Category Archives: Schools

Unapproved Minutes of the U235 Board of Education on January 8

Uniontown, Kansas 66779
Regular Meeting 8 JANUARY 2024
The Board of Education of Uniontown Unified School District 235, State of Kansas, met in regular session on Monday, January 8, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the BOE Meeting Room in Uniontown, Kansas.
Board members present: Mike Mason,Tyler Martin, Brian Stewart, Troy Couchman, Seth Martin, Rhonda Hoener and Matt Kelly
Others present for all or portions of the meeting: Vance Eden, Sherri Hartman, Robert Onelio, Tammy Townsend, Scott Sutton, and Tim Endicott

President Mason called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mason then led the group in the flag salute and welcomed the new members.
Superintendent Eden read the District Mission Statement.
T Martin, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to approve the agenda with change of STRIKE Information Item B: Sparkwheel update.
Motion passed 7-0.
T Martin, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2023 Regular meeting and the December 18, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes.
Motion passed 7-0.
Martin, seconded by Hoener, made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
Motion passed 7-0.
A. Pay bills in the amount of $337,912.65.
B. Approve Treasurer’s Report for December 2023.
No patron addressed the Board.
Principal Onelio gave an oral report to the board.
Superintendent Eden gave written and oral reports to the Board on the Walking Trail, KASB Policy review, Strategic plan update, Graduation on May 5, 2024 at 2:00 p.m, and a Capital Project Grant update.
Hoener, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to approve the KASB Policy updates.
Motion passed 7-0.

T Martin, seconded by S Martin, made a motion to go into executive session to discuss an individual employee’s performance pursuant to non-elected personnel exception under KOMA, and the open
meeting will resume at 9:15 p.m.
Motion passed 7-0.

Into Executive Session at 9:00 p.m.
Eden was invited into session.
Out of Executive Session at 9:15 p.m.
T Martin, seconded by Kelly, made a motion to accept the resignation of Luke Davis as UJHS Math Teacher effective 12/31/2023.
Motion passed 7-0.

T Martin, seconded by Couchman, made a motion to approve Schotze Griffiths as a cook.
Motion passed 7-0.

T Martin, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to approve Heather Tarwater as a vehicle driver.
Motion passed 7-0.

T Martin, seconded by Couchman, made a motion to accept the resignation of Bugs George effective March 15, 2024.
Motion passed 7-0.

T Martin, seconded by Kelly, made a motion to approve Jacy Walker as Elementary teacher. Motion passed 7-0.
Martin, seconded by Stewart, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed 7-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Date minutes approved ______________________
President, Board of Education
Attested: Clerk, Board of Education
The next Regular board meeting is Monday, February 12, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

WBE Kindergarten Screening On March 18

A screening clinic for 2024-2025 kindergarten students has been scheduled for Monday, March 18 at West Bourbon Elementary. To be eligible for kindergarten, your child must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2024.

Students who will be new to WBE will sign up for a 30 minute slot to be assessed on March 18. Please bring in your child’s birth certificate and immunization record. The agenda for the child will include kindergarten skills assessment, vision, hearing, speech, and checking health records.

Kindergarten children are required to have a physical exam within 12 months of beginning school and have all current immunizations. The Bourbon County Health Department will be onsite providing immunizations and physicals.

Due to the screenings, there will be no Kindergarten class on March 18th.

For the best testing environment for your child, we ask that you not bring brothers or sisters.

To set up a time for screening and assessment, please call the school at 620-224-2350, option 1, or visit

USD 234 Board of Education Met On January 8

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        








Monday, January 8, 2024


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, January 8, 2024, for their regular monthly meeting at the board office.


President David Stewart opened the meeting.


President Stewart welcomed the new board members to their first board meeting.

The board appointed Danny Brown as board member for the next two years.

Stewart Gulager was nominated and appointed as Vice-President of the USD 234 Board.


The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:

Board Minutes

12/11/23 Board Minutes

Financials-Cash Flow Report

Check Register

Payroll – December 18, 2023 – $1,689,996.80

Activity Fund accounts

USD 234 Gifts

CTE Math 2023-2024 Fundraising

Update Officers

Appoint KPERS Designated Agent

Resolution 23-11 KMIP Signers

Resolution 23-12 Bank Account Signers


Classified Tiger Team Members of the Month were Tim Button and Tim Coyan.

