Governor applauds Congressional passage of USMCA


Citing its importance to Kansas exports and the state’s economy, Governor Laura Kelly and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam expressed praise today for Congressional passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).


“This is an important and welcome development in Kansas, especially as our farmers and ranchers struggle to rebuild after an historic year of natural disasters,” Governor Kelly said. “With more than 95 percent of the world’s consumers living outside the United States, world markets offer tremendous growth opportunities for Kansas agriculture. USMCA will create enhanced export opportunities and help Kansans capitalize on the increased global demand for food and agriculture products.”


Secretary Beam also cited the positive impact for Kansas producers.


“This agreement is great news for Kansas, especially Kansas agriculture,” he said. “Mexico and Canada are consistently in the top three trade partners for Kansas so maintaining these strong relationships is critical for agricultural exports in the state.”


Canada and Mexico are Kansas’ first and third largest export markets for Kansas food and agricultural commodities, totaling nearly $1.58 billion in 2018 or 41.1% of our total trade.


USMCA is a significant development for Kansas farmers and ranchers. With a downturn in commodity prices, the agriculture sector is at a critical crossroads. The passage of USMCA provides Kansas farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses a degree of certainty during some uncertain times. It also instills confidence in the state’s top trade partners and neighbors that the U.S. can be counted on as reliable suppliers of food and agricultural commodities.


According to the office of U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, under USMCA all food and agricultural products that have had zero tariffs under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will remain at zero tariffs. Since the original NAFTA did not eliminate all tariffs on agricultural trade between the United States and Canada, the USMCA will create new market access opportunities for United States exports to Canada of dairy, poultry, and eggs, and in exchange the United States will provide new access to Canada for some dairy, peanut, and a limited amount of sugar and sugar-containing products.

Independent Medical Laboratory Coming to Fort Scott Feb. 3

The sign in the front window of the new Mag-Lab office, tells the phone number to call for more information: 620-232-1900.

Mag-Lab, an independent medical laboratory, headquartered in Pittsburg, KS will be opening a Fort Scott satellite office on Feb. 3, 2020.

The office will be located in the building just north of Subway Restaurant at 1711 S. National, Suite C2.

Hours are 7 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday.

For more information contact: 620-232-1900.

The Offices, a set of professional office spaces being developed by Legweak LLC.

With specimens taken that morning , the results will be delivered to the doctor that afternoon.

“Complicated testing we send off to a reference lab,” Phlebotomist Sharon Newell said.

“If it’s a body fluid, we can test it,” Newell said.

“We can have anybody out in a few minutes,” she said. “There is not a lot of paperwork hassle. You have to have a doctor’s script if going through insurance.”

Gary and Jeannie Petersen are the owners of the lab.


Sharon Newell, the phlebotomist, stands in the doorway of the new Mag-Lab office in Fort Scott.

When one enters the lobby of the set of offices, there is a doorbell on the wall for contacting each of the personnel in the offices.

Currently, Mag-Lab is the only renter, but two more are on the horizon.

Brian Holt, medical technologist and Sharon Newell, phlebotomist stand in the lobby of The Offices, where the new Mag-Lab is located. The doorbell for notifying that clients are in the lobby is located behind Sewell.

Dr. Elias Tawil is the medical director of the lab.

The Kelly Budget: Continuing Progress

Governor Laura Kelley’s plan keeps promises to Kansas schools, expands affordable healthcare, pays over $600 million in debt, provides property, food sales tax relief


Topeka, Kan. — The second budget recommendation offered by Governor Laura Kelly delivers on her continued commitment to rebuilding Kansas after a decade of crisis. It maintains funding for Kansas public schools, includes funding to expand Medicaid, continues to phase out the “Bank of KDOT,” pays over $600 million in debt and provides over $117 million in commonsense tax relief.


“Kansas has made tremendous strides in recovering from the last decade of fiscal chaos,” Kelly said. “This balanced budget builds on that progress and positions Kansas to begin a new decade of shared prosperity and growth. I look forward to input from lawmakers and working with them to enact it.”


Kelly’s budget restores fundamental principles of Kansas fiscal responsibility:


    • Achieves Structural Balance: The Governor’s Budget Recommendation maintains structural balance, ensuring that state expenditures do not exceed revenues. It also meaningfully reduces the state’s irresponsible reliance on one-time funds.


