All posts by Loretta George

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of March 22

March 22, 2022, Tuesday at 6 pm
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Lynne, Jim, Clifton, the
County Counselor, and the County Clerk.

Also present for the meeting were, Joe George, Don & Mary Pemberton, Bill Martin,
Nancy Holt, Jess Ervin, Matt & Amber Kelley, Kyle Knight, Bobby Rich, Brad Stewart,
Jared & Heather Lord, Marla Sutterby, Kevin Sutterby, Beverly Peel, Dale & Lisa
Griffiths, Bobby Reed, Roy Dare, Larry & Judy Jurgensen, Kelly Perry, Danielle Minor,
Kayla Greenway, Schotze Griffiths, Dana Esslinger, Lyle Robinson, Rob Herrington,
Matt Quick, Shane Walker (some were present for a portion of the meeting, some
were present for the entire meeting).

Jim thanked everyone for coming to the meeting encouraged questions from the

Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Lynne
seconded. All approved.

Eric Bailey reported a permit for an extension for Paul Hopkins at 2528 240th St that has been
completed. There was a second permit for Christian Gospel Chapel at 2305 Maple Rd for a new
culvert as well as an extension. Lynne made a motion to approve the permit for a culvert and
extension at 2305 Maple Rd, Fort Scott, KS. Clifton seconded. All approved. Eric said that at
240th & railroad tracks the 36 culvert has been extended 10’ and is complete and they are going
to Arrowhead just west of 267th but due to weather they have postponed that until next week. Jim
asked if the railroad was cooperative. Eric said they were cooperative.

Eric said that Schwab Easton was going to be in town either late today or in the morning to do
the bi-annual bridge inspections as well as the low water crossings.

Eric presented maps regarding speed limit signs on Deer Rd. Eric said there are 30 mph signs on
210th going south and Deer Rd going East. Jim said is there one going North. Eric said not but
they could post one going north or take the other two down. Lynne asked if there any residence
in the area. Eric said there was one house in the area. Bobby Reed said that going south it is only
30 mph for ¼ mile, he said that he knows that because he has had kids to drop of there on a bus
route. Clifton asked if it then went 45 mph. Jim answered that it is 55 mph on county roads when
it is not posted. Jim said that he will talk to the individual again and get some more information
and then they can discuss it further.

Eric said that dump truck #145 caught fire and they have received the insurance check for
$57,924.63. Eric asked that with trucks being hard to find if the commission will consider
allowing him to purchase one up to a set dollar amount if they find one available with low miles.
Jim said he would be in favor of doing that. Clifton made a motion to allow Eric to spend up to
$80,000.00 on a dump truck. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Eric presented information on a product that he learned more about at the 17-county regional
meeting. He said this product would help get some longevity out of the roads they have recently
resurfaced. Jim asked if this is in lieu of chip and seal. Eric said that it would replace chip and
seal and the cost is very similar. He said that there are several surrounding counties that are using
this. Eric said it is turn-key, they do everything from the prep, applying the product, traffic
control, and notifying the residents. Eric said this would be something they would want to apply
to the roads they recently laid that do not have the crakes in them to help preserve them, Eric also
said that the product has a 57-year life and will remail black in color for that time which could
also in the winter. He said that the name of the company is Onyx and it started in Texas and has
worked its way into this area.

Eric said that he has submitted a final punch list regarding the windmills today and that they will
be wanting to turn the roads back over to the county soon.

Don Coffman asked if the material was man-made or natural rock? Eric said it is like sand
aggregate. Don asked if it was man made or natural rock. Eric said he was not sure but would
find out. Don said that some of the man-made material can really eat up a snowplow blade. Jim
assured the public that Eric will do more research and make sure that won’t be an issue if they
use it. Eric said he didn’t think it would hurt the snowplows or all these other places would not
be using it but he would research it further.

Kayla Greenway asked if Eric had a chance to look at the stop sign outside of Bronson, she said
she was at the work session last week and had asked about it. Eric said he would have to check
with the sign crew and see if they had made it out there, he wasn’t sure, but it is on their list.
Kayla also said that John Stokes would like for Eric to contact him in regard to getting some chip
and seal for the city of Bronson.

