Category Archives: Entertainment

First Southern Baptist Church Celebrates Its 60th Year With Special Events This Weekend


The First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main. The Family Life Center is on the right.

First Southern Baptist Church at 1818 S. Main is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024.

“It was chartered in 1963,” said current pastor, Joel Crippen.

The church currently has nursing home ministries, men’s and women’s fellowships, and they support missionaries through the Southern Baptist Convention Mission Board, he said.

The church’s theme for its anniversary is “Standing on the Word of God, Past, Present, Future.”

The public is invited to join the celebration events that start on Friday, Oct. 25 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with a traveling museum, and 6:45 p.m. is the Family Life Center Dedication. The museum will continue Oct. 25-27 with daily hours.

On Saturday the Tucker Family Band will perform at 7 p.m.

On Sunday, the Missourians Gospel Group will perform at 6 p.m.

There will be free-will offerings for all concerts and the Bible Museum.

Church service times are Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and Morning worship at 10:50 a.m. They average about 80 people in attendance the pastor said.

Evening services each week are at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays with Youth AWANA at  6:30 p.m.

Pastor Crippen said the mission of the church is to “spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”


Traveling Bible Museum

Beginning on Friday, Oct. 25, a traveling museum on the Bible will be on exhibit at the church, at 1818 S. Main in the Family Life Center.

Ancient artifacts and a working replica of the press that printed the first Bible will be on display.

There will be tours/viewing and teaching classes with exhibit presentations daily at 1:30 p.m. with curator John Sliffe.

For more information contact the church at 620.223.2986

The Tucker Family Band. Submitted photo.

The Tucker Family Band will perform at the church on Saturday, October 26, at 7:00 p.m., 1818 S. Main.

The Tucker Family Band is comprised of Carolyn Tucker (keys and vocals) Fort Scott; daughter Mariam Tucker Self (lead vocals and saxophone) Peculiar, MO; son Aaron Tucker (drums and vocals) Asbury, MO; cousin Jessie Bergen (electric bass) Anderson, MO; and J Williams (lead guitar) Columbus, KS. Kitten Lagoon from Anderson, MO, is the sound engineer and emcee according to a press release.


As youngsters, singing and playing instruments was just a normal part of being a kid and having fun. All of the band members grew up in the church and have a passion for sharing the gospel through music. The members have been involved in worship at their own individual churches for years.


The TFB’s repertoire includes the beloved gospel music of Elvis Presley plus other Christian recording artists. Some of the featured songs are: I Believe, Up Above My Head, Where Could I Go, Peace in the Valley, Bosom of Abraham, Can‘t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus, and many more. No matter what your musical preferences are, there will be something for everyone.


There is no admission fee for the one-hour concert. A free-will offering will be received.

The Missourians

The Missourians will perform at 6 on Sunday, October 27 at the church.

What started as a male trio in the 1980s took on that traditional four-part harmony sound several years later and the group hasn’t looked back, according to their website. This vocal group is comfortable performing on concert stages before thousands, as well as in rural churches. The group’s versatility makes them a favorite among young audiences and older music lovers alike. Their ability to adapt to any setting, without compromising the message they present, makes them a favorite wherever their music is shared.

Over the past 30+ years, the group has recorded a total of 19 albums and 2 videos with their latest project “Jesus Saves”. The recording, like each performance, is a testament to the versatility of the quartet, as it encompasses a mix of both traditional hymns and Southern Gospel classics, without distracting from the Gospel message.

The Missourians have shared the stage with such greats as Gold City, Brian Free & Assurance, Ivan Parker, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers, and many others.

The Missourians continue to reach new plateaus, as they consistently strive for perfection in their musical presentation of the Gospel message. “We believe we are constantly reaching new levels, lyrically, vocally, and spiritually. We believe that’s what God expects of us, and our greatest desire is to please Him in all we do,” according to their website

Downtown Halloween Parade This Saturday, Oct. 26

The Fort Scott Chamber announces the Annual Downtown Trick-or-Treat Parade!!!