    • Rebuilds State Savings: The Kelly Budget includes a statutorily required ending balance totaling $627.8 million. The 8.0 percent ending balance exceeds the amount required by law, a reflection of Gov. Kelly’s commitment to fiscal discipline.


    • Reduces State Debt: The Kelly budget retires $602.5 million of debt in FY 2020. This includes fully repaying the $264.3 million balance of the loan issued in calendar year 2017 from the Pooled Money Investment Board. It also pays off the $69.8 million balance of IMPACT bonds at the Department of Commerce. Paying $268.4 million will eliminate KPERS layering payments that resulted from skipping normal contributions to the system in FY 2017 and FY 2019. Altogether, paying these debts early saves an estimated $212.6 million in interest, as well as freeing up the related debt payments in future years.


Additionally, the Kelly budget accomplishes critical policy goals:


    • Keeps Funding Promise to Kansas Schools: In June 2019, the Kansas Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Kansas had enacted a plan that fulfills the state’s constitutional obligation to adequately and fairly fund public schools. The Court endorsed the 2019 proposal offered by Governor Kelly and approved by the Legislature, which increases investment in education by roughly $90 million a year, accounting for inflationary increases at the rate of 1.44 percent through FY 2023. The Governor fully funded this plan in the FY 2021 budget, putting Kansas on track to increase school funding by $431.1 million through FY 2023.


    • Medicaid Expansion: The Governor’s recommendation includes $17.5 million to expand KanCare, the state’s Medicaid program. Expanding eligibility for the program will allow 150,000 low-income Kansans to access critical health-care coverage. This will not only improve the health and vitality of Kansas communities, information presented at the Governor’s Council on Medicaid Expansion showed that expanding Medicaid could also create new jobs across the state. 


    • Closing the “Bank of KDOT”: Since taking office, Kelly has restored investment in Kansas roads and bridges by $213 million. This budget reduces State Highway Fund transfers by an additional $73.1 million in FY 2021. Assuming state revenues remain stable, this will keep Kansas on track to fully close the “Bank of KDOT” by the end of the Governor’s first term. This will enable Kansas to fulfill the promises of T-WORKS and also enact a new transportation plan in FY 2021 without a tax increase.


    • Targeted Food Sales Tax Relief: The Governor’s tax policy recommendations provide food sales tax and property tax relief, and level the playing field by modernizing antiquated sales tax laws. Replacing the current non-refundable food sales tax credit with a new refundable food sales tax credit will provide $53.2 million in food sales tax relief beginning in tax year 2020.  Repealing the current non-refundable food sales tax credit after December 31, 2019, will save approximately $10 million in SGF receipts in FY 2021. Under the Governor’s proposal, the Department of Revenue estimates that more than 540,000 tax filers will claim $63.2 million in refundable food sales tax credits beginning in FY 2021.


    • Property Tax Relief: The Governor has also prioritized property tax relief. For the first time since 2003, resuming the State General Fund transfers to the Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund is included in the Governor’s budget recommendation. This will provide $54.0 million in local property tax relief beginning in FY 2021.


    • Public Safety: To address the growing overpopulation issue in our prisons, the Governor recommends expanding bed capacity and treatment capacity by renovating unoccupied buildings near the Winfield Correctional Facility and the Lansing Correctional Facility. These renovated facilities will add dedicated substance use treatment beds for offenders who need it, as well as adding capacity for geriatric care for aging and seriously ill inmates.


“I appreciate the bipartisan collaboration between the Executive and Legislative branches throughout the last year to rebuild Kansas after a decade of crisis,” Kelly said. “This budget will help ensure our progress. It honors all the funding promises made by the 2019 Legislature, continues to sustainably and fairly re-invest in Kansas communities and provides much-needed tax relief in the form of a food sales tax rebate and property tax cuts. I am confident that if we work together to enact this commonsense agenda, Kansas will undoubtedly begin the new decade strongly positioned to prosper and grow.”

The Governor’s full budget recommendation can be viewed here.


KS Governor’s State of the State Address

Governor Kelly delivers the State of the State address


The following State of the State address is from Governor Laura Kelly:


Mr. Speaker, Madam President, Madam Chief Justice, Lt. Governor Rogers, members of the Legislature, Cabinet officers, leaders of the Kansas tribes, honored guests, and fellow Kansans.


