Category Archives: Fort Scott Community College

Minutes of the Fort Scott Community College Trustees on January 19

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
January 29, 2024
PRESENT: Ronda Bailey, Jim Fewins, Bryan Holt, Chad McKinnis, and Doug Ropp
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler-President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, faculty, staff, community members
Board Clerk McDaniel called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm in the meeting rooms of the Ellis Fine Arts Center.
A motion was made by Fewins seconded by Bailey and carried by unanimous vote to appoint Bryan Holt as chair pro tem.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chair pro tem Holt stated Chair Bartelsmeyer was sick and unable to attend.
He then led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance.
COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: Steve Anthony spoke to the Board about his desire to be able to get former FSCC players who are now playing in the NFL inducted into the FSCC Hall of Fame. He volunteered to lead whatever work is required to allow the induction of those 4 former students who are now playing professional football. If a policy is preventing the induction, he advocated for a change of policy.
REVIEW OF PROGRAMS – JOHN DEERE: John Deere Technology instructors Kent Aikin and Dale Griffiths presented an update about FSCC’s John Deere program. They provided a history of the program and offerings, adding that twenty-one other institutions offer the program. John Deere Corporate makes annual contributions to
FSCC’s program with training aids, new machines, instructor education, and budgetary assistance for classroom learning, banquets, and recruiting assistance. Last year this amount was near $19,000. Ninety-five percent of graduates are hired full time at their sponsoring dealership, and their salaries can range from $50,000 – $100,000 annually. FSCC’s program provides required certifications for these students to work in the industry, as well as an
Associate of Applied Science Degree, which can be used to obtain a bachelor’s degree at Pittsburg State University
or Kansas State in Salina by way of a 2+2 agreement. The proposed changes to FSCC’s program will easily double the number of students graduating every year, and FSCC is serving as the pilot school for this change in every other school in the country. Currently there are 21 freshmen, 17 sophomores, and a waiting list for the beginning of next semester. FSCC will increase enrollment from 22 new students to 48 new students per year, and up to 68 new
students per year in five years. The increased enrollment would require a third or even a fourth instructor. Students in John Deere are eligible for FAFSA and Kansas Promise Act.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE: Dr. Kegler reviewed a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form with the Board requesting the Board to identify their conflicts of interest. A blank form will be posted to the website. Signed documents should be returned to Juley McDaniel. Should the board approve an upcoming policy in next month’s meeting, all employees will be asked to complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure in the future.
AFFIRMATION OF SERVICE: Dr. Kegler reviewed an Affirmation of Service form. One form will be signed by all Board members. Signed documents should be returned to Juley McDaniel, and the signed document will be posted to the website.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to executive session for 5 minutes beginning at 12:40 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to appointment of officers, positions, and officials with action expected to follow in the
appointment of officers, positions, and officials. The Board invited Dr. Kegler to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 12:46 pm by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous
vote to return to open session.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to appoint Bryan Holt as Board Chair.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to appoint Doug Ropp as Board Vice-Chair.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve appointments below for 2024.
TREASURER Gina Shelton
GREENBUSH REP John Bartelsmeyer
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda.
A. Foundation Donation – Dr. Kegler reported the Foundation Board has given FSCC a very generous donation. The gifted funds are to be used at the discretion of administration who will meet with Sarah
Smith in the Foundation Office to determine how the funds will be distributed. Dr. Kegler said the funds are being considered for use toward operational expenses, and some will go to payments of COPs and lease payments. Dr. Kegler stated the donation takes some of the stress and pressure of trying to make some of
the decisions currently being made. An upcoming meeting with the Foundation will be held on February 1.
There was additional conversation about the ongoing audit process and recently receiving state aid and property tax. Fewins requested the board receive an outline of when the college receives funding from various resources.
B. Institutional Workstudy – Dr. Kegler informed the Board a determination has been made that institutional workstudy being received by baseball and softball students could be eliminated. He acknowledged the decision impacts seventeen students receiving $3,200 per academic year, but it is an opportunity for
expenses to be reduced. Students employed as an institutional workstudy on the academic or student services departments would not be impacted. He cited the need to look at other cuts such as personnel or deeper budget cuts if institutional workstudy is not cut. Board members asked questions about how many
