KDOT announces call for EV infrastructure projects


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Transportation announces a call for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure projects statewide before proposals are accepted for these projects.

Nearly $16 million in National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula funds are available for DC Fast-Charging projects along federally designated EV Charging Alternative Fuel Corridors in Kansas. All awarded projects are required to provide a minimum 20% cash match.

The call for EV infrastructure projects requires a Project Interest Form to be submitted online before the formal proposal process begins.

“This allows KDOT to verify eligibility and receive feedback on locations of interest,” said Tami Alexander, KDOT Transportation Electrification Manager. “The forms will help us to determine support for EV charging in locations around the state.”

A brief overview of the application process is below –

  • Request for Interest (RFI)
  • Project Interest Form deadline – forms must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST on March 19.
  • Review of forms – March-April.
  • Request For Proposals details distributed to eligible RFI respondents – April 11.
  • Deadline to submit proposals – 11:59 p.m. CST on June 21.
  • Bid proposals reviewed – June-July
  • Anticipated award announcements – September

For more information, contact [email protected].


2024 Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award Nominations Open


TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced that the Kansas Department of Commerce is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award.

The Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award is a prestigious honor given by the Governor to best-in-class Kansas companies involved in international trade. These businesses are honored as examples of Kansas’ excellence in exporting to countries worldwide.

“Kansas businesses create outstanding products sought around the globe, and we’re proud to share those creations with people worldwide,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “The Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award is given to companies that demonstrate unique creativity, innovation and success in this critical sector of the state economy.”

To nominate a business, including your own, click here.

The Kansas Department of Commerce’s International Division and the Kansas International Trade Coordinating Council coordinate the selection process.

“The strength of our exporters is helping fuel the current significant increase in our state’s gross domestic product (GDP),” Commerce International Director Laura Lombard said. “This is the highest award our state offers to exporters. If you know one of these superior businesses, please nominate them.”

To be eligible, companies must be in good standing with the state and currently operating in and exporting from Kansas. Nominations must be received by April 1, 2024.

There are no restrictions on who may nominate a company for the award, and self-nominating is acceptable.  For more information on the Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award, including past winners and notable anniversaries, click here.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce:

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and was awarded the 2021 and 2022 Governor’s Cup by Site Selection Magazine.


Agenda for the FSCC Trustees on February 19

The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday,
February 19, 2024. The meeting will be held in the meeting room of Ellis Fine Arts Center at Fort
Scott Community College.

To view the entire packet:

2.19.24 Consent Agenda

5:30 p.m. Regular monthly Board meeting
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Chair, 4
B. Comments from the Public, 4
C. Review of Programs – Volleyball, 4
A. Approval of Agenda, 5
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on January 29,
2023, 6
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims, 10
D. Ratification of Contracts, 45
E. Approval of Personnel Actions, 5
F. Approval of Gordon Parks Center Policy Revisions, 48
A. First Reading of Policies, 50
1. Board Member Conflicts of Interest, 50
2. Board Meeting Rules of Order, 50
3. Employee Tuition Scholarship, 51
4. Campus Closings Due to Weather, 51
B. Five Year Financial Plan, 52
C. 2024-25 Academic Year Fees, 59
D. FSCC Hall of Fame Guidelines, 60
A. Resolution 2024 – 1: Approval of Petty Cash Increase, 61
B. Resolution 2024 – 2: Consideration of Sycamore Grove Apartments Lease Agreement, 62
C. Resolution 2024 – 3: Approval of Bank Signee Resolution, 63
A. Higher Learning Commission, 65
B. Gordon Parks Museum, 661
C. Foundation, 65
D. Administration, 68
• February 19, 2024 Board Meeting
• March 11 – 15, 2024 Spring Break, Campus Closed
• March 18, 2024 Board Meeting
• April 15, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 20, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 27, 2024 Memorial Day, Campus Closed
• June 17, 2024 Board Meeting
Bryan Holt, Chair
Jason Kegler, President
FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a
central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective
processes; and developing the region’s workforce.2
_____ Ronda Bailey
_____ John Bartelsmeyer
_____ Jim Fewins
_____ Bryan Holt
_____ Chad McKinnis
_____ Doug Ropp3

Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on January 29, 2024.
Attached are the Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims Report.
Attached are contracts for amounts less than the threshold required for Board approval.