It is my high honor to stand before you this evening to report on the progress of my administration, and to share my plans for the year ahead.


We have much to discuss tonight. But before I begin, please welcome back the third “First Gentleman” in Kansas history, my husband, Dr. Ted Daughety.


Ted still misses his garden and his darkroom, but he’s adjusting to our new home by adding some personal touches. He has taken an interest in putting the “Cedar” back in Cedar Crest with the planting of new trees. He also started a vegetable garden. He even has his own compost pile.


In addition to all of that, he continues to practice medicine full time. So, Ted and I have settled into life at the Governor’s Residence.


In fact, it was the backdrop for our family’s biggest news of 2019! It was a joy to watch our daughter Kathleen wed our new son-in-law, Mathias, at Cedar Crest earlier this year, with our younger daughter, Molly, standing by her sister’s side.


Speaking of siblings – my sister, Kay and my brother Paul are also here tonight from Colorado.


And listening in online from Richmond, Virginia, is my brother, Father Fred.


As everyone here knows, it is not easy to be related to someone who serves in public office. I am grateful to my family for the support they have provided from the very first day of this journey.


Since we’re talking about family members, I dare not exclude the four-legged variety. Frances, the First Cat of Kansas, sends her regards.


If there is one thing I didn’t expect this past year, it was the widespread interest in my cat. She’s made lots of new friends on social media. She gets more news coverage than I do.


Frances asked me to relay a special message to Lt. Governor Lynn Rogers, who is here with his wife, Kris.


Lynn — Frances said to tell you she’s very close to exceeding your following on Twitter. And that you need to step up your game.


As everyone here has no doubt come to know, Lynn Rogers is an exceptional lieutenant governor. In case you couldn’t tell, he’s also unfailingly good-natured.


Lynn hit the road almost as soon as we took our oaths of office last year, logging more than 17,000 miles on a statewide listening tour, engaging Kansans in our efforts to establish the Office of Rural Prosperity.


Housing shortages, affordable childcare, revitalizing Main Street corridors, protecting rural hospitals, expanding rural broadband — these are all concerns that weigh heavily on the minds of Kansans. With the right mix of state support and local ingenuity, I am confident that the Office of Rural Prosperity will serve as an invaluable partner for Kansas communities to sustain and enhance our state’s rural heritage.


Thank you, Lynn, for your work on this very important issue.


In fact, thank you to my entire Cabinet – seated in the west gallery, behind me.


No governor can succeed without a strong and supportive team, and I could not have asked for a more qualified group of leaders to help rebuild our state.


I realize, for those who have been around the Kansas Capitol a session or two, these annual messages might sometimes seem a bit routine. But tonight carries a special distinction.


For the first time in Kansas history, women sit at the helm of all three branches of Kansas government.


It is my privilege to serve as our state’s third female governor, alongside the first female Senate President, Susan Wagle. And the second female Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Marla Luckert.


Kansas reached this milestone at a fitting moment, as 2020 also marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.


Anniversaries and new years are always important opportunities to reflect on time gone by, and on progress made. We have another such opportunity this evening, as we usher in not just a new legislative session, but a new decade.


So let us go back for just a moment and remember where we’ve been.


Almost ten years ago — to the day — we gathered in this chamber for the 2010 state of the state address. Kansas found itself in the throes of the worst economic downturn in 80 years. The Great Recession had necessitated $1 billion dollars in spending cuts. Another $400 million dollar budget gap still loomed before us. It was brutal.


It’s probably for the best that we did not realize, in that moment, that this would be the brightest fiscal outlook Kansas would have for another seven years.


Of course, you know what happened next. A new administration was in place one year later, and the saga of the failed tax experiment began soon thereafter. Instead of recovering from the Great Recession alongside every other state in the nation, Kansas settled in for six more years of financial chaos. This time, it was self-inflicted.


By the time I stood before you as governor in 2019, Kansas was on life support. The state had racked up record amounts of debt, schools had been cut to the bone, taxes on groceries had been increased until they were the highest in the nation, agencies had been decimated, and Kansas had generally become a national model for what not to do.


After devastating cuts and relentless crises – a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers demonstrated courage and conviction when they joined forces in the face of adversity to stop the bleeding in 2017.