students currently on institutional workstudy qualify for federal workstudy, and Dr. Kegler reported the Financial Aid office indicated a handful of those students would qualify for federal workstudy funds. Dr. Kegler also addressed having those students report to the athletic director as opposed to their coaches so it
appears cleaner. The baseball and softball institutional workstudies are reportedly for field maintenance, and Dr. Kegler said he has offered to reassign an employee from maintenance to take care of those facilities.
Board members Bailey, Fewins, and McKinnis expressed concern about impacting students this semester by eliminating funds students were under the impression they would receive. Dr. Kegler said alternative action can certainly be considered, but FSCC needs to reduce its payroll, as the monthly payroll is too much. The Board reiterated their hope is that workstudy students be a last resort to be cut, and agreed that set guidelines need to be defined for institutional workstudy in the future.
C. Five Year Financial Plan – Dr. Kegler informed the Board that Carolyn Sinn is working on a 5-year plan of the last 5 years. He says it will give administration the ability to see increases to salaries and benefits.
D. Administrative Restructure – Dr. Kegler explained the revised organization chart proposed to be effective 7/1/24, saying the revised structure is a model many institutions already have or are putting in place. He noted many institutions are faulted in the accreditation process for having too many vice presidents. FSCC
has had three to four vice presidents in recent years, and Dr. Kegler reported reducing the amount of vice presidents will make FSCC’s structure more in line to other institutions who have gone to a provost-type model. The proposed organization chart would create a Vice President of Student Development. This
position would oversee all functional areas that impact students at FSCC. Dr. Kegler stated the current vice presidents would become Deans or Associate Deans in the proposed organization chart, and salaries will be aligned with responsibilities. Dr. Kegler cited a need for consistency in how things are being done and how the student experience is flowing. He stated the restructure will also bring some salaries into line with responsibilities. Dr. Kegler added it is important to minimize some of our administrators and
administrative titles, stating the same work is going to be done, just not at the level it is currently. He stated an internal search would be conducted to fill the new Vice President of Student Development, saying he didn’t think it would be necessary to do an external search.
A. A motion was made by McKinnis seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the John Deere Certificate as described.
B. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the revision to the Associate of Applied Science in Agriculture Technology for John Deere as described.
C. A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Heavy Equipment Operation Program.
There was consensus of the board to take a five-minute recess at 2:06 pm. The meeting resumed at 2:13 pm.
D. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Mission, Core Values, and Vision Statements as presented.
E. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the 2024-25 academic calendar as presented.
F. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the bank signer resolution, listing John Bartelsmeyer as the board appointed signature.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed items of appreciation and correspondence.
• HLC – Dr. Kegler described the process the HLC preparation committee is going through in preparation for HLC’s upcoming visit October 13 – 14, 2025. The group is meeting weekly to review each criterion and will be spending the next year and a half writing the document. Sara Sutton is co-chairing the committee.
• GORDON PARKS MUSEUM – The Board reviewed a report provided by the Gordon Parks Museum.
• FOUNDATION – Dr. Kegler said he has asked the Foundation Board to come to a Board of Trustees meeting quarterly. He stated the Foundation has committed to being more of a supporter and partner of the college, including agreeing to help FSCC with the funding for the Foundation Director position.
• ADMINISTRATION – The Board reviewed and heard updates from Miami County, Academic Affairs, Finance and Operations, Student Services, and President.
The Board requested an opportunity to evaluate Hall of Fame requirements for the next meeting.
Chairman Holt suggested sending the employee satisfaction survey now, as it would send the message that the board cares what employees are thinking. He recommended the executive team discuss and determine if it should be sent now.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 4:15 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to performance evaluations and discussion of identifiable personnel information of non- elected personnel with no action expected to follow. The Board invited Dr. Kegler and Gina Shelton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 4:27 pm by Fewins, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 4:30 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to performance evaluations and discussion of identifiable personnel information of non-
elected personnel with no action expected to follow. The Board invited Dr. Kegler and Gina Shelton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 4:45 pm by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
4:46 pm by Ropp, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk

