Tag Archives: featured

Fort Comes to Life in Celebration of its 175th Anniversary for Good Ol’ Days

Submitted by Fort Scott National Historic Site

This year marks the 175th anniversary of Fort Scott, which was established in 1842. In commemoration of this momentous occasion, Fort Scott National Historic Site is pulling out all the stops with frontier-era military reenactments on Saturday, June 3. Stop by the fort during the town-wide Good Ol’ Days celebration and stroll the grounds to experience the bustling activity of the 1842-1853 frontier fort.

Fort Scott NHS is excited to announce the participation of dismounted cavalry and dragoon units, two infantry units, an artillery unit, and representatives of the Western Bluecoats Field Hospital.

Of special note is the attendance of the US Corps of Topographical Engineers, who were instrumental in surveying and mapping the West. It is sure to be a fun-filled and exciting day with nearly 100 costumed living-history reenactors to observe, learn from, and interact with.

Visit with soldiers, laundresses, surgeons, and officers’ wives as they go about their daily routines. Enjoy the variety of Historic Weapons demonstrations throughout the day. Meet the men and women who shaped the very beginnings of Fort Scott during a Guided Tour. Enjoy first-hand accounts of fort activity through the letters of Captain Thomas Swords and his wife Charlotte. Living history activities will be ongoing from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.


9:00 a.m. – Raising the Colors

10:00 a.m. – Infantry Drill and Weapons Demonstration

11:00 a.m. – Artillery Drill and Weapons Demonstration

12:00 p.m. – Guided Tour: Men and Women of the Old Fort

1:00 p.m. – The Tongue is More Useful than the Arrow: The Letters of Thomas and Charlotte Swords

2:00 p.m. – Infantry Drill and Weapons Demonstration

3:00 p.m. – Artillery Drill and Weapons Demonstration

4:00 p.m. – Flag Retreat

Understaffed Sheriff’s Department Asks for Commission’s Support

Members of the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Department approached the county commission Tuesday morning to discuss their need for more deputies as well as higher wages, as the department continues to lose deputies because of the non-competitive pay.

Sheriff Bill Martin said their staff is down to just four deputies after two gave their two week’s notice within 24 hours of each other, one of them a K9 handler, and a third is on medical leave after an accident while off work. Those deputies will be forced to work even further overtime as they cover the 12-hour shifts left open.

To compensate for the decreased manpower, Martin said they had to pull the courthouse security temporarily and said they may have to consider allowing deputies to respond to dispatch calls from home in order to prevent them from working such long hours that they become exhausted or burnt out.

It’s impossible to do with four deputies,” county attorney Justin Meeks said of the amount of overtime that will need to be covered.

Not only would the employees be forced to work extensively, the county’s budget would also be hurt as they pay a time and a half for overtime, possibly adding up to more than $7,000 a month extra with the understaffed department. The correctional center is also using overtime as they are trying to replace three of their normal 16 employees.

I want to take care of the employees,” Martin said, saying most exit interviews reveal that the pay is the chief reason the deputies leave to take other jobs, some leaving the county and even the state.

Currently working on preparing their budget for the 2018 fiscal year, Martin said they will ask for a wage increase in order to be more competitive while also asking for as many as five further staff, including deputies, detectives and an individual to help with clerical work such as handling evidence.

The commissioners agreed with Meeks and Martin that the need is becoming more serious as it has become harder to retain the staff needed to patrol the county. Commissioner Lynne Oharah said they will look closely at what funding is available during the upcoming month as they continue to accept budget requests from other departments.

Click here for an article with more details on a January report on the Sheriff’s Department wages.

Fort Scott Remembers: Memorial Day 2017

The Fort Scott National Cemetery #1 hosted a large turnout as members of the community and out-of-town visitors came to the ceremony honoring servicemen and women who died while defending the United States and its values.

It is a great privilege to join with you on these hallowed grounds,” said Thomas Maynard, master of ceremony of the event and assistant director of the Leavenworth National Cemetery. “Americans have paid for our way of life be giving theirs…We can never repay.”

