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FSCC Board of Trustees Agenda for Oct. 17

October 17, 2022
Board of Trustees

Fort Scott Community College

2108 S. Horton

Fort Scott, KS 66701

The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday, October 17, 2022. The meeting will be held in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall at Fort Scott Community College.

5:00 p.m. Dinner in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall at Regular board meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.



5:30 ROLL CALL, 3



A. Comments from the Chair, 4

B. Comments from the Public, 4

C. New Employee Introductions, 4

D. Assessment Update, 4


A. Approval of Agenda, 5
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on September 19,
2022, 6
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims, 7
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 5


A. Consideration of Esthetics Program, 61
B. Consideration of Arnold Arena HVAC Bids, 62
C. Consideration of Large-Scale Network Switch Purchase, 78
D. Appointment of Bourbon County REDI Representative, 90

A. Administrative Updates, 93

October 17, 2022: Board Meeting

October 29, 2022: President’s Cup Foundation Golf Tournament

November 21, 2022: Board Meeting

November 23-25, 2022: Thanksgiving Break, Campus Closed

December 12, 2022: Board Meeting

December 15, 2022 – January 4, 2023: Christmas Break, Campus Closed

January 16, 2023: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Campus Closed

January 23, 2023: Board Meeting

February 20, 2023: Board Meeting

March 13 – 17, 2023: Spring Break, Campus Closed

March 20, 2023: Board Meeting

March 24, 2023: Aggie Day

April 7, 2023: Good Friday, Campus Closed

April 17, 2023: Board Meeting

May 13, 2023: Graduation

May 15, 2023: Board Meeting

June 19, 2023: Board Meeting


John Bartelsmeyer, Chair

Alysia Johnston, President

_____ John Bartelsmeyer

_____ Jim Fewins

_____ Dave Elliott

_____ Kirk Hart

_____ Bryan Holt

_____ Robert Nelson







1) Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on September 19, 2022.


Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.


1) Transfers

a) Hollie Souza, from Nursing Administrative Assistant to HEP Database Manager, effective November 3, 2022

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as



VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins

Hart Holt Nelson

Underage and No Headlights by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker

Underage and No Headlights


I like to drive and I get that honest from my Dad (whose life was as colorful as a big box of crayons.) More than once, Dad told me about his childhood experience of driving in California in the 1930s. Just a kid, he would sneak (push) his parents’ car out of the garage and go for joy rides by himself. He was so little, he had to sit on a pillow to drive. The cops were getting used to seeing him drive around; once in awhile they’d pull him over and talk to him, but they’d just let him go (times were different back then). One time he stayed out longer than he planned and it was dark when he got back home.  So a little distance from the house, he killed the engine and turned off the lights so he could coast the car into the garage. Well, he couldn’t see and he ran into the side of the garage door with a big bang! The only option was to start it up, turn on the lights, back up, and then properly park it in the garage. Feeling terrible, he walked into the house and handed the keys over to his father. Neither one said a word. And that was the end of the joy rides.


The fact Dad couldn’t see in the dark is what abruptly concluded his driving excursions. It‘s not that he was a bad driver, he just needed to use his headlights. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105 NKJV). I’ve memorized this  scripture and it comes out of my mouth almost daily. Actually, I was stumped as to why believers would need a lamp for our feet and a light on our path. I began to think of driving instead of walking. The lamp could be compared to headlights on a vehicle and the light could be compared to street lights. Living in a world of chaos and darkness, we need all the help we can get. The headlights are great, but when streetlights are added, it’s even better.


God has equipped believers with everything we need to live victoriously in a dark world surrounded by silliness and sin. God’s Word lights our path and we have access to this Light, but we have to make the effort to use this power. If your only Bible has an on/off switch, then that’s just sad. And if your Bible sits on the coffee table with dust on it, that’s sad too. It’s like starving to death with a pantry full of food because we’re too busy to eat it.


“God sent a man, John the Baptist, to tell about the Light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony. John himself was not the Light; he was simply a witness to tell about the Light. The One who is the true Light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He came into the very world He created, but the world didn’t recognize Him. …But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:6-10,12 NLT).


When Jesus began his ministry, He fulfilled what God said through the prophet Isaiah: “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined” (Matthew 4:16 NLT). When I sleep in the dark, my physical body is restored and rejuvenated. But I don’t want to live in the dark. I want Jesus to light my world, to guide me and teach me. “Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow Me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life’” (John 8:12 NLT).


The Key: As a child of God, you have the right to turn on all the light switches.

Gordon Parks Museum receives Irby Endowment Award

With the Dr. Pratt and Pauline Irby Endowment Fund Award courtesy of Janet Braun, Bob Irby and Mary Rio, all siblings of the benefactors Gordon Parks Museum officials were able to purchase a 43inch touchscreen display and tablet kiosks with stands and software, available for use by visitors of any age.

“We are very thankful to receive this very kind donation and award from the Irby family in honor of Dr. Pratt and Pauline Irby,” said museum executive director Kirk Sharp. “The touchscreen displays with the large viewing screen help the museum to engage visitors in different ways. This helps give visitors of the museum a more modern approach to learning, viewing and appreciating the collection and works of Gordon Parks.”