Rescheduled FSCC Trustees Meeting Agenda for January 29

January 29, 2024
Board of Trustees
Fort Scott Community College
2108 S. Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday, January 29, 2024. The meeting will be held in the meeting room of Ellis Fine Arts Center at Fort
Scott Community College at noon, 12 p.m.

1.22.24 Consent Agenda-actually for 1.29-final

5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Chair, 4
B. Comments from the Public, 4
C. Review of Programs – John Deere, 4
D. Conflict of Interest Disclosure, 4
E. Affirmation of Service, 4
A. Approval of Agenda, 8
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on December 18, 2023, 9
C. Approval of Bills and Claims, 10
D. Approval of deposit of proceeds ($623,971.50) from the sale of 902 S. Horton into fund 12, 8
E. Approval of Personnel Actions, 8
A. Foundation Donation, 30
B. Institutional Workstudy, 30
C. Five Year Financial Plan, 30
D. Administrative Restructure, 30
A. Consideration of John Deere Certificate, 32
B. Approval of Revision to the Associate of Applied Science in Agriculture – John Deere, 33
C. Consideration of Heavy Equipment Operation Program, 341
D. Review and Approval of FSCC Mission, Core Values, and Vision Statement, 35
E. Approval of 2024-25 Academic Calendar, 36
F. Approval of Bank Signer Resolution, 38
A. Higher Learning Commission
B. Gordon Parks Museum,
C. Foundation
D. Administration
• January 29, 2024 (Changed due to MLK, Jr. Day) Board Meeting
• February 19, 2024 Board Meeting
• March 11 – 15, 2024 Spring Break, Campus Closed
• March 18, 2024 Board Meeting
• April 15, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 20, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 27, 2024 Memorial Day, Campus Closed
• June 17, 2024 Board Meeting
John Bartelsmeyer, Chair
Jason Kegler, President
FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective processes; and developing the region’s workforce.2


Information Officer
(Previously Juley McDaniel)
Clerk of the Board
(Previously Juley McDaniel)
(Previously Marianne Culbertson)
KPERS Representative
(Previously Juley McDaniel)
KACCT Representative and
Council of Presidents Representative
(Previously Kirk Hart and Robert Nelson)
Greenbush Representative
(Previously John Bartelsmeyer)
Designated Bank for General Fund
(Previously Landmark National Bank)
Designated Attorney
(Previously Zackery Reynolds)
Official Newspaper
(Previously The Fort Scott Tribune)7

Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on December 18, 2023.
Attached are the Bills and Claims Report.


1) Additions
a) Vickie Laderer, Associate Dean of Health Programs, effective December 15, 2023
b) Ively Pride, Louisiana MEP Regional Recruiter , effective January 1, 2024
c) Yasmine Lennon, Educational Specialist, effective January 1, 2024

2) Separations
a) Emily Hoffman, MEP, effective December 31, 2023

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as presented.
VOTE: Bailey Bartelsmeyer Fewins
Holt McKinnis Ropp8

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler-President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, faculty, staff
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Bartelsmeyer personally thanked Board members Dave Elliott,
Kirk Hart, and Robert Nelson for their time on the Board, noting that each has been so helpful. Board member Jim
Fewins agreed.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda, including the additional purchase order list provided.
A. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
academic scholarships as presented, with further discussion regarding D1 flat scholarships to come.
B. A motion was made by Elliott seconded by Fewins and carried by unanimous vote to approve the contract
for the sale of the property at 902 S. Horton to USD 234 for $625,000.
C. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Elliott and carried by unanimous vote to authorize President
Kegler to complete appropriate transfers of funds and related paperwork to fulfill the debt obligation to
CHCSEK for this property.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed items of appreciation and correspondence.
ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard updates from Miami County, Instruction,
Finance and Operations, Athletics, and Student Services, and President.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Elliott and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 7:25 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to organizational structure with action expected to follow. The board invited Dr. Kegler, Juley
McDaniel, Sonia Gugnani, and Gina Shelton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 7:36 pm by Hart, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to add an item to the agenda for
Consideration of Health Programs Division.
A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Hart and carried by unanimous vote to approve the addition of a Health
Programs Division within Academic Affairs which will have primary oversight for nursing, allied health, and EMT.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
7:38 pm by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk9

FSCC Community Conversation: Cuts Will Need To Be Made

Fort Scott Community College’s Dr. Jason Kegler led a conversation with approximately 85 interested community members about the state of the college on January 24 in the Ellis Fine Art Center on the campus.