James Collins, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church of Fort Scott and retired Master Sergeant and Chaplain after more than 27 years of service in the U.S. Army, gave the keynote address and emphasized the importance of Memorial Day as a day to remember those soldiers who were killed in the battles the country took part in.

There’s something special about remembering,” Collins said, saying that action brings the fallen back into the hearts and minds of those remembering, allowing their legacy to continue despite the years since they lived.

Collins said he oversaw a number of military funerals because of his responsibilities as a chaplain, and recalled when a knock on his door during the midnight hours seven years ago brought news that his own best friend had been killed. Collins said the one question the friends and family members of fallen soldiers ask is “why?”

We have all asked why, and I wish that I had an answer,” Collins said.

But Collins advised his listeners should also ask two other questions in such times of grief: who can I turn to and what is left for us moving forward. Collins said those who experience loss should turn to God and each other for support and that they should never forget those loved ones as they move forward.

Reverend Jimmy Tucker of Diamond Community Church, Ralph Carlson, Floyd Feezell, Arnold Schofield, boy scout Cody Dean and two gold star mothers also participated in the ceremony. An honor volley was provided by VFW Post 1165 members and Jerry Witt played taps.

Public Library to Host Kick-Off Party

With the end of the school year and the recent reopening of the Fort Scott Public Library, the annual summer reading program and other events hosted by the library are kicking-off with a party Tuesday, May 30, 10 a.m. to noon, at the Ellis Fine Arts Center.

Valetta Cannon, the youth librarian and assistant director, said 122 people came to the party in 2016 and 230 children participated in the summer reading program.

This year’s program has the theme “Build a Better World” and is for children up to 18 years old. Early registration is open, with early registrants receiving a prize. Forms are available at the library.

On a weekly basis, other events and programs will be available, such as for children through fifth grade on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., June 13-Aug. 2, at the public library. Events for teens will be held at the Common Ground Coffee Co. on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. A teen advisory group meets Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m.

Those willing to volunteer material, snacks or their time can contact Cannon at [email protected] or 620-223-2882.

2017 Summer Schedule:

Blocks Kick-Off Party – May 30 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Danny & Willa Ellis Fine Arts Center (FSCC)

Musician Alan Cunningham – June 6 at 10 a.m. at the Danny & Willa Ellis Fine Arts Center (FSCC)

Professional Storyteller Jo Ho Presents “This is Not a Box!” – June 23 at 10 a.m. at the Beaux Arts Centre

Faerie Garden-Making Party with Martha Scott – June 26, 3-4 p.m. at Fort Scott Public Library

Robot Party – July 10, 3-4 p.m. at Fort Scott Public Library

Wings of Love Inc.’s Rare Jewels of the Rainforest Bird Show – July 18 at 10 a.m. at the Danny & Willa Ellis Fine Arts Center (FSCC)

Wrap-Up Party TBD – Tentative Date, August 8

Patty LaRoche: Given the Choice

On my recent girlfriend reunion at Hilton Head, Diana, our handicapped friend, was accompanied by her two adult daughters, their friend Jenny and her two daughters: Alice, five, and Hazel, six weeks. We six “grandmothers” doted on the two little girls, marveling at Jenny’s mothering skills, especially since she had been on her own since she was 15. Parenting had not been modeled to this young woman.

On our third day, Diana rode her motorized scooter to the girls’ suite. She returned to tell us that Alice was in “time out,” but Jenny let Diana visit with the youngster after sharing that Alice had not obeyed. Apparently Alice almost had been hit by a golf cart that ferried customers along the boardwalk on which they were walking. Alice had ignored her mother’s instructions to stay to the right.

Diana asked Alice to explain why she was in trouble. Repeatedly jabbing her index finger at her head, she said, “I sometimes don’t listen.” After a short pause she added, “It’s just really hard, you know.”

We six could relate. With months since our last get together, most of the time there were two or three conversations at the same time. Alice was right. Listening is hard.

Another incident occurred the next evening when youngsters were given glow-in-the-dark necklaces. The following day at the pool, Alice loaned hers to her playmate who did not return it. The next day, Alice’s new friend was wearing the necklace. When Alice said that she wanted it back, the young girl replied that Alice had given it to her. A girl squabble ensued with the other mother insisting she give Alice back her necklace.

