Camren Lamb, 10, and his mom, Melanie Lamb are teaming up to facilitate a family church camp next month.
They had been planning the camp together but didn’t have a sight secured yet.
“Then Ralph Carlson offered his private land, pond, and cabin for the church camp and said, ‘I can’t think of a better use for it,'” Melanie said.
Last year Camren raised money for purchasing a Vacation Bible School kit to create a church camp for families. He did this by selling his art and playing his guitar for tips at his booth at the Fort Scott Farmer’s Market which hosted the Children’s Business Fair.
The Lambs purchased an Answers in Genesis Vacation Bible School kit with money from his sales and tips.
For four days and three nights, July 15-18, Camren and Melanie will lead groups in Bible lessons, games, crafts, songs, Scripture memorization, snacks, and a Bible verse treasure hunt.
In addition, there will be kayaking, canoeing, water balloon fun, campfire, and devotions.
“Some of his friends will help,” Melanie said. “He is looking forward to leading the groups.”
Camren said, “It’s good to be with friends in nature.”
There are a few openings left for families, Melanie said.
Melanie said each family must bring their tent, food, and necessities.
The campsite and activities are provided.
The cabin at the Carlson property has water and there is an outhouse.
For more information contact Melanie at 620.215.3449.

Camren and Melanie, my wife and I live next door to Ralph property and believe strongly in your cause. Let us know if we can support you. Ralph has my number and .biz has my email address.