The interactive display, which allows visitors to view photos, videos, interviews, music and more, Sharp said, will be available for use in the meeting room/lobby area of the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center during the annual Gordon Parks celebration Oct. 68.

Museum visits and tours can be scheduled for a later date by calling (620) 2232700, ext. 5850, or by sending an email to
[email protected].

# # #

Kansas Health Champion Awards Nominations Being Accepted

Nominations Now Being Accepted for Kansas Health Champion Awards Exceptional efforts to promote health and fitness in Kansas to be recognized\

TOPEKA – The Governor’s Council on Fitness is now accepting nominations for its annual Kansas Health Champion Awards. Awards are given to one outstanding individual and two outstanding organization, that make an exceptional effort to model, encourage and promote health and fitness in Kansas. Award recipients will be recognized at the Community Health Promotion Summit on January 26, 2023. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 30.

“The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is proud to play a part in this important initiative that works to improve the health and wellness of Kansans,” said KDHE Secretary Janet Stanek, “Many people and organizations throughout the state are making healthy living a priority, and it’s important that we recognize their efforts and the impacts it has on individuals, families and communities.”

Nominees would be expected to have demonstrated:

  • Work that goes beyond what is expected to model, encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Work that overcomes health inequities that lead to sedentary lifestyles and/or undernourishment.
  • Far-reaching impact
  • Sustainable influence or activity

“In addition to promoting effective models for increasing physical activity, nutrition and tobacco-free living for replication by organizations and communities around the state, the awards also allow us the opportunity to honor the outstanding work of one individual and one organization this year,” said Jody Hoener, Awards Committee Chair, Governor’s Council on Fitness. Eligible nominees might include an outstanding volunteer, a school, a local community, a newspaper or individual reporter, a local or State policy maker, or an employer, among others.

For more information and to submit a nomination, go to, and click on the nomination form link. If you have questions about the nomination process, contact Jody Hoener at [email protected]

The Governor’s Council on Fitness advises the Governor and others on ways to enhance the health of all Kansans through promotion of physical activity, good dietary choices and prevention of tobacco use

Priscilla Howe to Perform for Summer Reading on July 12

Priscilla Howe to Perform for Summer Reading on July 12


Storyteller Priscilla Howe will perform on July 12 at 10 a.m. in the main auditorium at Memorial Hall.

Priscilla tells original stories with the help of her puppet friends. Learn more about Priscilla’s work at her website:

Library performances are free and open to the public. This event is part of the library’s summer reading program. Learn more about and register for the program at:

This performance is made possible in part by partnerships with Garnett Public Library and Mound City Public Library and is provided in partnership with USD 234.

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of June 7

June 7, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.
Robert Harrington, Matt Crystal, Emily Diebolt, Kevin Davidson, Bill Martin, Jason Silvers, Bob Reed, and Susan Bancroft were present for most or all of the meeting.
Clifton made a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes. Lynne seconded.
All approved.
Dustin Hall stated there were no permits. Trucks are out fixing washouts from all the rain. Staging asphalt equipment in Hiattville to get started there as soon as possible.
Jim asked if we did any work on a culvert south of Hubert’s around the curve going
east. There is a washout down there. Dustin said he would check on it and let Jim know. Lynne asked for an update on the new crusher. Dustin said that it is fast. It’s
hard to keep up with it.

Lynne had a report for Hackberry Road off of Hwy 3. Dustin
said that they put gravel on it this week. Jim asked if they were considering a second belly dump to move gravel while asphalting. Dustin said they have discussed it but there is no need for one at the moment as the rock isn’t there. We are going to try to
keep the belly dump we have moving all summer if possible. Jim said that if you guys decide to buy a second one I would be in agreement with that.

Jim asked how many bush hogs they have. Dustin said they have four, but one has a hole in the fuel tank and have been waiting for parts. The other three are mowing now.

Bill Martin regarding K9 Retirement Contract. Bill asked for chairman’s signature to release all liabilities along with the BB County Sheriff’s Department and for Kevin
Davidson, who is the current K9 handler, to take possession of his dog, Jeno. Lynne asked how old the dog is. Bill stated nine years old. He was two when he started with the county. Jim stated that we appreciate Kevin for taking him and giving him a good home. Jim made a motion to approve the contract presented by Sheriff Martin
allowing Mr. Davidson to take Jeno and give him a good home. Clifton seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign the contract
allowing Kevin Davidson to keep Jeno. Kevin thanked the commission for allowing him to keep Jeno.

Clifton made a motion for an executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy including three commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Shane Walker for seven minutes returning at
9:17am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 9:17am with no action. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Jim made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy including 3 commissioners, Susan Bancroft, Rhonda Dunn, Shane Walker and Rob Harrington for 10 minutes returning at 9:30am. Lynne seconded. All approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 9:30am with action. Lynne seconded. All approved.
Clifton made a motion to allow Susan Bancroft to work with the city on a shared service to deal with the land bank. Lynne seconded. All approved.

