Category Archives: Bourbon County

Candidates for Bourbon County Commission In August 2024

The following is part of a series on candidates for the August 2024 Primary Election.

This is the first in the series profiling Bourbon County Commission candidates.

Leroy Kruger. Submitted photo.

Leroy Kruger,51, Fort Scott. and is a graduate of Fort Scott High School GED. He is running for the District 3 position.

“I have a background in finance and law enforcement and currently work for the city of Fort Scott in the code and zoning enforcement,” Kruger said.

In his spare time, “I coach my grandsons in baseball basketball, and football,” he said.

“The primary role of a commissioner is to be the voice of those whom I represent,” he said.

He sees as pressing issues: a five-man commission,  shared services, and cutting the cost to recoup the carryover from year to year.

“They (the current commissioners) lowered the mil without cutting the budget,” he said. “So less money coming in with the same going out. To make up for this mistake they paid the overage with a carryover slush fund and have depleted it to the point that next year there won’t be any money to cover the cost without raising taxes or cutting a lot of jobs.”

Steve Houston. Submitted photo.
Steve Houston, 44, lives outside of Fort Scott on a farm that has been in his family since 1957. He is running for the District 3 position.
He is a 1998 graduate of Nevada High School, attended one year at Fort Scott Community College, and completed welding school at Missouri Welding Institute in Nevada, MO in 2001.
“I have no political experience,” he said. “My father was Third District County Commissioner for 12 years so I have a basic understanding of what is required and expected.”
“I’m not currently involved with any community activities because I am busy trying to raise my children,” he said. “The oldest is 11 and the youngest is 4-year-old twins. They keep my wife and I busy during any time we are away from work. I have a full-time job as a truck driver and equipment operator for Skitch’s Hauling and  Excavation, I am currently a substitute bus driver for USD 234 and hoping for a full-time position when school resumes. I’m no different than any other family man in Bourbon County. I work hard, I try my best to provide for my family, and I want to ensure a future for my kids in Bourbon County long after I’m dead and gone.”
“I believe the primary role of ANY elected official should be to represent, address, and voice the desires and concerns of the people that elected that official,” he said.
“As far as pressing issues, I don’t think any issue facing the county can be singled out. It depends on what group of people you are addressing as to what the pressing issue will be. Not every resident will view issues in the same order of importance. We are facing multiple issues and all are equally important.”
David Beerbower. Sumbitted photo.

David Beerbower, 60, Fort Scott has a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He is running for the District 2 position.

He has 16 experience years with the Fort Scott Police Department, 32 years military service with the United States Marine Corps and Kansas Army National Guard, serving one tour in Iraq. He has also worked 22 years for Evergy.

He is a husband and father of seven daughters and 19 grandchildren.

He is a top contributor to the Facebook site; Concerned Citizens of Bourbon Co. Citizens for Property Rights.

Beerbower says the primary roles of county commissioners are leadership, teamwork, and stewardship.

“A county commissioner is one of the top decision-makers for the county,” he said. “You need to be a motivator and provide the support that gives your people the best opportunity for success…, look for alternative ideas and solutions to continuously improve operations. Because you are one of three or five, being a team player is vital to the overall success of county operations. Finding common ground and looking at the big picture is essential for the success of projects and development. The most important role of a county commissioner is being a good steward of our citizen’s tax dollars… managing this money and finding efficient ways to reduce costs is one means of reducing this burden.”

Reestablishing trust between commissioners and citizens is the most pressing issue, he said.

“Elected representatives need to be straightforward in their decisions, humble in their dealings with their citizens and they need to take ownership of action. Service to others should always be the mindset. My campaign slogan is Can Do!…a positive attitude having the mindset that you can achieve anything. Being proactive, taking on all challenges, and facing difficulties with the attitude that it can be solved. All the issues this county faces; taxes, economic development, and infrastructure takes involvement from everyone. If you don’t have the trust that you are working for them, then your answer will always be ‘There’s nothing we can do, or our hands are tied'”.

Bo Co Commission Minutes of June 10

June 10, 2024                                                                        Monday, 5:30 p.m.



The Board of Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.



Vance Eden, Mike Wunderly, Bonnie Smith, Patty Ropp, Jill Franklin, Kim Sparks, Katie Casper, Mary Pemberton, Clint Walker, Rachel Walker, Roxy Gregg, Marla Sutterby, Kevin Sutterby, Pete Owenby, Jason Silvers, Josh Jones, Marty Dewitt, Deb Martin, Anne Dare, Michael Hoyt, Carol Didier, Cameron Didier, Carol Adamson, Steven Douglas Adamson, Ashley Adamson, Carl Linnenbringer, Dana McKenney, Gertrude Harper, and Brent M. Smith were present for some or all of the meeting.



Jim opened the meeting with the flag salute.