Mr. Coyan is a preschool driver and was recognized by Superintendent Brown for not missing one day of work this last semester. He was also thanked for his willingness to be available and helpful whenever needed.

Mr. Button is in his tenth year driving for USD 234. He also was recognized for not missing one day of work last semester. Superintendent Brown stated that he is thankful for safely transporting students to and from school.


Superintendent Destry Brown reported on a Principal opening at Winfield Scott. USD 234 is taking applications until the end of January. He also shared results of building climate surveys and parent surveys that were taken last semester. Snow Day procedures were shared with the board in the event of inclement weather. Mr. Brown shared information about the events happening with the proposed new preschool building. Also, the new board members were invited to a New Board Member Training that would be held in Columbus, Kansas.

Assistant Superintendent Dalaina Smith gave an update to the board on the Essential Standards. She said we have “amazing teachers” that are working very diligently to use interventions that would increase the students’ education. This is an evolving document that will be shared on the district’s website sometime this week. USD 234 is seeing remarkable results.

Tonya Barnes, Special Education Director, gave a report on the Speech Department within Special Education. The need is growing, and she was able to share how USD 234 is working to fulfill those needs. She acknowledged the demanding work the Speech Team is doing to meet the requirements for each student.

Superintendent Brown reported on end of year finance reports.

Cherri Walrod, Community Liaison for Core Community Bourbon County (CCBBCO), gave an update to the board Monday evening. This program began in November of 2023 and has fifteen adults in the 20-week Phase One Program, with most being within the USD 234 School District. She recognized Janice Lamb, Community Coach, for working each week as a leader for the participants. She has helped with filling out applications, groceries, and being a listening ear when needed. “Core Community has been nothing but an amazing program to be a part of…It has brought my family closer together” was a testimony from a current participant. Visiting Core Community Bourbon County on Facebook will give updates, testimonies, and more information for anyone interested.


The board approved the following items:

  • To publish board seat #1&4 in the Fort Scott Tribune.
  • Open Enrollment Policy.
  • Regular Board Meeting dates for 2024.
  • Move the election of Board Officers until the July board Meeting.
  • Personnel Report following


The board went into an executive session for personnel matters.


President Stewart adjourned the meeting.








January 8, 2024



Center, Ronette – Retirement

Charter, Shelly – Resignation

Lynch, Tabitha – Resignation

Satterfield, Cindy – Retirement

Smith, Dalaina – Resignation

Witt, Randi – Resignation  




For the 2023-24 school year:


Farrington, Jannah – Mentor for Anna Anderson for the remainder of school year

Underwood, Elizabeth – Paraprofessional to full time Speech Paraprofessional Winfield Scott




Classified Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:

Foulk, Joe – Help Desk Technician

McGehee, Sarah – Preschool Paraprofessional 

Robinson, Angela – Payroll Clerk

Yarick, Gail – Business Manager





Strategies to Prevent Sex Trafficking Presented to the Community This Month

January is Sex Trafficking Awareness Month.

A special presentation on strategies to prevent sex trafficking will be happening on Wednesday, January 31 at 6 p.m. at Fort Scott Community College Ellis Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton.

Children under 18 years of age are not allowed to this presentation  “due to some of the explicit videos and information that will be shared that evening,” said Shanda Stewart.

“I just retired in November after 29 years with the State of Kansas, 6th Judicial District as a Probation Office,” Stewart said. “I got to hear Russ Tuttle’s presentation at a conference I attended in October and was so blown away with the information; I thought we have got to get him to Bourbon County. I was able to network with the right people to make it happen!”

“Your perception of sex trafficking and what it is, will be completely changed,” she said.

Youth will get a version for themselves the next day and faculty and staff will have a presentation at an in-service day in USD 234.

“On Thursday, February 1st the presenter, Russ Tuttle will be doing age-appropriate assemblies at all four of the USD 234 schools,” Stewart said.  “On Friday, February 2nd he will do a presentation for all faculty and staff during their teacher in-service day.”

BeAlert® is the awareness and prevention strategy of The Stop Trafficking Project® to end domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)before it starts by disrupting the exploitation of vulnerability.

This adults-only community presentation focuses on the role of life online (the internet) for students, to educate and empower caring adults in our community to prevent sex trafficking, according to a press release.