Lynne made a motion to amend the agenda to move the executive session & Justin Meeks time to the end of the meeting. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Susan Bancroft presented an EMS contract moving Dave Bruner from EMS Manager and putting Teri Hulsey in that position. Lynne made a motion to approve the EMS contract moving Dave Bruner from EMS Manager to Teri Hulsey and allow the chairman
to sign. Clifton seconded. All approved.

Susan discussed correcting some employee
contracts at the last meeting clarifying the language in the sick and vacation leave for the Public Works Director and Chief Information Officer. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign the amended employment contracts. Lynne seconded.
All approved.

Susan discussed employee insurance and the possibility of getting a
broker to help consolidate ancillary benefits to provide the best benefits for our employees. She discussed creating a committee to select a broker that would best fitour needs. Jim asked how the broker will be paid. Susan stated that they are paid by
commission through the insurance company. Lynne made a motion to allow the
creation of a committee to look into a broker for benefits. Clifton seconded. All
approved. Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to do away with the executive
session that Susan Bancroft had requested. It is no longer needed. Lynne seconded.
All approved.

Shane Walker CIO: We are moving forward with the antennas up north. We had an engineer study done and know where we need to put them now. The towers will take 90 days or more. There will be two for now. We will probably add another one down
south where there is a dead spot. Jim asked if this would allow more people to get internet service. Shane said yes.

Public Comment: Rob Harrington introduced the newest members to the REDI organization. Emily Diebolt is our new grants manager. She will be here to help with grant writing. Also, Taten Majors, an intern for the next 8 weeks. He is a graduate from Wichita State. Clint Walker said it is about time someone help the county get

The commission took a 10 minute break.
Lynne made a motion to amend the agenda to move his executive session to next week. Clifton seconded. All approved.
Commission Comment: Lynne stated that he and Susan Bancroft have been talking about the budget process. Lynne made a motion that budgets will need to be turned in to Susan by end of day this Friday, June 10th. Clifton seconded. All approved.

Jim asked about getting a packet ready for the 17 county meeting in September.
Susan stated that we are hoping to send out a flyer by July 1.
At 10:09am Clifton made a motion to adjourn. Lynne seconded. All approved.
(ss) Jim Harris, Chairman
(ss) Lynne Oharah, Commissioner
(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner
Ashley Shelton, Bourbon County Clerk
June 14, 2021, Approved Date

Obituary of Duane Kliewer

Duane John Kliewer, 88 of Omaha Nebraska died peacefully at home on June 15th, 2022. He was born in Santanta KS on February 15th 1934 to John and Esther Kliewer. Duane graduated from Lawrence High in 1952 and went on to play football for a junior college before proudly serving in the US Navy for four years. During his service he was stationed on the USS Forrestal and was also a Navy boxer.

He attended the University of Kansas where he met the love of his life Marie Annette Otto and they were married in Fort Scott Kansas on November 22, 1959. They shared 62 years of marriage and were blessed with 4 children who they both devoted their time and love to, creating a legacy of family memories.

Duane received his Master’s degree from UNO in 1973. He spent his working years as a physical therapist and was both skilled and passionate about his focus on helping children. Duane was a man of strong faith and character.

He was a lifelong Jayhawks fan and could always be found cheering them on. He was a creative and talented artist and loved to draw, even into his last years of life.

Most importantly he was a devoted and loving husband, father, and grandfather, and will be tremendously missed by all who knew and loved him.

He is preceded in death by his parents John and Esther Kliewer and sister Geraldine “Gerry” Dodge.

He is survived by his wife Marie Annette Kliewer; his children Brian Kliewer (Kim), Lisa Lind (Cameron), Julie Havener (David), and John Kliewer; his grandchildren Lindsey Kliewer  and Anthony Lind; and many other beloved relatives and friends.


Services will be held in Fort Scott Kansas at 10 am Tuesday June 22nd at Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home.


Memorials can be sent to The Wounded Warrior Project.

FS City Commission Minutes of June 7

Minutes are unapproved until the meeting.




         Minutes of June 7th, 2022                          Regular Meeting #11


The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held June 7th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.




Commissioners K. Harrington, T. Van Hoecke, S. Walker, and M. Wells were present with President J. Jones presiding.


INVOCATION: City Commissioner, Matthew Wells, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.


AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE:  Travis Shelton, Jason Dickman, Brad Matkin, Jackson Tough, Kevin Allen, Megan Smith, Dallas Smith, Ann Rawlins, David Saker, Claudia Wheeler, Jody Hoener, Clayton Miller, Steve Anthony, Harold Martin, Rob Harrington, Emily Bolt, Tayton Majors, and representing the press Tammy Helm, Editor, Fort Scott Tribune.


PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS:  State Farm Insurance 100th Anniversary Proclamation – President Jones read a proclamation proclaiming June 7th, 2022 as State Farm Day in the City of Fort Scott.  He called upon the residents of the City to observe this day by demonstrating what being a good neighbor is all about through acts of kindness and making people feel welcome.