That bipartisan effort — one that so many of you helped bring to fruition — changed everything.


So, although it was a decade in which much went wrong, we rebounded in a way that only Kansas can.


Over the last 12 months, Kansas added 12,400 private sector jobs.


The state not only reached a new employment record, our unemployment rate fell to its lowest point in 40 years.


Since I became governor, we fulfilled our promise to properly fund Kansas schools.


We reinvested in public safety, and worked tirelessly to stabilize our foster care system.


We increased pay and lowered health insurance premiums for thousands of public employees and their families.


We’re paying off debt so we can eventually establish a state rainy day fund and better prepare for financial emergencies.


In US News and World Report’s “Best States” rankings, Kansas jumped seven spots in 2019. We now rank 15th highest in education. We scored 7th best in infrastructure.


In fact, I’m proud to report that we improved in almost every category, including the economy and fiscal stability.


I’m also proud to report that in CNBC’s annual “Top States for Business,” Kansas was declared the “comeback state of 2019.”


Above all, I am proud to report that Kansas has ended a turbulent decade on a high note. As we look to the future, the state of our state grows stronger every day.


We have so many reasons to be hopeful tonight. But make no mistake: one year of progress cannot erase a decade of damage. Two of the most important sectors of the Kansas economy remain incredibly fragile.


As a major Boeing supplier, Spirit AeroSystems was hit hard by the recent suspension of the 737 Max production. Even as we speak, thousands of Wichita families are suddenly fearful that soon they may be unable to provide for their families.


I’ve been in constant communication with local, state and federal officials since temporary layoffs were announced late last week. I instructed my Labor Secretary, Delia Garcia, to take an all-hands-on-deck approach to help workers, Spirit and other Kansas businesses that will be negatively impacted.


Unfortunately, Kansas agriculture also finds itself at a precarious moment.


Between historic flooding last spring and escalating trade tensions over the last two years, net farm incomes have dropped 50 percent from their peak in 2013.


Congress could certainly help, and they could start by ratifying the pending USMCA trade agreement.


I have been a vocal proponent of the USMCA agreement from the beginning. I commend the U.S. House of Representatives for passing this agreement, and urge the U.S. Senate to do the same.


It’s critical for Kansas. We are indeed an export state. And with us tonight, from our second largest customer, Canada, is Consul General Stephane Lessard.


Thank you for being here, Consul General.


When it comes to the livelihoods of Kansas families and businesses, we won’t wait on Washington and the USMCA agreement however. We must take matters into our own hands.


The International Trade Division at the Department of Commerce was dismantled in recent years. I’ve instructed my Commerce Secretary, David Toland, to focus on rebuilding this division.


As I said before, Kansas is an export state, and we cannot compete in a global economy without strong international trading partners.  We must breathe new life into our efforts to increase exports and compel international companies to choose Kansas.


I’m not just focused on convincing companies to choose Kansas. I’m also focused on the people who choose Kansas.


The effort to reconnect people with their state government and to rebuild public trust — starts at the top.


From day one, I’ve wanted Kansans to hear from me about what we’re doing, and why we’re doing it. Kansans deserve to engage directly with their Governor.


That’s why I’ve hosted “Kansan to Kansan” townhall meetings regularly since I took office. This fall, when I was building the state budget, I went on a listening tour to hear directly from the people about their priorities.


I’ve talked extensively — and candidly — with Kansans about what we’ve accomplished, and where we’d like to go in the year ahead. In turn, they’ve spoken candidly with me about their concerns, and how state government can better serve them.


I’d like to share their thoughts and concerns with you, and what I think we can do about them, together, in 2020.


I promised Kansans that I would be “the education governor.” I consider the progress we’ve made on public education to be our most important accomplishment to date — but we have more to do.


Last year I stood here and asked you to put aside partisanship and work with me to finally provide schools with the resources they need to be successful. You did it, and I applaud you.


I was proud to stand with many of you that Saturday morning last April, as hundreds of public school teachers packed into the ceremonial office to witness the signing of legislation that would end a decades-long legal battle over school finance.


It was truly a remarkable moment. Not just because of what we accomplished, but how we accomplished it.


None of the teachers who attended the bill signing cared if it was a “Democrat” plan or a “Republican” plan. They cared only that their schools would be funded. That it might help improve Kansas teacher salaries, which rank 41st in the nation. They cared that it would ensure educators have what they need to serve Kansas children well.