Caring adults in the community who are  invited to attend:

  • Law enforcement
  • Firefighters and EMT’s
  • Medical professionals
  • Counselors
  • Faith community leaders
  • School personnel
  • Parents, guardians, and all other adult family members

Students are enamored with social media and “life online,” according to the press release from Stewart.

The event will provide practical advice to caring adults to guide and make them aware of vulnerabilities that can be exploited such loneliness, isolation, depression, suicide, sexting, sextortion, pornography, cyberbullying, exploitation, sexual exploitation, and domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)

The presentation will be a fast-moving PowerPoint.

The presenter, Russ Tuttle, is an active abolitionist who has command of the topic and speaks with energy that grabs and keeps the attention of attendees, according to the press release.

The presentation will have images and videos to provide insight into the role of technology in exploiting vulnerabilities, identify the demand in this high-demand business of sexual exploitation, provide the option to engage with the BeAlert® Strategy, the Stop Trafficking App, and the ‘top ten practical steps’ for adults to keep students safer.

No children, please at the January 31 presentation.

For more information, contact Stewart at 620.215.2681.


Fort Scott High School Thespians Win State Honors

FSHS Thespians Troupe. Submitted photo.



The Fort Scott High School Thespian Troupe #7365 brought home several high honors from the KS State Thespian Festival this weekend.


The troupe traveled to Wichita on Jan. 4-6 for the annual festival with nearly 2,000 other Kansas Thespians. Of the thirty students who attended, half of them also competed in individual Thespy events. Two students received Superior ratings on their events, qualifying them to compete at the International Thespian Festival in June. Senior Regen Wells qualified for the third year in a row in the Monologue category and sophomore Junie Fisher qualified in the Musical Solo division. Ten other entries received Excellent ratings on their Thespys.


The troupe received the Gold Honor Troupe Award which is the highest honor a troupe can receive at Festival. FSHS also had a team qualify to compete in the finals of the Competitive Improv event.


The FSHS Advanced Drama class competed with the one-act play entitled “I Quit! A Guide to Quitting Your Job in Style” directed by senior Josiah Eisenbrandt. The troupe also competed in the Lobby Display category by creating a display featuring the Festival theme “Kansas Thespians are One of a Kind” based on the musical Six.


FSHS Thespian President Lexi Hill, a senior, was one of only 10 students in the state to win a KS Thespian college scholarship for Technical Theatre. She also auditioned for all of the colleges in attendance at the Festival and had call-backs from 21 colleges for Technical Theatre and thirteen colleges for her Acting audition.



In addition to competing, students attended workshops from professionals in the theatre industry from across the country. They also attended the best high school musicals and plays in the state that were invited to perform at the Festival.

The troupe, directed by FSHS Theatre teacher Angie Bin, is currently in rehearsals for the dark comedy “Arsenic and Old Lace.” Performances are Feb. 8-10 in the FSHS Auditorium. More information on Troupe #7365 can be found on the Fort Scott High School Thespians Facebook page.


Left to right: Junie Fisher and Regen Wells receive Superior ratings on their Thespy events at the KS State Thespian Festival qualifying them to compete at the International Thespian Festival in June.

USD234 Agenda for January 8

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        







January 8, 2024 – 5:30 P.M.



