February 23, 2024
Turnaround is the halfway point of session. The days before turnaround, leadership schedules bills to be debated and brought to a vote. Thankfully, this year Senate leadership didn’t bring an extreme amount of bills above the line for debate. There were still too many bills to report in this update so below are some highlights. All bills can be found at www.kslegislature.org.
Property Rights would be protected from unfounded forfeiture and seizure if SB 458 becomes law. It passed the Senate 36 to 2. I voted Yes.
Eminent Domain allows government to take your property. A majority of senators, myself included, supported legislation that would remove the Secretary of Wildlife and Parks authority to use eminent domain to acquire land, water, or water rights. SB 417 passed 25 to 14.
Coal Fired Energy Plants in Kansas have announced closures, all except for one in western Kansas. Thankfully, none have closed. SB 455 would make it more difficult to close these plants by forcing certain conditions, such as requiring that another energy generating plant be in place before the coal plant could shut-down. I supported the bill that passed 29 to 8.
Protecting Patients’ Rights by establishing the Right to Health Freedom Act in SB 391 would limit isolation and allow patients to see their loved ones. It would permit the Secretary of Health and Environment to maintain a list of infectious or contagious diseases. However, they would not have the authority to enact rules and regulations. Local health officers (LHO) could recommend quarantines during a highly contagious or deadly disease outbreak. I voted Yes. The bill passed 23 to 17.
Privacy Protection in current law makes it illegal to record or photograph a person who is nude or in a state of undress when the recording device is hidden. SB 420 would make it a crime no matter if the device is hidden or not. It passed unanimously.
Military Drivers who qualify under the Even Exchange Program would not have to take a knowledge or a skills test to get a commercial driver’s license (CDL) if SB 462 becomes law. It passed unanimously.
Senate Sub for HB 2247 had several provisions in the bill dealing with the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (UCCC) and the Kansas Mortgage Business Act (KMBA). The UCCC has only been adopted by 11 states since established in 1952. Kansas is one of the eleven. By adopting updated UCCC, consumers will see a credit card surcharge on receipts. It has been against the law for businesses to charge this fee. Colorado’s version will limit the surcharge to 2%. Kansas will not have a limit. The bill would allow creditors after 10 days and written notice to collect a late payment and also charge reasonable cost of collection. If you don’t voluntarily pay, it appears a creditor can take possession. They cannot enter “a dwelling” or use “force”. Does that mean they can access your bank account? Another section of the bill would restrict financial examinations from “open records, subpoena and discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action” until July 1, 2030. Why? There are more questions than answers with the bill so I voted No. It passed 33 to 6.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.