Free Smoke Alarms May 6: Volunteers Needed To Help Install

 Sound the Alarm

The American Red Cross and the Fort Scott Fire Department are partnering to provide free smoke alarms in a program called Sound the Alarm, Dave Bruner Assistant Fire Chief and Fire Marshall told the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce coffee attendees Thursday morning.

The Red Cross is holding a Sound the Alarm home fire safety and smoke alarm installation event on Sunday, May 6 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Buck Run Community Center.

To view the Red Cross flyer click below, then click on the image to enlarge:

STA – Request Flyer – ftscott 18

Red Cross volunteers and local partners will be canvassing neighborhoods, installing free smoke alarms, and helping families create fire escape plans.

Bruner told the coffee attendees that volunteers are needed to help the fire department in installing the smoke detectors.

To request a free smoke alarm or signing up to volunteer or by calling 316-219-4048.


Fort Scott Comes Out To Honor Combat Vets

City of Fort Scott Water Distribution Department employees Brady Coffman and Kyle Adams ready a flag in their truck Wednesday on Wall Street to welcome the veterans to town.

In spite of the rain, the people of Fort Scott lined the route from the airport through downtown Fort Scott, then east to the Adam and Jennifer LaRoche ranch Wednesday afternoon.

The route and patriotic welcome were for the combat veterans that the LaRoche’s will be hosting a turkey hunt in the next few days.

E3 Foundation, founded by Adam and Jennifer LaRoche, is partnering with Combat Warriors Inc. to host the turkey hunt for the military heroes.

The LaRoche’s asked the town to rally behind the entry into Fort Scott of the veterans,  to honor them.

On  Wednesday, April 25 at approximately 1:30 p.m. the veterans landed at Fort Scott Airport then headed to the LaRoche Ranch.

Cloudy skies and light rain prevailed, and some bystanders were downtown on the route by 1 p.m.  Temperatures were in the 50s.

Just before the convoy arrived downtown, the rain steadily increased.

That did not stop the bystanders from waiting to show their support for the veterans.

The Fort Scott Tourism Center and additionally, Stewart Realty had handed out American flags, while Captured Images Photography handed out patriotic posters to the community to hold in welcome to the veterans.

All of these added to the color to the welcome, in spite of the cloudy skies.

If you have a great photo you’d like to share of the convoy, please add it with a description of what is happening in the photo on the FortScott.Biz Facebook page.

Angela McKenney, Hilary Berry, Amari Berry, Roland Mills and little Jaeston Grant wait in the rain at Wall and Main streets to honor the veterans.
Julie Wright, Cathy Wuerdeman, Megan Felt, Bailey Lyons and the Shane Walker family line Wall Street to welcome the vets to town.
Rhuey Eden and her mom, Rachel Eden wait patiently for the veterans convoy to drive down Wall Street.
These Fort Scott Civil War re-enactors donned uniforms and horses to welcome the veterans to town Wednesday. From left Wyatt Keyes, Brett Dawson and Aaron Phillips.
Fort Scott National Historic Site employees wait for the veterans convoy to pass by on Wall Street. From left: Paul Goodman, Barry Geersten, Summer Porter,  Betty Boyko and Tiffany Durham. Behind them are the re-enactors on horses.
Fort Scott Police and Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office personnel signaled with flashing lights the beginning of the convoy.

The end of the convoy heads east on Wall Street to the E3 Ranch.


Mother to Mother Ministry: Mentoring and Support

Amanda Gilmore, community liaison, and Wilma Leach, director of Mother to Mother Ministry show an information board they take when telling others about the ministry.

Fort Scott.Biz is showcasing United Way of Bourbon County agencies that have received a grant.

Mother to Mother Ministry, 728 S. Heylman, is one of those agencies. The phone contact numbers are  224-0809 or 215-0924.

The ministry is open Monday-Thursday from  10 a.m. to noon with some classes and groups meeting in the evening.

Wilma Leach is the ministry director,  Alison Leach helps with planning, Amanda Gilmore is community outreach and assistant, Adin Leach does records and maintenance and Shanna McClure is a special assistant.

What services do you provide the community?

“We offer mentoring programs with friendship and support either one-on-one or in group settings for moms, dads, and families. We have classes, guest speakers, and parenting programs. We have a library and reading room for personal study. We network with Bourbon County Coalition and are advocates for victims of domestic violence.”

We have a baby and children’s clothing closet as well as some adult clothing.

We provide baby supplies, diapers, hygiene and cleaning supplies.
We collect and give away some household furniture when possible.

We provide baby supplies, diapers, hygiene and cleaning supplies.
We collect and give away some household furniture when possible.

Current needs of the ministry?

“Currently we are accepting shoe donations and are looking for volunteer mentors for men and women to provide encouragement and support.

Other opportunities for volunteers include clothing and cleaning assistance.”

M2M is currently in need of the following appliances and miscellaneous items including a refrigerator, washer and dryer, curtains, area rugs, a large bookshelf, storage shelves, sturdy 8′ folding tables and folding chairs, clothing racks, and large plastic storage tubs with lids.”

Anything new for the ministry this year?

“Our newest group forming is for adoptive families on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm.”

How much of your budget is provided by United Way of Bourbon County?

“Thankfully about 30 percent of our budget is supplied by United Way. Other gifts from churches, organizations and individual citizens are greatly appreciated as well.”



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