Josh asked that Rob Harrington be added under Appearance.


Election of President of the City Commission – Josh said that the next item is to elect a President of the Commission.


  1. Van Hoecke said that he has checked into it and the State Statutes on replacing the President position as well as the Mayor position. He would like to replace both positions. He cited Kansas State Statutes and the City ordinances and said that we can take this time to put new faces on the Commission in leadership positions.


  1. Van Hoecke made a motion to take nominations for Mayor at this time since there are no guidelines in place for the President to automatically move up to the Mayor position. Shane Walker seconded.


  1. Jones states that K.S.A. 13-513 sets the guidelines on how to fill the Mayor’s position and read the following: “When any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor by death, resignation, absence from the City, removal from office, refusal to qualify or otherwise, the president of the council for the time being shall exercise the duties of the office of Mayor with all rights, privileges, and jurisdiction of the Mayor until such vacancy is filled or such disability is removed, or in the case of such vacancy, other than a temporary absence of disability, the president of the council shall become Mayor. Thereupon the council shall elect from its membership a new president of the council.  Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of councilman, the governing body shall appoint an elector of the word where the vacancy occurs to be councilman for the balance of the unexpired term.”


  1. Van Hoecke said that he was looking at K.S.A. 12-184a which states: “Form of government continued. A) A city shall continue to operate under its current form of government whether established at an election, or by adoption of a charter ordinance or ordinance until such time that the City’s form of government is changed as provided by law. B) All existing ordinances and charter ordinances relating to a city’s form of government, except those provisions relating to the time if city primary and general elections, shall remain in effect until amended or repealed by such city.”


  1. Jones said that the protocol set in the past has been that the president moves up to Mayor and cited a situation where this occurred in the past. He said that he was just pointing out what has happened in the past.


  1. Van Hoecke said that a liaison needs to be appointed to the Lake Advisory Board to replace Kevin Allen.


  1. Van Hoecke said that the current ordinance needs changed.


City Attorney said that you can change your current ordinance.  There is an ordinance to replace a Commissioner.  The replacing of the President to the Mayor position has not come up since he has been City Attorney.  He said they can change the ordinance however they wish.


Back to the previous motion to take nominations for Mayor at this time, roll call was taken with T. Van Hoecke, S. Walker, M. Wells, and K. Harrington voting aye.  J. Jones abstained.  Motion carried 4-1.




  1. Jones moved to nominate Katie Harrington for Mayor. M. Wells seconded. M. Wells and J. Jones voted aye.  S. Walker and T. Van Hoecke voted no.  K. Harrington abstained.


  1. Jones asked the City Attorney if the abstained vote counts as an affirmative vote and he said it did.



  1. Walker moved to nominate Matthew Wells to serve as the Lake Advisory Board liaison. J. Jones seconded. J. Jones, T. Van Hoecke, K. Harrington, and S. Walker voted aye.  M. Wells abstained.  Motion carried 4-1.




  1. Walker moved to nominate Tim Van Hoecke as President of the Commission. M. Wells seconded. All voted aye.





  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of May 17th, 2022 and special meeting of June 1st, 2022.


  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1313-A totaling $583,514.00.


  1. Request to Pay – Nuss & Farmer – April Invoice – $2,155.00


  1. Request to Pay – HDR Engineering – River Intake Project – $7,124.16


  1. Request to Pay #2 – Nowak Construction Co., Inc. – Manhole 148 Project – $94,116.15


  1. Consideration to Pay – Brightly Software – $7,677.09


  1. Harrington asked that the payment to Bourbon County R.E.D.I. be removed from the Appropriation Ordinance as she has a conflict.


  1. Walker moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the removal of the Bourbon County R.E.D.I. payment. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.




Bourbon County R.E.D.I. Payment of $5,416.67:


  1. Jones moved to approve the payment to Bourbon County R.E.D.I. T. Van Hoecke seconded. J. Jones, S. Walker, M. Wells, T. Van Hoecke voted aye.  K. Harrington abstained.  Motion carried 4-1.




Public Comment:

(Sign up required.  Comments on any topic not on the agenda and limited to 5 minutes per person, at Commission discretion)


Ann Rawlins – Ms. Rawlins appeared before the Commission regarding the Old Fort Genealogical Society.  She is the librarian.  She has an exciting project regarding the Katy Railroad project.  They had an exhibit in Texas, and they want to move it to Fort Scott.  Documents to be housed are accounting records, maps, annual reports, etc.   They need to be available to the public.   Their museum will donate these items to a research library.  They would like to take over the lower half of Memorial Hall for these items.   She asked them to consider their putting Memorial Halls repairs on the front burner.


  1. Van Hoecke said that he thinks all of the Commission would like the building repaired.


Steve Anthony – Mr. Anthony asked permission to use the tennis court lights at the Golf Course on July 30th for their Special Olympics tournament.


  1. Wells moved to allow the Special Olympics tournament to use the tennis court lights at the Golf Course for their event on July 30th, 2022. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.