1) Additions
a) Karl Hubig, Harley-Davidson Custodian, effective February 15, 2024

2) Separations
a) Luke Demko, Associate Dean of Students/Athletic Director, effective January 31, 2024

3) Transfers
a) Allie Birket, from Instruction Office Assistant to Kansas Migrant Office Assistant, effective February 19, 2024
Attached are policy changes presented by the Gordon Parks Center.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as
VOTE: Bailey Bartelsmeyer Fewins
Holt McKinnis Ropp

Minutes of the Fort Scott Community College Trustees on January 19

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
January 29, 2024
PRESENT: Ronda Bailey, Jim Fewins, Bryan Holt, Chad McKinnis, and Doug Ropp
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Kegler-President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, faculty, staff, community members
Board Clerk McDaniel called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm in the meeting rooms of the Ellis Fine Arts Center.
A motion was made by Fewins seconded by Bailey and carried by unanimous vote to appoint Bryan Holt as chair pro tem.
COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Chair pro tem Holt stated Chair Bartelsmeyer was sick and unable to attend.
He then led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance.
COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: Steve Anthony spoke to the Board about his desire to be able to get former FSCC players who are now playing in the NFL inducted into the FSCC Hall of Fame. He volunteered to lead whatever work is required to allow the induction of those 4 former students who are now playing professional football. If a policy is preventing the induction, he advocated for a change of policy.
REVIEW OF PROGRAMS – JOHN DEERE: John Deere Technology instructors Kent Aikin and Dale Griffiths presented an update about FSCC’s John Deere program. They provided a history of the program and offerings, adding that twenty-one other institutions offer the program. John Deere Corporate makes annual contributions to
FSCC’s program with training aids, new machines, instructor education, and budgetary assistance for classroom learning, banquets, and recruiting assistance. Last year this amount was near $19,000. Ninety-five percent of graduates are hired full time at their sponsoring dealership, and their salaries can range from $50,000 – $100,000 annually. FSCC’s program provides required certifications for these students to work in the industry, as well as an
Associate of Applied Science Degree, which can be used to obtain a bachelor’s degree at Pittsburg State University
or Kansas State in Salina by way of a 2+2 agreement. The proposed changes to FSCC’s program will easily double the number of students graduating every year, and FSCC is serving as the pilot school for this change in every other school in the country. Currently there are 21 freshmen, 17 sophomores, and a waiting list for the beginning of next semester. FSCC will increase enrollment from 22 new students to 48 new students per year, and up to 68 new
students per year in five years. The increased enrollment would require a third or even a fourth instructor. Students in John Deere are eligible for FAFSA and Kansas Promise Act.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE: Dr. Kegler reviewed a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form with the Board requesting the Board to identify their conflicts of interest. A blank form will be posted to the website. Signed documents should be returned to Juley McDaniel. Should the board approve an upcoming policy in next month’s meeting, all employees will be asked to complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure in the future.
AFFIRMATION OF SERVICE: Dr. Kegler reviewed an Affirmation of Service form. One form will be signed by all Board members. Signed documents should be returned to Juley McDaniel, and the signed document will be posted to the website.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to executive session for 5 minutes beginning at 12:40 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to appointment of officers, positions, and officials with action expected to follow in the
appointment of officers, positions, and officials. The Board invited Dr. Kegler to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 12:46 pm by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous
vote to return to open session.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to appoint Bryan Holt as Board Chair.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to appoint Doug Ropp as Board Vice-Chair.
A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve appointments below for 2024.
TREASURER Gina Shelton
GREENBUSH REP John Bartelsmeyer
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the consent agenda.
A. Foundation Donation – Dr. Kegler reported the Foundation Board has given FSCC a very generous donation. The gifted funds are to be used at the discretion of administration who will meet with Sarah
Smith in the Foundation Office to determine how the funds will be distributed. Dr. Kegler said the funds are being considered for use toward operational expenses, and some will go to payments of COPs and lease payments. Dr. Kegler stated the donation takes some of the stress and pressure of trying to make some of
the decisions currently being made. An upcoming meeting with the Foundation will be held on February 1.
There was additional conversation about the ongoing audit process and recently receiving state aid and property tax. Fewins requested the board receive an outline of when the college receives funding from various resources.
B. Institutional Workstudy – Dr. Kegler informed the Board a determination has been made that institutional workstudy being received by baseball and softball students could be eliminated. He acknowledged the decision impacts seventeen students receiving $3,200 per academic year, but it is an opportunity for