Jim said that the resolution has been prepared allowing liquor sales in the county and asked
County Counselor Meeks if he had time to review it. Meeks said he did and it was fine as long as
the commission approves it. Clifton stated that it will allow liquor sales in Bourbon County but
will follow the guidelines set by the State of Kansas. Clifton made a motion to approve
Resolution 10-22 allowing the retail sale of liquor in its original packaging and that said hours of
operation shall be determined by Kansas law. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Clifton made a motion to go into executive session under KSA 75-4319(b)(4)

to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and
individual proprietorships, it will be for 10 minutes returning to this room at 6:28 pm and will
include the 3 commissioners, Justin Meeks, Rob Herrington, and Susan Bancroft. Lynne
seconded. All approved.

Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:28 pm with no action. Lynne seconded. All

Clifton made a motion to go into executive session under KSA 75-4319(b)(2)

to discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation
with the representative(s) of the body or agency, with the reason of possible litigation. It will be
for 5 minutes returning to this room at 6:34 pm and will include the 3 commissioners, and Justin
Meeks. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:34 pm with no action. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Susan Bancroft presented December, January, and February financials. She said that the
Treasurer’s Office, Clerk’s Office, and herself have been working together to work through some
of the issues there have been in the past. She said that at the end of February the two numbers
should match and there are several reconciling items that need to be entered. She said that she
has been working with Rhonda Dunn and you should see those cleaned up in March and then
you will see less and less of that moving forward. She said there are some training issues that
need to happen with the clerk’s office as well as the treasurer’s office as far as reconciling things
instead of carrying them, but we are working on those diligently. She said that the clerk’s office
is starting to get the daily’s so we are getting caught up on those and she feels really good about
moving forward. She said that with the cash balances that carried over, there were some funds
that did better than expected which gives the commission the option to increase the budget at the
end of the year or just keep it in reserves. The commissioners and Susan discussed how
important it is to have up to date information for departments to be able to operate and stay
within their budgets. Ashley Shelton asked if everything was closed through February. Susan
said that it is. Ashley said that she would try to get end of month reports for February sent out to
department heads by the end of the week.

Susan asked if the commission had thought any more about the gas provider. She said that Pro
Solutions is going out of business and if we don’t do anything before June 1st the service to
transfer to Kansas Gas but it’s a higher rate than what we have been paying. She said there is a
company, Hamlin Energy, that we could contract with and they would find us the best rate and
give recommendations as well as review monthly bills to see if it would be in the best interest of
the county to change companies or lock in a price. This would be for both the courthouse as well
as the correctional center. She said due to the time constraints and the fluidity of the market she
would recommend going with this company at least for now until we have more time to research
other options. The commissioners said that they would be ok with that but would like to view the
information from Hamlin first. Susan said that she would forward the information to them and
have the contract ready for the next commission meeting if that is the option that they choose.

Kayla Greenway said that her and Amber Kelly came to the last meeting to represent Bronson
and Uniontown regarding the old highway. She said that she did talk to Rob Herrington about the
grant that Susan had mentioned and they said they would be great to work on that in the fall
when that grant becomes available and they have talked to Bronson businesses about getting the
letters that Susan said would be needed and Amber is talking to Uniontown. She said they are
working and trying to get the hazardous section of Maple Road between Bronson and Uniontown
fixed especially since it is now also a bike trail. She encouraged any business that would want to
write letters to go with Susan and Rob to apply for the cost share grant to get the road fixed to
please do that and explain why they feel it is necessary. Susan said that she has a meeting with
KDOT on another project and while she is talking to them, she will ask if there is any other
funding for this type of project due to it being a bike trail as well. Clifton asked if it was the road
just North of the gas station in Uniontown. Dale Griffiths said that is the road and it has only
ever been redone from the gas station to the top of the hill and it is in very poor condition.

Don Coffman asked if the county had looked into the KDOT surplus when looking for trucks.
Jim said yes they do, they look everywhere and that used trucks are hard to find right now. Don
said that if you can find a KDOT district truck they usually have lower miles and come with a
spreader or a plow.

Skeet George asked the about the asphalt on the road from Linn County line to Hiattville, and if
that was done in two lifts? Jim said that he wasn’t here and that he wasn’t sure. Skeet said that he
thought that some areas were and others were not and maybe the areas that weren’t should be
some high areas of concern for maintenance. Jim said that it is on the list. Skeet also asked if the
county was getting all the rock that it needs? Jim said no. There was discussion of how many
hours the crusher operates per day and different options that may help increase production. There
was also discussion of needing a bigger crusher.