Old Business:


  1. Consideration of Impound Yard for Codes vehicles – City Manager said that he passed out information to the Commission regarding an impound yard for Codes vehicles and Land Bank vehicles that are acquired. We need a place to hold them and companies to pick them up.  He has had three interested parties.  These vehicles would be picked up at no cost and held at no cost, but they would get the vehicles once the titles are acquired in payment of the holding and picking up and hauling.  The City would have to comply with the State of Kansas Salvage Control Act.  He asked that the vehicles would not be held in a blight area where they could be viewed.   The regulations would need to be gone over with the interested party.


  1. Jones said that this needs to be looked at yearly and make sure all interested parties are considered.


Clayton Miller said that they want to make sure they are up to City codes on the property for the salvage yard.


City Manager said that we can get an ordinance in place also.  It will take a little while to get this developed and started.


  1. Wells moved to moved to move forward with an impound yard for the City of Fort Scott for Codes vehicles. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.






Dallas Smith – Wedding reception venue request – Dallas and Megan Smith appeared before the Commission to ask for the use of the Airport hangar for a wedding reception and for the City to waive the alcohol consumption on this property for this event on October 29th, 2022.  This would be from 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.


  1. Van Hoecke moved to allow Dallas Smith to use the hangar at the Fort Scott Municipal Airport for the wedding reception on October 29th, 2022 and to waive the alcohol consumption on the property for this date. S. Walker seconded. All voted aye.




Jody Hoener – Healthy Bourbon County Action Team – Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding – 3rd Street Park upgrades – Downtown Arch placemaking – Jody stated that in their packets is the Memorandum of Understanding.   She had the City Attorney review it and he gave a suggestion or two which she included in the MOU.  There is $70,000 in grant funds in the 3rd Street project and $70,000 in grant funds for the Downtown Arch project.  She also asked for approval for the Pledge.


  1. Wells moved to accept the Memorandum of Understanding between the Healthy Bourbon County Action Team and the City of Fort Scott to outline the implementation of the 3rd Street Park project and Downtown Arch project and the pledge. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.




Jody gave an update on the T-Mobile grant project also to the Commission.  They are meeting with Fort Scott National Historic Site personnel on this project.


Lake Advisory Board Representative – Harold Martin, Lake Advisory Board member, informed the Commission that their Board met on June 4th, 2022, and they would like the City to wait two to three years before the sale of any additional Lake property.  There were complications with the sale of the first four lots.  The Lake Advisory Board would like a Comprehensive Plan established before the sale of any additional lake lots.   Their Board voted that all boat licenses be shown on the actual vessels.  All boat licenses expire on December 31st of each year.  They should be displayed on the right side of the vessel.   They asked for a change in this ordinance to reflect this.


Two recommendations were made at their meeting in May which remains unanswered.  The Board recommended that legal counsel determine whether Lake Fort Scott falls under the State of Kansas Boating Regulations.   Their board has not heard a reply.


City Attorney said that he and the City Manager discussed this.  The Lake Patrol Officer always consults the State and complies with what they require.


Mr. Martin said that their other issue is regarding anchors and proper maintenance and protocol for the anchors and for the City to invest in what is needed.  This should not be designated to the Lake Patrol Officer but a City employee.  He asked for a status on this.


City Manager said that he would look into the cost of that.


  1. Jones apologized for the swimming ropes not being in place for Memorial Day. The fish feeders were not up yet either.


Mr. Martin said that they are up now.


Rob Harrington – Rob introduced his new grant writer Emily Diebolt, and the new intern for Bourbon County R.E.D.I, Tayton Majors.  They each stood up and gave a little of their background.


Rob said that he prepared a policy and procedures and handed the City Attorney a copy.


He said a year ago he stood before the Commission and addressed a couple of items on behalf of a couple of businesses.  He addressed the road by Peerless and El Charro.  The road needs to be repaired.


City Attorney is working on this issue to get easements on this road known as 25th Street.  He has quit claim deeds from all property owners except for Peerless.


Rob will check with Peerless on this.


Rob also brought up the ditch in front of Niece Products and if the road is City or County property.  There is a water issue there.  The ditch needs cleaned out.


Shane said that the roads are the County, but the ditch is the City’s.


City Manager will check into this issue.


Public Hearings:


  1. Jones moved to open the Public Hearing at 7:06 p.m. T. Van Hoecke seconded. All voted aye.




6:00 p.m. – Notice of Hearing of de-annexation of the property more commonly known as 2142 Jayhawk Road –


Katie asked if there was any public comment and there was none.


  1. Wells said that the City promised to get them water some time ago. He cannot find any information on this issue. He said that there are two houses close in proximity that do have City water.


  1. Wells moved to table this de-annexation at this time until more information can be obtained. T. Van Hoecke seconded. All voted aye.




  1. Jones made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. M. Wells seconded. All voted aye.




New Business:


  1. Acceptance of K.D.O.T. Grant – Horton Street – $949,000.00 – Resurfacing, new sidewalks, crosswalks, and ADA ramps on Horton Street between 6th Street and 18th Street – City Manager said that the City was awarded this grant.