expenses to be reduced. Students employed as an institutional workstudy on the academic or student services departments would not be impacted. He cited the need to look at other cuts such as personnel or deeper budget cuts if institutional workstudy is not cut. Board members asked questions about how many
students currently on institutional workstudy qualify for federal workstudy, and Dr. Kegler reported the Financial Aid office indicated a handful of those students would qualify for federal workstudy funds. Dr. Kegler also addressed having those students report to the athletic director as opposed to their coaches so it
appears cleaner. The baseball and softball institutional workstudies are reportedly for field maintenance, and Dr. Kegler said he has offered to reassign an employee from maintenance to take care of those facilities.
Board members Bailey, Fewins, and McKinnis expressed concern about impacting students this semester by eliminating funds students were under the impression they would receive. Dr. Kegler said alternative action can certainly be considered, but FSCC needs to reduce its payroll, as the monthly payroll is too much. The Board reiterated their hope is that workstudy students be a last resort to be cut, and agreed that set guidelines need to be defined for institutional workstudy in the future.
C. Five Year Financial Plan – Dr. Kegler informed the Board that Carolyn Sinn is working on a 5-year plan of the last 5 years. He says it will give administration the ability to see increases to salaries and benefits.
D. Administrative Restructure – Dr. Kegler explained the revised organization chart proposed to be effective 7/1/24, saying the revised structure is a model many institutions already have or are putting in place. He noted many institutions are faulted in the accreditation process for having too many vice presidents. FSCC
has had three to four vice presidents in recent years, and Dr. Kegler reported reducing the amount of vice presidents will make FSCC’s structure more in line to other institutions who have gone to a provost-type model. The proposed organization chart would create a Vice President of Student Development. This
position would oversee all functional areas that impact students at FSCC. Dr. Kegler stated the current vice presidents would become Deans or Associate Deans in the proposed organization chart, and salaries will be aligned with responsibilities. Dr. Kegler cited a need for consistency in how things are being done and how the student experience is flowing. He stated the restructure will also bring some salaries into line with responsibilities. Dr. Kegler added it is important to minimize some of our administrators and
administrative titles, stating the same work is going to be done, just not at the level it is currently. He stated an internal search would be conducted to fill the new Vice President of Student Development, saying he didn’t think it would be necessary to do an external search.
A. A motion was made by McKinnis seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the John Deere Certificate as described.
B. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the revision to the Associate of Applied Science in Agriculture Technology for John Deere as described.
C. A motion was made by Ropp, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Heavy Equipment Operation Program.
There was consensus of the board to take a five-minute recess at 2:06 pm. The meeting resumed at 2:13 pm.
D. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Mission, Core Values, and Vision Statements as presented.
E. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the 2024-25 academic calendar as presented.
F. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the bank signer resolution, listing John Bartelsmeyer as the board appointed signature.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed items of appreciation and correspondence.
• HLC – Dr. Kegler described the process the HLC preparation committee is going through in preparation for HLC’s upcoming visit October 13 – 14, 2025. The group is meeting weekly to review each criterion and will be spending the next year and a half writing the document. Sara Sutton is co-chairing the committee.
• GORDON PARKS MUSEUM – The Board reviewed a report provided by the Gordon Parks Museum.
• FOUNDATION – Dr. Kegler said he has asked the Foundation Board to come to a Board of Trustees meeting quarterly. He stated the Foundation has committed to being more of a supporter and partner of the college, including agreeing to help FSCC with the funding for the Foundation Director position.
• ADMINISTRATION – The Board reviewed and heard updates from Miami County, Academic Affairs, Finance and Operations, Student Services, and President.
The Board requested an opportunity to evaluate Hall of Fame requirements for the next meeting.
Chairman Holt suggested sending the employee satisfaction survey now, as it would send the message that the board cares what employees are thinking. He recommended the executive team discuss and determine if it should be sent now.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 4:15 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to performance evaluations and discussion of identifiable personnel information of non- elected personnel with no action expected to follow. The Board invited Dr. Kegler and Gina Shelton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 4:27 pm by Fewins, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Ropp and carried by unanimous vote to adjourn to executive session for 10 minutes beginning at 4:30 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel as it relates to performance evaluations and discussion of identifiable personnel information of non-
elected personnel with no action expected to follow. The Board invited Dr. Kegler and Gina Shelton to join.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made at 4:45 pm by Fewins, seconded by Ropp, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
4:46 pm by Ropp, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk

From the Associated Press: Kansas City Chief’s Super Bowl Parade Shooting This Afternoon

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A shooting at the end of the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade left at least eight injured while sending terrified fans running for cover.

Fire Department Battalion Chief Michael Hopkins said eight to 10 people were injured but declined further comment, saying only that additional information will be released soon.

Police said in a news release that two people were detained. Fans were urged to exit the area as quickly as possible.

A woman is taken to an ambulance after an incident following the Kansas City Chiefs NFL football Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City, Mo., Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024. The Chiefs defeated the San Francisco 49ers Sunday in the Super Bowl 58. (AP Photo/Reed Hoffmann)
A woman is taken to an ambulance after an incident following the Kansas City Chiefs NFL football Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City, Mo., Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024. The Chiefs defeated the San Francisco 49ers Sunday in the Super Bowl 58. (AP Photo/Reed Hoffmann)

Ofilio Martinez, 48, said he heard shots fired a couple blocks away about 10 or 15 minutes before the gunfire near the Union Station rally.

“This is making me nervous, scared,” he said.

Kevin Sanders, 53, of Lenexa, Kansas, said he heard what sounded like firecrackers and then people running. After that initial flurry, calm returned, and he didn’t think much of it. But he said 10 minutes later, ambulances started showing up.

“It sucks that someone had to ruin the celebration, but we are in a big city,” Sanders said.

Lisa Augustine, spokesperson for Children’s Mercy Kansas City, said the hospital “is receiving patients from the rally.” She didn’t know how many or immediately offer any details about their injuries.

The University of Kansas Health System was treating one person wounded in the shooting, said Jill Jensen Chadwick, news director for the health system. She didn’t know the person’s condition.

“When you have this many casualties, it’s going to get spread out among a lot of hospitals so that you don’t overwhelm single ER,” she said.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson and the first lady were at the parade when shots were fired but are safe, Parson posted on X.

“State law enforcement personnel are assisting local authorities in response efforts,” Parson posted. “As we wait to learn more, our hearts go out to the victims.”

Chiefs trainer Rick Burkholder said he was with coach Andy Reid and other coaches and staff members, and the team was on buses and returning to Arrowhead Stadium.

Areas that had been filled with crowds were empty after the shooting, with police and firefighters standing and talking behind an area restricted by yellow tape.

Throngs lined the route, with fans climbing trees and street poles, or standing on rooftops for a better view. Owner Clark Hunt was on one of those buses, holding the Lombardi Trophy. Former “Modern Family” star Eric Stonestreet was part of the mob.