The past couple of years the attendance has been growing for the Downtown Trick-or-Treat parade with 600+ kids in attendance! At the end of the parade, we serve a slice of Papa Don’s pizza and a drink to each child who is in costume. We have been very thankful for the gracious donations from you all in the past!

If your business is interested in making a donation, please contact us! Click here to email us or call the

Chamber at 620-223-3566.

We will accept monetary donations or other items such as pop, juices, or bottled water.

Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

10-11am: Halloween photo backdrop for pictures with your own camera.

Face painting will be offered by the Fort Scott High School Pride and Thespian Clubs!

11am: Parade will start at La Hacienda, down the west side of Main Street to 2nd, then back down the east side of Main Street to Skubitz Plaza.

Following parade: A slice of pizza and a drink will be served to the kids in costume provided through the generous donation of local businesses!


***Businesses along Main Street will be handing out candy during the parade, and businesses not on Main Street as well as any community organizations are welcome to set up a table along Main to pass out candy, coupons, promo items, etc.***

Please email the Chamber if your business or organization will be passing out candy so we

can plan accordingly.

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A special thank you to our Chamber Champion members!
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

Core Fall Fest This Saturday Oct. 19: Fall Fun For the Family

Fall Farm Fest is days away to raise funds for Core Community.
“It is all coming together,” said Deana Betts, the community liaison with Core Community, a local helping organization that has a mission to engage the community to lift families out of poverty.
“We have had a great response from the community! We have Camren Lamb performing (guitar and singing) at noon, the Fort Scott High School Orchestra playing from 1-2  p.m. and Michael Lundine will play from 2 -5 p.m.,” Betts said.
“We will have face painting, horse rides, a corn pit, lots of animals and games to play, a food court, a pumpkin patch, paint a pumpkin, pumpkin art, and lots of vendors will be set up throughout the day,” she said.

Larry and Vickie Shead agreed to open the Shead Farm on Saturday, October 19 for a fundraiser for the Core Community organization. The farm has an annual community spring festival that has grown larger each year.

Vickie and Larry Shead, 2020, from her Facebook page.


The event is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the farm located at 2468 Calvalry Road, Garland, south of Fort Scott.

The cost is $5 per person, for families with over five members it’s $25 and there will be food, vendors, games, and raffles to entertain the family.

To learn more about Core Community or the Fall Fest, contact Betts at or 785.488. 8411.


Ernie Couch and Revival at 1st Methodist Church on Oct. 26

Join First United Methodist Church as they host Ernie Couch and Revival!

Saturday October 26th @ 6pm

First United Methodist, 301 S. National St., will host Ernie Couch and Revival.

The concert is a freewill offering Gospel Concert.

“From its inception, EC&R has produced high energy, emotionally colorful music reflective of the diverse musical heritage that has made their Music City home of Nashville internationally famous. The group’s unique blend of traditional, country, and contemporary gospel music speaks to people of all ages and all walks of life.”

Also, mark your calendars and join First United Methodist for:

a FRIENDSHIP SOUP LUNCHEON – Friday, October 25th  – freewill donation fundraiser to support for the mission and ministries of our church  – join us from 11:30am to 1pm for potato and vegetable soups and chili, with desert!

4th Annual Trunk or Treat Thursday, Oct. 31st

5:30pm until dusk! Free! Bring the kids or grandkids by to show off their costumes!

Make sure to click here to follow their Facebook page for future events and details!

