashley Libben, IN; Bibba Kahn, VT; Jackson Tough, City of Fort Scott Public Relations and Tourism Director.

Every summer, the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes awards its Fellowship to national and international award-winning educators from America and around the world. As National LMC Fellows, they deepen their understanding of Unsung Heroes and project-based learning in preparation for developing Unsung Heroes projects with their students. They also learn the stories of powerful role models who have helped to change the world and can be life-changing examples for students today. Along with the time spent deepening their professional skills at the LMC, the Fellows enjoy visiting the Fort Scott area.

LMC News

Experience the June 26 Exhibit Unveiling!

We are thrilled to share the highlights from our June 26 exhibit unveiling, featuring the inspiring stories of Dr. Christine Grant and Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte. Our YouTube video captures the essence of this special event, showcasing the beautiful exhibit panels and the heartfelt moments shared by VIP guests, including nationally recognized teachers, students, and family members of the honorees.

Watch the video now to experience the excitement and honor these remarkable Unsung Heroes!

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