Larry Jurgensen asked if there was any way that if the city pays county for material to chip and
seal areas in Uniontown would the county donate the labor. The commissioners said that they
would look into that but they were not sure if they would be able to or not but they could look
into it.

Michael Hoyt said that last year he was locked out of the budget process due to covid and wanted
to know if the documents would be available for the public this year. Ashley said that the clerk’s
office is now sending all supporting documents that they have available when they send out the
agenda so that information is available to the public.

Mary Pemberton said that she commends Susan for the job that she is doing and helping to get
things updated and operating better at the county. She discussed the audit from the prior year and
how it effects the grant application process for the county. She discussed employee benefits and
different options to change that as well as letting the employs know what the benefits are worth
as well as updating the employee handbook as well. Susan stated that the county has been having
department head meetings that have been going really well to build relationships with the
departments and they are all working together to update the handbook as well as updating policy
and procedures. Mary also discussed concerns with the public works department and the rock
crusher operation as well as with their policy for buying supplemental rock when they cannot
meet demand.
There was discussion regarding the process of operating the crusher.

commented on the benefits the county offers. Kayla Greenway asked if there were other benefits
that could be offered such as how the City of Fort Scott offers pool passes and golf course
passes. Susan said the county doesn’t have those things to offer and even at the city, the
employee is taxed on those benefits.

Don Pemberton asked how long the county has been crushing rock. Jim responded that they
began in 2000. Don explained that he understood that when they started doing it they were
meeting a need, but now that need is not being met and maybe they should look at other viable
option other than buying a bigger crusher prior to making the purchase.

Dale Griffiths asked when the plan to work on Old 54 Hwy between Uniontown and Bronson.
Eric said that he was concerned that they would have to take it down to gravel before they could
go back in and asphalt it. Eric said that they drilled and the base is good but they do not have a
defendant plan yet. Eric also said the on Yale Rd the base is failing and they will have to redo
that. Dale asked why they were mowing and running a brush cutting in January. Eric said they
had mowed earlier but were trying to go back in and get up to the fences and between the
weather and being short on help they were just doing it whenever they had time and manpower.
Dale also asked if the county had an in-house mechanic. Eric said that they do for maintenance
but if repair is needed on a large piece of equipment, they outsource that. Dale suggested that
may be a way to save money is to have an in-house mechanic that could do that work as well.

Kayla Greenway asked who oversees the grant money for the bike trails and could they use some
of that to help maintain the road that is a bike trail. Susan said that they are their own board and
you would have to talk to the HBCAT board.

It was asked about a recreational tax for recreational hunting on land bought by out-of-state
people. Clifton said the county is not zoned and that they would not tell people what they can do
with their land. Matt Quick added that the land is taxed based on use and it is classified as crop
or grass and crop ground is taxed higher than grass.

Sheriff Bill Martin thanked the public for coming to the meeting and said that he has an open-
door policy and they are welcome to come by the sheriff station at any time and talk to him.

Jim thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.

Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm



(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commisioner

What’s Happening in Fort Scott Newsletter April 1

What’s Happening in Fort Scott!
April 1st Weekly Newsletter
So much fun coming up in Fort Scott,
share with your friends & family!
Save the Date for the Downtown Clean-up Event!
Let us know if you would like to volunteer!
Friday 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm
Saturday 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm
$6 adults, $4 children 12 & under
50-minute narrated tour of Historic Fort Scott!
4/1-2 ~ Laree + Co. Sidewalk Sale, Friday 12-6pm, Saturday 9am-6pm – up to 85% off!
4/1 ~ Lenten Fish Fry hosted by Knights of Columbus, 705 S. Holbrook St., 5-7pm
4/1 ~ Old 54 Cycles April Fools Bike Night, 223 N. National Ave., 5pm
4/2 ~ Visit the Easter Bunny at Bourbon County Angels Foundation, 10am-2pm, see flyer below for details.
4/2 ~ Bourbon County Commission Meeting, Mapleton, 6pm
4/2 ~ Fort Scott Middle School TWIRP Dance, 7-9pm, Buck Run, $5 per student, 70’s theme.
4/6 ~ Wednesday Writers, Hedgehog.Ink, Every Wednesday in April in the Great Room, 1:30-3:00pm
4/6 ~ Career Fair at FSHS, click here if you want to have a booth!
4/6 ~ Dare to Dream Women’s Entrepreneurship Event – Financial Success, 104 N. National Avenue, 5-8pm, click here.
4/7 ~ Chamber Coffee hosted by KOMB 103.9, Kick-off of the Annual Home, Sport, Farm & Garden Show, Arnold Arena on FSCC Campus, 8am
4/7 ~ Early Childhood Spring Fling, 409 S.
Judson, 5:30-7pm, click here for details.
4/8-9 ~ KOMB 103.9 FM Home Sport Farm Garden Show, Friday 5-8pm, Saturday 9am-3pm,
Arnold Arena on the campus of FSCC
4/8-10 ~ FSCC Presents ‘Godspell’ Fifty years after its theatrical debut, the musical “Godspell” returns to the stage at Fort Scott Community College in an exciting, powerful new form next month.7:30pm March 25-26 and 2pm March 27. Admission is $5. FSCC students, faculty and staff are admitted free of charge. Masks are required.
4/9 ~ Hopping Crappie Tournament, Lake Fort Scott, 6am, click here for FB event.
4/9 ~ Easter Egg Hunt hosted by Kiwanis, Gunn Park Shelter 2, 11am sharp!
4/9 ~ Paint & Pizza Easter Cross Party at Papa Don’s, click here for details.
4/9 ~ FS Christian Heights 8th grade Car Hop & Bake Sale at the school, 4-7pm
4/9 ~ Joe Erie Benefit, Holmtown Pub with Bourbon County Revival, 12-2pm
4/13 ~ One-Day Shuttle Trip to view the Gordon Parks exhibition, Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS, 8:30am-6pm, click here.
4/14 ~ BINGO hosted by American Legion Post 25 at Memorial Hall, 7pm
4/16 ~ Find the Golden Egg Shopping Event, Downtown Fort Scott Historic District
4/15 ~ Kansas Rocks Recreation Park Spring Off Road 101 Course, 2051 130th St. Mapleton, KS, 9am-5pm
4/23-24 ~ Civil War Encampment Weekend at the Fort Scott National Historic Site, click here.
Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!
Clickhere for Chamber member
specialty shopping & other retail in
Downtown & other areas of the community.
Fort Scott Area
Chamber of Commerce
In This Issue
Chamber Highlights
Click here for our
Membership Directory.
We THANK our members for their support! Interested in joining the Chamber?
Click here for info.
Thinking of doing business in or relocating to Fort Scott?
Contact us for a relocation packet, information on grants & incentives, and more!
Seeking a job/career?
We post a Job of the Day daily on our Facebook page, distribute a monthly job openings flyer, and post jobs on our website.
Many opportunities available!
Housing needs?
Click here for a listing of our Chamber member realtors.
Click here for our rental listing.
Laree + Co. Sidewalk Sale
Easter Bunny at Bourbon County Angels
Fort Scott Community College Presents “Godspell”
Fort Scott Christian Heights Car Hop Dinner & Bake Sale
Lenten Fish Fries by Knights of Columbus
April Fools Bike Night
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce
231 E. Wall Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701

Bourbon County Angels Group Rents Building to House Donations

Bourbon County Angels new building is located at 111 W. Third, Fort Scott. Submitted photo.

Bourbon County Angels started because some local women saw that there are local families having a difficult financial time in their lives.

“We have seen a severe need in our community when we were doing Christmas (lists) for  (area) children and a lot of them had clothing items on their wish list that was sent to us,” Lisa Thurston, Fort Scott, one of the three organizers, said. “We want to be able to provide the clothing items and household items and even food to those that are having a hard time.”

“We have clothing, hygiene items, household items, and food,” she said. “It is hard to say exactly what we have as it changes with every donation we receive.”

The group recently attained a building at 111 W. Third, Fort Scott, to house all the donations and allow for people to come and choose what they need.

“Mayor Kevin Allen gave it to us to use monthly, he is donating the building until grant money comes in,” Thurston said. “We have Melissa Guns writing grants for us.”

“We started the actual building adventure this January, but the ‘angels’ actually started just for Christmas two years ago,” she said.