He began by explaining that last year they saw that FSCC would have depleted all but $300,000 of its savings by November of 2023.  They made drastic cuts to spending to prevent needing to lay anyone off in 2023. FSCC’s payroll is approximately $800,000 per month.

Kegler said that the primary driver of the spending was the scholarship program that gives around $1,000,000 per year in academic scholarships. Toward the end of the year, the college made a change to limit academic scholarships to in-state students because those students would result in payments from the state. The administration is also going to make some changes to limit the number of scholarships to a budgeted amount to make planning easier.

Audience member Larry  Shead asked if the college has significant debt it is making payments on. Dr. Kegler answered that the college has bond payments that total $1.4 to $1.5 million per year and they have been making payments. He said that the school is carrying too much debt and that they should be at about half of that. The current market isn’t a good time to refinance, and recent events have probably impacted the college’s credit standing.

Audience member Anne Dare asked how the college is navigating the salaries for faculty and staff. Dr. Kegler said there is a study every year that shows the salaries for other community colleges and FSCC has salaries at the lower end of the range. He said they need to get the salaries up, but the way to do that is to bring in more students. The college has lost 27% of the student population since 2018. The current numbers for this spring are 5.9% lower than it was a year ago, but with late start classes, he hoped they could get that to 3%.

The FSCC Nursing Program was previously one of the top ones in this area, but it is now on conditional approval which means that no new nursing students can be accepted. Dr. Kegler said that nursing is one of the top five career paths in the world.

He went on to talk about how the college is trying to make sure they are funding activities that will keep students engaged and enjoying their time here so other students will want to come.

Audience member Chad Cosens asked what the impact of the current situation was on athletics and if the college is looking at adding any new athletics programs. Dr. Kegler said 76% of the current athletes are from out of state and on scholarships. Therefore the majority of athletes are not students who are bringing in state funds. He said he wants strong athletics teams, but FSCC can’t keep the doors open through sports. He pointed out that when a coach leaves, the athletes that are from out of state don’t have ties to the local area and leave.

Cosens said he doesn’t see how a community college can get students without sports because the local draw of higher education isn’t very strong without it.

Dr. Kegler said that while he recognizes the role of athletics and doesn’t want to cut sports, he does want to be sustainable. He said that the school is doing things in the name of sports that don’t have a return on investment and the college can’t continue doing that.

He pointed out that the college has an athletic facility across town (that students can only get to if they have a car), but the school can’t find a building for technical education. He said that the return on investment in athletics is flat at a minimum.

An audience member suggested adding some current professional football players to the FSCC Hall of Fame to generate some good positive attention.

Attendee Katy Casper said that as a community member, she’d like to see an analysis of what programs bring people from out of state, to stay here in town and pay over $100,000 in property taxes a year. She pointed out that there are celebrities who have come here in the past, but we have people who came for rodeo and have stayed here in the community.

Dr. Kegler said it would appear that FSCC is a very athletic college based on past budgets. He said athletic programs have been the primary place where the college has spent money over the years.

Audience member Steve Williams said the community colleges cut their own throat by focusing on bringing in athletes from out of state.

The decision to move the conference that FSCC participates in, into Division 2, hurt programs like FSCC according to Dr. Kegler. With Division 2, they were only competing against other schools that could scholarship tuition and books whereas Division 1 could also pay for room and board and other expenses. He said more schools are recognizing that Division 1 isn’t sustainable for Kansas community colleges.

Audience member Jerry Witt said that the FSCC football alumni are looking for ways to get the college back on its feet, but that was the focus before looking for ways to bring football back.

Attendee Lindsey Madison said this afternoon a future student was looking for housing this summer and wondered what the occupancy was like on the FSCC housing. Kegler said the college has vacancies in the on-campus housing, but the on-campus students don’t have a way for students to cook for themselves other than the off-campus housing options. He said they are not planning to add any new housing at this time.

An audience member asked if the county and state money is going to give the college what it needs through 2024. Kegler said  no it is not. The college is anticipating a deficit in April where they will not be able to make payroll. The college did receive a gift from the foundation to help, but even with the money that is coming in, FSCC will need to make cuts.

FSCC Community Conversation This Evening at 5:30 p.m.

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member

Fort Scott Community College…..

Join Dr. Jason Kegler for an open conversation!