Players rolled through the crowd on double-decker buses, DJs and drummers heralding their arrival.

“We are stacking up trophies,” linebacker Drue Tranquill said as he grabbed a reporter’s mic during Wednesday’s festivities to mark the Chiefs’ come-from-behind, 25-22 overtime win over the San Francisco 49ers.

“Best fans in the world,” exclaimed wide receiver Mecole Hardman, who caught the winning touchdown pass, as he walked along the route, with the players signing jerseys and at least one person’s head.

“Never stop,” running back Isiah Pacheco added from the route.

Key on the minds of many fans is whether pop superstar Taylor Swift would join her boyfriend Travis Kelce for the parade and victory speeches. Swift has not commented. She has a show in Melbourne, Australia, on Friday night, the first of three scheduled concerts on her Eras Tour.

She was nowhere to be seen early in the parade. Instead, Kelce was joined by his mom, Donna Kelce, the superstar of NFL moms (her oldest son, Jason Kelce, is a center for the Philadelphia Eagles).

Unseasonably warm temperatures in the 60s Fahrenheit (15-20 Celsius) had players stripping off shirts. The weather also helped generate a crowd that city officials estimate could top 1 million.

“I missed last year. I said, ‘I’m not missing this year,’” said longtime fan Charles Smith Sr., who flew from his home in Sicklerville, New Jersey, for the parade.

Known by friends as Kansas City Smitty, the 52-year-old first became a Chiefs fan when Christian Okoye played fullback for the team starting in the late 1980s.

“I got a history with this team,” he said, adding that he ran out of his home with a giant flag, screaming “Kansas City,” when the Chiefs clinched the victory in overtime.

The city and the team each chipped in around $1 million for the event commemorating Kelce, Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs becoming the first team since Tom Brady and the New England Patriots two decades ago to defend their title.

Some fans camped overnight and others began to stake out spots before dawn to catch prime viewing spots. Bailey McDermott, 17, and Gracie Gilby, 16, of Lebanon, Missouri, got up at 3 a.m. to make the three-hour drive to the parade. They had a party to watch the game, confetti poppers erupting when the Chiefs won.

“Kind of freaking out at the end,” said Gilby, who wore a sequined Chiefs jerseys with Kelce’s No. 87 on it. McDermott also had a sequined jersey, hers bearing Mahomes’ No. 15.

After decades without a championship, the city is gaining experience with victory parades. Five seasons ago, the Chiefs defeated the 49ers for the team’s first Super Bowl championship in 50 years. That followed the Kansas City Royals winning the World Series in 2015, the city’s first baseball championship in 30 years. That year, fans abandoned their cars on the side of the highway so they could walk to the celebration.

Then, last year, the Chiefs defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 38-35 and prophetically vowed they would be back for more.


AP NFL: https://apnews.com/hub/nfl

The Obituary of Judith Mack

Christina Judith “Judy” Mack, age 80, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Sunday, February 11, 2024, at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas.

She was born July 24, 1943, in Grenada, West Indies, the daughter of Donald “Sam” Perrotte and Brownie Bonaparte.  At the age of eighteen, Judy left Grenada and moved to England where she attended nursing school.  While working as a nurse, Judy met her future husband, Devney Mack, Jr. of Ft. Scott, Kansas who was serving with the United States Air Force.

Judy and Devney were married on January 29, 1969, at Bedford, England.  After their marriage, they moved to Ft. Scott and Judy began working at Mercy Hospital.  Judy continued at Mercy as an ICU nurse until she retired at age seventy.  Judy was an active member of the United Missionary Baptist Church.  She was a Deaconess and served on the Evangelistic Committee.  She was also secretary of the Trustee Board and secretary of the Neosho Valley District Mission Department.  Judy loved music and sang in the church choir.

In her spare time, she enjoyed crocheting and traveling.  Judy had a eye for design and enjoyed decorating and arranging flowers.  She was an avid fan of local sports teams and faithfully attended Tiger and Greyhound sporting events.  She also cheered on the Kansas City Chiefs and the Golden State Warriors.


