Category Archives: Fort Scott

National Historic Site hosts premier opening of new exhibit

The Fort Scott National Historic Site invited members of the Friends of Fort Scott National Historic Site organization to a soft opening Thursday evening of a new, interactive exhibit displaying the historical impact of Bleeding Kansas and events that happened in Kansas during that time.

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“We’re really excited about it,” said Holly Baker, who joined the staff at the fort just a few weeks ago and got to dive right into the project of putting in the exhibit.

The process of getting the new exhibit began four years ago when they were granted approval for federal funding. They then had to go through the long process of creating designs for the exhibit, which changed several times along the way, and ended with careful editing of each of the videos, audio and scripted portions of the exhibits.

The exhibit includes videos of six individuals representing groups of people during the Civil War era, including slave owners, slaves, Native Americans and others. Visitors may recognize two of the actors in the videos, who are Fort Scott residents.

Baker and fort superintendent Betty Boyko both said the innovative nature of the interactive exhibit could help draw more visitors to the fort, especially from younger generations. Boyko said they decided to use more advanced technology for the exhibit because it could likely be there for a few decades.

“It’s a great addition to the fort,” said Reed Hartford, president of the Friends of Fort Scott NHS, which has been in existence for about five years. “It’s so much nicer. I liked the old exhibit, but it was kind of flat and two-dimensional.”

The Friends of Fort Scott NHS organization assists the fort as a non-profit, non-governmental entity through advertising and with handling of finances, which the fort cannot do as a federal entity.

“Our goal is to support all the activities at the fort,” Hartford said.

In the near future, the exhibit will be officially opened to the public.

Sons of the American Revolution honors local during Chamber Coffee

During the first November Chamber Coffee, hosted by the local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1165, the local chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution honored Aubrey “Buzz” Hawpe for his care of the American flag in Fort Scott.

11-5 Chamber Coffee

Jim Gilpin, of Iola, president of the local SAR, presented a plaque to Hawpe in recognition of his tending to more than 40 American flags at over a dozen locations in Fort Scott, including those at the 20th Century Veterans Memorial, Skubitz Plaza, at the East National and National streets triangle and those at the triangle at Horton and 18th streets.

“The U.S. flag is one of the most recognized symbols of American patriotism,” Gilpin said. “One of the five goals of the Sons of the American Revolution is to encourage respect for our national symbols, including our flag.”

In the past, the SAR has presented similar awards to the Fort Scott VFW and the Fort Scott National Historic Site for taking care of flags such as by keeping them well lit and replacing and properly retiring worn flags.

Other announcements from local businesses included:

  • Mary’s Catholic School will host their fall bazaar Sunday at the Kennedy Gym, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Medicalodges will host a potato bar from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday to raise money for the residents’ Christmas Fund.
  • Students of Fort Scott High School will be presenting the play Bye Bye Birdie at the school’s auditorium next Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m.
  • Planning for the 2016 Pioneer Harvest Fiesta has already begun, which includes changing the dates from the last weekend in September to the last weekend in August to avoid conflicts with other events.
  • The Power and Light musical trio will perform Saturday at the Common Ground at 7 p.m. The coffee shop is also hosting a bingo and baked goods fundraiser Thursday evening for a barista who will be going to Uganda in January.
  • The Beacon is serving as a go-between in coming weeks for the adopt a child program, allowing businesses or individuals to buy Christmas gifts for children in low income families this holiday season.
  • Fort Scott Community College theater department will be putting on the Wildflowering of Chastity play Friday through Sunday at the Ellis Fine Arts Center.
  • The Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes recently presented Discovery Awards at a ceremony in Topeka Wednesday.
  • The Chamber of Commerce fundraiser Forks and Corks: Taste of Fort Scott will be held at the Memorial Hall Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m., offering a variety of beverages and food vendors as well as auctions.
  • The theme of this year’s Christmas Parade is announced as Old Fashioned Christmas, and will occur December 1, at 6 p.m.
  • The Holiday Open House will be hosted at downtown shops next Thursday, Nov. 12, with businesses selling holiday items as well as providing snacks to customers.
  • The Beacon Soup Line will offer hot meals to the public Nov. 20, at the Kennedy Gym for $5 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Tickets are on sale for the Homes for the Holiday Tour the first weekend of December, including a limited number of tickets for the Moonlight and Mistletoe Tour which will include the LaRoche home.
  • The VFW will hold a free-will donation luncheon on Veterans’ Day, Nov. 11, at 11:30 a.m.

