Starlite FCE
September minutes
The September meeting of the Starlite FCE was held at the Presbyterian meeting room. President Glenda Miller called the meeting to order and Vice President Joyce Allen led the club in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the club collect. Ten members and one guest were in attendance. The members reported that they had volunteered 40 hours and had recycled 490 pounds of paper and cardboard.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Karen Peery reported that the Fall Follies will be held at the United Methodist Church in Humboldt on October 22nd at 6:00. Eight members are planning on attending. Doris Ericson presented the Treasurers report and passed out membership papers for renewal. Karen also announced that cookies for the State Meeting can be left at the Extension Office.
Glenda recognized Letha Johnson as our September birthday. She also read a Thank you letter from Macie Hueston and presented our Citizenship minute.
Old business consisted of the State FCE Meeting. Karen Peery, Doris Ericson and Deb Lust will be attending. Glenda also reminded us that our Operation Christmas Child boxes will need to be brought to our October meeting. Karen presented the time line to turn boxes in at First Baptist Church in Mound City and presented several Dollar Tree items that would go well with the boxes.
Karen presented a quilt that she had purchased for Bourbon County’s basket for the State meeting, Deb Lust moved that we donate $25 for the quilt, Joyce Allen seconded the motion, motion carried.
New Business was talking about the next year’s program books, Doris Ericson will be getting them for the club.
After the meeting the member enjoyed a presentation by Tara Solomon on “Pathway to a Healthy Kansas”.
Refreshment were of pumpkin roll, nuts and water were provided by Claudia Wheeler and Ida Ford and enjoyed by all.
Prepared by
Terri Williams