Survivor include her children, Craig Davis (Jammie) of Haslet, Texas, Estella Lamfu (Charles) of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Devney Mack III of Springfield, Missouri and Cyn-De Mack of Ft. Scott; thirteen grandchildren, Jarran Davis (Claudia), Michael Davis, Kyrin Armour, John Davis, Alexis Davis, Angel Mabwai, Alicia Dodd, Brent Dodd (Diana), Angelique Glasgow (Osagie), Brianna Lamfu, Adrian Lamfu, Raven Bouray (Michael), and Christian Mack and ten great-grandchildren, Jax, Jordan, Romeo, Marcus, Tamara, Maya, Jayla, Tiyana, Rory and Lilith.  Also surviving are numerous brothers and sisters including her sister, Diana Mitchell and niece, Allison both of England.

Judy was preceded in death by her husband, Devney on January 2, 2007.  She was also preceded in death by two grandsons, Lance Davis and Matthew Dodd.


Rev. George Proctor will conduct funeral services at 11:00 A.M. Friday, February 23rd at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Burial will follow in the U. S. National Cemetery.

Memorials are suggested to Care to Share and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

A Disturbance in the Courtroom Caused An Activation to All On-Duty Law Enforcement Officers

On the morning of February 14, 2024, Steven L. Johnson,60, appeared before the Bourbon County District Court for sentencing.

During the proceedings, Johnson became agitated with the sentencing and caused a disturbance in the courtroom, causing courtroom personnel to activate the panic alarm.

The panic alarm activation sends a message to all on-duty law enforcement officers through the radion system.

Johnson was escorted out of the courthouse and was transported by EMS to Via Christi, Pittsburg, to be medically cleared for confinement.

No courtroom personnel or law enforcement officers were injured.

Johnson is currently being held at the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center, Fort Scott, waiting to be transported to the Kansas Department of Corrections.

Submitted by William K. Martin, Sheriff

The jail is known as the Bourbon County Law Enforcement Center, Fort Scott.

Barbed Wire and Roses Celebrates Three Years in Business

Barbed Wire and Rose Vintage Market owner Rosemary Harris. Submitted photo.

Rosemary Harris opened  Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market, 18 N. Main Ste. A on January 30, 2021.

The Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market, 18 N. Main, Suite A.. Submitted photo.

“Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market was started because I love vintage, antique, and collectible items and through the store, they can find new life and purpose and can go back out into the world,” Harris said. “I love when someone finds an item in the store that they have been looking for and share their story about it.  I also felt that our historic downtown area was the perfect location for opening a vintage/antique store.”

The shop provides Fort Scott and the surrounding areas a place to go for furniture, home décor, collectibles, and fun and unique items.  “We also have people coming into the store looking for specific items and we try to help people locate those items whenever we can,” she said.  “Our vendors and consignment items bring a variety of products into the store for our customers and friends to choose from.”

A variety of one-of-a-kind articles are found in Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market. Submitted photo.

Conversations are started over some items.

“Toys and home décor bring back lots of fond memories,” she said.  “Many customers enjoy reminiscing over items in the store their grandparents or other family members had when they were growing up and visiting their homes.  We love when our shoppers share their stories and memories about cherished collections or mementos they have.”

” We hope to keep providing Fort Scott and the surrounding area with a fun place to shop and continue to be a part of our downtown shopping district,” Harris said.  “We are excited to be celebrating our third year in business.  We are celebrating our 3-year anniversary with sales throughout the store and treats for the month of February.”

Some merchandise in the shop. Submitted photo.

Contact information: the store number is 620-224-7764 and it can be found on Facebook at Barbed Wire and Roses Vintage Market

Statewide Virtual Job Fair is Feb. 21

Commerce Encourages Jobseekers to Attend Year’s First Statewide Virtual Job Fair

TOPEKA – Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland encourages jobseekers and employers searching for talent to take part in the first Virtual Statewide Job Fair of the year. Hosted by KANSASWORKS, the job fair will be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 21.