1.0       Call Meeting to Order                                  David Stewart, President

2.0       Flag Salute

3.0       Approval of the Official Agenda (Action Item)

4.0       Reorganization of New Board (Action Item)

            4.1 Appoint Board Member

            4.2 Election of Vice-President of the Board

5.0       Approval of the Consent Agenda (Action Item)

            5.1       Board Minutes

  1. 12/11/23 Board Minutes

            5.2       Financials-Cash Flow Report

            5.3       Check Register

            5.4       Payroll – December 18, 2023 – $1,689,996.80

            5.5       Activity Fund accounts

5.6       USD 234 Gifts

5.7       CTE Math 2023-2024 Fundraising

5.8       Update Officers

            Appoint KPERS Designated Agent

5.9       Resolution 23-11 KMIP Signers

5.10     Resolution 23-12 Bank Account Signers

6.0       Recognitions (Information/Discussion Item)

6.1 Employee Recognition

  • Licensed
    • Speech Team
  • Classified
    • Bus Driver
    • Bus Driver

7.0       Leadership Reports (Information/Discussion Item)

7.1       Superintendent’s Report

            7.2       Assistant Superintendent’s Report

            7.3       Special Education Director’s Report

            7.4       Finance Director’s Report



8.0       Old Business

            8.1       Core Communities Report

8.2       Board Vacancy (Discussion Item)

            8.3       Publish Board Seat Vacancy #1&4, #2&5 in the Fort Scott Tribune.  (Action Item)


9.0       New Business

9.1     Resolution 23-10 to adopt Open Enrollment Policy (Action Item)

9.2     Resolution 23-13 To Establish Regular Board Meetings 2024

9.3     Resolution 23-14 To Establish Election of School Board Officers

10.0     Public Forum

11.0     Other Business – Personnel Matters

11.1     Enter Executive Session – Personnel Matters (Action Item)

11.2     Exit Executive Session

11.3     Approval of Personnel Report (Action Item)


12.0     Adjourn Meeting            David Stewart, President

James Woods Leaves a Vacancy on USD 234 Board of Education

James Wood from the USD 234 School Directory.

James Wood has served as a member of the Board of Education in Fort Scott for four years. He was just recently re-elected in November for a second term. James works at Diehl Banwart Bolton CPAs, PA. In late November, James was promoted to a partner position with Diehl Banwart Bolton CPAs, PA, which changed his responsibilities at the firm. Consequently, James is resigning his position on the USD # 234 school board effective January 1, 2024.

“James has been a great board member and has held several leadership positions on the school board during his term. He is a creative thinker and has been a great asset to the board because of his accounting and business background. He will be sorely missed on our board,” states Destry Brown, superintendent.
On reflecting about his time on the board, James reflects, “I have truly enjoyed my time on the Board of Education. I believe in the direction our school district is going and am excited for the future of the district. I grew up as a Tiger and will always be a Tiger at heart.”
The Board of Education will discuss filling the vacancy created by Wood’s resignation at the next board meeting on January 11th. 

Youth Sex Trafficking Prevention Presentation is January 31

The following is a press release from USD 234 Superintendent Destry Brown.

“I am excited to announce that thanks to Shanda Stewart, the E3 Ranch Foundation, and the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Department we are able to bring a phenomenal speaker to our community to educate us on the dangers of social media and its relationship to sex trafficking.  Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, January 31st 6 p.m. at the FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center!,” according to the press release.

“Russ Tuttle will also be presenting to our students in all Fort Scott Schools on February 1st. His presentations to students are age appropriate and are geared at teaching students about the dangers of using social media.,” according to the release.
Here is the flyer for the event:

BeAlert® is the awareness and prevention strategy of The Stop Trafficking Project® to end domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)before it starts by disrupting the exploitation of vulnerability.




The Who – caring adults invited to attend:

  • Law enforcement
  • Firefighter’s and EMT’s
  • Medical professionals
  • Counselors
  • Faith community leaders
  • School personnel
  • Parents, guardians, and all other adult family members


The What – educate and empower caring adults in our community:

  • Students are enamored with social media and “life online”
  • Name apps and provide practical advice to guide caring adults
  • Unpack vulnerabilities that can be exploited: loneliness, isolation, depression, suicide, sexting, sextortion, pornography, cyberbullying, exploitation, sexual exploitation, and domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST)

The How – the approach: Fast-moving Power Point presentation designed for maximum impact


The presenter – an active abolitionist: Has command of the topic and speaks with energy that grabs and keeps the attention of attendees.

The presentation – fast paced with appropriate images and videos:

  • Provide insight into the role of technology in exploiting vulnerabilities
  • Identify the demand in this high demand business of sexual exploitation
  • Provide the option to engage with the BeAlert® Strategy, the Stop Trafficking App, and the “top ten practical steps” for adults to keep students safer




TIME: 6 PM  on January 31



On The Horizon For Fort Scott Preschool: An Expansion


The Fort Scott Preschool, at 409 S. Judson.

On December 11, the USD 234 School Board approved the purchase of the former Family Physicians building located at 902 S. Horton Street from Fort Scott Community College.

The building is slated to become the school district’s new Early Childhood Center, according to a press release from the center’s principal, Nick Johnson.

The Fort Scott Preschool Center is currently located at 409 S. Judson Street.