The other organizers are Sara Roufs, Redfield and Erin Thurston, Lisa’s daughter, Fort Scott.

Bourbon County Angels. Submitted photo. From left: Ronni Clayton, Sara Roufs, Lisa Thurston, Sadie Thurston, Erin Thurston, and Angie Clemens.

“Sara started Bourbon County Angels to provide Christmas presents for children,” she said. “People started volunteering so we started getting lists from about 75 families…this year we got 121 families. On their lists the kids were asking for shoes or coats or blankets. That’s when we decided to open a building and offer them all year long. So children could ask for toys instead of everyday items.”

“Living in a small town, we see a lot and we knew that there was a major need for people to be able to come get the items that we use in our everyday lives without having the worry of, (for example) if they got new shoes, how they could pay a bill or feed their families, and we want to be able to help with that.  No one should have to stress over being able to get the stuff that they need. With everything going on right now, a lot of people have been left without jobs or just don’t make enough to be able to provide everything that is needed in our everyday lives.”

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the group received calls from people saying they needed food to make it through a few days.

“We would gather meals and deliver to their doorstep,” Thurston said. “We probably did 20 families when COVID was rough in our town. We have also been providing food for a homeless gentleman in our town.”

The group is planning several upcoming events:

Saturday, April 2 at the facility at 111 W. Third, the Easter Bunny will be there  to hand out candy and have pictures taken with children, for free, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Saturday, April 9 at Lake Fort Scott’s handicapped dock, there will be a fishing tournament, sponsored by Backroads Bait. The fundraiser starts at 5:45 a.m. with a check-in and has a 2 p.m. weigh in. Proceeds will help the Bourbon County Angels with rent.

For more information contact Thurston at 620.644.8291.

See the latest information on the groups Facebook page.

Hours the facility is open are Wednesdays from noon to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.

Saturdays are a donation exchange, she said. “Say kids clothes don’t fit anymore, you can leave those and take what you need. But some people just leave donations and some people just take what they need.”

Free Seminar Targets Women Starting/Growing Their Business

Healthy Bourbon County Action Team staff have organized a fourth seminar targeting women who are seeking information on starting/growing a business.

The event is Wednesday, April 6 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the HBCAT office, 104 N. National Avenue.

“This will help local women entrepreneurs know their resources and learn from local women leaders on how to create a sustainable business,” said Rachel Carpenter, program director. “This is an opportunity for women to network and create relationships to help their businesses take the next professional step.”

For this Dare to Dream seminar, the time has been scheduled for table-talk discussion with past keynote speakers and panelists.
“This is the fourth part of the Dare to Dream series,” Carpenter said. “We will have some of the past keynote speakers and panelists available for table discussion. This will be a time for any questions to be answered from the audience.”
“Any questions you may have you will be able to ask some of the women leaders of Bourbon County. We want you to be SUCCESSFUL! There will be more time for social networking and building relationships,” according to its Facebook page.
Past speakers who will be available for a round table open discussion are Erin Vann, Hwy. 3; Dacia Clark, PSU Small Business Development Center; Katie Casper, Union State Bank; Angela Simon, Bids and Dibs; Rebecca Williams, The Butcher Block; Kelly Perry, Perry’s Pork Rinds; Lindsay Madison, The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce and Rachel Carpenter and Jody Hoener of the HBCAT.

Please note there is one registration per person to help us with registration.

Melissa Wise, the keynote speaker, is the owner of Wise Tax and Accounting and has over 20 years of experience with accounting, payroll, and taxes.

Melissa Wise. Submitted photo.

Registration is required for childcare.

There will be a taco bar catered by La Hacienda, and Margaritas available for purchase.

Dinner and networking from 5-5:30 p.m. with the program starting at 5:30 p.m.

Funding for this event is being provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas as part of Bourbon County Pathways to a Healthy Kansas grant and the USDA Rural Business Development Grant, according to its Facebook page.

“Through this grant, we are partnered with Pittsburg State University Small Business Development Center to organize this event,” she said.

“We will be giving away a PSU gift basket and a tablet as door prizes,” Carpenter said.

Moe’s Is Moving: Will Reopen April 4

Moe’s Bread is moving to the old Boiler Room Brewhaus at Wall and National Avenue.

