Category Archives: Area News

Arcadia Area News

The Christmas Eve Communion Service was well attended this week in the Arcadia Open Door Mission. Pastor Roy Widmar led the singing of Christmas Songs and prayer time. He then spoke of the true meaning of Christmas after Linda Bridgewater sang a solo. Two couples then held the Bread and Communion Trays and the congregation went forward to partake at the same time. All were invited to attend Christmas Sunday morning services in Arcadia Christian Church.

A good number of regular and also guests were present in the Christmas Morning services in Arcadia Christian Church led by Pastor Charles Cable assisted at prayer time by Dave Bridgewater. Clay Carrington led the singing with Cable at the piano. Carol Bridgewater read the Christmas Story from the Book of Luke. Guest Landon Younge sang a special song accompanying himself on his guitar. Linda Bridgewater favored us with a solo “WHAT CHILD IS THIS?” Christi Parrish read the Christmas Story from the book of Matthew. Vera Parrish read an original Christmas poem written by John Parrish. They were pleased to have as their guests their daughter, Janet & Mark Van Leeuwen from St. Paul, Kansas and their daughter Tara Van Leeuwen, a beautician from Florida. Wayne & Christie Parrish gave Christmas wrapped gifts to the Ladies. Among other guests present were Charles Corporon & Rose Campbell from Pittsburg and Larry & Vicki Shead, Garland. It was announced the usual First Sunday dinner, Jan 1, 2012 will be held on January 5, due to the holiday.

We are sorry to read of the death of a former Arcadian, Weymouth Jones Filkins who was born and raised in Arcadia. a1940 Graduate of Arcadia High School. She and Mel Filkins built the large beautiful home on Haller Hill just west of Arcadia. Later years they moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa. After three month illness, at age 89 she died on December 14. Burial will be later in Pittsburg, Kansas. Condolences to the family..

Keith and Glen Twombly of Pittsburg took Walter Foulk to Independence, MO to visit his niece Fanny Mae Christinson. She has been ill but improving and glad far the visit.

The JOY Sunday School Class gives thanks to all who help save 1000 BEST CHOICE UPC ‘S. This is one of the ways the Class earns the funds they use to help people. Please keep saving for the send-in next December.

After a business trip to Ft. Scott, Charles Corporon and sister, Mary V. Shead traveled to Frontenac to deliver JOY Christmas Cookies to Bill Dobbins in Sunset Manor. There she met a friend from College Days at PSU, Janet Dalton who was a Freshman roommate of another AHS graduate, Velma Eggen Jewell. The visit was short but sweet!

On to Pittsburg, they visited Rose Campbell and the next stop was in the Cafe in Asbury, MO. They enjoyed a fine lunch, then on to Joplin for a visit with Mary V’s High School Class mate & husband, Juanita & Owen McWilliams. The ladies graduated from AHS in 1936. The same year, Juanita was chosen Year Book Queen. She showed her picture to Charles. This led to talk of Good Old School Days.

Nearby, lives Nelson & Eloise Corporon, so the travelers spent a delightful afternoon visiting their brother and sister. .

Ruth Holland, former Arcadian, more recently of Liberal, MO died December 22, 2011 in a Kansas City Hospital. The funeral will be held Tuesday, December 27 in Liberal Christian Church. Her sons are Don Holland of Lamar, MO and Howard & Louise Holland, Liberal, MO.

Larry & Vickie Shead spend Wednesday & Thursday last week ,December 21,22 in Tulsa visiting their family members, Marie & Clayton Whitson and Mitzi & Joel Ray and three little ones, Cademon, Atalie & Ryan. Back home on Christmas Day, they served dinner to his Mother, Mary V. Shead, his Uncle Charles Corporon and their friend Rose Campbell after attending church that morning.

Arcadia Area News

Arcadia friends were happy to hear from Emory and Betty Briggs who live in Nowata, OK. At Thanksgiving time they entertained both Betty’s family and Emory’s family and are making plans for a similar Christmas Holiday dinner.

The Sunday before Christmas, Willa Cable, Patty Peterson and Mary V. Shead visited Mae Watt and served her Communion that afternoon and delivered to her JOY Cookies. Later that evening, the three ladies went to Ft. Scott and enjoyed supper at Wendy’s and toured the city to see beautiful homes decorated for the season.

Jo Robarts of Franklin, Kansas has been assisting postmaster in the Arcadia Post Office during this busy Christmas season. We welcome her to town.

On December 20. Presbyterian Village in Ft. Scott invited friends to an elegant wine & cheese party. It was a fine time for rekindling friendships with tenants to their former neighbors and friends. Family members were invited to join in the music, food and fellowship time.