Thank you to our Chamber Champion members shown below…

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Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

New Playground Equipment Scheduled For Installation at Ellis Park

Overhead view of the playground equipment. Submitted.
Because of a need for parents with children playing ball, new playground equipment will be installed next month at Ellis Park, 1105 E. 12th Street on Fort Scott’s east side.
“We decided to install play equipment at this area to help encapsulate a full-family entertainment experience at Ellis Park,” Lucas Kelley, Buck Run Community Center Manager said.
Lucas Kelley. Submitted photo.
“Parents/older siblings are often entertained by watching or playing a game on one of these two fields,” he said. “However, many times siblings/other children are not too excited to sit in the bleachers and watch a game. This allows them to have a fun experience while they are there.”
The playground area will be by the basketball/volleyball court at Ellis Park, near the ballfields.
Ellis Park.
“We felt as if the play structure would get more use right next to the main attraction,” he said. “As a parent, I would not feel comfortable with my kids being on the opposite end of the park, where I would not be able to see them. This location allows for both easier access and parent comfortability of being able to watch all of their kids at once.”
The Fort Scott Recreation Department will fund the equipment through the renewal of Fisher Park Advertising Signs, 5Ks races, sports photos, and the Steele Foundation Money that is received yearly, said Kelley.
“The play structure is called Sunset Harbor from Recreation Installations out of Kansas City,” he said. “This play structure will include three slides total, one wave slide on one side and a double wave slide on the other. It also includes a pod climber, rain wheel, single drum, and a set of monkey bars.”
“The play structure is on pace to start installation the week of November 14th, and should be completed by the end of the month.” he said.
The Ellis Park Playground equipment. Submitted photo.
“We have tentative plans to find either a shade structure or cover for this play area, to help protect children from foul balls. However, we have not decided which option we would like to add yet,” Kelley said.
The Recreation Department has completed two projects this year.
“Our two main projects for this year were to resurface the outdoor basketball court at BRCC, and to add a play structure at Ellis. I am happy to say we were able to get both of those projects done before the new year!”
“Looking ahead we will try to improve/add an aspect of our reach each year,” he said. “In the spring, the hope is to resurface the outdoor basketball courts at Ellis and 3rd Street Park. These projects will depend on where we sit budgetary-wise at that point.  If anyone has any project ideas/suggestions please feel free to email or call (620)-223-0386
Graphic of the playground equipment at Ellis Park.

Annual Downtown Trick or Treat Parade Is Oct. 26

The Fort Scott Chamber announces the Annual Downtown Trick-or-Treat Parade!!!


The past couple of years the attendance has been growing for the Downtown Trick-or-Treat parade with 600+ kids in attendance! At the end of the parade, we serve a slice of Papa Don’s pizza and a drink to each child who is in costume. We have been very thankful for the gracious donations from you all in the past!

If your business is interested in making a donation, please contact us! Click here to email us or call the

Chamber at 620-223-3566.

We will accept monetary donations or other items such as pop, juices, or bottled water.

Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

10-11am: Halloween photo backdrop for pictures with your own camera.

Face painting will be offered by the Fort Scott High School Pride and Thespian Clubs!

11am: Parade will start at La Hacienda, down the west side of Main Street to 2nd, then back down the east side of Main Street to Skubitz Plaza.

Following parade: A slice of pizza and a drink will be served to the kids in costume provided through the generous donation of local businesses!


***Businesses along Main Street will be handing out candy during the parade, and businesses not on Main Street as well as any community organizations are welcome to set up a table along Main to pass out candy, coupons, promo items, etc.***

Please email the Chamber if your business or organization will be passing out candy so we

can plan accordingly.

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A special thank you to our Chamber Champion members!
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce | 231 E. Wall Street | Fort Scott, KS 66701 US

Fort Scott Halloween Parade

For Immediate Release
October 10, 2024
Submitted By: Lindsay Madison
Phone: (620) 223-3566
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces this year’s Halloween Parade will
be held Saturday, October 26th at 11:00 a.m. in Downtown Fort Scott.
Prior to the parade, starting at 10:00 a.m., there will be special activities including
pictures with a spooktacular backdrop at the City Scales building on North Main and face
painting by Fort Scott High School Thespians.
The parade trick-or-treats merchants along Main Street, starting at La Hacienda, south to
2nd Street, crossing the street then heading north back to Skubitz Plaza. Any businesses
or organizations in the community not located along Main Street are also welcome to set
up a table on the sidewalk providing treats, coupons, or other handouts for kids. Children
are encouraged to bring a sack or bag to collect treats along the parade route.
Following the parade, a free slice of pizza sponsored by Papa Don’s and a drink will be
served to kids in costumes.
The Chamber is currently seeking sponsors and donations for the event. Contact the
Chamber for more information at 620-223-3566.