Moe and David McCurry are the owners of Moe’s Bread, 20 W. Wall and have been selling many kinds of breakfast, lunch, and snacks at this site for three years.

Moe’s Bread is moving from this site on Wall Street to around the corner east on National Avenue.

But on April 4 they are opening their business in a new location on National Avenue to be able to offer more.

“Moe’s Bread will be closed March 31st to April 3rd to move to 2 South National,” Moe said on the business Facebook page. “We hope to see you on Monday, April 4th.”

Moe McCurdy with grandson Keeghan Bishop in Moe’s Bread Store on March 29.

Today,  Wednesday, March 30 from 10 a.m. until they run out of food, everything in the current storefront will be sold for half off the original price.

2 S. National Avenue is at the corner of Wall and National Avenue, the former Downtowner Hotel, and most recently the Boiler Room Brew Haus.

“The reason we’re moving is … to add a soup and salad bar and we needed more room in the kitchen,” she said in an interview.

A peak in the front windows of the new Moe’s Bread, shows the salad bars.

“We have hot breakfasts in the morning, including biscuits and gravy sausage rolls, breakfast burritos, breakfast sandwiches, croissants, cinnamon rolls, muffins of all flavors and we have muffin top donuts,” Moe said.

For lunch they offer deli sandwiches “and you can call in and have those delivered or you can pick them up any time of the day that we’re open,” she said.

They also offer all kinds of bread: wheat bread, white bread, French bread, Italian bread, sourdough, and fruit bread: pumpkin, banana, apple, cinnamon, chocolate chip, and muffins: blueberry and raspberry.

“We make pies, we make any kind of dessert you’d like,” she said. “Unfortunately, we do not decorate cakes at this moment but we look forward to doing that in the future at our new address.”

Contact info for the store number is 620-768-8009.

“They’re welcome to leave a message,” she said. “We do check our phone every morning.”

Hours of operation currently are 4:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

“When we move on April 4th we will be open 4:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, those are subject to change,” she said.


FSHS Hosts Annual Talent Show and Pageant

The FSHS Improv Troupe performs “Late for Work.” L to R: Anthony Russo, Mykael Lewis, Jackson Elton, Jaedyn Lewis. Photos are courtesy of Megan Conner.

The annual FSHS Talent Show and Miss(ter) FSHS Pageant occurred March 25 at Fort Scott High School.

The event, hosted by Thespians and emceed by seniors Christina King and Ashlynn Bagnall, awarded cash prizes to the top three competitors. Senior Tina Ramirez won first place for singing “She Used to Be Mine” from the musical “Waitress.” Junior Ella McElroy won second for her original song accompanied by ukulele. Third place went to sophomore Jericho Jones for his original piano performance of a medley of Elton John songs.

Shakira Shakira (Shekhar Gugnani) wins Miss(ter) FSHS representing Future Business Leaders of America. Pageant emcee – Zaria Byrd.

Eleven senior males represented clubs and athletic teams in the Miss(ter) FSHS Pageant. The winner, by round of applause, was Shakira Shakira (Shekhar Gugnani) representing Future Business Leaders of America.

Talent Show winners and emcees: L to R – Ella McElroy, Jericho Jones, Tina Ramirez, Ashlynn Bagnall, Christina King.

Proceeds from the event will assist Thespians in attending the International Thespian Festival on June 20-24 at Indiana University. Senior Christina King and sophomore Regen Wells will both compete in the monologue category at the Festival.


Casey Gomez performs “Yakko’s World” where he recited and pointed to every nation in the world.


Pre-owned Appliances New Venture for Bronson Business

Amber Ericson holds her granddaughter Journee Ericson in front of some of the pre-owned appliances THRAMS sells in Bronson. At right is Helen Bolling, Amber’s mom, and a business partner.

THRAMS Antiques has ventured into providing pre-owned appliances from a source in the Kansas City area.

While owner, Amber Ericson, was in K.C. purchasing antiques and unique furniture, she ran into an appliance repairman at the marketplace, she said.

Some of the pre-owned appliances offered at THRAMS from their Facebook page.

“He buys from apartment complexes when they redo the apartments,” she said. “That’s what we are buying.”

“He refurbishes them and sells them,” Ericson said. “I go up to K.C. once a month and get more. I’ve already sold 40. If they don’t work you can bring them back.”