A Christmas Brunch was hosted by the Joy Makers of the Liberal, MO. Christian Church on Monday, December 12, 2011. Biscuits, Gravy, Egg Casserole, Fruit and Juice were served to seventeen ladies. Louise Holland as Chairman led the games, drawings and gave each lady a special gift. Peggy Worsley, formerly of Arcadia read a poem concerning YES, JESUS LOVE ME. Mary Lee Payne, Arcadia guest, won the Poinesetta Plant. Kay Waring guessed the closest number of mints in a bag. Other guests from Arcadia were Helen Sisney and Mary V. Shead, Judy Rawlings. Local ladies present were Grace Bryant, Leota McClendon, Carolyn Noyes, Ruth Holland, Valorie Worsley, Karen Carpenter, Pat Thomas, Marjorie Jones,, Grace Wolf, Carolyn Clark, Kay Waring. It was a delightful morning to greet and meet new friends.

In Arcadia Christian Church on December 18, special guests came for Morning worship Hour, Hardy Dunn, Pittsburg; Jack & Mary Lee Payne, to honor her sister, Jessie Eggen Dunn as she presented a piano solo consisting of favorite hymns. Following sermon time, Pastor Cable offered a $5.00 Bill to someone who would come forward and give the correct answer to a question. Clay Carrington stepped forward. The question: Have you done anything to earn this $5.00? The answer NO! So he won! All were wished MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year. Be reminded on Christmass Morning, there will be no SS classes held and Morning Worship will be 10:30 AM in Arcadia Christian Church.

All are welcome to attend this service. Also all have been invited to attend a Communion Service in Open Door Mission on Christmas Eve at 5:30 PM

Arcadia Area News

Twenty -four graduates and friends of Arcadia High School Our Gang gathered in Arcadia Community Center on Saturday evening, December 3, for an early winter meeting to enjoy the Potluck dinner and fellowship time. Anyone who attended the Arcadia Schools is welcome to join their friends at these gatherings.

Mary Hines Cattaneo, Mulberry and Charles Corporon, Pittsburg both former Arcadians met by chance at Sunset Manor recently to visit their friends who now reside in the Manor in Frontenac. They are Bill Dobbins, Betty Baima. Marie Rodich from Arcadia and Ray Cattaneo from Mulberry. His family at one time bought the Arcadia Journal and combind it with Mulberry News and re-named it THE NEWS JOURNAL.

Rose Campbell, a one time teacher in Arcadia Schools and Charles had just recently returned from each visiting their own sisters. Rose spent time with Mary Logan in Wichita, while Charles drove on to McPherson to spend time with Portie Hughes.

Special guests from Moran, Kansas, Margaret Jackman, Cheryl Wallis and Nancy Houk attended the Arcadia Christian Church on the first Sunday in December to hear their cousin Bob Cable deliver the Morning sermon. His son, Nate Cable, from Lamar joined the family group and all were guests at the first of the month Sunday dinner. Pastor Charles Cable unable to attend but he and Willa Cable furnished the Chicken Mary Chicken as a treat for their congregation. It was delivered this month by Patty Peterson and enjoyed by the twenty-eight present. It was announced that on Christms Morning, December 25, there will be no Sunday School Classes held and Morning Services will begin at 10:30 AM Christmas Morning.

Saturday Morning, December 3, a celebration was held for a Happy Birthday to honor Jesus. The hostess was Patty Peterson, this, one of many Christmas brunches that Patty has held through the years since she and Gary have lived in Arcadia. Several of the guests served as helpers including Cathy Allen who was the greeter at the door. An important helper was Stuart Semple who baked the cinnamon rolls as Patty was giving the Morning Devotions. The twenty-two guests were Ahris Sprague, Cheyenne Mellon,who assisted in serving tea at the table; Mary V. Shead, Courtney Allen, Carolyn Girard, Carol Bridgewater, Ava Mae Adams, Mary Lee Payne, Vera Parrish,Shirley Garrett, Willa Cable, Ashley & Elizabeth Semple, Linda Bridgewater, Evelyn Bryant, Judy Rawlings, Betty Dehn, Janet Van Leeuwen, Lilly Coonrod, Kelly Reves.

I am pleased to report that Ron Wolf did not have a Heart Attack as I reported and did not go to K.C. Hospital. He was able to call and excuse my error.

The Jack & Mary Lee Payne Family met on Friday after Thanksgiving in the home of Ron and Cindy Morton, Excelsior Springs, Missouri for a delicious dinner of Ham, turkey, trimmings and Desserts. Present were Jeff and Sherry Sisney; David, Amy, Drew and Lane Carpenter; Steve, Kelly Base, Ben, Faith and Elijah Base; James, Nikki, Lainey and Cooper O’Dell; Autuam, Kimberlee, Maddie, Isaiah and Malloree Peppers and Seth Morton. A great time of playing games and much visiting was enjoyed by all.