City Commission approves exemption for downtown center

During their first November meeting Tuesday evening, the Fort Scott City Commission voted to approve an exemption that would allow the Beaux Arts Centre to sell liquor despite being located near a downtown church.

11-4 City Commission

The ordinance amending the current article, which forbids liquor sales within 500 feet of schools, colleges or churches, now allows such sales within 200 feet of such locations after obtaining a retailer’s license. The Commercial Core District ordinance was created with those businesses located downtown in mind, where structures are close to each other, often including historic churches.

City Manager Dave Martin said the city initially thought they would have to turn down Bobby and Denise Duncan, who opened a winery in recent months and now hope to open the Beau Arts Centre to the public by the beginning of the new year. But the Commercial Core District ordinance allows such businesses to sell liquor.

Denise Duncan said they plan to hold events at the 8,000 square foot center and provide live music or dramas as well as wine tasting and sales.

“We think it will help the downtown area,” said Denise, who moved to Kansas from Texas. “We love this town.”

Bobby added they are already scheduled to use the center during the three species hunt at the end of the month and an art festival in the spring. He also said they plan to let local vendors and artists use the center at reasonable rates.

“We want to provide something for the people,” Bobby said.

For now, work continues on the ground floor of the historic, three-story building located at 102 S. National Ave., which the Duncans have already done work on so they could live on the top floor.

“We really appreciate your investment in the community,” Mayor Cindy Bartelsmeyer said to the couple.

The commissioners also approved the formation of an advisory board to help manage the use of the LaRoche Baseball Complex.

“We had a good year,” Martin said of the complex’s first year of use. “We had a lot of teams here and it was utilized quite a bit.”

The board will have three members serving three year terms, including representatives from the city of Fort Scott, USD 234 and the LaRoche family. The first members appointed during the meeting included city finance director Jon Garrison, USD 234 superintendent Bob Beckham and Adam LaRoche.

Fire Chief Paul Ballou also gave an update on the demolition of the former Western Insurance building located downtown. Ballou said there are four men working at the site at a time, since any more than that could be dangerous. Some of those workers have told Ballou that it is the hardest concrete they have worked on.

Residents have asked Ballou why the project is going so slowly, and he said it is because of its proximity to other buildings. Once the third floor is complete, he said it will move more quickly and should be done by the end of the year.

NaNoWriMo helps Fort Scott writers through November

Submitted by Kate Emmett Sweetser

National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, began fifteen years ago as a nation-wide movement to encourage would-be novelists to complete a novel by writing daily during the month of November, with the goal of writing 50,000 words by the end of the month.

11-3 NaNoWriMo
Photo Credit: Abigail Anderson

Fort Scott’s Common Ground Coffee Co. is holding a NaNoWriMo “Write-In” each Monday evening in November from 5 to 7 p.m., providing a venue for participants to write as well as find prompts printed on origami or paper airplanes. For the third year in a row, the write-ins are being organized by Abigail Anderson.

New to this year’s NaNoWriMo in Fort Scott is a book sale and signing to be held on Friday, November 13, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Nate’s Place Restaurant & Lounge at the Lyons Twin Mansions. The event is not limited to novelists; any author of a published book is welcome to attend, and there is no fee. Interested authors may contact Pat Lyons at [email protected].

Also at Nate’s Place during November, bartender Bree Krebs will be pouring cocktails inspired by literary figures such as Hemingway’s mojito.