  1. Wells moved to accept the K.D.O.T. Grant for Horton Street in the amount of $949,000.00. S. Walker seconded. All voted aye.




  1. Consideration of Change Order #1 – Nowak Construction Co., Inc. – Manhole 148 Project – Increase of $1,283.50 – due to final quantity reconciliations on project – Jason Dickman, Earles Engineering, Inc. informed the Commission that the increase is due to final quantity reconciliation amounts.


  1. Van Hoecke moved to approve Change Order #1 for Nowak Construction Co., Inc. for the Manhole 148 Project in the increased amount of $1,283.50. M. Wells seconded. All voted aye.


approved Change Order #1 for Nowak Construction Co., Inc. for the Manhole 148 Project in the increased amount of $1,283.50. 


  1. Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Bourbon County for EMS – City Manager said that the MOU is before them.


Discussion was held on what is charged whether it is per hour or a percentage of time.


  1. Wells moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Bourbon County for EMS. K. Harrington seconded. J. Jones, T. Van Hoecke, M. Wells, and K. Harrington voted aye.  S. Walker abstained.  Motion carried 4-1.




  1. Consideration of Bids for Demolition: City Manager said that there were two bids received.  The low bid is as follows for each structure:
    1. 731 S. Heylman – Dave’s Demolition – $1,100.00 – Skitch’s – $3,442.00
    2. 312 S. Heylman – Dave’s Demolition – $1,200.00 – Skitch’s – $4,939.00
    3. 1409 S. Ransom – Dave’s Demolition – $1,200.00 – Skitch’s – $3,439.00


Dave Saker said that he had Kevin Russell contact him about getting the rock from these demolitions.  He will remove it himself as he has a big hole he is wanting to fill.


City Manager said that he didn’t see any reason why he couldn’t have it.  It belongs to the contractor to dispose of.


Dave said that he will have all three structures removed within a five-day period.


  1. Van Hoecke moved to award all three demolitions to Dave’s Demolition. S. Walker seconded. All voted aye.



Reports and Comments:


  1. Commissioner Reports and Comments:


  1. City Manager Comments:


City Manager stated that he and the City Attorney are working on the Bourbon County R.E.D.I. and Tourism Ordinance update.


He stated that they are working on the Land Bank ordinance for mowing and well as preparing an ordinance for a separate fund for the Land Bank.


Josh said that his preference would be to move those funds to a Land Bank account so it can be tracked.


Rob said that there is a Land Bank meeting next week.




  1. Engineering Firm Comments:


  1. On-Call Sanitary Sewer Manhole Inspection Training Proposal – Jason Dickman, informed the Commission that this proposal is for the On-Call Sanitary Sewer Manhole Inspection in the amount of $6,500.00. They have been training City staff also on manhole inspections.


No action was taken on this item so it will be on the next agenda.


He stated that he is still looking for Memorial Hall plans.


Jason also updated on three other projects.  He also discussed Wall Street.  The Commission reminded him that they asked that an impact study be done for the businesses on Wall Street before the project proceeds further.


  1. Commissioners Reports and Comments:


  1. Van Hoecke – Tim welcomed Katie Harrington to the Commission. He remarked about the opening day at the Aquatic Center and social media comments.


Chief Shelton said that it was handled in house by H.R.


Tim commended all those involved with Good Ol’ Days – from the Committee to all the City crews.  He thanked all those involved with the parade and the vendors and the organizations that were on display.  He thanked Jackson Tough and Lindsay Madison also.  He thanked the citizens also for supporting this event.


Tim commended the Golf Course on the serving of food at the Golf Course now. This will be a great profit maker.


  1. Harrington – Katie stated that she attended the Good Ol’ Days parade and commended the City crews for their hard work for this event.


  1. Wells – Matthew thanked the City and Public Works crews on the extra hours worked for Good Ol’ Days. We are blessed to have these employees working for the City. He said that the Fort had some Native American dancers.  It was an awesome weekend all around.


Matthew asked about the electric hookups in the downtown area and upgrading them.


Matthew asked about the Codes Department and the creation of a Standard Operating Procedure.


City Manager is working on this still.


Matthew asked about Smart Growth America and if the City is still on board with this program and their ideas.  He said we need to address this.


Matthew asked about rewriting the boat license for the Lake residents.    He also asked about the rewriting of the ordinance for replacement of Commissioners.


City Attorney said that there are only two options:  leave it alone or pattern it after a couple of other ordinances.


Matthew asked for an update on the microphone system in the City Commission room so people can hear better.


Shane said that he is having issues getting proposals for it.  He has a bid from one company.


Matthew asked if Jason Dickman can look at Niece and the water issue.  He said that there are hydrants and signs with issues with tree and brush overgrowth.  He said that one is in the City and the other two are in the County.


Jason will look into this issue.


Matthew asked about adding an extra Land Bank member.