Jim stated there was a full agenda and reminded those signed up for public comments there would be a five-minute limit.



Clifton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 6-3-2024. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.



Jessie Walker stated he was here last month with Lynne Oharah regarding 95th and Unique Road and asked how the county could maintain the entire section of a road for years and then decide to only maintain part of it. Jim said when he was Public Works Director, he was notified that it was not a public road and that is why they stopped maintaining it. Mr. Walker said that someone came out and placed a white flag approximately ¾ of the way down the road and Eric said that was his department as the whole road is not open only a section and the rest is a lane as was explained to him by the Register of Deeds. Mr. Walker asked why the county has maintained it before and now will not and requested minutes from previous meetings where the road was discussed. It was explained to go to the Clerk’s Office and complete a KORA request form and he could obtain any minutes he would like. Jim said he would visit with the Lora, Eric, and Legal Counsel but that he can’t go against what they say.



Vance Eden said he is here tonight as a resident who is in support of solar panels. Vance stated he has done research regarding the development of solar and that he is not a tax appraiser nor accountant but believes that about 1 mill per megawatt would be on the tax roll after the 10-year abatement. Mr. Eden said he is not representing the school, however; there is not much industry in that half of the county and this could be a stimulus across the entire county and could reduce taxes which could entice companies to come into Bourbon County. Vance stated if taxes were not lowered then the additional revenue could be used to provide more services. Mr. Eden said he could understand why neighbors could be opposed to the solar panels but he is looking at the school and tax benefits. Brandon said he is not against solar panels but feels it is our job to protect people. Brandon stated he has done some research and for solar panels to produce the same megawatts as the Burlington power plant, which is on 9600 acres, there would need to be 15,000 acres of solar panels. Brandon said if it is negotiated right, it could be a lot of money for the residents but they need to be located in the right place. Jim said he has heard that there would be 45,000 acres of solar panels in Bourbon County and stated that number is not right. Katie Casper asked if she could get a question answered and was instructed to go in the hallway and ask Vance any questions she may have.



Pete Owenby asked when the money kicks in for the windmills. Jim said there is a 10-year abatement on them. Brandon spoke of the depreciation rate of the windmills which he said was at 7 years while solar depreciates at 20% and Clifton stated the windmills last longer than solar. Pete said he did a KORA request for the attorney rebuttal that was discussed at a prior meeting and was told it was attorney client privilege. Pete asked if they spoke to the attorney as a Commissioner or citizen and if the county paid for the attorney which Jim said the county did not. Pete asked for a contact at KDHE and explained the person he spoke to would not comment on solar panels and Jim said he would give him the numbers that he has for KDHE. Pete discussed a code of conduct resolution that was passed in 2020.



Becky Johnson, Administrator and Health Officer of the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department, presented an annual report to the Commissioners that outlined some of their accomplishments for the last year.  Becky discussed some of their accomplishments such as holding tetanus shot clinic during the flood, hosting a community baby shower, having a nurse who is a CPR instructor and safe sleep instructor. Becky said they were able to attend more training including the Four Corners Emergency Management Conference as well as a billing and WIC symposium. Becky said they are continuing to add programs to help the citizens of Bourbon County and requested $95,750 in funding for 2025, which is the same amount as last year. Becky expressed how grateful they are for the continued support. Clifton said we are very fortunate to have Becky in our community and said she was asked to go to Topeka to speak.



Roxy Gregg, with the Pike Lake Group, presented 68 landowner petitions signed by homeowners who are against the Pike Lake Project. Roxy said she knows the bill has been said to be dead in the water but explained it could be brought back in 2025. Roxy asked the Commissioners if they were for or against the project. Brandon said he is against  the project and explained he did not think it would be good for Bourbon County where they are proposing it. Jim stated he does not support imminent domain; however, he is for an alternate water supply but in a different area of the county. Clifton said he was against the project from day one. It was questioned if the Commissioners would sign a resolution like they did in Cowley County and Clifton explained the resolution in Cowley County says no development by private individuals and that if this project were to happen it would not be private individuals doing the development. Jim thanked the group for all their hard work.



Kevin Davidson, Undersheriff, stated the Sheriff’s department is retiring a K9 and explained they received it free from Labette County and were able to use the dog for a while.  An agreement was presented for signature that outlines the retirement of the dog who will go to Deputy Penland. Brandon made a motion to retire the dog who will go to Deputy Penland. Clifton seconded the motion with discussion and added to allow Chairman Harris to sign the agreement. All approved the motion.



Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, stated she received a public notice from KDHE for the issuance of a new permit for Mike Rogers. Jim said he was told the permit was no longer needed. Jennifer presented an audit agreement with Jarred, Gilmore, and Phillips, PA for the fiscal year 2024 audit. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign the audit scope for the fiscal year 2024 audit. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. Jennifer reminded residents that the final day to turn in an interest letter to be considered for the solar panel committee is June 12th. Jennifer presented Resolution 07-24 which outlines the salaries for elected officials and explained we are signing it now at the request of the auditors. Clifton made a motion to approve Resolution 07-24. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. Jennifer asked to amend the agenda to add fireworks permits for two companies. Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to allow discussion of fireworks permits. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. Jennifer presented two permits for Jake’s Fireworks one for the corner of Wall and Goodlander Streets and another for 2221 S. Main Street. Clifton made a motion for Jim to sign the two permits for Jake’s Fireworks. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. A permit for Hale’s Fireworks at 2523 S. Main Street. Clifton made a motion for Jim to sign the permit for Hale’s Fireworks. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.



Jim discussed Neighborhood Revitalization Program errors and stated many distributions were long or short which results in approximately $33,000 that needs to be refunded to participants of the program. There are two choices for funding the refunds which would be to use the Appraiser’s 2024 fund or to go after the Appraiser’s bond. Jim thanked Jennifer, Susan, and Patty for putting safeguards in place to ensure that an error such as this does not happen moving forward. Jim said as just one Commissioner he does not want to go against the bond and suggested to use the Appraiser’s fund. Brandon said if we owe the money to the residents, we need to pay them and he agrees on not activating the bond and Clifton agreed. Brandon made a motion to use the Appraiser’s fund to issue refunds for the NRP errors. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved.



Brandon asked for a timeline for the ER so residents can be informed. Jim said Clifton will be discussing that during his comments section. Brandon said during his very first executive session Baker Tilly was discussed and he was unaware that you could discuss what was mentioned in executive session. Brandon explained that someone who was not in the executive session posted things online that was only mentioned during the executive session. Brandon asked how the individual got the information. Jim said he didn’t know. Brandon said he has made calls to KDHE and is waiting on a call back and that he has a call scheduled Wednesday with a solar company.



Clifton stated there would be a healthcare announcement made on Thursday at 10:00 at the hospital building. Clifton made a motion that all three Commissioners could be present and no Bourbon County business will be conducted. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.



Jim said he might have been rude earlier but he doesn’t think people should intrude on other people’s personal lives.



Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:38. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.






___________________, Chairman


ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

6-17-2024                               Approved Date



Vacation Bible School 2020 in Bourbon Countyu

If your church has a Vacation Bible School this summer, please send the name and address of the church, the date of VBS and times, the age group of children invited, and the theme of the VBS, to [email protected]. The following are Vacation Bible Schools for this summer that have been submitted.

First Baptist Church
The First Baptist Church, 123 Scott is hosting a One Day Vacation Bible School on Saturday, June 15 from 9:30 a.m. -1 p.m.  Lunch will be provided.  Children ages 5-12 are welcome to attend!

First Presbyterian and First United Methodist Combine Efforts

Denise Needham is the VBS director for the First Presbyterian and First United Methodist Church team.

This year, the First United Methodist Church is hosting the VBS at 301 S National Ave in Fort Scott Ks. From June 17th to 21st, 5:30 pm to 8 pm. Free Dinner provided.

The  theme is “Just like me: Digging in and Growing Deep”

It is for children going into Kindergarten through 5th grade. J

Fort Scott Church of the Nazarene

Fort Scott Nazarene church, 1728 Horton St. Fort Scott,  will have their VBS from June 24th-27th from 6:00-8:30 pm. with a
Scuba theme
See their website fsn. life or their Facebook page for more info.

Uniontown First Missionary Baptist Church

The Uniontown Baptist Church will have its VBS with the theme of God’s Backyard Bible Camp ‘Under the Stars’ on July 22-26, from  9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. for ages 4 through 5th grade.
Each child can fill a Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox to send to a child overseas.  The school includes game time and bounce houses.
Bethel Community Baptist Church
Submitted graphic.

VBS K5-6th grade:
Church name: Bethel Community Baptist Church
Address: 1397 155th St, Fort Scott, KS 66701
Date: Wednesday, July 31st-Sunday, August 4th.
Time: 9am-noon.
Theme: On a mission for the Lord

Submitted graphic.

VBS 7th-12th grade:
Church name: Bethel Community Baptist Church
Address: 1397 155th St, Fort Scott, KS 66701
Date: Monday, August 5th-Thurs. August 8th.
Time: 6:30-9:00 pm.
Theme: Teen Challange

New 10 Patient Hospital with Emergency Department Will Open in 2025 in Fort Scott

Paula Baker and Renee Denton of Freeman Health Systems visit with Bourbon County Commissioner Clifton Beth at the press conference on June 13.

The former Fort Scott Mercy Hospital will be used once again for hospital operations.