Let’s keep that in mind as we forge ahead.


Restoring school funding was a critical first step. But now I challenge us all to engage in a bigger and bolder conversation about “what’s next.”


Soon after taking office, I established the Council on Education. I asked the Council to re-evaluate every corner of our educational ecosystem — early childhood, K-12, higher education and workforce development — and to bring those players to the same table. I also engaged business and industry, labor, and other stakeholders so we may cultivate the workforce that Kansas will need to compete in the years ahead.


It is time to align all of these moving parts so that we can put Kansas at the forefront of growth and innovation. The work of this Council will be essential in helping us shape the future of Kansas education, the Kansas workforce, and Kansas as a state.


I want to recognize the co-chairs of this council – Dr. Cindy Lane, the former KCK Public Schools Superintendent and Dr. Fred Dierksen, current Superintendent of Dodge City Public Schools, who are here tonight in the gallery. Thank you for all your hard work – and the hard work yet to come.


Our progress on education is a valuable reminder to all of us that Kansans do not keep partisan score — even when clever sports analogies are employed. Kansans care about results. That’s what we get when we work together.


We can deliver bipartisan results again in 2020.


And we can start with one of the most urgent issues we face.


This must be the year Kansas becomes the 37th state to expand Medicaid.


Apparently, you have heard that Kansas made a little bit of news on this front last week.


After weeks of tough negotiations and lots of give and take, we developed a proposal that will not only expand healthcare to 150,000 Kansans, but also has the potential to lower health insurance premiums in the marketplace.


It was an honor to stand with so many of you — Republican and Democrat, Representatives and Senators — who have been committed to getting this done for Kansas.


We have so many reasons to bring this across the finish line.


In July, a study of mortality rates in non-expansion states estimated that 288 Kansans have died prematurely every year from 2014 to 2017 specifically due to our failure to adopt expansion.


Another study, released in November, showed that expansion improves infant and maternal health.


Yet another found the rate of rural hospital closure increases significantly in non-expansion states like Kansas.


Just last week, a study was released that linked Medicaid Expansion to a decline in opioid abuse.


There is a stack of rigorous, nonpartisan evidence to illustrate how critical KanCare expansion is to the health and welfare of our state. It grows by the day.


So does public support.


The number of expansion states continues to increase. No state has reversed its decision to expand. And voters across the ideological spectrum continue to reaffirm their support for expansion in election after election.


I’m talking about in states like Kentucky. Louisiana. Virginia. States where access to affordable healthcare drove people to the polls.


I’m talking about Nebraska, where 54% of voters approved Medicaid Expansion by ballot initiative in 2018.


I’m talking about Oklahoma, where in October a record number of petitions were submitted to put Medicaid expansion on the 2020 ballot.


And, yes, I’m even talking about Missouri. Where expansion is well on its way to a statewide vote, with momentum growing by the day.


If nothing else, surely maintaining Kansas’ 159-year tradition of beating Missouri is something we can all get behind…


In all seriousness:


As I said last week, compromise is hard. It is messy. It is slow. But it is so worth it.


Now it’s up to all of you to finish the task.


When we do add this to our list of bipartisan accomplishments, it will not only save lives, it will close the book on a long, senseless, expensive political fight — making room to improve access to health care and grow the Kansas economy.


We are so close. Let’s get this done.


As we continue our work to rebuild Kansas, there’s one area where we mean it… literally. It’s time for us to develop a new, comprehensive transportation plan so that we can rebuild roads and bridges across our state.


My Secretary of Transportation, Julie Lorenz, and her team have spent months hosting community meetings to ensure that all Kansans – in communities large and small – have the opportunity to help shape the future of infrastructure in a way that meets local needs.


Infrastructure is about far more than just roads and bridges.


It’s the means by which our school buses safely transport our most precious cargo. It’s how we make Kansans’ daily commutes faster and safer so they can spend more time with their families. It means jobs. Thousands of jobs. It’s the gateway to rural broadband. And as an export state, it is how we get Kansas goods to market and keep our economy humming.


This will be the fourth time Kansas has pursued such an endeavor. Each plan has improved upon the plan before, adapting to changing needs throughout the state and building on lessons learned. Each plan has propelled Kansas into the future, making our transportation system one of the best in the nation.