Once Alice placed it around her neck, Jenny took her aside. “Don’t you think it would be nice for you to give it back? We can get you another necklace.”

“No, I don’t think so,” Alice answered firmly.

Jenny continued. “Well, I want you to sit here and think about what you just said. I will be back to talk to you when you have time to reconsider what you should do.”

To no avail. Alice insisted it was her necklace, so she should not give it back.

Before walking away, Jenny gently responded, “I want you to know that was not the answer I had hoped you would give.”

We grandmothers were in awe and admitted the outcome for our children would have been far less loving. Jenny was teaching Godly principles. Without getting upset or raising her voice, she gave her daughter choices, with clear direction that what Alice had decided was not the best option.

God does the same for us. He gives us choices. We either obey or not. There is no middle ground to His instructions. Love Him above all else. Love our neighbor as ourselves. Don’t lie, covet, dishonor parents, or steal. Make Jesus the Lord of our lives.

It is up to us to decide if we will listen to His instructions, but should our choice be not to obey, God’s advice probably would be no different than Jenny’s: “That is not the answer I had hoped you would give.”

If that doesn’t help us change our minds, I don’t know what will.

Lowell Milken Center Plans 10th Year Events

One year ago, the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes opened the doors of its new facility, housing a number of exhibits. But for 10 years, the center has been helping students and teachers bring recognition to individuals that had an impact on their community or era.

“It doesn’t seem possible that time has passed so quickly,” Director Norm Conard said of the time since the completion of the building. “We have so many good things coming up.”

In honor of the 10th anniversary, the center employees and directors are preparing for events in September that include a visit from Lowell Milken and the revealing of children’s books written by local retired teacher Cathy Werling about some of the unsung heroes’ stories, but at an elementary level. The world premiere of a film called “Teach us All” will also be held during the event.

But before that celebration, the center continues to host a number of events throughout the summer, as groups visit the center to see the exhibits or for training. Twelve nationally recognized teachers will visit in June as fellows of the center. The fellows and other teachers are also helping create a module concerning the unsung heroes for Kansas curriculum.

The local Rotary District Governor inauguration will be hosted at the center in July. Also in July, a group of about 30 people will travel to Poland to view the location of the story of the first unsung hero, Irena Sendler.

Members of the center also helped local high school Zoe Self, whose project qualified her for the national history day in Maryland this year. Four new exhibits are being added to the center this year as well.

The Lowell Milken Center is open to visitors and those wanting to look through the exhibits on their own or with a tour guide. Information on the exhibits, upcoming events or the center’s hours can be found at their website: lowellmilkencenter.org.



Small Business Exemption and Taxes: Senator Hilderbrand

Why does removing the small business exemption mean increasing taxes on the poorest of the poor?

Submitted by Richard Hilderbrand, Kansas District 13 Senator

There is a lot of frustration among the citizens of Kansas over the current legislature’s inability to balance the budget. This frustration is well-founded and must be addressed with a fiscally responsible solution. There is a large percentage of citizens that believe the small business exemption is the cause and want to see the exemption removed. If a tax proposal to remove the LLC exemption was ever to come before both chambers, it would likely pass by a veto-proof margin. If this is the case, then why hasn’t this happened yet? It is obvious this is the one part of the tax plan that most legislators and citizens both believe should be changed. One only needs to look at The Hays Daily News article dated May 5, 2017. In this article, it has this very revealing quote “If we take that part out of the overall tax plan, we take all of our leverage out,” said Sen. Laura Kelly, D-Topeka. Kelly said closing what is often referred to as the LLC loophole is the “politically palatable” part of the tax hikes, but it isn’t the bulk of the money the state needs to raise. “The real money in the tax cuts was not in that provision, it was in the reduction of the brackets,” she said, referring to income tax rates.


In a recent Docking Institute poll, it asked how the citizens of Kansas wanted their legislators to fix the current budget crisis. This is what this poll showed: 41 percent want their legislators to cut spending, 34 percent want their legislators to cut spending and increase taxes, and 25 percent want their legislators to increase taxes to fix this budget crisis. You will notice that 75 percent think all or part of the solution is to cut spending, while none think the solution is to raise state spending.