Today, Paula Baker, CEO of Freeman Health System announced that they will be operating 10 in-patient hospital beds at the site and will open an emergency department as well.

Paula Baker speaks to the press and the crowd that showed up to hear an announcement about health care in the county today.

“If treated in the E.R., you will be treated right here (in the hospital section),” she told a crowd that gathered at the former hospital.

There will also be an outpatient lab, radiology, CAT scans available to the public, and an on-site pharmacy.

There will be six bays in the emergency department and 365-day coverage, 24 hours a day.

A licensed physician and emergency-trained staff will be employed,  which will total approximately 70 employees, according to Renee Denton, Chief Operating Officer at Freeman Neosho Hospital, who is helping in this project.

Baker said they have to be licensed by the State of Kansas and that process is long and complex, but they hope to be open by April 1, 2025.

There will be clear separation between Freeman’s hospital bed unit and the Kansas Renewal Institute which also operates in the former Mercy Hospital building, Denton said. Freeman will use the former birthing wing of the hospital.

Baker said they have been working with local city and county entities to make this happen and Bourbon County Commissioner Clifton Beth spoke to the crowd as well as Baker.

She commended Beth and County Commissioner Jim Harris.

“They have worked to get this together and they care,” she said.

Clifton Beth speaks to the crowd at the former Mercy Hospital Emergency Department on June 13.

Beth said the process to reopen a hospital began about five years ago and thanked the sales tax committee that recently spearheaded a May 20234 vote that will produce some money for the project. In addition, he thanked the voters for supporting the tax.

Also helping in the process were present and former county commissioners, Fort Scott City Commissioners,  health agencies, the Bourbon County E.M.S., and Kansas Renewal Institute personnel, Beth said.

“We have been in communication with Kansas on the licensure entities, they have committed to help us expedite the licensure,” Denton said.





Bourbon County Community Theatre Announces Play Auditions


The newly formed Bourbon County Community Theatre is holding auditions for the first show of the season.


Auditions for Holy Mother of Bingo! by Patrick Walsh are from 7-8:30 p.m., June 17 or 18 in the Ellis Performing Arts Center at Fort Scott Community College. Auditions for the interactive comedy murder mystery show are open to adults and teens and no preparation is necessary.


Pioneer Drama describes the show this way, “An innocent bingo fundraiser at the Our Mother of Mercy church goes awry when parishioners mysteriously drop dead!  The evidence suggests well-calculated murders, but who is to blame?  Tensions rise as everyone begins identifying suspects.  Past feuds rear their heads as the members of the parish try to state their innocence one by one.  Who could be behind the elaborate spree?  The disgruntled choir director?  The magician turned youth minister?  The ex-convict that has recently turned to the power of prayer?  It couldn’t be one of the Cookie Cadets selling their beloved cookies!  Everyone’s a suspect…  even the audience in the zany comedy that takes interactive theatre to a whole new level!”


Performances of the show are Aug. 2 and 3 and rehearsals are approximately Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 6:30-9 p.m.


More information can be found on the Bourbon County Community Theatre Facebook page or by contacting the Director, Angie Bin, at 620-719-9622 or at [email protected].


BBCO Community Theatre, LLC is a non-profit community organization formed last year whose mission is to bring education, community, and culture to southeast KS through threatre.


Anyone who would like to join the community theatre or assist with the technical aspects of the play can fill out an interest form on the Facebook page or at this link:


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Barnstormers 4H Club Met May 8

May 8, 2024


At 6:31 p.m. the Barnstormers 4-H meeting was called to order at the Hubenette Pavilion.

The roll call was, “What are your summer plans?” 18 members and 12 parents were present.

Next the Treasurer’s report and Secretary minutes were read and unanimously approved.

The 2024 Fair newspaper was passed out to all families.

Cannon O’Brien came forward to give a talk on gun safety. After a very informed talk and many questions. Jack Endicott made a motion and Cannon seconded to adjourn the club meeting. The time was 6:54 p.m. The next Barnstormers club meeting is June 12, 2024 at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds.

Jewel Endicott
Barnstormers Secretary
Jack Endicott
Barnstormers Reporter

Uniontown Mural Depicts Vignettes of The Wizard of Oz and Local Books

The mural on the east side of Bandera Stone  Inc. in Uniontown.

A mural on the side of a Uniontown business makes the downtown area more attractive and pays homage to local history.

Don and Mary Pemberton own  Bandera Stone Inc., a rock quarry business in the county.

“Bandera flagstone has been quarried near Redfield off and on since the mid-1800’s and the company name Bandera Stone carries on that history,” she said.

“Bandera Stone Inc. had outgrown its office space, and needed to expand and add a showroom,” Mary Pemberton said.  She and her husband Don own the business.

“We liked this brick building on the Uniontown square and wanted to save it,” she said. ” I always planned on having a mural painted on one side as part of the remodel.”

