Category Archives: Schools

Uniontown FFA Livestock Judging Teams Is Named Reserve State Champion

The Uniontown FFA Livestock Judging Team was named the Reserve State Champion team at the Kansas FFA State Livestock Judging contest on Tuesday, April 30th in Manhattan, Kansas. With the win the team has qualified to represent Kansas at the American Royal Livestock Judging contest in Kansas City, Missouri in the fall. Team members include sophomores Klara Stock and Jaci Marlow and freshman Kole Harris and Jace Harvey. The team is coached by Uniontown FFA Advisor Scott Sutton.
Individually the team was led by freshman Kole Harris. Harris finished 8th overall individually and 3rd overall in reasons. Klara Stock was 11th overall and 14th in reasons. Jace Harvey was the 30th ranked individual. There were 88 total teams and 360 individuals in total.
Advisor Scott Sutton commented, “This young team exceeded expectations by earning the title of Reserve State Champion. For a young team to handle a competitive contest with such a high level of maturity is really impressive. Obviously with this finish they have set the bar very high for the next few years of their high school judging career. I look forward to seeing what they can accomplish!”

FS Christian Heights School Annual Fundraiser is May 4

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member

Fort Scott Christian Heights…

Fort Scott Christian Heights is hosting their Annual Country Store, 5K and Auction Fundraiser on Saturday, May 4th.

5K – 7:30am registration, 8:00am Race and Fun Walk Begin.

For more information regarding the 5K call 620.215.4915

9:00am-4:00pm: Giant Indoor Garage Sale, Specialty Booths Bakery, Kettle Corn, Snow Cones, Full Concession Stand

4:00pm-6:00pm: Dinner featuring fried chicken, smoked pulled pork, sides, and homemade desserts.

Adults:$8, Kids:$5 (ages 5-12), Kids under 5 are free

6:00pm: Live benefit auction of merchandise and services donated by local businesses!

1101 South Barbee St.

For more information contact the school at 620.223.4330 or [email protected]

Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701

FSHS Thespians Perform Comedy Improv Show

The Fort Scott High School Thespians perform their annual Spring Improv Comedy Show at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Apr. 27 at the FSHS Auditorium.

The show features improvised comedic scenes acted out on the spot using suggestions from the audience. Admission for the show is a free-will donation at the door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

The Improv Troupe, named Scripted, is directed by FSHS teacher Mark Bergmann and sponsored by Thespian Director Angie Bin. Junior Cooper George serves as this year’s Improv Troupe Captain.

Trinity Lutheran’s Precious Lambs Preschool Is Enrolling for Next Year

Precious Lambs Preschool is now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year.

A mission of the Trinity Lutheran Church, the preschool has provided early childhood education at 2824 S. Horton in Fort Scott, KS since the fall of 1988.

Utilizing a faith-based curriculum, Precious Lambs creates a challenging atmosphere for students to succeed on an individual basis.

The Monday-Tuesday class is for students who are 3 years old by August 31 and completely potty trained.

The Wednesday-Friday class is for Pre-Kindergarten students who are 4 years old by August 31.

Classes begin the first Tuesday after Labor Day and are 8 am to 11 am for both classes.

Enrollment information forms are available by emailing [email protected] or calling (620) 223-3596.

USD 234 Board of Education Met on April 8

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760



DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        









Monday, April 08, 2024


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 08, 2024, for their regular monthly meeting at the board office.


President David Stewart opened the meeting.


Public was given the chance to comment on the utilization of the Construction Management At-Risk as the project delivery method on the renovations at the Preschool building. No patrons were present.


The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:

Board Minutes

03/04/24 Board Minutes

Financials – Cash Flow Report

Check Register

Payroll – March 8, 2024 – $1,656,831.58

Activity Funds Accounts

USD 234 Gifts

Appoint Dalaina Smith – Deputy Board Clerk

LEA Assurances


Nick Johnson, Preschool Principal, recognized four Special Education Teachers for their dedication and hard work with our youngest learners. Candy Turner is in her first year. Andrea Heckman has been with the district for five years. Completing her sixth-year teaching is Theresa Hurd. And Emily Peterson is also in her first year.