Clothes washers including top, front, stackable units, gas stoves and dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, and deep freezers are sole at the store.

“We thought we would try it,” Ericson said. She started the venture in August 2021.

Ericson opened THRAMS next door to her parent’s business Bronson Locker, a butcher store,  at 504 Clay Street in the small town 20 miles west of Fort Scott just off Highway 54.

THRAMS Antiques, 504 Clay Street, Bronson. March 2022.

The storefront next to Bronson Locker was unused space, and owned by the Bollings, Amber’s parents.

“It was a pile-up room,” Helen Bolling, Ericson’s mom and part-owner of the store said. “Amber started picking up a few things and it grew.”

The space is now packed with unique furniture and antiques.

“Antique hall trees and wardrobes are our best sellers,” Bolling said.

“Divans, appliances, wardrobes, hall trees we sell as quickly as we can get them,” Ericson said.

A large divan offered at THRAMS, Bronson, from their Facebook page.

The store is open Mondays from

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tuesday-8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Wednesday-8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Thursday-8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday call or text for an appointment at 620-363-1159.



New Concept to Provide Staff for Local Businesses: MyShift

Myshift. Submitted grapic.
Cole Bowman, 37, Fort Scott, and Scott Morris, 47, Parsons, have launched a new computer application called MyShift in the Apple Appstore.
 Since the beginning of the  COVID-19 Pandemic, businesses have been struggling to fill staff vacancies and operate at their full capacity because of illness, quarantine and other measures taken during the pandemic.
Nine months ago, Bowman began to think of a way to help this situation.
“I came up with the idea on May 24, 2021 while waiting for one of my sales reps at a hotel in Tulsa to go have dinner,” Bowman said.  “He was late, so I was looking through the food delivery apps and overheard a hotel worker talking to a customer about how none of the employees they had before the shutdown would come back to work, or had found other jobs, and she must have been the first person on their list that was willing to come back to work for the pay they were offering.”
Bowman said he thought to himself that surely there is an app for that.
“A situation where businesses could look through available workers that they could bring them in to cover a shift, but there wasn’t,” he said.
Bowman enlisted help from Scott Morris.
“I talked to Scott about the idea for the app and he liked it,” he said.  “We searched and searched for something that worked like our app and never found anything, so we began our path of figuring out how to build an app in late June.  Finally, our app is complete and went live in the Google PlayStore and iOS Appstore this last week,” Bowman said.
New Ways To Work
“Businesses were unable to operate at full capacity after reopening from the pandemic, and people have evolved to find new ways to work without the traditional employment requiring them to commit to a schedule,” Bowman said.
MyShift is starting in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, then within the next few weeks expanding to four more states.
Their plan then is to release nationwide by October 1, 2022, Bowman said.
“This is a web/ mobile app-based platform for businesses to connect with workers to fill shifts on-demand with the transaction being as simple as using a ride-share app,” Bowman said.
How It Works
MyShift allows businesses and workers to connect anywhere, anytime, to fill shifts and have the entire payment transaction handled through the app, according to a press release.
 Businesses can list open shifts including details about when, where, description of work, and the amount they will pay for the shift.
“Shifters” will then be able to see the open shifts in their area and can select which one they would like to work.
MyShift. Submitted graphic.
After a Shifter has requested the posted shift, the business is able to review the applied Shifter’s ratings in their profiles and click on the one they would like to work their shift.  Then the Shifter shows up to the business at the agreed-upon time and works the shift; upon completion of the shift, the business will then rate the Shifter between 1-5 stars and confirm the payment triggering Myshift to deposit the payment in the Shifter’s account.
  Myshift is free for everyone to download, and the business will only pay a fee once they agree to accept the Shifter to work a shift they have posted.
 There are no fees to the Shifters, and there are no commitments beyond the shifts they choose to work.
 For the business, it allows them to find help on-demand to fill shifts hassle-free.
 Business owners will now have a pool of vetted professionals ready to fill their shifts, all without the hassle of recruiting and onboarding, according to the press release.
Shifters have the freedom to work as often as they’d like and get paid each time they complete a shift, allowing the flexibility to earn money without the commitment of traditional employment.
The first target markets for MyShift will be Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma & Texas for the initial startup.
Cole Bowman. Submitted photo.