Military Vehicle Preservation Group Convoy Visits Fort Scott On Oct. 13-14

Military Vehicle Preservation Association logo from it website.


The community will see a unique group of vehicles in Fort Scott on October 13 and 14.

The 2024 Military Vehicle Preservation Association Convoy is coming through on its way to Louisiana from Minnesota.

The group was started in the 1970s by “a crazy group of people who started collecting vehicles,” said Charles Toney, convoy planner with responsibility of Fort Scott to New Orleans for the group. They are now in 100 countries around the world.

“The Military Vehicle Preservation Association is an international group of thousands of folks who purchase, rebuild and maintain ground-based military vehicles or transportation equipment,” he said. “ I believe 1974 was when it started.”

“The purpose is to preserve history and educate the public. I drive and maintain three vehicles because I enjoy the challenges and am a retired educator.”

City of Fort Scott Public Relations and Tourism Director, Jackson Tough said “We truly enjoy hosting groups like the Military Vehicle Preservation Association Convoy! Everyone wins when groups like this come through Fort Scott. We offer them a variety of accommodations, restaurants, and attractions and they offer our community an opportunity to see some very interesting military vehicles that we don’t often get to see.”

“There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes prep,” Jackson said.  “We’ve been working on coordinating this for about a year and I’m glad the convoy is almost here. I hope folks join us at the National Historic Site and the VFW to experience these incredible vehicles and the patriots that pilot them.”

Where One Can View The Vehicles

The convoy of approximately 27 military vehicles will be on display at the Fort Scott National Historic Site (199 Old Fort Blvd.) from noon -2 PM while they tour the fort and historic downtown district on Sunday, October 13, according to a press release from Fort Scott’s Tourism Department.

The drivers and passengers will stay overnight in Fort Scott and be hosted for breakfast by the local Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW Post #1165, on Monday, October 14.  The post is located at 1745 S. National. The convoy vehicles will be on display again Monday morning at the VFW from 7:30 -10 A.M.

Afterward, they will travel through the Fort Scott National Cemetery as they depart for the next leg of the journey to Pittsburg, Kansas and points south, according to the press release.

The convoy will retrace the historic 1918 Jefferson Highway route from the Minnesota-Canadian border to New Orleans, Louisiana, traversing 2,500 miles. The group will travel through Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana.

Vehicles, the oldest of which is from the 1940s, include Humvees, Jeeps and a Half, MRAP, Willys, MRZR, Tac-Ops, RSOV, and others.


Taken from the Facebook page of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association.

The Route

The Jefferson Highway was built in the 1910s as part of the national auto trail system, an informal network of marked routes that existed in the United States and Canada. Named for President Thomas Jefferson and inspired by the east–west Lincoln Highway, the Jefferson Highway was nicknamed the “Palm to Pine Highway” for the varying types of trees found at either end.


For more information and to follow the convoy:

Thespian Tea Party This Saturday For Local Youth

Fort Scott High School Thespians from its Facebook page  Back row: Charlie Chaplin, Kaiden Clary, Junie Fisher, Ava Johnson, Angie Bin, Brooke Barnett, Emma Bin, Kate Morillo Front: Tobi Larrabee, Emily Endicott, Allie Wards, Cooper George, Chris Newman, Emi King.

The Fort Scott High School Thespians are hosting their 7th Annual Royal-Tea and Friends Party this Saturday, October 12 from 10 a.m. to noon at the FSHS Commons area and Courtyard.