Candy Turner, Theresa Hurd, Andrea Heckman, Brennen Feeback, submitted photo.

Scott Kimble, High School Principal, recognized Brennen Feeback. Brennen is just completing his first year with the district as a Special Education Teacher. Mr. Kimble thanked Brennen for being willing to jump in and help and truly has compassion and heart for each student.

Superintendent Destry Brown reported on the school audit. He also informed the board of an upcoming school wide clean-up day. Each building will be helping to clean up city wide on April 24.


Assistant Superintendent Dalaina Smith updated the board on State Assessments and end of year IReady. Summer school has open registration until the end of April. She also recognized the first-year teachers and how hard they have been working with their development.


Tonya Barnes, Special Education Director, reported on CATAID payments and partnering with Kansas Renewal Institute for Special Education Services. She also gave a wonderful report on our district Special Olympics and is excited for the next event on April 23 in Pittsburg.

Amanda Lancaster was present to review the district audit and answer any questions.


The PDC presented their five-year professional development plan to the board and was present for any questions.


The board approved the following items:

  • KASB Membership Renewal & Legal Assistance Fund Contract
  • Contract for Occupational Therapy Services with Outreach OT, LLC for 2024-25
  • IReady ELA Grade 2-5 Quote
  • School Pictures 2024-25 – Kenny Felt
  • Greenbush Contracts for Low-Incidence & Audiology for 2024-25


The board went into an executive session for personnel matters and Superintendent Evaluation.


President Stewart adjourned the meeting.















April 08, 2024


Alford, Sierra – Resignation – ELA Teacher – High School

Almond, Steve – Retirement – Bus Driver

Arnold, Kaitlin – Resignation – 2nd Grade Teacher – Eugene Ware

Brown, Harmony – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Middle School

Chidester, Frances – Resignation -3rd Grade – Eugene Ware

Claypool, Kaitlyn – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware

Dunn, Hannah – Resignation – Accounts Payable Clerk

Hampton, Breanna – Resignation – 6th Grade ELA – Middle School

Harper, Connie – Resignation – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware

Heatherly, Julie – Resignation – Science Teacher – High School

Heidrick, David – Resignation – SPED Teacher – Middle School

Houston, Linda – Resignation – Science Teacher – High School

Kim, Jong – Resignation – Kitchen Manager – Winfield Scott

McKinsey, Rayanne – Resignation – 2nd Grade Teacher – Winfield Scott

Setina, Ashlee – Resignation – Family & Consumer Science Teacher – High School

Stanley, Billie – Resignation – 5th Grade Teacher – Eugene Ware

Stephan, Dennis – Retirement – Bus Driver

Stephens, Emily – Resignation – SPED Teacher – Eugene Ware

Woellhof, Beckie – Resignation – 4th Grade Math – Eugene Ware

Leave Of Absence

Hendricks, Sarah – 4th Grade Teacher – Eugene Ware


Certified Recommendations

Eastwood, Kim – Summer School Elementary Principal

Gilmore, Nicole – Assistant Principal – Winfield Scott -2024-25

Holthaus, Danielle – Virtual Kansas Renewal Institute Teacher

Mayfield, Terry – Assistant Superintendent/Business Manager 2024-25

Motley, Aubri – SPED Teacher – Winfield Scott – 2024-25

Nickelson, Aaron – Secondary SPED Teacher – 2024-25

Page, Marcus – Science Teacher – High School – 2024-25

Ragan, Mackenzie – 3rd Grade Teacher – Eugene Ware – 2024-25

Sage, Morgan – Summer School Secondary Principal

Weddle, Codee – 4th Grade Teacher – Eugene Ware – 2024-25

Classified Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:

Ballou, Jessica – Paraprofessional – High School

Leslie, Brandy – Accounts Payable

Supplemental Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:

Barnes, Jon – Head Girls Golf Coach – High School

Beth, Whitney – Track Coach – Middle School

Sprague, Sierra – Head Cheer Coach – High School

Certified & Special Services Personnel

Fort Scott Preschool

Eugene Ware Elementary

Winfield Scott Elementary

Fort Scott Middle School

Fort Scott High School

Brown, Chase – Science Teacher – High School – 2024-25

Stewart, Mya – Speech Paraprofessional – 2024-25


Agenda For the USD 234 Board of Education for April 8


Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        







April 8, 2024 – 5:30 P.M.