Then why do the only bills that we are voting on so far have large increase in spending along with over $1 billion in new taxes to pay for it? This not only defies the wishes of our constituents, but more importantly it is reckless and is fiscally irresponsible. I have heard from those that want to pass this massive tax and spend policy that this is the hardest thing to do. I strongly disagree with this view. The hardest thing to do is continue to vote on your principles and to not be swayed by the emotions of the day. We must get our finances in order and established for a long-term solution, so that our state can get back on the road to recovery.

We do have a budget crisis and our constituents are counting on us to fix this problem. This is something that we must do, we must quit playing politics over this issue. The constituents in Kansas expect the legislators to fund education to meet the requirements of the ruling handed down by the Kansas Supreme Court. They also expect the legislators to fully fund KPERS and to quit deferring the payments that have become the norm. They also want the money that is ear marked for our highways to stay in KDOT.

Just last night the House took up SB 30. It failed on a vote of 53-yeas to 68-nays. If this bill would have passed, and subsequently passed the senate, it would have looked like this:

*It would have raised taxes on every single tax payer by $1.217 billion over the next two years.

*Lowered the minimum earned income from $5,000 to $2,500 for single filers, and from $12,500 to $5,000 for families.

*Retroactively raised the lowest tax bracket for families making $0-$30,000 from 2.7 percent to 2.9 percent for the 2017 tax year.

*Raised the lowest tax bracket for families in year 2018 from 2.9 percent to 3.1 percent.

*Retroactively raised the middle tax bracket for families making $30,001 – $60,000 from 4.6 percent to 4.9 percent for the 2017 tax year.

*Raised the middle tax bracket for families in year 2018 from 4.9 percent to 5.25 percent.

*Retroactively created a new top tax bracket for families making $60,001 and above from 4.6 percent to 5.2 percent for the 2017 tax year.

*Raised the new top tax bracket for families in year 2018 from 5.2 percent to 5.7 percent.

*Retroactively raised the lowest tax bracket for individuals making $0 -$15,000 from 2.7 percent to 2.9 percent for the 2017 tax year.

*Raised the lowest tax bracket in year 2018 from 2.9 percent to 3.1 percent.

*Retroactively raised the middle tax bracket for individuals making $15,001 – $30,000 from 4.6 percent to 4.9 percent for the 2017 tax year.

*Raised the middle tax bracket in year 2018 from 4.9 percent to 5.25 percent.

*Retroactively created a new top tax bracket for individuals making $30,001 and above from 4.6 percent to 5.2 percent for the 2017 tax year.

*Raised the new top tax bracket in year 2018 from 5.2 percent to 5.7 percent.

*Retroactively repealed the small business exemption.


This tax bill would have put an even bigger burden on our constituents that are struggling to make ends meet. How can we as a state ask an individual that is making only $2,500 and a family making $5,000 a year to retroactively pay for our out of control spending? It would have classified, per this new tax structure, an individual making $30,001 and a family making $60,001 as rich and taxed them the same rate as someone making $1 million. This is not a fiscally responsible tax plan.

The state has increased its spending in the general fund from $5,268,100,000 in 2010 to an estimated $6,306,030,075 for 2017. This is an almost 20 percent increase in spending over seven years. That is an average increase of 2.46 percent per year. The average rate of inflation during that same period is only 1.7 percent per year. If the state’s spending would have been the same as the rate of inflation, our spending in 2017 would only be $5,807,414,859. The estimated revenue for 2017 is $6,073,100,000. That would have left the state with $265,685,140.54 to go towards meeting some of our other needs that I highlighted earlier.



So, I ask this question: Why must the poorest of the poor pay for the states irresponsible fiscal policies?


Bailey Resigns from County Position

Eric Bailey, Bourbon County’s Environmental Services Coordinator, offered his resignation to the Bourbon County Commission during their meeting Tuesday morning.

“We’re sad to see him go,” County Attorney Justin Meeks said.

Bailey served the county in his position for almost four years, remaining in contact with contractors and overseeing inspections of septic, holding tanks and lagoons. The county will need to find a replacement quickly to keep up with inspections and permits for area building projects. Bailey made a recommendation Tuesday.