“Our state continues to see a surge in job growth as companies look to expand in Kansas,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “There are jobs available for everyone that is looking, and our KANSASWORKS team is here to assist all Kansans find employment opportunities at every skill level.”

The Virtual Statewide Job Fair portal features helpful information such as a jobseeker training video, a list of participating employers and channels for attendees to register and log in. Jobseekers are encouraged to dress professionally, as employers may request to engage in a video interview.

Candidates can participate through any digital device. Any individual with a disability may request accommodations by contacting their nearest workforce center at (877) 509-6757 prior to the event.

Registration is required to participate in virtual job fairs, regardless of previous participation. To register, click here.


KANSASWORKS links businesses, job candidates and educational institutions to ensure that employers can find skilled workers. Services are provided to employers and job candidates through the state’s 27 workforce centers, online or virtual services KANSASWORKS is completely free for all Kansans to use. Learn more at KANSASWORKS.com. State employment opportunities can be found at jobs.ks.gov.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce:

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses. Through Commerce’s project successes, Kansas was awarded Area Development Magazine’s prestigious Gold Shovel award in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and was awarded the 2021 and 2022 Governor’s Cup by Site Selection Magazine.


The Obituary of Justin Hersh

Justin Dean Hersh, age 45, a resident of Overland Park, KS passed away unexpectedly Thursday, February 8, 2024, at his home. He was born February 10, 1978, in Fort Scott, KS. to Jack D. Hersh and Ann (Cook) Hersh. He graduated from FSHS with the class of 1996, and then attended Kansas State University with degrees in Wildlife Biology and Natural Resources.


He is survived by his parents Leon and Ann Stark; sisters, Lisa Young, Amy Major (Mark); nephews, Jacob Major (Logan) and Alex Major; niece, Monica Hampton; aunt, Diann Tucker (Raymond), uncle, Garry Cook (Karen); and several cousins. He loved his constant companion, his dog, Lemmy.


He was preceded in death by his father, Jack Hersh; paternal grandparents, Paul and Evelyn Hersh, Cecil and Marie Stark; and maternal grandparents, Amos and Alberta Cook.


He enjoyed hunting, fishing, family gatherings, and K-State friends get togethers. He was an avid K-State Wildcat and Kansas City Chiefs fan.


Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM Friday, February 16th, at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Burial will follow in the Evergreen Cemetery, Fort Scott.

The family will receive friends from 5:00 until 7:00 PM Thursday evening at the funeral home.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials to either Community Christian Church or Fort Scott High School Scholarship Fund and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main St., Fort Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted online at cheneywitt.com.


USD 234 Board of Education Met on February 13

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697


620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760



DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        








Monday, February 12, 2024


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 2024, for their regular monthly meeting at the board office.


President David Stewart opened the meeting.


The board appointed Joe Wimmer as board member for the next two years.


The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:

Board Minutes

01/08/24 Board Minutes

Financials-Cash Flow Report

Check Register

Payroll – January 19, 2024 – $1,662,919.06

Activity Fund accounts

USD 234 Gifts

Resolution 23-15 KMIP Signers

FSHS Baseball Extended Trip – March 13-15, 2024


Tiger Team Members of the Month was the Fort Scott SPED Department Speech Team.

Speech Team – Danette Popp, Christie Smith, Afton Hyer, Liz Underwood, Jodi Brown
Michelle Lisica, Mikiah Anderson, Shelly Yocham

Liz Underwood, Winfield Scott, Michelle Lisica, Eugene Ware, and Shelly Yocham, Eugene Ware, are in their first year as Speech Paras for the district. Mikiah Anderson is in her third year with Preschool.

Afton Hyer, Winfield Scott, has been Speech Therapist for the district the last six years and a total of twelve years.

Christie Smith, Eugene Ware, is in her second year with USD 234 and twenty-five years altogether.