Tim said that they are working with Rob Harrington on this issue.  Their meeting is next week, and he doesn’t want to speak prematurely on this.


  1. Walker – Shane remarked that there were lots of vendors at Good Ol’ Days this year. He said that there were lots of people. He thanked the Police Officers and Dispatchers and Fire personnel for their assistance.


Shane asked if Jason and the City Manager had looked at 2nd and Judson.


Jason said that there are multiple items to be addressed at that location.


  1. Jones – Josh said that Cooper Street has started with concrete and looks good.


Josh stated that Pee Wee Button passed away. He served as a Firefighter for many years.


He thanked all the crews for their assistance in Good Ol’ Days.


Josh said that over $750.00 were sold in boat permits at Lake Fort Scott over Memorial Day weekend.


Josh asked Bob to look at Charter Ordinance No. 21 and if it still exists.


  1. City Attorney Comments – Nothing to report.






  1. Van Hoecke moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.




Respectfully submitted,



Lisa Lewis

Deputy City Clerk


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Violet the bear has awoken early from her hibernation, but she doesn’t know why. She’s called on Shelby and Watts to solve the case before her son, Theodore, is roused from his hibernation, too. With Shelby’s deductive skills and Watts’s scientific know-how, they’ll leave no stone unturned or question unanswered.
A collection of poems celebrating the playfulness of the English language.
The role of First Lady has been defined differently by each woman who’s held it, but all of them left an impact on our nation as partner of the commander in chief. Incisive poetry by Marilyn Singer and energetic art by Nancy Carpenter provide a fascinating glimpse into the lives of women–from Martha Washington to Eleanor Roosevelt to Lady Bird Johnson–who variously embraced the position and shied away from it, craved the spotlight and fiercely guarded their privacy, took controversial stands and championed for the status quo.
An unlikely friendship forms between a great white shark and a robot when they bond over a favorite book series, then stand–and dance–together against playground bullies.
Artists ask questions when they make art and viewers ask questions when they look at art. This gently provocative book provides an engaging way for young people to start asking and answering questions for themselves. Why is art full of naked people? is structured around 22 questions, each one tackled over two spreads. The opening spread explores the question and answer, inviting the reader to study a full-bleed image of an important artwork. The second spread shows a selection of work on the theme from across history, showing how art can run with an idea to hugely different ends.


In this story inspired by Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” Ana Dakkar, a freshman at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a five-year high school that graduates the best marine scientists, naval warriors, navigators, and underwater explorers in the world, makes astounding discoveries about her heritage and puts her leadership skills to the test against deadly enemies from a rival school.
On the first day at a Japanese high school, an irrepressible girl announces her lack of interest in “ordinary humans” and proceeds to form a club dedicated to finding aliens, time travelers, and other forms of supernatural life, with the intention of having fun with them.
The 21st century guidebook of life safety skills for teens, their parents, and other caregivers, covering physical safety, sexual consent, social media, your rights with the police, situational awareness, dating violence, smartphones, and more. Young people coming of age today face new risks, expectations, and laws that didn’t exist when their parents were young. What They Don’t Teach Teens provides teens, tweens, and young adults with up-to-date, realistic strategies to protect themselves against the pitfalls of modern adolescence.
When Amy’s father loses his job the family moves back to Earth, where she has to adapt to heavier gravity, a new school, and a strange boy with no flavor.
At nineteen, Hutchinson was struggling to find the vocabulary to understand and accept who he was and how he fit into a community in which he couldn’t see himself. Convinced that he couldn’t keep going, that he had no future, Hutchinson followed through on trying to make that a reality — an attempted suicide. Over time, he came to embrace life, and to find self-acceptance. In his deeply honest memoir, he takes readers through the journey of what brought him to the edge, and what has helped him truly believe that it does get better.


Spring, 1921. Scotland Yard sends Inspector Ian Rutledge to the sea-battered village of Walmer on the coast of Essex, where amongst the salt flats and a military airfield lies Benton Abbey, a grand manor with a storied past. The lady of the house may prove his most bewildering witness yet. She claims she saw a violent murder–but there is no body, no blood. She also insists she recognized the killer: Captain Nelson. Only it could not have been Nelson because he died during the war.
In present-day California, Eleanor Bennett’s death leaves behind a puzzling inheritance for her two children, Byron and Benny: a traditional Caribbean black cake, made from a family recipe with a long history, and a voice recording. In her message, Eleanor shares a tumultuous story about a headstrong young swimmer who escapes her island home under suspicion of murder.
The first major biography of one of our most influential but least known judicial activists that provides an eye-opening account of the twin struggles for gender equality and civil rights in the 20th Century. Born to an aspirational blue-collar family during the Great Depression, Constance Baker Motley was expected to find herself a good career as a hair dresser. Instead, she became the first black woman to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court, the first of ten she would eventually argue.
Funny Farm is an inspiring and moving memoir of the author’s turbulent life with 600 rescue animals. Laurie Zaleski never aspired to run an animal rescue; that was her mother Annie’s dream. But from girlhood, Laurie was determined to make the dream come true. Thirty years later as a successful businesswoman, she did it, buying a 15-acre farm deep in the Pinelands of South Jersey. Laurie had planned to relocate Annie and her caravan of ragtag rescues-horses and goats, dogs and cats, chickens and pigs-when Annie died, just two weeks before moving day. In her heartbreak, Laurie resolved to make her mother’s dream her own.
A celebration of cultural icon Shaquille O’Neal’s love of food, family, and fun, with 80 low-stress, comfort food meals for busy families
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Fort Scott Public Library
201 S. National Ave.
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Weekly Newsletter

Welcoming the 250,000th Honor Flight Veteran to Washington, D.C.