Dr. Jason Kegler would like to invite members of Bourbon County, the surrounding communities, and alumni to a series of conversations regarding the college and its impact on our community.

The purpose of the conversation series is to engage the community on matters related to the college. Dr. Kegler will be discussing the college’s mission and vision, image, identity, economic impact, and other topics of interest. His plan is for these conversations to occur monthly through April. Dr. Kegler sees this as an opportunity for him to gain vital feedback from the people they serve related to this community’s college.

For more information, contact 620.223.2700 ext. 5202.

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

MInutes of the FSCC Trustees on December 11

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler-President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, faculty, staff
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chairman Bartelsmeyer personally thanked Board members Dave Elliott,
Kirk Hart, and Robert Nelson for their time on the Board, noting that each has been so helpful. Board member Jim
Fewins agreed.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda, including the additional purchase order list provided.
A. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
academic scholarships as presented, with further discussion regarding D1 flat scholarships to come.
B. A motion was made by Elliott seconded by Fewins and carried by unanimous vote to approve the contract
for the sale of the property at 902 S. Horton to USD 234 for $625,000.
C. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Elliott and carried by unanimous vote to authorize President
Kegler to complete appropriate transfers of funds and related paperwork to fulfill the debt obligation to
CHCSEK for this property.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed items of appreciation and correspondence.
ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard updates from Miami County, Instruction,
Finance and Operations, Athletics, and Student Services, and President.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Elliott and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 7:25 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to organizational structure with action expected to follow. The board invited Dr. Kegler, Juley
McDaniel, Sonia Gugnani, and Gina Shelton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 7:36 pm by Hart, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to add an item to the agenda for
Consideration of Health Programs Division.
A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Hart and carried by unanimous vote to approve the addition of a Health
Programs Division within Academic Affairs which will have primary oversight for nursing, allied health, and EMT.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
7:38 pm by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk9
Date 16-Jan-2024 Page 1
Fort Scott Community College

The Fort Scott Community College Trustees Agenda for January 22

January 22, 2024
Board of Trustees
Fort Scott Community College
2108 S. Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday,
January 22, 2024. The meeting will be held in the meeting room of Ellis Fine Arts Center at Fort
Scott Community College.
5:30 p.m. Regular monthly Board meeting
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Chair, 4
B. Comments from the Public, 4
C. Review of Programs – John Deere, 4
A. Approval of Agenda, 8
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on December 18,
2023, 9
C. Approval of Bills, and Claims, 10
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 8
A. Consideration of John Deere Certificate, 30
B. Approval of Revision to the Associate of Applied Science in Agriculture – John Deere, 31
C. Consideration of Heavy Equipment Operation Program, 32
D. Review and Approval of FSCC Mission, Core Values, and Vision Statement, 33
A. Administrative Updates, 34
• January 22, 2024 (Changed due to MLK, Jr. Day) Board Meeting
• February 19, 2024 Board Meeting
• March 11 – 15, 2024 Spring Break, Campus Closed
• March 18, 2024 Board Meeting
• April 15, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 20, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 27, 2024 Memorial Day, Campus Closed
• June 17, 2024 Board Meeting
John Bartelsmeyer, Chair
Jason Kegler, President
FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a
central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective
processes; and developing the region’s workforce.2
_____ Ronda Bailey
_____ John Bartelsmeyer
_____ Jim Fewins
_____ Bryan Holt
_____ Chad McKinnis
_____ Doug Ropp3
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adjourn to executive session.
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer FewinsBailey
Holt McKinnis Ropp
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer FewinsBailey
Holt McKinnis Ropp5
MOTION _____ SECOND _____ VOTE _____
VOTE: Bailey Bartelsmeyer Fewins
Holt McKinnis Ropp
MOTION _____ SECOND _____ VOTE _____
VOTE: Bailey Bartelsmeyer Fewins
Holt McKinnis Ropp6

Information Officer
(Previously Juley McDaniel)
Clerk of the Board
(Previously Juley McDaniel)
(Previously Marianne Culbertson)
KPERS Representative
(Previously Juley McDaniel)
KACCT Representative and
Council of Presidents Representative
(Previously Kirk Hart and Robert Nelson)
Greenbush Representative
(Previously John Bartelsmeyer)
Designated Bank for General Fund
(Previously Landmark National Bank)
Designated Attorney
(Previously Zackery Reynolds)
Official Newspaper
(Previously The Fort Scott Tribune)7

Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on December 18, 2023.
Attached are the Bills and Claims Report.
1) Additions
a) Vickie Laderer, Associate Dean of Health Programs, effective December 15,
b) Ively Pride, Louisiana MEP Regional Recruiter , effective January 1, 2024
c) Yasmine Lennon, Educational Specialist, effective January 1, 2024
2) Separations
a) Emily Hoffman, MEP, effective December 31, 2023
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as
VOTE: Bailey Bartelsmeyer Fewins
Holt McKinnis Ropp

To view the entire packet:

1.22.24 Consent Agenda

FSCC Initiates Community Conversations on January 24

January 11, 2024
The Office of the President
Fort Scott Community College

Fort Scott Community College President, Dr. C. Jason Kegler, would like to invite members of Bourbon County, the surrounding communities, and alumni to a series of conversations regarding the college and its impact on our community.

The first conversation will be held at 5:30 pm in the Ellis Fine Arts Center on January 24, 2024.

The purpose of the conversation series is to engage the community on matters related to the college.

We will be examining the college’s mission and vision, image, identity, economic impact, and other topics involving the community.

These conversations will occur monthly beginning in January and concluding in April, with the potential for future conversations.

The idea of the conversations is for this to be an opportunity for two-way conversations designed to gain information on this
community’s college for the people we serve.

The college and Dr. Kegler are looking forward to this opportunity to engage with the community and our constituents.
For more information, please call 620-223-2700 ext. 5202.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Rescheduled Due to Forecasted Weather

Fort Scott, Kan. – With inclement weather and severe cold in the forecast for Jan. 15, the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at Fort Scott Community College is rescheduled to Wednesday, Jan. 17.

In making the announcement, Kirk Sharp, executive director of the Gordon Parks Museum noted that the “Day of Service” (in honor of King’s birthday) begins with a food drive for the Beacon Food Pantry of Fort Scott.

Canned goods and non-perishable, non-expired items can be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the museum, located in the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center.

The celebration, with all events open to the community, features a free soup lunch at noon. The lunch, provided by Great Western Dining, includes soup, drink, dessert and birthday cake. The celebration lunch also includes a “I Stand for …” photo promotion, sponsored by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes.

An afternoon of celebration and tribute through music, “Celebrating Every Voice,” begins at 1 p.m. in the theater and features choirs from the Apostolic Christian Church and the United Missionary Baptist Church, both of Fort Scott, and blues guitarist Lem Sheppard from Pittsburg. All events are free to attend.


For more information, go to https// or call the museum at (620) 223-2700, ext. 5850 or email [email protected]




Strategies to Prevent Sex Trafficking Presented to the Community This Month

January is Sex Trafficking Awareness Month.

A special presentation on strategies to prevent sex trafficking will be happening on Wednesday, January 31 at 6 p.m. at Fort Scott Community College Ellis Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton.

Children under 18 years of age are not allowed to this presentation  “due to some of the explicit videos and information that will be shared that evening,” said Shanda Stewart.

“I just retired in November after 29 years with the State of Kansas, 6th Judicial District as a Probation Office,” Stewart said. “I got to hear Russ Tuttle’s presentation at a conference I attended in October and was so blown away with the information; I thought we have got to get him to Bourbon County. I was able to network with the right people to make it happen!”

“Your perception of sex trafficking and what it is, will be completely changed,” she said.

Youth will get a version for themselves the next day and faculty and staff will have a presentation at an in-service day in USD 234.

“On Thursday, February 1st the presenter, Russ Tuttle will be doing age-appropriate assemblies at all four of the USD 234 schools,” Stewart said.  “On Friday, February 2nd he will do a presentation for all faculty and staff during their teacher in-service day.”

BeAlert® is the awareness and prevention strategy of The Stop Trafficking Project® to end domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)before it starts by disrupting the exploitation of vulnerability.

This adults-only community presentation focuses on the role of life online (the internet) for students, to educate and empower caring adults in our community to prevent sex trafficking, according to a press release.