There’s one lesson from the past, in particular, I hope you will keep in mind as we begin this process anew:


Even the best laid infrastructure plan will crumble if we do not maintain the resources we need as a state to see it through.


As promised, last year I officially began “closing down” the “Bank of KDOT.” I am fully committed to continuing that phase out throughout my first term so that we can fulfill the promises of the previous transportation plan and invest in the future.


But I’ve always been clear that this pledge comes with one, critical caveat: stable state revenues.


Rebuilding fiscal stability in Kansas state government has been one of my top priorities as governor. Last January, I presented a balanced budget to the Legislature without raising taxes. A budget that paid down debt. Re-invested in core services like education and healthcare. All while leaving the largest ending balance in more than a decade.


The budget didn’t quite return to me with all those features intact.


The budget that came back to my desk in May included $182 million dollars more in spending than I had recommended. It did not maintain the statutorily-required ending balance we need to cushion state investments in case of an emergency. It also spent more than we were taking in.


The good news is that Kansas’ economic outlook has stabilized, and even improved a bit. While the risk of a recession will always remain a possibility, the foreseeable future does not appear as ominous as it did last January.


That is why tomorrow, for the second year in a row, I will submit to you a balanced budget that continues our rebuilding efforts, that continues to pay down debt, and that honors my promise to cut taxes.


Kansas families are taxed more for food than anywhere else in the United States. These families shouldn’t have to pay more than their fair share, especially when it comes to the essentials. So my budget will take the first step in lowering taxes on groceries, starting with Kansans who need help the most.


I’ve always considered lowering the tax on groceries an urgent need. But ultimately we must work our way back to that longstanding notion of the “three-legged stool.” We must rebalance all of our revenue streams — income, sales, and property tax.


The Kansas tax structure has become more than a little lopsided in recent years, which is why my budget will also include property tax relief.


As funding for schools, cities and counties was cut over the last decade, local units of government were left with few options to make ends meet. Increasing property taxes was one of them.


This left local communities frustrated, and put a desperate strain on working Kansans and Kansans living on fixed incomes — especially our seniors. They need relief, and we can give it to them in 2020.


Together, the food and property tax relief I will offer will take meaningful strides in re-building our overall tax structure so that it is more fair and more fiscally responsible.


But it is only the first step of what must be a multi-phased, multi-year process.


I understand that any discussion of taxes is politically charged. But if we ever truly want to move forward, we must confront the stark inequities, outdated inefficiencies, and expensive loopholes riddled throughout our tax code.


To this end, I established a Council on Tax Reform last summer to develop such comprehensive, commonsense reforms.


I’d like to recognize former Democratic Senator Janis Lee, who is here with us in the gallery, and former Republican Senate President Steve Morris, for spearheading this bipartisan effort.


The Tax Council’s work will continue into 2020. In the meantime, the Council identified a targeted food sales tax cut through a refundable rebate and broad property tax relief as two initial steps we can and should take as a state to begin the long process of re-balancing our revenue streams.


Before I move on, I ask you to have a little faith.


As governor, I have worked diligently to honor every promise I’ve made to Kansans. I’ve also worked to include you as my partner in the governing process every step of the way. My commitment to working with you on tax reform is no different.


I began my remarks this evening with a quick stroll down memory lane —- but not because the last 10 years were filled with such pleasant memories.


I started there because I don’t want Kansas to finish there. We simply cannot go back.


So I want to be clear: to protect our recovery, and to ensure Kansas does not repeat the mistakes of the last decade, I will veto any tax bill that comes to my desk that throws our state back into fiscal crisis, or debt, or sends us back to court for underfunding our schools.


I hope you won’t stand for it either.


This has been an eventful year.


One year ago, our social safety net was in shreds.


Together, we took action. We hired dozens of new social workers across the state to better support vulnerable families. We created special response teams and amplified collaboration with the KBI to more quickly recover missing foster care youth. We brought nursing homes back from the brink of fiscal ruin without closing a single facility. We bolstered funding for mental health in an effort to c

Minutes of U234 Board of Education for Jan. 13


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met on Monday, January 13, at the Board of Education office for their regular monthly meeting.