Danette Popp, Preschool, has been with the district for twenty-six years and a Speech Therapist for thirty years.

Jodi Brown just started part time with Fort Scott this year and a Speech Therapist for the last twenty years.

Attending through Zoom was Tessa Alumbaugh, she is in her first year with Fort Scott as a Tele-therapist and has been a Speech Therapist for almost eleven years.

Mrs. Barnes recognized each of the team by congratulating them for being flexible and always willing to do whatever it takes to help and support the students.

Mrs. Barnes also recognized three Winfield Scott Paraprofessionals, Rachel Pommier, Francis Torres, and Laurie Bollinger. Mr. Garzone and teachers at Winfield Scott spoke very highly of these three Paras. They are positive and willing to work hard and be available for the students.

Chris Garzone – Assistant Principal
Laurie Bollinger, Francis Torres, Rachel Pommier – Winfield Scott Paras


Superintendent Destry Brown reported about the Preschool grant that the district did not receive, but that we will apply for the next round soon. Several students at the High School have requested to start Zero Reasons Why program which is to help “remove the stigma of mental health and prevent teen suicide.”  These students are extremely excited to get this started in our District. Mr. Brown also spoke out the KSDE Audit that was finished this last week.

Tonya Barnes, Special Education Director, gave a summary of the Speech team and their caseloads. She reported on upcoming training that she will be involved with during the end of this month. Also, Mrs. Barnes gave information on Medicaid reimbursements and deadlines for those reports.

Travis Laver, School Finance Consultant through Greenbush, came to update the Board on the District Finances. He explained about Senate Bill 386 that could potentially effect Fort Scott School District. Also, he was able to give guidance on Preschool enrollment and other options for the district. Travis thanked the district for being helpful and easy to work with during this time. He also is waiting for results from the KSDE audit to know final numbers.

Robin Button, Food Service Director, presented to the Board information about the Free Lunch Program that is District Wide this year. We have seen an increase in student participation in most buildings. She was able to explain the process for school reimbursement from various programs.

Superintendent Brown went over the contract from Hight Jackson for the remodel of the Preschool Building. Going forward the district will be able to do dirt and drainage work. An estimate of this summer was given before the final drawings from the architect would be completed.


As a discussion item, Superintendent Brown brought to the Board the rough draft of a new cell phone policy to be implemented. They were provided with a list of what that policy could potentially look like in the future, including times, devices, as well as disciplinary actions. There will be further discussion on this policy.

The board approved the following items:

  • Hight Jackson Fort Scott Preschool Contract


The board went into an executive session for personnel matters.


President Stewart adjourned the meeting.








February 12, 2024




Bergmann, Mark – Resignation – English Teacher – High School

Crapson, Sydney – Resignation – 1st Grade Teacher – Winfield Scott

Hall, Dakota – Resignation – Assistant Wrestling Coach

Yarick, Gail – Resignation – Business Manager



For the 2023-24 school year:

Lee, Becky – From Food Service to Full – Time Paraprofessional – Winfield Scott



Certified Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:


Cosens, Jayci – 7th Grade Social Studies – Middle School 2024-25

Hampton, Breanna – 6th Grade ELA – Middle School 2024-25

Hastings, Nicolette – Adaptive Special Education Teacher – High School – 2024-25

Oxholm, Chris – Adaptive Special Education Teacher – High School – 2024-25

Payne, Melissa – 6th Grade ELA – Middle School -2024-25


Classified Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:

Black, Carla – Part Time Paraprofessional – High School

Claypool, Kaitlyn – Paraprofessional – Eugene Ware

Endicott, Jencyn – Paraprofessional – Winfield Scott

Graham, Jenna – Paraprofessional – Middle School

Uhler, Laurie – Paraprofessional – Middle School


Supplemental Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:

Jones, Madi – Assistant Track Coach – High School

Myers, Brent – Assistant Track Coach – High School

Robertson, Tom – Head Boys Golf Coach FSHS



The Board moved to extend Administrator Contracts as presented.