Caring adults in the community who are  invited to attend:

  • Law enforcement
  • Firefighters and EMT’s
  • Medical professionals
  • Counselors
  • Faith community leaders
  • School personnel
  • Parents, guardians, and all other adult family members

Students are enamored with social media and “life online,” according to the press release from Stewart.

The event will provide practical advice to caring adults to guide and make them aware of vulnerabilities that can be exploited such loneliness, isolation, depression, suicide, sexting, sextortion, pornography, cyberbullying, exploitation, sexual exploitation, and domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)

The presentation will be a fast-moving PowerPoint.

The presenter, Russ Tuttle, is an active abolitionist who has command of the topic and speaks with energy that grabs and keeps the attention of attendees, according to the press release.

The presentation will have images and videos to provide insight into the role of technology in exploiting vulnerabilities, identify the demand in this high-demand business of sexual exploitation, provide the option to engage with the BeAlert® Strategy, the Stop Trafficking App, and the ‘top ten practical steps’ for adults to keep students safer.

No children, please at the January 31 presentation.

For more information, contact Stewart at 620.215.2681.


FSCC’s Beneficial Effects On Students, Taxpayers and Social Perspectives

A recent economic impact study looked at the benefits of Fort Scott Community College to students,  taxpayers, and social perspectives.

“The economic impact of Kansas community colleges is significant and the workforce development provided by each college
across the state of Kansas is vital to a prosperous Kansas economy,” said Heather Morgan, Executive Director of the Kansas
Association of Community Colleges in a press release.

The study provided insights into how Kansas community colleges contribute not only to individual student success but also to the broader prosperity of Kansas according to Empowering Communities- The Economic Impact of Kansas Community Colleges MW(1)

“The college is excited to see the results of the study, which are highly favorable as it relates to the economic impact both within the community and the region,” FSCC’s President Dr. Jason Kegler said. “Our ability to provide such a positive impact would not be possible without the continued support of our community. This study opens the door for us to pursue additional partnerships designed to enhance our impact. The future of the community and this college is bright.”

In the fiscal year 2021-22, Kansas community colleges were
found to have made a $6.7 billion impact on the state’s economy. Expressed in terms of jobs: the direct and indirect impact from all Kansas community colleges supported 106,234 jobs this last year, according to the press release.

Dr. Jason Kegler, president of Fort Scott Community College. Submitted photo.

“The southeast Kansas community colleges have a higher economic impact than the state average in terms of return on investment for local taxpayers”, said  Dr. Kegler.

The average taxpayers’ return on investment for southeast Kansas community colleges is $2.50 for every dollar invested which is higher than the average across the state, according to the press release.


The results of this study demonstrate that FSCC creates value from multiple perspectives, according to FSCC_ExecSum(1). The college benefits regional businesses by increasing consumer spending in the region and supplying a steady flow of qualified, trained workers to the workforce.

FSCC enriches the lives of students by raising their lifetime earnings and helping them achieve their potential, according to an FSCC press release. The college benefits state and local taxpayers through increased tax receipts and reduced demand for government-supported social services. Finally, FSCC benefits society as a whole in Kansas by creating a more prosperous economy and generating a variety of savings through the improved lifestyles of students.

To view the total report in the FSCC press release:


Celebrating the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 15

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member

Gordon Parks Museum…..

Celebrating The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

All events will be held at the Ellis Fine Arts Center (2108 S. Horton St., Fort Scott, Ks.)

Monday, January 15th, 2024 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Events

1:00pm-6:00pm – Day of Service: Canned Food Drive – Join us as we will collect canned and non-perishable food items to donate to the Beacon in Fort Scott. Anyone in the community is invited to drop off canned and non-perishable food.

1:00pm-2:00pm – Showing of the PBS home video documentary “In Remembrance of Martin” in the Gordon Parks Museum. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theatre. This event is free to the public.

2:00pm-3:00pm – Showing of “Martin” – A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Gordon Parks. This is a ballet tribute to Dr. King written and directed by Gordon Parks. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Theatre. This event is free to the public.

5:00pm-6:00pm – Soup Dinner – Come and join us for free soup followed by a music celebration performance at 6:00pm. Soup, drinks and dessert provided by Great Western Dining. Photo Promotion taken with “I Stand For Signs”. FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center Lobby. This event is free to the public.

For more information, please call 620.223.2700 ext. 5850

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701