Drake Steps Down From Bo Co Coalition, New Leaders Starting on Oct. 2

The next meeting of the Bourbon County Coalition will be October 2, 1:00 p.m. in the Conference room at the Scottview Apartments, 315 S. Scott. The agenda is attached.

After 24-plus years of working with the Bourbon County Coalition,  Billie Jo Drake is stepping down as a leader.

Travis Wilcoxen and Nick Johnson will be taking over as Co-Chairmen of the Coalition beginning with the October meeting.

Drake will remain on the board for one more year to ensure a smooth transition.

Nick Johson be chairing the General Membership meetings and will let members know at the October meeting which email you will need to use when you need to contact the Coalition.

“I have enjoyed my work with the Coalition and am confident that Travis and Nick will do a great job,” Drake said.

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda


October 2, 2024



  1. Welcome: 



  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:



  1. Program:  Dustin Emmett, Retain Outreach Coordinator for SEKANSASWORKS.



  1. Open Forum:



  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be November 6, 2024.


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