Both Common Ground and Nate’s Place offer free wifi and welcome writers anytime during business hours.

More information about NaNoWriMo activities in Fort Scott can be found by visiting the Fort Na No Wri Mo Facebook page.

Schools celebrate Halloween with parades and parties

The schools of Fort Scott celebrated Halloween a couple days early with parades or other festivities at their respective schools Thursday before getting Friday off from classes.

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The students of Winfield Scott came to school in costume and participated in a parade around the school grounds Thursday morning, with numerous friends and family members coming to watch despite the cold temperatures. Other schools in the district such as Eugene Ware had parties later in the day.

Halloween festivities continue in Fort Scott on Saturday with different costume contests or trunk or treat events for members of the community.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten sets children on the path to success, one book at a time

Submitted by the Fort Scott Public Library

Local families are invited to join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program at Fort Scott Public Library.

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The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a nationwide challenge that encourages parents and caregivers to regularly read aloud to their children. By reading just one book a night, families can reach the 1,000-book goal in three years and provide their children with essential early literacy skills.

Research shows that the most reliable predictor of school success is being read to during early childhood. Reading to children from an early age can help close the vocabulary gap and prepare children to enter kindergarten with the skills they need to succeed. Most importantly, sharing books with children promotes a lifelong love of books and reading.

The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is available to all families with children between the ages of birth and five years.

This program is free of charge and all program participants receive a completion sticker as well as a free book at each 100-book milestone.

Registration is open. For more information, call the library at (620) 223-2882 or email Valetta Cannon at [email protected].

Find more resources for the program at



Fort Scott hosts 12th Annual Gordon Parks Celebration

Members of the community as well as visitors from out of town participated in the Gordon Parks Celebration, Oct. 22-24, hosted by the Gordon Parks Museum and the Fort Scott Community College and providing a variety of events, tours and competitions for participants of all ages.

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Festivities kicked off with a luncheon Wednesday where elementary students read their winning poems of a contest. The Gordon Parks Museum hosted the Chamber of Commerce Chamber Coffee Thursday morning while other panel discussions and presentations were made throughout the weekend.

Fifteen high school and middle school students from local and surrounding communities also read or showed their poems, essays and photo that were chosen as finalists from 82 competitors who competed in the contest, which used photos as inspiration.

Area high school and middle school students also got to display their projects in the form of a documentary and two performances they put together for the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes and which gave them the opportunity to compete in a national competition earlier this year.

The Kansas City Lights jazz trio provided an evening of jazz Friday for members of the community as well as members of Gordon Parks’ family who were in town for the celebration.

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Children were again given an opportunity to participate through the ArtCreation Workshop hosted by the museum and art teachers who helped participating children create a piece of art similar to how Gordon Parks did.

The weekend ended Saturday evening with the Celebration Tribute Dinner, when the 2015 Gordon Parks Choice of Weapons Award was presented to Genevieve Young.

“The event went very well and it was so nice to have so many Parks family members here this year,” museum director Jill Warford said of the weekend’s event.  “Also, the kids’ events were wonderful and show that we have a lot of young talented writers and artists.”

Fort Scott Community College hosts Dan VandeWynkel Alumni Rodeo

Fort Scott Community College alumni and students participated in the annual Dan VandeWynkel Alumni Rodeo Saturday afternoon and evening, with area and returning contestants from out of town and state taking part.

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VandeWynkel, who died in 2006, was himself an alumnus and had been part of the college’s staff for almost 30 years. He was also very involved in the rodeo program, which led to the event being dedicated to him starting in 2005.

This year’s rodeo included events such as bareback and saddle bronco riding, team roping, goat tying, steer wrestling, barrel racing and bull riding. Some of the team events included fathers and sons competing together.

Contestants varied in age, including high school students as well as riders who had been involved in rodeos for several years. Current and past professional rodeo circuit competitors also participated.

A silent and live auction was held, with some rodeo athletes being auctioned off for labor prior to the evening event. Proceeds benefited the rodeo scholarships at FSCC.