About the Creators

Bowman is a 2003  Fort Scott High School Graduate and 2007, Pittsburg State University Graduate with a  Bachelor in Plastics Engineering.

He has 15 years of professional experience in plastics engineering and is currently the regional sales manager for Sepro Group, a robotics and automation manufacturer based in France.

He and his wife, Wendy Bowman, have four kids Luke, Lily, Nora, and Gage. His parents are John and Cindy Bowman, who own the NuGrille Restaurant.

His contact info: Phone 620-215-5250, Email [email protected]

Scott Morris. Submitted photo.
Scott Morris is a 1993 Labette County High School graduate and earned a BBA in accounting for Pittsburg State University in 2002 and an MBA in 2009 from Friends University.
He has 20 years of experience in plastics manufacturing as vice president and chief financial officer of Charloma, Inc.
His wife, Jeanna Morris, and he have four children: Grant, Hallie, Mason, and Brady.
In his community Morris coaches multiple youth sports, he said.
For more info:

Google Play-…








Walk To A Healthier Lifestyle: Walk Kansas Starts March 26

Clara Wikoff. Submitted photo.

This is Clara Wikoff’s first Walk Kansas event as a Nutrition, Food, and Health Kansas State University Extension Agent.

This year K-State Southwind District, which includes Bourbon County, is hosting the annual walk-team event in conjunction with Wildcat District, she said.

“We hope you’ll join us at the Wild Wind Fun Walk/Run Walk Kansas Kick-off,” she said. “It will be at Chanute, which is more central to each district.”

“Anyone can participate and those 18 and younger, can for free,” Wikoff said.

Adult registration is $25 which includes the event entry, T-shirt and Walk Kansas registration.  If one just wants to participate, the program is free, she said.

If already registered for Walk Kansas, then pay $15 for the event and T-shirt.

The kick-off fun run starts at 9 a.m. this Saturday, March 26, in the Neosho County Community College Student Union at 800 W. 14th in Chanute.

There will be a closed Walk Kansas Facebook support group page, she said. “To help people reach their goals. If a state of Kansas employee, you are eligible for Health Quest Credit.”

There will be a weekly newsletter, recipes, and a youth newsletter to all who participate, she said.

Walk Kansas is a team-based program that will help you and others lead a healthier life, according to a K-State press release.

Join this program and

  • Learn how eating a certain way can help protect brain function and reduce your risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Be more active with friends and family
  • Make better nutrition choices
  • Walk away your stress

You can register online at

Print resources to get started are listed below:

For Team Captains:  Captain GuideTeam Registration

For Participants: Participant GuideIndividual RegistrationDaily Log

For Everyone: Walk Kansas Activity Guide

Guess what?  There’s an app for that!  You’ll need to register online first, then you can use it to log minutes, chat with your team, and more!  Please note that the app is for iOS systems.  An app for Android systems is in the works, and you’ll see it here when it becomes available.

If you have questions about Walk Kansas, please call Clara Wicoff: 620-365-2242, or email: [email protected]

wild wind



Stepps Named SEK Girls Basketball Coach of the Year

Submitted photo. Pechone Stepps coaches the Fort Scott High School Lady Tigers Basketball Team.
Pechone Stepps is a Credit Recovery Teacher Aide at
Fort Scott High School and also a girls basketball coach.
This week, Coach Stepps was named the Southeast Kansas Girls Basketball Coach of the Year for the 21-22 season.
“The seven head coaches in the league vote for who they think deserves the award for that season,” Fort Scott High School Activities Director Jeff DeLatorre said. “The coach with the most votes is named Coach of the Year.”
FSHS Activities Director Jeff DeLaTorre.
With Stepps as a coach, the Lady Tigers finished the season with a record of 17-5 and finished as SEK League champions.
“There is a coach of the year selected for each sport in the SEK League each season,” DeLaTorre said.
“Through the years, Fort Scott High School has had several recipients of this award including Tracey Bogina for Boys Cross Country in the fall last year,” he said.  “Last school year (20-21) we had Bo Graham, football coach Tracey Bogina, girls cross country coach, Clint Heffern, boys basketball coach, and Josh Regan, baseball coach were recipients.


Tracy Bogina from the USD234 Online Staff Directory.
Bo Graham from the USD234 Online Staff Directory.
Clint Heffern.
Josh Regan. Submitted.
Josh Regan.