New Leadership Elected For the Bourbon County Republicans on September 19

Kaety Bowers speaking at the Bourbon County Republican meeting on September 19 She was elected chairwoman of the local party. Submitted photo.
Tim Emmerson speaking at the Bourbon County Republican meeting on September 19. He was elected vice-chairman of the local party. Submitted photo.

Kaety Bowers,  Mapleton, and Tim  Emerson, Devon, were elected chair and vice-chairman, respectively,  of the Bourbon County Republican Party at the annual leadership reorganization meeting at  Fort Scott Livestock Market last evening. Gayle Sackett was elected secretary and Donna Banwart, treasurer, both from Fort Scott.

They will represent the county at state Republican meetings and local monthly meetings, Emerson said.

Candidates are nominated and voted on at an annual reorganization meeting.

At the September 19 meeting, the whole slate of officers was elected in one nomination.  “There was no one opposing us,” said Emerson.

Bourbon County Townships, from the Bourbon County KS website.

The results of the election are reported to the state, he said.

According to the rules and regulations, Emerson said that the party leadership and precinct leadership must have a male and female representative.

Each precinct person represents their local township in Bourbon County.

At regular monthly Republican meetings, those running for office in upcoming elections may speak to the group.

“Usually, our meetings are quarterly, except in election years or when the group sees the need to meet,” outgoing secretary Deb Martin said. “We have Republican officeholders speak about their offices and current legislation action updates and other current political campaigns.”

On September 19, David Beerbower, county commissioner candidate; Tim Shallenberger, Kansas State Senator candidate and Rick James, Kansas Representative candidate in the November 2024 elections spoke to the group.

At monthly meetings there is also discussion on ways to help Republican candidates get elected, Emerson said.

“You go door to door to explain what the candidates stand for, that’s very helpful to candidates. Signs are put out for national and state candidates at people’s homes with good (visible, highly trafficked areas) he said.




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