Fort Scott Community College crowns royalty, falls late to Independence

Fort Scott Community College hosted its 2015 Homecoming activities Saturday, inviting the community to free tailgating snacks, their football game, coronation, band performance and recognition of the sophomore football players.

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During halftime of the Greyhounds’ game against the Independence Pirates, the college presented the 12 king and queen candidates who were nominated and voted for by their peers and then vetted through an interview process. Candidates represented different areas of the college including athletics such as volleyball, baseball, softball and football as well as theater and cosmetology.

Jamain Lang was named Homecoming King while Julia Stringer was crowned Homecoming Queen. Other king candidates included K.J. Miller, Jacob Biller, Jeremiah Fleming, David Hall and Onyx Yasuhara and queen candidates Payton Coyan, Emily Bowman, Alex Perez, Kourtney Harper and Taylor Schilling.

Sophomore players were recognized prior to the game along with their family or foster families who adopted them during the school year.

But while the FSCC Greyhounds fought hard throughout the Homecoming game, trading touchdowns with the Pirates the entire game, the Hounds fell late when the Pirates scored a touchdown with just seconds remaining in the game, for a final score of 49-42.

While the Hounds had nearly 500 yards in the game, 13 penalties and four fumbles hurt their cause as they fell late. Player Gabe Loyd finished the game with eight tackles however, enough to pass the all-time FSCC tackles record previously held by Lavonte David, currently playing for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, at 218.

Halloween festivities begin a week early

Scores of families participated in Halloween activities over the weekend as Buck Run Community Center, the Chamber of Commerce, city of Fort Scott and area churches hosted festivities.

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Saturday morning activities began with crafts and a pumpkin carving contest at the Buck Run Community Center,  with volunteer students and adults hosting the activities.

From there, children and their families could then be a part of the Halloween Parade through downtown Fort Scott. Face painting, photos from Walgreens and free hot dogs were provided to those who trick-or-treated up and down Main Street, where downtown businesses and others handed out candy.

Area churches also held Trunk or Treat events over the weekend, inviting community families to take part.

Shepherd Team Auto Plaza to sell after 62 years in the family

The business of car sales has impacted the Shepherd family for generations, with current owner David Shepherd’s father, grandfather and great-uncle each being involved in the business.

10-23 Shepherd

But that heritage will change in the upcoming weeks as Shepherd completes the sale of the Shepherd Team Auto Plaza in Fort Scott to the Briggs Auto Group and begins a different stage in his own life.

“I’m looking forward to really being able to move on to the next chapter,” Shepherd said.

Shepherd’s father bought the Fort Scott Ford dealership in 1952 when there were 13 car dealerships in the community. But that number decreased as the business changed over the years with consolidation and the addition of internet sales.

Shepherd said he first started helping his father’s business as a 10-year-old washing and cleaning the vehicles there.

After going through the Fort Scott education system and attending McPherson College, Shepherd turned down the opportunity to join the Peace Corps as well as an offer from the Ford Motor Company in order to stay closer to home and a woman he met at college, a decision he does not regret now after 43 years of marriage. Shepherd worked at a dealership in McPherson for a year before returning to Fort Scott in 1972, the same year he married his wife.

“My father was very happy when I came back,” Shepherd said of that move, which also allowed him to again work in the family business.

Working as a sales person and then a sales manager, Shepherd continued to learn about the business as he trained to become his father’s successor.

“As time went by I was given more and more responsibility,” Shepherd said, saying he was even given the task of improving the sales of certain areas of the dealership as it continued to expand to include other manufacturers’ vehicles.

Shepherd eventually took over the business from his father, having now run it for about the past 30 years. Shepherd’s father continued to visit the business however until Alzheimer’s prevented those visits.

In 1981 the dealership added Buick, GMC and Pontiac vehicles to those already on sale, including Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Dodge, Chrysler and Plymouth. In 1988, they added Chrysler and also became one of just two dealerships in the country that year that were asked to add Toyota vehicles to their dealership.