“We will find out if we receive grant funding in early February,” Nick Johnson, the principal, said. “Renovation should begin in the spring of 2024 and be completed by the end of 2024.  We are planning to begin classes in the new building in January 2025.”
Nick Johnson. Submitted photo.

“This building houses three preschool classrooms, two operated by USD 234 and one operated by Head Start,” Johnson said.  “USD 234 also leases a classroom in the Happy Kids Daycare and Preschool building.”

“All USD 234 preschool classrooms are half-day, blended classrooms,” he said.  “The blended classrooms contain a combination of students who qualify for an Individualized Education Program, students who qualify for the state Preschool-Aged At-Risk Program, and peer models.”

“All students participate in an engaging, interactive curriculum that is aligned with the Kansas Early Learning Standards and focuses on physical, academic, and social-emotional development,” Johnson said.  “Special Education staff provide cognitive and social-emotional intervention, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy to students with developmental delays.”

In addition to providing special education services for students attending classes, the preschool staff also provides services to home-based students and students in community-based preschool programs.

“Through partnerships with the Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center and Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, students and families have access to a variety of mental health and healthcare services,” he said.

The Fort Scott Preschool staff members include four Early Childhood Special Education teachers, one part-time intervention teacher, and ten paraprofessionals.

902 S. Horton.

“The new building will bring the three existing preschool classrooms and two additional preschool classrooms under one roof,” Johnson said.  “Two new classrooms are much needed as the desire for early childhood education continues to grow.”

The current preschool has 103 students enrolled, with 29 on the waiting list.

“The two additional classrooms will increase the program’s maximum capacity to 180 students which will eliminate the need for a waitlist and reduce class sizes,” Johnson said.

District staff have been working with representatives from Greenbush Education Service Center and Hight Jackson Architects to apply for the Capital Projects Fund Accelerator Grant administered by the Kansas Children’s Cabinet & Trust Fund, he said.

If awarded, grant funds will be used to remodel the existing building so that it can meet the range of employment, health, education, and childcare needs of families in the community.

To fulfill the grant requirements, current plans for the building include space for preschool classrooms, a small health clinic, a workforce development room, and a daycare area, he said.

“These new opportunities, combined with existing partnerships, will allow the Fort Scott Scott Preschool Center to achieve its vision of a community working together to support the academic, social-emotional, and physical development of each child to ensure that they are ready for Kindergarten and beyond,” he said.

Christmas Luncheon At High School: No Official Board Action Will Take Place

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760











Members of the USD 234 Board of Education have been invited to a Christmas Luncheon at Fort Scott High School.  This will take place December 18, 2023.  *NO official board action will take place.*

USD 234 Meeting Report from December 11

Unified School District 234
424 South Main
Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697
620-223-0800 Fax 620-223-2760
DESTRY BROWN Superintendent

Monday, December 11, 2023
Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2023, for their
regular monthly meeting at the board office.
President David Stewart opened the meeting.
The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:
Board Minutes
11/13/23 Board Minutes
Financials-Cash Flow Report
Check Register
Payroll – November 17, 2023 – $2,058,098.00
Activity Fund accounts
USD 234 Gifts

Erica Clark. Submitted photo.

Licensed Tiger Team Member of the Month was Erica Clark. She is an English Teacher at Fort Scott High School. Erica, Dave Watkins, and other volunteers have worked extremely hard on the Angel Tree at the High School. Each “tag” on the tree was adopted by staff or community member. This included seventy-four children
from thirty families. Last Friday, fifty-one volunteers help to wrap hundreds of presents in the High School Commons Area.

Classified Tiger Team Members of the Month were Terry Barrager and Alex Herring. Both were recognized by Dan Koppa. Terry is custodian at Eugene Ware, and Alex is custodian at Preschool. They both were recognized for their leadership and exemplary cleanliness in each of their buildings.

Terry Barrager and Alex Herring.
Submitted photo.


The Barkery Team from Fort Scott High School was recognized by Assistant Principal Alex Specht. Seniors – Cainen Wood, Christian Herrington, Juniors – Daniel Brown, Nicollette Brown, Klaire Graham, Donald Morris, Nolan Madison, Sophomores – Mayia Castleberry, Haley Maloun, Julia Maloun. Each student explained the process of buying the ingredients, making the dog treats, and selling to customers. They are also learning about
managing money and making change for customers.
Nikki Regan, Flo Tanner, and Kathryn Ogle were also recognized as part of the Barkery Team. Each were acknowledged for the devotion and love for the students.