1.0       Call Meeting to Order                                  David Stewart, President

2.0       Flag Salute

3.0       Public Hearing for CMAR (Information/Discussion)      

3.1       Public Hearing (Action Item)

3.2       Hear from Patrons

3.3       Close Hearing (Action Item)

4.0       Approval of the Official Agenda (Action Item)

5.0       Approval of the Consent Agenda (Action Item)

            5.1       Board Minutes

  1. 03/04/24 Board Minutes

            5.2       Financials – Cash Flow Report

            5.3       Check Register

            5.4       Payroll – March 8, 2024 – $1,656,831.58

            5.5       Activity Funds Accounts

5.6       USD 234 Gifts

5.7       Appoint Dalaina Smith – Deputy Board Clerk

5.8       LEA Assurances

6.0       Recognitions (Information/Discussion Item)

6.1 Employee Recognition

7.0       Leadership Reports (Information/Discussion Item)

            7.1       Superintendent’s Report

            7.2       Assistant Superintendent’s Report

            7.3       Special Education Director’s Report

            7.4       Finance Director’s Report


8.0       New Business

8.1       Audit Report (Information)

8.2       KASB Membership Renewal & Legal Assistance Fund Contract (Action Item)

              8.3       Five Year Professional Development Plan Presentation (Information)

8.4       Contract for Occupational Therapy Services with Outreach Occupational Therapy, LLC

for the 2024-25 School Year (Action Item)

8.5       IReady ELA Resource – Grade 2-5 Quote (Action)


9.0       Public Forum

10.0     Other Business –Negotiations

10.1     Enter Executive Session – Negotiations (Action Item)

              10.2     Exit Executive Session – _______(Time)

11.0     Other Business – Personnel Matters

11.1     Enter Executive Session – Personnel Matters #1 (Action Item)

11.2     Personnel Matters #2 (Action Item)


11.3     Exit Executive Session – _______ (Time)

11.4     Approval of Personnel Report (Action Item)

11.5     Enter Executive Session – Reemployment Certified & Special Services Personnel 2024-25


11.6     Exit Executive Session – ______(Time)

11.7     Approval of Personnel Report – Reemployment Certified & Special Services Personnel

2024-25 (Action Item)

11.8     Approval of Personnel Report – Reemployment Certified & Special Services Personnel

2024-25 Personnel Report #3 (Action Item)

11.9     Superintendent Evaluation Enter Executive Session – ______(Time)


12.0     Adjourn Meeting            David Stewart, President

Applications for KDOT’s Safe Routes to School Program now being accepted

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Transportation is accepting applications for the Safe Routes to School Program for its second round of Planning and Programming (P&P) grants.

Applications are due by 5 p.m. on May 3. KDOT will award up to five grants for the 2024-2025 school year.

The P&P grants fund the development of SRTS plans that will include an overview of existing conditions and public outreach. The plans should also identify potential infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions to help more children safely walk, bike and roll to school.

All communities, school districts and organizations are encouraged to apply. More information on the P&P grant program, including the application, recordings of prior informational webinars and a question/answer sheet can be found at

About KDOT Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School is a comprehensive approach to getting more kids walking, biking and rolling safely to school. It provides kids and parents with a variety of activities, events and lessons, while also addressing local pedestrian, bicycle and personal safety concerns. Visit KDOT’s Safe Routes to School website at to learn more and sign up for the quarterly e-newsletter.


FSHS Tiger Newsletter

This newly released NPS youth conservation corps recruitment video features FSHS Tiger students Stewart Davenport, Elsie Hurd, Bryson Morrell, Adelynn Nolan, Aiden Sigafoos and Kiara Thompson.

Join the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)
Join the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)

Ever wondered what the Youth Conservation Corps Program (YCC) is all about? Check out this short video to hear from the youth and staff themselves on their YCC experience. From historic preservation to trail maintenance, the arts to living history, and more, see what you could do as a YCC member and beyond!