“In March of 2023, my office assistant, Ashley, encouraged me to apply for the Rural Mural Grant awarded by the Kansas Office of Rural Prosperity to promote tourism to small communities,” she said.  “The City of Uniontown agreed to sponsor my application and we were awarded a grant that covered about 1/3 of the cost of the mural.  Bandera Stone, Inc. funded the other 2/3 of the total cost.”

She selected Danyell Miles, Fort Scott, after talking with a few artists.

“She has painted several murals around Fort Scott and Pittsburg, so I knew the quality of her work. I wanted the mural to have some local and state significance, yet be fun and a nice backdrop for selfies. The design Danyell put together is all of that!  With her mother, Flo Tanner, helping her, Danyell began painting in June 2023 and finished in August 2023, working two or three evenings each week to avoid the daytime heat.”

The artist is Danyell Miles, assisted by her mother, Flo Tanner as depicted by this sign on the mural.

“Everything on the mural has a meaning and was designed so visitors who know a little about Bourbon County, and take a few minutes to really look, will find ‘hidden’ relevance in the various elements,” she said.

“The Eagle represents the local Uniontown High School mascot; a nod to local and state aviation history is the hot air balloon and banner which is being pulled by Amelia Earhart’s airplane; Wizard of Oz characters are one of the first things most people think of about Kansas – as are tornados.  Danyell had the brilliant idea of using ‘tornado debris’ to incorporate a number of local and Kansas items: the books are all authored by Bourbon County residents,  a Missouri-Pacific railroad engine reminds that Bourbon County used to be a rail hub, a box turtle, fishing, farming, and even a windmill to signify the future.  Also prominently displayed in the debris is ‘Life in a Jar’, the UHS History Day project that inspired a book and movie and brought the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes to Fort Scott!”

Pemberton added a 3D element by making a basket that ” people can stand in when taking a picture with the hot air balloon. The colorful balloon with the Uniontown banner makes for a very nice and memorable ‘hometown’ or ‘travels’ photo.”

” Next time you are near Uniontown, stop by 103 Third Street on the north side of the park square and see the mural, take a picture, view the fossil collection in the Bandera Stone Inc. window displays and if you’d like, step inside the showroom to see the transformation of a piece of Uniontown history which most people remember as a former cafe,” she said.


Bandera Stone is on the square in Uniontown. The basket at the bottom of the balloon is for people to stand in for a photo opportunity.

The following local authors/books are depicted on the mural: The Greatest Test of Courage by Ronda Hassig; Historic Reflections of Bourbon County by Fred Campbell Jr. and Don Miller; Murder and Mayhem by Brian Allen; Life in a Jar; Why Did Grandpa Cry? by Cathy Werling; A Little Faith Lift by Patty LaRoche; A Kansas Sunset by Joyce Love, Our Duty by Gerri Hilgar; The Moffet Street Gang by Kay Large; Legends of Bourbon County by Judy Marshall; Fort Scott Now and Then by D. Miller, A Schofield, F. Campbell, and D. Banwart and The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks.


Minutes of the Bourbon County Commission on June 3

June 3, 2024                                                                                 Monday, 5:30 p.m.



The Board of Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session with Commissioners Jim Harris and Brandon Whisenhunt and the County Clerk present.



Clint Walker, Rachel Walker, Bo Casper, Katie Casper, Jason Silvers, Michael Hoyt, Larry Martin,  Deb Martin, Vance Eden, Pete Owenby, Brent Smith, Angie Owenby, Teri Hulsey, Deb McCoy, Mary Pemberton, and David Beerbower were present for some or all of the meeting.



Jim opened the meeting with the flag salute.



Brandon made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 5-20-24, approval of April Financials, approval of payroll totaling $283,157.83, and approval of accounts payable totaling $406,658.57. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.



Jim made a motion to amend the agenda to add Vance Eden to the agenda before the public comments. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.



Vance Eden, Superintendent of USD 235, stated he has been to a few meetings and provided statute to the Commissioners regarding distribution of funds and would like to get an update on the status of his request for Jayhawk Wind funds to be distributed to USD 235. Jim stated legal says it is a donation not PILOT funds which fall under different statues. Jim said he would support a project with USD 234 and USD 235 and Fort Scott Community College on a trades program and that they could possibly use wind money to support the joint effort. Vance handed out the Jayhawk Wind Contribution Agreement and Jim asked if it says PILOT, Vance said no but it does in meetings and on the budgets as well as receipts provided by the Treasurer’s Office. Jim said he wants to work with legal counsel to determine if we have to distribute the funds and asked Brandon if it was ok for him to work with Vance and Justin, which Brandon agreed to.



