Fort Scott National Historic Site
Visit your National Park! Visitor Center and historic buildings are currently open Friday through Tuesday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. The grounds continue to be open daily from ½ hour before sunrise until ½ hour after sunset
** Guided tours Saturday & Sunday 10am & 1pm! **
Click HERE to visit the website.
Click here to see all the FUN classes at The Artificers, classes for ALL ages!
BINGO hosted by the American Legion Post 25 every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month unless it falls on a holiday. Doors open at 6pm and Bingo starts at 7pm at Memorial Hall. (Taking the month of August off for BINGO & will start again in September)
Every Tuesday 9am-4pm
Office located at the Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, 104 N. National Ave.
Wednesday Writers at FS Public Library
Every Wednesday 1:30-3pm
201 S. National Ave.
Kansas Small Business Development Center
at the Chamber, 231 E. Wall St.
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 9am-4pm.
$5 tickets for all students Pre-K thru College
KOMB-FM ALL HIT 103.9 Radio Auction
Every Wednesday and Thursday
January 22nd – thru end of March!
Starting at 3pm
Get bidding and PIN #:
620-223-4500 or radioauction.kombfm.com
Dolly Trolley Historic 50-min narrated tours!
Adults $6 | Children 12&under $4
Call 620-223-3566 or stop in the Chamber at
231 E. Wall St. to book your ride!
3/14 ~ 11:30-1pm | Potato Bar hosted by First United Methodist Church
Free-will donation – All donations will benefit United Women in Faith
3/14 ~ 5pm-7pm | Lenten Friday Fish Fry by the
Knights Of Columbus
(Every Friday from March 7th-April 11th)
Kennedy Gym, 705 S. Holbrook
Freewill Offering | To-Go Meals $9
3/15th & 22nd ~ Youth Track Meet
Meets held at Frary Field
Click HERE to sign-up (Deadline 3/7)
3/15 ~ 1pm | St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl
organized by Brickstreet BBQ
Teams of up to 4 people
$8 per person + $2 first green shot
*Free St. Patty’s day Coors Bag with Merch given to each participant.
*Grand prize drawing and costume contest
*Dolly the Trolley is available for transportation
Click HERE to register your team!
3/15 ~ | Kansas Rocks Pros
An Introduction to the Park
2051 130th St. Mapleton, KS
3/15 ~ 11am-1pm | Soda Bread Cooking Class with Rachel at the The Kitchen C + C
Click HERE for The Kitchen website!
Click HERE for The Kitchen FB Page!
3/15 ~ 2pm-10pm | Saint Patrick’s Day Ceilidh hosted by St. Martin’s Academy
at Mansion South, 750 S. National Ave.
Music, Dancing, Food, Drinks!
All proceeds support the Academy
3/20 ~ 8am | Chamber Coffee hosted by Briggs
1819 S. Main St.
3/22 ~ 2-4pm | Paint & Pizza at Papa Don’s
“Chicks Days” by Happy Snappy Art & Paint Parties
$30 1 day | $55 both days
Click HERE to visit Happy Snappy Art Facebook Page!
3/22 ~ 8am-12pm | Car Wash Fundraiser for the FSHS Boys Tiger Golf Team
Typhoon Bay Car Wash, 1510 S. National Ave.
Free will donation
3/22 ~ 10am-3pm | Glaze Day at The Artificers
$10/creative piece
3/22-23 ~ | BJ Cattle presents
Bull Ride Benefit for Pavie Tucker
Maiden Derby
feat. Futurity, Bull Team, & Classic
Saturday 22nd: 1pm & 7pm
Sunday 23rd: 1pm
Click HERE for details!
3/22 ~ 7-10pm | Dance Party #2 at Memorial Hall hosted by City of Fort Scott
Country & 70s Music
Food & Drinks by Brickstreet BBQ
$5 Cover
Boutiques-Antiques-Flea Markets & more!
Click here for Chamber member
specialty shopping & other retail in
Downtown & other areas of the community.