“We’re going to miss you,” commissioner Lynne Oharah said.

The commissioners voted to accept his resignation, also agreeing to name June 2, as his final day as an employee.

“It’s been a wonderful experience,” Bailey said, taking time to thank the commissioners for the opportunity to work for the county. “I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Bailey said he is moving out of state in order to start his own business as a subcontractor.


Kansas Rocks Adds New Property

Kansas Rocks Recreation Park, located near Mapleton, held a ceremony Saturday morning for the grand opening and ribbon-cutting event for its recent addition of 160 acres of land to the park.

For the past 14 years, the park has provided 220 acres of terrain for visitors interesting in hiking, cycling, or driving jeeps or dirt bikes on the numerous trails of varying difficulties. Over recent months, additional trails have been created in the new, southeast quadrant of the land recently purchased from a family that had lived there for three generations.

“This is quite a celebration for us,” President David Killion said, adding they are still negotiating for even more property.

Killion said they selected the Bourbon County location 14 years ago because of a need for such a park near the Kansas City area, as others are three to four hours away. With the area selected, Killion said they were able to use grants from the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to get the park started.

Now, Killion said the park is self-sustaining through the daily fees, while grants and donations are used for larger projects, such as the recent addition of electricity donated by Westar and Heartland Rural Electric. Currently, they are in the process of adding water for camping spots.

“The rock park is a huge asset to Bourbon County,” Fort Scott Mayor Jolynne Mitchell said, adding the park sponsors numerous events throughout the year.

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce board president Deb Needleman and Executive Director Lindsay Madison both expressed appreciation for Kansas Rocks’ membership and said they hope to continue to support the park in its endeavor to bring visitors to the region.

“It’s a great benefit to Bourbon County,” county commissioner Lynne Oharah said, adding he is grateful for the family-oriented atmosphere.

Seasonal Landscape Issues Emerging

Submitted by Krista Harding

The prolonged periods of rain and wet growing conditions is causing some issues in our area. The conditions we have had recently are ideal for many landscape fungi and diseases to appear.

One fungal disease happening to sycamore trees is anthracnose. Anthracnose is favored by cool, wet weather. The young leaves may wither and turn black. Older leaves will have a brown discoloration that follows the major veins of the leaves. In some cases, the petiole (leaf stem) is infected, which causes leaf drop. Although this is most common on sycamore trees, it can also affect birch, elm, walnut, oak and ash.

In severe anthracnose cases, the tree drops heavily infected leaves and may completely defoliate. However, healthy trees will leaf out again in just a few weeks. Anthracnose seldom causes significant damage to trees in Kansas, so chemical control is not necessary. Fungicides do not cure infected leaves, so applying fungicides now will not help.

Both my climbing and Knock Out roses look good this year and are blooming like crazy! But, I have my guard up and am on the lookout for rose slug infestations. Some people might think that the small green worm they find on roses is a caterpillar of some sort. However, it is not. It’s actually the larva of a sawfly. This insect skeletonizes rose leaves and young larvae will remove the green layer of leaf, leaving behind a clear material. As the larvae mature, they make holes in the leaf and eventually may consume all of the leaf but the major veins. Since these insects are not caterpillars, insecticides with BT will not be an effective treatment. Instead, try a strong jet of water to dislodge the slugs and make it more difficult for them to return to the plant. Other effective treatments include insecticidal soap, horticulture oils, spinosad and permethrin.

Another pesky landscape insect to be watching for is Euonymus scale. Euonymus scale looks like small, white cottony spots on affected foliage. The leaves will turn yellow and die as this insect continues to feed by sucking the plants juices. Heavy infestation happens on the undersides of leaves, twigs and stems. Labeled insecticides include malathion, permethrin and cyhalothrin. However, control is almost impossible for euonymus that has been heavily attacked and is in very poor health. In those instances, complete removal of those plants is recommended.