Enjoy Arcadia City Christmas Lights each evening as they go on at dark. Thanks to City employees who worked to decorate our town. A few years ago we had none until YOUNG MOMS ORGANIZATION furnished them for the city.

Walter Foulk spent three days during Thanksgiving week in St. Charles, MO. with his wife, Mary Foulk and family members including Lora and Scott Pratt, Diana Butler & sons Samuel and Emmett Butler, Sarah Butler and fiance Louie with their son Georgros

Lou and Betty Dehn visited in Versailles, MO. during Thanksgiving with her Mother, Ollie Hill and brother, Donald Hill where they had dinner. Ollie returned to Arcadia with the Dehns to spend a week. The two ladies had tea one afternoon with Mary V. Shead.

Arcadia Area News

The Free Holiday Supper will be served at 5:00 PM, Saturday, December 10 in Arcadia Community Center. Open Door Mission and Christian Church are the Hosts. Please take a non-perishable food item to fill Christmas Baskets for Holiday Giving. There will be door prizes and music by Janelle Bunny.

The Bearcat Cafe in Arcadia is open Tuesday thru Saturday 7AM-5PM.

Lynetta Fisher was pleased to hear the birthday song dedicated to her Sunday morning as she gave her offering. Among those present were her brothers Zack & Nick Younge in Arcadia Christian Church.

Walter & Donnette Parrish came from Houston, Texas to visit his parents, John & Vera Parrish in Pittsburg and other family relatives for Thanksgiving Holiday.

Bill, Delton Jr, Tom and Allen Watt sons and two grandsons, Douglas & Joseph Watt visited Mae Watt for Thanksgiving Day . Bill’s Great Grandson, Michael was recently married in St. Louis.

Cause for a great Thanksgiving Holiday when Landen Walrod shot a 10 point Buck. Sunday November 27, Charles & Willa Cable celebrated Thanksgiving with Bob & Lori Cable,Sam and Nate in Lamar, Mo. Guests were Seth Cable & friend Paige from Pittsburg.Then Thanksgiving Day, Charles & Willa celebrated with Cherri & Paul Walrod family from Eudora and Mable Tacilet from Ft. Scott.

Arcadia residents want to send a thank-you to Senator Jerry Moran, Republican from Kansas who is working to help save Arcadia Post Office and other small towns’ mail service.

The day Class # 10 met in Arcadia Christian Church bungalow, November 16, 2011, Arcadia welcomed the first snow of the season.By the time to return home, it had all disappeared. Members are asking folks to please save the UPC’s from Best Choice groceries. It is to raise funds in order to help the JOY and Class #10 do for others especially during this season and throughout the year.

Bill Dobbins, Frontenac, fell in his home on Saturday, Nov 26. He is now in Via Christi Hospital, Pittsburg facing surgery for a broken hip. His friend, Charles Corporon, went to see about him when Bill did not answer his phone. EMS and Police soon had the patient in the hospital.

Ora Lee Phoebe Foster Morey, 80, died Wednesday, Nov 23, 2011 in Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg. She was born in Arcadia to Richard & Anna Mae (Bennett) Foster and was married to Jerome Morey in 1956. She attended Arcadia Grade School and a graduate of Pittsburh High School. Many of us old timers remember her well as a little girl in Arcadia.

Ron Wolf of rural Garland suffered a heart attack last week and was rushed to a KC Hospital.

During Thanksgiving week, Shirley Applegarth of Tulsa and her sister, Mildred Beitzel and daughter Linda & Mike Chase were house guests of Mary V. Shead. They flew back to their homes in Washington State the weekend after attending a large family reunion dinner held in the Farm home of Vickie & Larry Shead. Those signing the register on Thanksgiving Day numbered seventy-three. Many of the cousins and little ones stayed until after church the following Sunday.

On a recent week, Ralph & Cindy Shead, Phil & Susan Casey and Emily, and Doug Reed went to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the National Missionary Convention as delegates on behalf of LATM, Joplin.

Arcadia Area News

Patrons of the Arcadia Post Office are asked to sign a petition in City Hall in regard to the possible Post Office closing. The feasibility study will be over in early December by the U.S. Postal authorities. Shortly after that a decision will be made.

The announcement was made Sunday that a Community Holiday Dinner will be sponsored by Open Door Mission and Christian Church on December 10, in Arcadia Community Center, 5:00 PM.

Friends are asked for non perishable foods for the needy in Arcadia, In exchange for the gift, a ticket will be given for a drawing at the end of the event.

The Fort Scott Presbyterian Village invited area folks to attend HEALTHY CHOICE FOR DIABETICS DURING THE HOLIDAYS in their Village featuring Ann Ludlum who is the Agent for Southwind Extension District. I was sorry I had a meeting that day and unable to attend.