This month, the Honor Flight Network will bring the 250,000th veteran to see the memorials built in their honor. I’ve had the opportunity to welcome hundreds of veterans on Honor Flights to Washington, D.C. and have witnessed the impact these trips have on them. I’m grateful that we could stand at the World War II Memorial – that was built largely due to the tireless work of World War II veteran and Kansas Senator Bob Dole – to recognize Honor Flights and the 250,000 veterans who have embarked on their journey to our nation’s capital.



I joined Sen. Elizabeth Dole and veterans across the country on Tuesday to commemorate this milestone. Honor Flights have also made it possible for veterans like my dad, a WWII veteran, to come to Washington, D.C. and visit the WWII Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, and many more. These memorials serve as an important reminder to the rest of us that we owe a great deal of thanks to those who have served and sacrificed.

To our veterans and our servicemembers: We respect you; we thank you for your service, and we love you.



Welcoming Airbus to the Air Capital of the World

On Friday, I hosted Airbus Americas Chairman and CEO, Jeff Knittel, and his team in Wichita to showcase the Air Capital of the World. I’d like to thank the Kansas Aviation Museum and the Greater Wichita Partnership for hosting a community reception with local stakeholders and public officials to welcome Mr. Knittel and his team. At the reception, Mr. Knittel announced a donation from Airbus to the United Way Andover Tornado Fund. I am thankful for their aid to the Wichita community and for the time they spent touring suppliers.





Following the reception, we toured Dynamic NC, Cox Machine and Atlas Group with the Airbus CEO and procurement team. I’d like to thank Bryan Mackey, President of Dynamic NC, Jason Cox, CEO of Cox Machine and Jim McMullen, CEO of Atlas Group, for showcasing the talent and capabilities of these incredible companies.



Continue reading U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Weekly Newsletter

Bourbon County Coalition Meets May 4 at Scottview Apartments

Submitted by Billie Jo Drake

The regular Bourbon County Coalition meeting will be on Wednesday, May 4, in the Conference Room at the Scottview Apartments, 315 S. Scott, at 1:00 p.m.

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda


May 4, 2022



  1. Welcome:  Swim Pass recap



  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:



  1. Program: Gabby Gire, CHC, “Bourbon County Tackles Tobacco.”



  1. Open Forum:



  1. Adjournment:  Next General Membership meeting will be June 1, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.

Obituary of Mark Wade

Mark Stanley Wade, 64, resident of rural Redfield and more recently of the Medicalodge, passed away Monday April 11, 2022. He was born October 21,1957, the son of Oscar J. and Helen (Jackson) Wade of Rural Redfield, Kansas. He attended the Redfield school as a young child and later graduated from Uniontown High School in 1975.


As a young adult, he worked for various local farmers. He ran heavy equipment for local contractors and Bill’s Coal Company. Mark tried his hand at dairy farming and custom harvesting from Texas to Canada. He also cut rice and peanuts a time or two in Mississippi.


Mark was a “jack of all trades” and a master of some. Jobs included building fences, hauling rock, pasture clearing and snow removal. Mark took great pride in the maintenance of the watershed dams along the Mill Creek, Marmaton River, with some in Anderson and Allen County.


Mark also attended the Hope Anthem Church in Ottawa, Kansas. He also loved to square dance and was a regular at the “The Docey Dandies” in Gardner, Kansas and “The Ottawa Promenades” club in Ottawa, Kansas.


Mark is survived by two daughters, Jennifer Culler and her husband, of Pleasanton, Kansas;Sara Schellack and her husband, also of Fort Scott; granddaughter Emma; his mother Helen Wade, of Redfield, Kansas; three brothers, Steve Wade and wife Linda, of Mapleton, Kansas, David Wade and wife Deanna, also of Mapleton, Brian Wade and wife Deana, of rural Hammond, Kansas; several nieces, and a nephew.

He was preceded in death by his father Oscar Wade in 2009, and his brother Phil in 1989, along with a wealth of friends over the years.


John Durling will officiate graveside services at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, April 14, 2022, at Centerville Cemetery, under the direction of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home.

Family and friends will meet at Konantz-Cheney at 10:00 a.m. for a visitation prior to graveside services.

Memorial contributions may be made to the City of Fort Scott Animal Shelter and Pound and may be left in the care of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, 15 W. Wall Street, P.O. Box 309, Fort Scott, Kansas, 66701. Condolences may be submitted to the online guestbook at