Outgoing link icon

March 18th: Each year at the State Basketball tournaments, KSHSAA appoints a special committee to evaluate and rate each school based on the team, its coaches, cheerleaders, school cheering section and fans, both adult and non-high school followers. A rating system is used and a certain score must be reached to receive an award.

Teams that make it to the semifinal rounds are eligible to receive a plaque. Teams that do not advance past the first round are eligible to receive a certificate.

KSHSAA announced the winners last week and Fort Scott High School received both a plaque for the Girls Basketball team and a certificate for the Boys Basketball team! This is a tremendous accomplishment and a great reflection of our school and community!

KSHSAA sent us a copy of the rating sheets and they were filled with positive comments about all involved at State: cheerleaders, student section, the players on the floor, coaching staffs, adult fans and also mentioned were our Band that performed Wednesday and Thursday and our Orchestra that performed Thursday.

Thank you to all involved in making the week in Salina a special time and for representing our school and community in such a positive manner. So much to be proud of! Tiger Pride was on full display in Salina!

–Jeff DeLaTorre, FSHS Athletic/Activities Director
"MARCH"ing ON!
👉Future Business Leaders!👈
The Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge at FSHS on March 5th required students to conceptualize a business, including a plan for that business and a tradeshow-style presentation. These students then presented their business to local business leaders who served as judges for the challenge.Here are the prize-winning owners/businesses:

1st ($1,000) – Jasper Anderson – Fresh Start

2nd ($750) – Kaylie Dinneen – EmpowHer

3rd ($500) – Ivy Lee – Little Town Decor

Judges Choice Tradeshow ($250) – Ivy Lee – Little Town Decor

Additionally, the tradeshow was open to the public to attend and vote:

Community Choice Tradeshow ($250) – Ella Regan & Camrie Hunziker

Thank you all who attended!

from left: Lindsay Madison, judge; Josh Jones, judge; Jasper Anderson, creator of Fresh Start cleaning and grand prize winner; Deb McKenney, judge; Carissa Bowman, judge; Katie Casper, judge

Future Farmers!

The FSHS Chapter announces the 2024-25 FFA Officer Team:

President: Dakota Hazelbaker

Vice-President: Blaiton Terry

Secretary: Gracin Pitts

Treasurer: Jaidyn Crumby

Reporter: Raylee Cowan

Sentinel: Teegan Stiles

Parliamentarian: Kaden Cannon

Historian: Treyton Valentine

👉FSHS Math Team Victories Add Up!👈

front row, from left: Landon McDaniel; Elsa Bishop; Adelynn Nolan; Caroline Barnes; Nick Davis; Savanna Cunningham; Jayden Newman

back row, from left: Molly Claypool (behind Elsa); Zaida Summers; Raj Gugnani; Cody Geiger; Rylan Miller; Sypher Cannon; Daetyn Fowler; Ben Phillips 😂; Aden Koppa

not pictured: Joy Self

Several of our FSHS students participated in the Allen Community College Math Competition on Tuesday, March 19th. This year, ACC decided to recognize the top two students from the sophomore, junior and senior levels and FSHS had TWO students ranked!

Nick Davis was in the top two seniors and Joy Self was in the top two juniors.

The ACC math competition included around 220 students from 11 schools. This is a great honor for both Nick and Joy. They are each being awarded with a free 3-5 credit course from ACC for the next academic year!

Future Health Professionals!

front row, from left: Jasmine James; Eden Haught; Hattie Jackson; Kathryn Williams

back row, from left: Delani Weddle; Cadence Hunziker; Luci Dunkeson; Caitlynn Tate; Tiffany Salazar

As members of the newly-formed FSHS Chapter of HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), these students attended the “Inspiring Women in Healthcare” conference in Pittsburg on March 20th.

Area professionals provided information and answered questions about their respective fields, encouraging those interested to consider a career in healthcare.

–submitted by HOSA sponsor and FSHS Health Sciences teacher Julie Heatherly


A round of applause and tip of the hat for Lady Tiger Wrestlers Gabby Rusk and Kenna Miles! In her fourth and final season, Gabby celebrated 100 career wins and is the first girls’ wrestler to qualify for state all four seasons! Kenna, a sophomore, captured the first girls state wrestling championship in school history!