Katie Casper stated she spoke at the 4-15-24  meeting and that she was told by Jim if an attorney’s opinion was obtained that demonstrated how the Commission could establish and negotiate setbacks on existing contracts that you would amend the moratorium to include all contracts not just those signed and notarized after April 15th. A group of concerned citizens contacted an attorney who has experience in the industry and delivered that letter to the Commission at the April 29th meeting where both Commissioner Beth and Harris stated the letter had no legal merit based on the advice of five attorneys. Katie said when she asked if there was a written opinion from any of those attorneys the only documentation that she received was a print out of a PowerPoint Presentation from December 2023 that was presented at the Kansas Association of Counties meeting from an attorney group who represents NextEra. Katie said her question was since the citizens provided what was asked of them is there a formal response from any of the five mentioned attorneys that specifically addresses the opinion that was provided? Jim said that he has nothing in writing and that legal said we couldn’t because of the signed contracts. Jim said he has spoken to Crawford County officials on what they are doing regarding solar and thinks we can copycat off what they’re doing. Jim said he would ask if he could get a written legal opinion on why we cannot take on the contracts and he said our insurance company would cancel if we did this and we can’t operate as a county without insurance. Katie said she had a local insurance agent contact her who stated property owners who are considering solar contracts have asked if those solar panels are covered under their farm liability insurance and they are not. Katie stated the solar companies are not adding those property owners as loss payees on their insurance policies and thinks that is something the public needs to be made aware of. Katie stated at the May 20th meeting the Commission advised citizens to get a petition signed by constituents if we wish to place limited zoning on the ballot. A petition was presented to the County Counselor for approval before circulating for signatures as required and the response they received was that said petition was invalid as by statute zoning cannot be placed on the ballot by petition but must be done by resolution of the Commission. Katie asked if it was known that a petition could not be used and if they were just sent down a rabbit trail or did no one know the process but we were advised to do it anyway? Jim said he thought that anything could go on the ballot. Katie reminded the Commissioners that they work for all the people of Bourbon County and stated some people don’t want zoning because they don’t understand what it means. Jim said they are going to get a committee together and a comprehensive plan must be in place before they can move forward and that is something they will talk about when Commissioner Beth gets back. Katie asked about conflicts of interest regarding the solar contract negotiations and Justin stated he has no conflict whatsoever. Katie asked Justin if he was aware we couldn’t put zoning on the ballot and he said he spent a good portion of his week researching zoning and that he has advised the Chairman to hire an outside expert like Crawford County has. Jim handed out copies of Resolution 05-22 and read the resolution that was passed by the Commissioners in May 2022. Jim said the Commissioners received the request for the resolution by citizens and that he supported it and it clearly says we don’t support imminent domain. Jim said that they support individual’s property rights and now people are asking them to tell their neighbors what they can and can’t do. Larry Martin asked if his neighbor’s property rights cancel out his property rights. Jim said if it harms you then it is a civil matter. Tim Emerson said it affects everybody in Bourbon County because if there is a hailstorm then the runoff will go into creeks. Jim said he respects Tim’s opinion but said that to his knowledge KDHE doesn’t think they’re as dangerous as he let on. Pete Owenby asked if that means he can do anything on his land and who cares what his neighbor says?



Clint Walker spoke of the importance of a grant writer and referred to an article he read about a resident who was able to get a new roof and said he thinks the County, Cifty of Fort Scott, and City of Uniontown should work together to try to do that.



Mary Pemberton said it irritates her that you don’t take the time to educate yourself before you take action. Mary said that property owners have nothing to do with setbacks. Jim asked why Mary wanted a committee formed then. Mary said that the setbacks are determined in  the contracts the County Commissioners sign with the developers. Mary said to look at what was done in the past and not make the same mistake in the future.



Pete Owenby asked Jim if he looked at the solar farm in El Dorado Springs, Missouri and Jim said no, but he looked at one by St. Louis. Pete said he got out and walked near the one in El Dorado Springs and that he could feel electricity in the air that made his hair stand up. Pete asked if they are sure there is no conflicts of interests in the negotiation of the solar projects and Jim said he can’t speak for Brandon or Clifton but that he has no conflict of interest. Pete asked what is going to happen when his insurance rates are going to go up due to the solar farm that will be next to his house and property. Jim said that would be a civil matter.



Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, presented the monthly culvert report for approval and stated the fuel report was emailed to them. Eric said they are currently mowing hard surface roads and main arterial roads. Eric and Dustin Hall, Assistant Public Works Director, discussed the storm cleanup and stated due to the amount of damage it could take one to two years to get everything back to how it was. Eric and Dustin have driven all the roads in the county and marked damage on the map and their estimate of damage is 9.5 million dollars and that includes debris removal, washout repairs, gravel, culverts, and putting the roads back in the condition they were. Eric asked to be allowed to purchase through SourceWell a mini excavator in the amount of $46,408.27 by lease purchase to use for the storm cleanup. Eric said he feels they will be reimbursed for the work through FEMA. Eric said if FEMA doesn’t cover the cost, they have enough in their equipment fund to cover the purchase. Brandon made a motion to approve the purchase of a Sany SY35CU with our first payment due next February at a rate of 4.05%. Eric said if they are reimbursed by FEMA, they plan to pay it off before they pay any interest on the machine. Jim seconded the motion and all approved. Eric asked for a 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel. Brandon made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy to include both Commissioners, Eric Bailey, and Justin Meeks and they will return at 6:43. Jim seconded the motion and all approved. Jim made a motion to resume normal session with no action at 6:43. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.



Teri Hulsey, EMS Director, said she posted their stats online and received a lot of questions regarding it so she would like to answer those tonight. It was asked what constitutes a dry-run and Teri said that could involve blood draws for the Sheriff’s Office or Police Department after CHC is closed, lift assists for the elderly who fall but are not injured and sign a refusal form. Teri said they are dispatched to all car versus deer accidents when airbags have deployed even if the caller said they are not injured and they will obtain a signed refusal form. Teri said it can also be if a patient calls EMS but then decides they don’t want to be treated. EMS had 98 dry runs last month. Diabetic emergencies with low blood sugar can usually be treated on scene and billed because the paramedics give medication to help raise the blood sugar while the other dry runs listed are not billable. Teri said that they could be cancelled in route due to an OnStar crash activation when the Sheriff’s Department or Police Department get on scene and state there is no need for EMS. Teri said they respond to all structure fires and remain on scene until released by command. Events such as the rodeo and sporting events are examples of standby calls where EMS can bill for their services. When employees are notified to come in for an all call, they are reimbursed their normal rate for a minimum of two hours. All 911 calls with transport are billable and Teri said she does not have the number of those that don’t pay. Teri said they are going to start using the State Setoff Program to try to recover some of the EMS bills that have not been paid. Teri stated they received a $3,000 grant from Wal-Mart and she thanked REDI for their help obtaining that.



Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, presented an Office365 quote from the IT department for the Commissioners to approve. Brandon made a motion to approve, sign, and pay the Office365 quote as presented. Jim seconded the motion and all approved. Jennifer stated she received a public notice from KDHE regarding an NPDES permit renewal for a rock quarry at 521 55th Street in Uniontown. The public notice is available for view in the Clerk’s Office.



Brandon said the longer he sits in the Commission seat it seems that residents are getting angrier about solar projects and urged residents to reach out to their neighbors. Brandon said that there is a lot of anger and discontent that solar has caused in the county and he let residents know that they can call him and discuss things so cooler heads can prevail. Jim stated a lot of people are opposed to zoning and that some want solar and that there are people in the county who still didn’t know anything about it. Jim said he talked to two companies who spoke about putting up evergreen trees around the projects and said arguing won’t settle anything.



Michael Hoyt asked how long before the Commissioners hired outside council and if it would be just for zoning or for wind and solar power. Jim said his opinion is he would like to discuss next week going forward with an outside consultant to come in and help us move forward including solar panel farms and any type of special use permit. Michael asked if it was going to be a consultant or legal counsel. Jim said he would like to have work session with the Commission where the public would be invited and they would sit down with a consulting person from a firm that has done this before. Jim said Crawford County is going to let him know who they will be using. The deadline for an individual who is interested in submitting a letter of interest for the solar panel farm committee is June 12th.



Jim made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:58. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.





