Minutes of the July 15 Bo Co Commission Meeting

July 15, 2024                                                                                                        Monday, 4:00 p.m.




The Board of Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.



Clint Walker, Rachel Walker, Michael Hoyt, Anne Dare, Jean Tucker, Mike Wunderly, and Pete Owenby were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim opened the meeting with the flag salute.


Clifton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 7-8-2024. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.


The meeting began with a budget discussion with multiple departments presenting their 2025 budget requests.


Bill Martin, Sheriff, said they are trying to find ways to find money and discussed the juvenile detention contract with Girard which is budgeted for $90,000 annually. Bill said he can reach out to detention centers to get rates if the Commissioners would like him to. Bill stated that in 2023 there was a total of 186 days where there were juveniles in the detention center. Tiana McElroy said the juvenile offender law has changed and it is more reformatory and not like adult criminal law. Tiana said that the ultimate goal is to find other placement for juveniles instead of holding them while their case is pending and Bill said it is based upon the offense the juvenile has done. Bill said he is trying to think outside of the box to save money. Clifton asked where else the juveniles would go, is there availability, and what the cost would be. Bill stated that Johnson County, Wyandotte County, and Douglas County have juvenile detention centers. Tiana said you might be able to negotiate with Girard or the other detention centers.

The Sixth Judicial District Court with Court Clerk Michelle Sharp saying the biggest request for next year was new recording equipment. Michelle said they currently do not have a reporter so the next best thing is to have this program so that they can start having jury trials. Michelle said they reduced several items including jury cost and microfilming as they are starting to back scan their documents.  Michelle said that they increased the amount for juvenile GAL as there are several conflicts that require them to go outside of their contract attorneys to find an attorney. Michelle said they are asking for a total of $13,000 more than this year.  Jim said they are doing a good job trimming their budget. Judge Mark Ward said it is required by law to record everything in a court proceeding and they had a court reporter paid for by the state, but she retired and there is currently a nationwide shortage of court reporters.


Matt Quick, Appraiser, and Susan Walker, CFO, discussed the Appraiser’s budget request. Due to the NRP distribution corrections the equipment reserve fund is depleted to approximately $20,000 and they are trying to build that back up. They plan on $10,000 for the equipment reserve fund and $11,000 for employee raises. Matt is asking for $206,000 and stated that they should have money come back after the NRP corrections that could offset some the costs. Currently the software is not figuring the 5% administration fee for NRP correctly and the company is working to correct this.


Tiana McElroy, County Attorney, and James Crux, Assistant County Attorney, presented their office’s 2025 budget of $463,000. Tiana said they are not asking for any more for commodities or contractual services. Tiana explained how they only have two full-time prosecutors who are trying to cover for four judges. Tiana is asking for a part-time attorney and a full-time legal assistant as the three assistants in her office are working nights and weekends to try to keep up with the schedule as a lot of things must be done in a certain timeframe.


Susan explained the revenue neutral rate intent form that must be completed and turned into the County Clerk by Friday. Susan said that you need to protect the cash carryover going forward so if a disaster occurs it will be available. Jim said he would support staying at 59.907 mills and Brandon agreed. Clifton said there are a lot of increases that he won’t vote yes on. Jim said the Sheriff and road and bridge department could get trimmed as well as some others. Clifton discussed the Clerk and Treasurer’s budget with Susan explaining the Treasurer is only asking for an increase of 15% for publication costs and the Department of Labor increase. Susan stated the Clerk and Treasurer are underpaid and used the same comparable places that the Sheriff used earlier this year. Jim discussed the Clerk budget request with Susan as she is running for the position. Susan said she is asking for $12,000 for a part-time person and additional for budget preparation in addition to the normal duties of the Clerk. Susan said she will be taking a pay cut and that she was told she was wanted in one of those positions. Jim agreed and said he has said she would be good as an elected official. Jim made a motion to stay at 59.907 mills and sign the revenue intent form that it is Bourbon County’s intent to exceed the revenue neutral rate. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.


Brian Allen, Emergency Manager, said he received the declaration from the President for the recent storm and flood damage.


Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, and Dustin Hall, Assistant Public Works Director, presented their 2025 budget stating they will remain the same as last year which will be two years in a row. Jim said they’ve done a great job with road repairs. Eric said that sales tax is down close to the 2020 amount, and they may have to re-evaluate their projects. Dustin said that the decisions regarding projects will be up to the Commissioners. Eric said that the majority of 2025 will be for flood clean up and repair as there is significant damage. Dustin said it will take a lot of time and unfortunately some inconvenience however they will notify residents of any proposed road closures. Eric said that the public can monitor the Bourbon County Facebook page as they try to get all closures posted there and on the radio. Michael Hoyt asked how they would handle the repairs and FEMA reimbursement and asked if the county will get a bond. Susan said that they wouldn’t get a good rating on a bond or even be able to obtain one. They are currently using the special projects fund for all repairs relating to the flood and storm damage. Eric said that it will be a reimbursement and that he was just informed so he will get more information from KDEM and KDOT relating to payouts.


Michael Hoyt asked about the increase for the election fund and what the issues is with the machines. Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, said that when the prior Clerk purchased the equipment that depleted the reserve fund to $293 so she had to ask for an increase to cover the yearly software maintenance fee which is around $18,000. Jennifer stated the annual fee for this year was included in the purchase price. During the sales tax election some machines were slow accepting ballots, so Jennifer had the equipment company inspect each machine’s rollers and scanner to ensure the new equipment is working as it should be. Jennifer explained a representative from the company will be onsite for the Primary and General elections at no cost to the County. Michael asked if the machines were counting properly and Jennifer assured him yes, they have not had any issues with the counts. Jennifer explained how after each election an audit is held where a percentage of each precinct’s ballots are hand counted publicly by an appointed board and that count is matched to the machine count. At each of the audits she has held the hand count has matched the machine count. Michael said he has submitted a petition to the Clerk and County Counselor to increase the number of Commission seats from 3 to 5. Michael said they plan on holding petition signing events.


Susan Walker said there is a renewal for KWORCC, and they must now have a safety committee and hold monthly inspections. The Commissioners will decide who is on the safety committee. There is an option to have safety policies in place and hold meetings to lower the rates. Brandon suggested we check our handbook and see if we have policies in place that would help us with our rate. Eric Bailey said they have someone with KCAMP and KWORCC who does inspections. Susan said they have to be held monthly now. Jim made a motion to appoint Eric Bailey as safety inspector. Brandon seconded the motion. Clifton said he wants Eric to talk with the Sheriff and David. Susan the Commissioners will have to form a committee and Jim suggested bringing back a list of members and the safety needs.


Brian Allen, Emergency Manager, presented a mitigation plan that is optional to join so in the future if an opportunity arises to obtain reimbursement the County will be able to request funding. Brandon made a motion to adopt and sign the mitigation plan which is laid out in Resolution 08-24. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved.


Teri Hulsey, EMS Director, said they received the new ambulance last week. Teri said they have a 2001 Ford E450 which they have listed as number 890 that they would like to list on auction site Purple Wave or govdeals.com. Clifton made a motion to allow Teri to put number 890, a 2001 Ford E450, on Purple Wave or govdeals.com and it is up to her discretion which one she chooses. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.

Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to add an executive session before the Commission comments section. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 5-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss non-elected personnel to protect their privacy to include all three Commissioners and will return at 5:16. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session with no action at 5:16. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.


Brandon said that solar questions eats up all his time and said that FEMA and the EPA has standards for solar and he would like to hold off on them until somebody has standards they can go by. Jim said someone needs to get an independent lawyer to step forward and file an injunction upstairs then the judge will send the Commissioners paperwork. Jim stated that he thinks these folks need to help themselves. Bo Casper asked why does it have to come down to us suing for our independence. Jim said they will not be having a solar discussion tonight. Clifton said that RNR is absurd, and people should be offended by it and that our legislatures voted for this. Jim said by going with 59.907 it leaves mill levy flat and they can continue to trim the budget. Clifton said they should be getting bids and that may help lower insurance costs. Susan stated they are getting bids. Jim said they will need to schedule work sessions and asked Susan to have a printout for every budget.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:27. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.




___________________, Chairman


ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner

Amber Page, Bourbon County Deputy Clerk


      7-22-2024                          Approved Date


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