“This is an annual fundraiser for the FSHS Thespian Troupe,” said teacher Angela Bin. “Many students play their chosen character throughout high school and some pass their character on to an underclassman when they graduate.”

The thespian students provide a snack, activity or craft and dress as their chosen character.

“We also have costumes that the children who attend can dress up in if they choose to,” Bin said.

In this land of make-believe children can join their favorite princesses and princes, queens and kings and other members of the royal court.

They are invited to take photos with favorite characters as they make crafts, have treats and play games.

Over 30 FSHS Thespians will be dressed in character and lead the event.

New this year is the inclusion of superheroes, villains and other cartoon characters.

Attendees are encouraged to come in costume as well.

Tickets for this special event are $5 per child and must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets may be purchased online in advance at or at the door.

Featured characters are the stars of the FSHS Fall Musical – Frozen Jr.

They include Junie Fisher as Elsa, Chris Newman as Anna, Theodore Bowman as Olaf, and Mykael Lewis as Kristoff.

FSHS performs Frozen Jr. on Nov. 12 and 14 at 7 p.m. and on Nov. 16 at 2 and 7 p.m.

For more information, please see the Fort Scott High School Thespians Facebook page or contact Angie Bin at or 620-719-9622.




Murder and Mayhem at the Fort: Special Halloween Candle Lantern Tours


Fort Scott, Kan. – Thursday, October 31, 2024, join Fort Scott National Historic Site for a special candle lantern walk through the Murder and Mayhem at the Fort. Tour leaders, from the 1840s-1860s, will share some of the lesser told tragedies and macabre events that were far too common in Fort Scott’s 19th century. These four special Halloween lantern tours will start every 30 minutes beginning at 6:30 pm. Tours are free and open to the public however space is limited and required reservations will open Friday, October 18, at 8:30 am.


Those with reservations, please arrive 10 minutes early to allow time to park and get oriented. Participants are advised to please dress for the weather and conditions, as the entire tour will be outside and on sidewalks.


Fort Scott National Historic Site’s, a unit of the National Park Service, exhibit areas and visitor center are open Friday through Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The park grounds are open daily from a half hour before sunrise until a half hour after sunset. To find out more or become involved in activities at the Fort, please contact the park at 620-223-0310 or visit our website at




Credit Photo as: NPS Photo

Tucker Family Band Returns to River Room

The Tucker Family Band will present their ’24 Comeback Special at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 12, held in the Fort Scott River Room, 3 W. Oak Street (upstairs with elevator access). Doors open at 6:15 p.m.


The TFB is comprised of Carolyn Tucker (keys and vocals) Fort Scott; daughter Mariam Tucker Self (lead vocals and saxophone) Peculiar, MO; son Aaron Tucker (drums and vocals) Asbury, MO; cousin Jessie Bergen (electric bass) Anderson, MO; and J Williams (lead guitar) Columbus, KS. Kitten Lagoon from Anderson, MO, is the sound engineer and emcee. There is no admission fee; tips are appreciated.


The Band is excited to come back “bigger and better” to the River Room. Carolyn Tucker explains, “’Bigger’ means we’re doing a two-part show this time with Elvis gospel in the first half, and then our favorite ‘70s Elvis songs for the second half. ‘Better’ means our sound equipment is new state-of-the-art and we’ve added stage lighting. We’re calling our show ‘24 Comeback Special after the televised ’68 Comeback Special that Elvis performed after he concluded his movies contract.”


“All these musicians have been playing or singing since they were youngsters,” concert-series organizer Ralph Carlson said. “So when all their experience, talent, and camaraderie unites together, the band is really tight. The fun they have on stage is contagious. You won’t want to miss this free energy-packed show.”


The venue fee is sponsored by the following local businesses: Diehl Banwart Bolton CPAs PA, Cheney Witt Funeral Chapel, and Varia Quality Resale Clothing Shop. The concert is sanctioned by the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce and promoted by Carlson.