The Barkery Team: Front row left to right: Nicolette Brown, Julia Maloun, Haley Maloun
Back row left to right: Donald Morris, Mayia Castleberry, Cainen Wood, Klaire Graham and Erica Clark.

Kellye Barrows, Danny Brown, and Lynette Jackson were recognized and thanked for their years of
service on the USD 234 Board of Education.

Danny Brown, Kellye Barrows and Lynette Jackson. Submitted photo.


Superintendent Destry Brown reported on the Staff Christmas Lunch to be held next Monday and the grant that
the district is working on for the early childhood center.

Tonya Barnes, Special Education Director, gave a report on the process of hiring new paraprofessionals and
DCAP reports. Tonya was able to report about the numerous training opportunities that will be available for the
Special Education department in the coming months.
Superintendent Brown reported on the district’s State Aide that will be coming in soon and will be higher than predicted. He also reminded everyone that W2s will start coming out in January.

The board went into an executive session for possible purchase of property. The board approved purchase of new Preschool Building.
The board had a presentation by Hight Jackson Architect Firm for the new Preschool Building.

The Board discussed the options of filling the vacant board seat #5. It was decided to take letters of interest with Board recommendation.

The board approved the following items:
• Purchase of new Preschool Building
• Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas Grant for Linda Minor and Dakota Hall

● Personnel Report following
The board went into an executive session for personnel matters.
President Stewart adjourned the meeting.

December 11, 2023

Baugher, Mark – Retirement
Lockwood, Connie – Retirement
Matkin, Brad – Resignation
O’Brien, Shawn – Resignation
Reichard, Betsy – Resignation
Sweyko, Pauline Kate – Resignation
Wells, Matthew – Resignation
For the 2023-24 school year:
Palmer, Lana – Transfer from Van Driver to Full time Bus Driver
Schnichels, Laryn – Leave of Absence – Middle School Paraprofessional
Willard, Siarra – Transfer from Speech Paraprofessional to Full Time Eugene Ware Para
Classified Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:
Madison, Kendall – Winfield Scott Paraprofessional – January 2, 2024
Martin, Emily – High School Paraprofessional
Palmer, William – Van Driver – January 3, 2024
Yocham, Shelly – Speech Paraprofessional – January 2, 2024
Clark, Erica – Teacher Mentor 2023-2024 school year


Agenda for the USD 234 Board of Education on December 11

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760


DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        




December 11, 2023 – 5:30 P.M.


1.0       Call Meeting to Order                           David Stewart, President

2.0       Flag Salute


3.0       Approval of the Official Agenda (Action Item)

4.0       Approval of the Consent Agenda (Action Item)

4.1       Board Minutes

  1. 11/13/23 Board Minutes

            4.2       Financials-Cash Flow Report

            4.3       Check Register

            4.4       Payroll – November 17, 2023 – $2,058,098.00

            4.5       Activity Fund accounts

4.6       USD 234 Gifts           

5.0       Open Enrollment Hearing (Information/Discussion)

            5.1       Open Enrollment Hearing (Action Item)

5.2       Hear from Patrons

5.3       Close Hearing (Action Item)           


6.0       Recognitions (Information/Discussion Item)

6.1 Student Recognition

6.2 Employee Recognition

6.3 Board Member Recognition

7.0       Leadership Reports (Information/Discussion Item)

7.1       Superintendent’s Report

            7.2       Assistant Superintendent’s Report

            7.3       Special Education Director’s Report

            7.4       Finance Director’s Report

8.0       Old Business

8.1       Enter Executive Session – Purchase of Property 

8.2       Exit Executive Session

            8.3       Contract on New Preschool Building (Action Item)

8.4       Presentation – Hight Jackson – Architect (Information/Discussion)


8.5       Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation, Inc Grant (Action Item)

9.0       Public Forum

10.0     Other Business – Personnel Matters

10.1     Enter Executive Session – Personnel Matters (Action Item)            


10.2     Exit Executive Session.

10.3     Approval of Personnel Report (Action Item)


11.0     Adjourn Meeting            David Stewart, President