___________________, Chairman


ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

6-10-2024                               Approved Date


New K-State Extension Agent: Lonnie Mengarelli

K-State Extension Crops and Natural Resources Agent. Lonnie Mengarelli. Submitted photo.
 Lonnie Mengarelli, 35, is the new Kansas State University Southwind District Crops and Natural Resources Agent.
His office is in Fort Scott, but the district covers Allen, Bourbon, Neosho, and Woodson counties.
He replaced Chad Guthrie and began his duties on May 13, 2024.
Mengarelli is a 2008 Girard High School graduate, who earned a Bachelor of Science from K-State in 2013, majoring in Agricultural Technology Management with two minors: agronomy and animal science.
His background: from November 2021- May 2024 he was an agronomist for Producer Cooperative Association in Girard, making herbicide and fertilizer recommendations for producers.
From  June 2013 to November 2021  he worked for K-State at the Southeast Research and Extension Center in Parsons,  doing small plot row crop research,  in charge of crop variety trials (corn, soybean, grain sorghum, wheat, and oil seed sunflower), and the field lead for the crop production studies under Dr. Gretchen Sassenrath researching soil health and cover crop studies.
He grew up on farm northeast of Girard raising Angus influence cattle.
“I put up hay all summer long including alfalfa, fescue, sedan grass, and prairie hay,” he said. “My father was the fourth agent in Crawford County so I was heavily involved in county fair preparations and extension events.”
His duties for this position: “Being the first person-to-person contact for all row crop production, rangeland, and wildlife questions. I will help with weed identification and control, crop pest control, and consulting on management practices to help improve ag production. I will also be heavily involved in the Bourbon County Fair assisting with the 4-h shows and projects.”
He lives in Hepler, Kansas with his wife Hannah (high school sweethearts) and four kids: Heidi (10), Avery (8), Emery (8), and Heston (6).
‘We’ve been happily married 12 years and own our 160-acre Charolais-influenced cow/calf operation,” he said.
Outside of work, he has many hobbies.
“They include working on my antique trucks and tractors and going to support my kids in all their activities. When not at work I enjoy helping family on their farms from operating equipment to turning wrenches and working with livestock. I am the Fire Chief for the Hepler Rural Fire Department. Also, I am an active member of the Hepler Ruritan Club. I serve as beef project leader for the Bone Creek 4H club in Crawford County.  In the spring I volunteer to run field events such as shot put and discus at Girard High/Middle School track meets. “
Mengarelli’s office is in the Bourbon County Courthouse, 210 S. National Avenue.
Mengarelli can be reached at
Office: 1-620-223-3720
Cell: 1-620-238-0532

Bourbon County Still in A Drought Watch


Governor Kelly Updates Declaration of Drought Emergency, Warnings, and Watches for Kansas Counties


TOPEKA — Governor Laura Kelly has approved updated drought declarations for Kansas counties through proclamation.

“While drought conditions have improved in some areas of the state, many counties continue to be negatively impacted by the decline in water supply or strains on water resources,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “I strongly encourage all Kansans to continue to conserve water over the summer months.”

The drought declaration placed four counties into emergency status, 35 into warning status, and 66 into watch status. This action was recommended by Connie Owen, Director of the Kansas Water Office and Chair of the Governor’s Drought Response Team. While Eastern Kansas has seen significant relief from drought since March, central and western Kansas has declined rapidly into Severe and, in a few counties, Extreme Drought.

“The counties in a watch status are experiencing conditions that indicate the probability of a water shortage is rising. It is important to monitor these conditions and be mindful of water usage in these counties,” said Owen. “Summer has arrived, and with it, higher temperatures and a decrease in precipitation. The Governor’s Drought Response Team will continue to monitor the drought conditions across Kansas and make recommendations to Governor Kelly as conditions change.”

Through an interagency agreement between the Kansas Water Office, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, and the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, counties in the emergency stage are eligible for emergency water use from certain state fishing lakes and some federal reservoirs.


Individuals and communities must contact the Kansas Water Office for a water supply request before any withdrawals from lakes. These requests will, in turn, be referred to the appropriate office to obtain necessary permits to withdraw the requested water.


This proclamation shall remain in effect for those counties identified until rescinded by a proclamation ending the declaration or revising the drought stage status of the affected counties.


Effective immediately, the proclamation:


  • Declares a Drought Emergency, Warning, or Watch for the counties as identified below;
  • Authorizes and directs all agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor to implement the appropriate watch, warning, or emergency-level drought response actions assigned in the Operations Plan of the Governor’s Drought Response Team.


The Governor’s Drought Response Team will continue to watch the situation closely and work to minimize the negative drought-induced effects on Kansans.

For more detailed information about current conditions, visit the Climate and Drought webpage on the Kansas Water Office website at

County Drought Stage Declarations:

Drought Emergency: Hodgeman, Ness, Pawnee, Rush.


Drought Warning: Barber, Barton, Clark,

Comanche, Edwards, Ellis, Ellsworth, Finney, Ford, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Kearny, Kingman, Kiowa, Lane, McPherson, Meade, Morton, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Russell, Scott, Sedgwick, Seward, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Sumner, Wichita.

Drought Watch: Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Butler, Chase, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Clay, Cloud, Coffey, Cowley, Crawford, Decatur, Dickinson, Doniphan, Douglas, Elk, Franklin, Geary, Gove, Graham, Greenwood, Jackson, Jefferson, Jewell, Johnson, Labette, Leavenworth, Lincoln, Linn, Logan, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Miami, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morris, Nemaha, Neosho, Norton, Osage, Osborne, Ottawa, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Rawlins, Republic, Riley, Rooks, Saline, Shawnee, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Thomas, Trego, Wabaunsee, Wallace, Washington, Wilson, Woodson, Wyandotte.


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As the state’s water office, the Kansas Water Office conducts water planning, policy coordination and water marketing as well as facilitates public input throughout the state.


The agency prepares the KANSAS WATER PLAN, a plan for water resources conservation, management and development.