A former Arcadian and a member of this church has put together a spiral book all about THE ARCADIA CHRISTIAN CHURCH from the beginning to the present. I was pleased to receive from him a copy autographed by him and delivered to me by his parents, Vera and John Parrish, now living in Pittsburg. Walter now lives in Texas. Much of the history in the issue was written by my late father, G. W. Corporon. This is one of the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving Holiday season.

Ralph & Cindy Shead returned to their home in Carl Junction, MO. after spending from November l7-20 attending the National Missionary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.

OUR GANG will be meeting December 3 next month due to the busy holiday later in the month. Plans are for Soup and sandwiches. There will be Potato and Vegetable Soup and Chili. There may be Oyster Stew. Finger food and desserts. Those who care to participate, please take a wrapped gift to exchange

Stuart and Ashley and Elizabeth Semple enjoyed a Sunday dinner in Springfield, MO with his parents. In his place leading the singing in Arcadia Christian Church were Clay Carrington and Vera Parrish. Before sermon time, pastor Cable led all in singing a song he learned when teaching children as a Bible Student. It is entitled I’M IN GOD ARMY. All went through the motions. Vera read an original Thanksgiving poem written by husband John Parrish. Mae Watt sent greetings to all and a birthday offering for her son Bill Watt. The birthday song was dedicated to Bill.

A bulletin was passed to each person asking for a list of things to be thankful for and spend some time in prayer, praising and thanking God. May he bless you.

The first Monday in November, Larry Shead attended a meeting in Pratt, Kansas on behalf of Fort Scott Community College.. Enroute home he drove in heavy rain, so it took about 5 hours. About 2 miles from his farm home he missed hitting two opossums but hit a raccoon that ran out in front of him.. He had just had his car repaired from a recent hit by a deer.

On a recent weekend, Patty & Gary Peterson attended a Festival in the Apostolic Church on a hill in Seneca, MO. They had a very fine time and won three cakes.

Arcadia Area News

Clay Carrigton attended the wedding of his brother, Joseph Darel Plotner and Cassandra Marie Blanchard on November 11, 2011 in Galena, Kansas. A reception was held immdiately following the wedding in Fellowship Hall.

Gael & Dave Martin of Spring Hill, Kansas visited her Aunt, Mary V. Shead on Saturday morning in Arcadia and enjoyed lunch in Harry’s Cafe, Pittsburg with her cousin, Charles Corporon. That afternoon, they visited former Spring Hill neighbors who recently moved to Pittsburg. The Martins are former students of PSU.

Doris Schaub, former Arcadian now living in Ft. Scott visited Mae Watt one day last week. Mae’s sons living in the Kansa City Area and Wichita visit frequently and contact her by phone every day.

This past week, friends took Mae to the Veterans’ Day program held in Winfield Scott Elementary School. It was entitled THIS IS AMERICA.

Ava Mae Adams was honored for her birthday one day last week when her cousin, Louise Holland and Judy Rawlings took her to lunch in Pittsburg. Enroute to pick up their guest, the two ladies took Ruth Holland with a prepared lunch to the home of Mary V. Shead in Arcadia where the two old time friends played Dominoes, took a walk and talked about their activities of long ago when Ruth used to live in Arcadia and attended Christian Church. Ruth now lives Rural Liberal, MO.

In the Arcadia Christian Church on Sunday morning, November 13, Clay Carrington was the song leader with Vera and Christie Parrish as his helpers and Charles Cable at the piano. After Scripture Reading from the pulpit, two construction workers appeared with bags of rubbish that Pastor later described as “reasons why people don’t come to church”. The “two workers” are known as Willa Cable & Patty Peterson, teachers of the youth in Sunday School. They received a round of Applause! Those attending JOY Class again gave thanks to Wayne Parrish. President of the church Board for the home baked treats he brings each Sunday morning.

Ralph & Cindy Shead returned to their home in Carl Junction, Mo. after spending Fri night with his Mother, Mary V. Shead in Arcadia.
They left early Saturday morning to speak for Literature
and Teaching Ministries at Union Christian Church, Terre Haute, Indiana. Ralph first visited the church while a college student in the l970’s and stayed at the home of Jean Farr, who also hosted Ralph & Cindy for this visit.
OnThe same weekend his brother, Larry Shead left on Sunday for a business meeting on behalf of Community College, Ft. Scott in Pratt, Kansas. He also returned home on Monday evening.

Mitzi Ray with sons Cademon & Ryan and daughter Atalie of Tulsa spent time with Haley & Mark Shead family in Ft. Scott. Husband, Joel Ray was tiling a home in Joplin with his brother-in-law, Clayton Liston, as his helper. The Ray family spent one night with her Uncle Ralph & Cindy Shead in Carl Junction before returning to their home in Tulsa.