“That was a big year for us,” Shepherd said. “We felt real honored.”

While the dealership continued to expand to include four manufacturers and employ about 50 employees, Shepherd said he never found the one employee that could be his successor. His two sons never showed an interest in the business and Shepherd said he never pressured them to follow his own profession.

“It takes a special kind of person to be a dealer in a small city,” Shepherd said, saying he has had great employees but none that were the perfect fit.

After searching for that right person for the past seven or eight years, Shepherd said a combination of his age, time in the business, no growth in the dealership and tiring of working six days a week for 43 years led him to the decision to sell the company.

After beginning the process before Christmas of last year, Shepherd said he came to an agreement with dealership owner Russell Briggs, who started in auto repair 40 years ago and currently owns nine other dealerships in Kansas. With the months-long process finally reaching an end, the dealership will switch hands within the next two to six weeks.

“He’s a hard worker and has been very successful,” Shepherd said of Briggs, who he said is known for taking good care of his customers and employees and having a high volume of vehicles. “I think that’ll be very good for the people in this area…We’re leaving the store in good hands, I believe.”

Despite selling that dealership, Shepherd said he will continue to own Bourbon County Cars, but looks forward to having more time available to be a part of the community through programs such as Circles and the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation.

“I don’t really think of myself as retiring,” Shepherd said, but doing something different.

Shepherd said the same employees will continue to work at the dealership and it will continue to service vehicles purchased there while it was Shepherd’s.

Since announcing the sale, Shepherd says he has heard from customers and friends who congratulated him but also said they were sorry he was selling.

“We appreciate greatly their support,” Shepherd said of those customers, saying because of them and his employees the dealership lasted 63 years instead of the average 10 years and sold about 100,000 vehicles.

Local Circles program gives update after one year

A year after the process of the Fort Scott Circles program began as a result of the Gordon Parks Celebration  in 2014, those currently involved in that program used that same celebration as a chance to give an update on its impact during a panel discussion Thursday afternoon.

10-23 Circles

The program provides resources, assistance and training to those in the community who want to improve their way of life.

Volunteer coordinator Jan Hedges quoted a Kansas State University study released earlier this year that ranked Bourbon County as 104th out of 105 Kansas counties when it comes to the number of children living below the poverty level.

“There are barriers in every community that make it hard to get out of poverty,” Hedges said, mentioning some barriers such as lack of transportation and child care as well as a lack in financial knowledge.

The program starts with a 12-week class that goes through curriculum, training participants in areas such as how to set a budget as well as goals for themselves.

“We talk about what’s your dream in circle,” Hedges said. “You have a dream but there are some things you have to do to get to that dream.”

Diana Endicott, facilitator for that phase one of the program, said their first step is to recruit people to participate and keep them in the program, but added some find that they are not yet willing to make the necessary changes.

“In order to have things come out differently, they’re going to have to make some changes,” Endicott said.

Phase two of the program partners each circle participant, called a circle leader, with two other members of the community, called allies, who will hold the circle leader accountable and meet with them regularly, helping them set and keep goals.

Phase two facilitator David Goodyear said their goal is to help residents go from merely surviving  to thriving.

The first group involved in the program started with five participants and had three of those graduate to the next phase. A second group started with 12 and now has seven on track to graduate in December.

Already, the program leaders said they have seen participants go from homeless to finding housing, had a mother be granted custody of her children once again and another is about to take the GED test.

With the upcoming graduation, the program is looking for allies to get involved as well as participants for the program. Training will be provided to those interested in being an ally on Nov. 11.

They also invite professionals in the community to participate by training circle leaders in areas such as finances, renters’ rights, baking or other areas. The program also accepts monetary donations or other assistance such as in transportation and child care during their weekly meetings on Wednesdays.

“Circles is not a handout program,” Hedges said. “It’s a hand up…It’s a program for people who want to improve their life.”