Finally, watch for rust on hollyhocks. This is the most common disease on hollyhock and can cause serious injury as leaves are progressively killed through the summer. Rust shows up as yellow spots on the surface of the leaves and orangish to brown pustules on the underside. The first line of defense in preventing rust is to remove all hollyhock stalks, leaves and other debris in the fall and destroy it. Remove any infected foliage you see now. A fungicide such as Immunox can be applied to protect healthy foliage. However, if you fight rust every year, I recommend a preventative fungicide application as the leaves emerge in the spring.

Should you have any horticulture questions this growing season, give me a call. As a reminder, I have office hours in each of the three locations within the Extension district. I am in the Erie office Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Iola on Tuesday and Fort Scott on Thursday.

Krista Harding is a K-State Research and Extension Agricultural agent assigned to Southwind District. She may be reached at 620-244- 3826 or [email protected].

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Living History Featured for Memorial Day Weekend at Fort

Submitted by Fort Scott National Historic Site

This Memorial Day weekend, you and your family are invited to visit Fort Scott National Historic Site as we honor our nation’s fallen heroes. Experience the sights, sounds and smells of a frontier military fort. Celebrate the weekend with traditional living history programs, cooking demonstrations and artillery firings. A guided tour will be offered at 1 p.m. each day and a National Moment of Remembrance honoring American Soldiers who died in the line of duty will be held Monday at 3 p.m.

On Saturday, programs will focus on community life at Fort Scott in the 1840s, with special presentations from our site volunteers on cooking, baking and washing clothes. Come join the post laundress as she demonstrates washing Soldiers’ clothes, 1840s style. Smell the aroma of freshly baked bread from the fort bake house. Watch as the Soldiers and women of the fort go about their daily routines. Living history stations will also include officers’ wives demonstrating needlework, an Infantry Soldier discussing camp life and the post sutler hawking his wares.

Small arms demonstrations are scheduled Saturday and Monday and the roar of artillery will be heard on Sunday. Special programs on Saturday will include a reading of Fort Scott officers who died in the line of duty, a tribute to American Soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice in all wars, and a reading of letters written by Captain Thomas Swords and his wife, Charlotte. The couple was stationed at Fort Scott in the 1840s; Captain Swords served as the post quartermaster at Fort Scott and oversaw its construction.

The schedule of activities is listed below:

Saturday, May 27

10:00 a.m.            Flour, Sweat, and Tears: Bake House Talk

11:00 a.m.            “Ready, Aim, Fire”: Weapons Demonstration

1:00 p.m.            Guided Tour

2:00 p.m.            “Ready, Aim, Fire”: Weapons Demo /Honoring Fort Scott’s Fallen Officers

3:00 p.m.            “The Tongue is More Useful than the Arrow” Letters of Thomas and Charlotte Sword

3:30 p.m.            “So Nobly Advanced”: Memorial Day Tribute to Soldiers

4:00 p.m.            Flag Retreat

Sunday, May 28

1:00 p.m.            Guided Tour

3:00 p.m.            “Thunder Wagon”: Artillery Demonstration

4:00 p.m.            Flag Retreat

Monday, May 29

11:00 a.m.           “Ready, Aim, Fire”: Weapons Demo

1:00 p.m.           Guided Tour

3:00 p.m.           Moment of Silence/Artillery Salute

USD 234: Class of 2017

Unified School District 234 recognized more than 110 high school seniors during their graduation ceremony at Frary Field Saturday night.

“Graduating from high school is a momentous occasion,” Principal Shawn Thomas addressed the students, later adding, “I am proud of you. I look forward to watching you, hearing about you, reading about you, because I know you will succeed in whatever endeavor lies ahead of you.”

Class president Emily Cotter congratulated her fellow seniors—recognizing the times they fell yet still got back up, and their chance to create their own path moving forward without the comfort provided by the support of parents and others.

Thomas encouraged the students to do three things as they move forward; remember their years of high school, appreciate all that was done so they could succeed and anticipate what struggles and opportunities lie ahead.

Fort Scott Community College President, Alysia Johnston, gave the commencement address and urged the students to continue their education, whether formally in a college setting or informally in a continuous process of learning.

“Education and learning are truly lifelong endeavors,” Johnston said, encouraging the students to try new things and investigate in order to find the major or career they are interested in.