In last month’s Tiger Newsletter, we shared that senior Jasper Allison celebrated 150 career wins in his four years as a standout Tiger wrestler. Jasper finished as runner-up at the Class 4A State Wrestling Championships in Salina. Congratulations, Jasper!

Tryouts for Tiger Dance & Cheer teams were held the week of March 18th.2024-25 Tiger Dance Team

Seniors: Kendal Armstrong; Graycyn Brown; Kinsley Brown; Abbie Eastwood; Annabelle Gorman

Juniors: Jozie Fisher; Bryleigh Hymer

Sophomores: Kodi Casper; Lillian Jackson; Sydnee Lane; Riley Marchiano

Freshmen: Laurali Clark; Gianna Gorman; Ahlonna Johnson

2024-25 Tiger Cheer Team

Seniors: Maddi Cook; Jaidyn Crumby; Jocelyn Fess; Cadence Hunziker;

Emersyn Logue; Emilly Moore

Juniors: Sadie Claypool; Kinley Dillow; Anna Farrington; Katlyn Parker

Sophomores: Molly Claypool; Camrie Hunziker; Gabby Majors; Jerri Smith

👉Headed to Des Moines!👈

March 25th: Tigers had a great showing at this NSDA National Qualifier. Only two can qualify per event and both Lincoln-Douglas debate qualifiers are from FSHS: Annelise Hall, senior, and Grace Walker, sophomore! The team’s other LD debater, freshman Joseph Moberg, is second alternate. Also, due to shifts in entries, Regen Wells will represent Fort Scott at Nationals in Senate Debate. The Tigers are Nationals-bound with one more qualifier to go!

–Tyler Slinkard, FSHS Debate/Forensics

pictured: Grace Walker, left; Annelise Hall, right


Congratulations to these Tiger/Lady Tiger Basketball players who earned All-SEK League honors!

First Team: Keegan Yarick (unanimous); Rocco Loffredo

Second Team: Allie Brown; Kylee Comstock; Dierks Kegler

Honorable Mention: Abbie Gorman; Dub Chipman

Update on Uniontown Teacher Accused of Felony With A Student

Breanna Hampton Taylor, taken from the USD235 website.

Breanna Janise Hampton Taylor was arrested on February 25, 2024, by the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office for unlawful sexual relations of a teacher with a student 16 + years of age, according to Bourbon County District Court Documents.

This was Taylor’s first year of teaching.

The offense date was February 17 and was outside the school environment, according to a press release from the school.

Taylor, who in court documents is now using her maiden name, Hampton, was arrested on February 25, and a $10,000 bond was posted on February 29. The case is listed as pending.

Her first appearance hearing was February 29, and her next court date, a preliminary examination, is March 28.

In the State of Kansas VS Breanna Janise Hampton, the prosecuting attorney is Bourbon County Attorney Tiana McElroy and the defense attorney is Geoffrey Clark.

Mark Ward is the judicial officer.

Hampton is being charged a Level 5 Person Felony in violation of K.S.A. 21-5572 ((a)(9)) and (b)(2).

The penalty range is a minimum of 31 months to a maximum of 136 months in prison and/or fines of up to $300,000 and 24 months post-release supervision.

The presumption of innocence in a criminal case is considered a due process of the law:

To view the  USD 235 press release on February 25, about the arrest:

Uniontown Teacher Arrested for Allegation of Inappropriate Conduct Towards a Student


St. Mary’s Catholic School Dinner and Auction is April 13

Sending on behalf of Chamber Member Saint Mary’s Catholic School…

Dinner + Auction

You’re invited to Saint Mary’s Dinner + Auction at Liberty Theatre!

Featuring: Premium Full Course Meal catered by Crooner’s + Open Bar


Live and Silent Unique and exclusive items, packages +collectibles

Details: 13th of April 2024 | 5pm

The Liberty Theatre

Cocktail Attire

Tickets on sale March 18th

More information to come via Facebook @ Saint Mary’s Catholic Dinner and Auction

All proceeds to benefit St. Mary’s Catholic School

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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701