President David Stewart opened the meeting. The board approved the official agenda. The board also approved the consent agenda as follows:

  1. Minutes
  2. Bills and Claims
  3. Payroll – December 19, 2019 – $1,400,799.51
  4. Financial Report
  5. Bond Proceeds Reconciliation
  6. Activity Fund Accounts

Gary Elliott, with Benchmark, Inc., gave a roof projects update to the board. Stephanie

George, KNEA President, presented a report.

Superintendent Ted Hessong welcomed the new board members and shared the following information:

  • January 6 professional development day activities
  • State Debate Tournament at Fort Scott High School and Fort Scott Middle School on January 17
  • Accreditation information
  • Advocacy in Action, Greenbush Superintendent Forum, BOLD training, Council of Superintendents meetings
  • Legislative information

Gina Shelton, Business Manager, discussed roof bids.

Board members approved the following items:

  • Roof payment
  • Election of officers and meeting dates to take place at the July 2020 organizational board meeting
  • Employee Physical Activity policy

Board members shared comments and then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel and returned to open meeting. The board then went into executive session to discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations. The board returned to open meeting and approved the following employment items:

  1. Retirement of Marge Madison, high school treasurer/secretary, effective June 30, 2020
  2. Retirement of Vicki Kruger, middle school paraprofessional, effective January 7, 2020
  3. Leave of absence request from Angela Christy, Winfield Scott paraprofessional
  4. Employment of Tyler Bell as high school assistant wrestling coach for the 2019-20 school

The board adjourned.

Chamber Coffee at Compassion Ministries Jan. 16

Chamber Coffee
Thursday, January 16th
will be hosted by the
Fort Scott Compassionate Ministries
26 N. Main St.
8 am
Click here for the City’s Facebook page.
Click here for the City’s website.
Chamber Members & Guests are
welcome to attend and pay $1 to make any announcement about their business or organization including events, new products, promotions, or
anything else to share!
Upcoming Chamber Coffee Schedule:
* Walmart, in the Vision Center 1/23
* My1Stop hosting at Empress Center 1/30
* OPEN 2/6! – Please call the Chamber to Schedule
* Visage Skin Care Spa & Ribbon cutting 2/13
* Ascension Via Christi 2/20
* OPEN 2/27! – Please call the Chamber to Schedule

Boiler Room Brewhaus: A Little Different

Bryan and Barbara Ritter stand in front of the renovated area of the Broiler Room Brewhaus on Jan. 9.

Barbara Ritter, owner of Boiler Room Brewhaus at 2 S. National, has been extra busy since the new year began.

Her sister, Peggy, is a co-owner with Barbara and her husband, Bryan is the brewer.

Bryan and Barbara were doing the final touches of a recent reno last week.

Fort Scott’s first microbrewery is located on the busy corner of Wall Street and National Ave. The Ritter’s feature beer tastings, by the glass and take out.

Since having the business rebranded in the fall, they realized they needed to take some time to do some new things in the microbrewery.

They have expanded their tap selection.

“We are going to have six of our brews on at a time,” Barbara said. “We have been canning our beer since fall.”

They have been doing some decorative changes as well.

“Basically, we did a lot of painting,” Barbara said. “Walls, doors, vanities, tables…in nostalgic colors.”

Nostalgic colors were added to fit with the mid-century design of the building.
The restroom vanity was painted.

Since the building was built in 1960, “we have added some elements from that time period,” to the decor, she said.

The Ritters are looking for vintage photos of the Downtowner Hotel, which now houses the microbrewery.

“If anyone has any vintage photos of the Downtowner or people, that they would be willing to share…to purchase or display,” Ritter said, please contact them at 913.636.4892 or 620-644-5032.

“This building was completed in February 1960,” she said.

A vintage photo of the Downtowner in the 1970s. Paul Milks found the photo and one of the Goodlander Hotel in the Bourbon County Genealogical Society library.
The Boiler Room Brewhaus, 2 South National Avenue, Jan. 9, 2020.
The Goodlander Hotel was the original building on the site. It was demolished for the construction of the Downtowner Hotel, Ritter said.

The Ritter’s moved their business to the new site at the corner of National Avenue and Wall Street on June 1, 2018.

The old logo is gone and has been replaced with nostalgic ones:

Barbara Ritter displays some of the new logos on the glasses, etc.

Taco night is each Thursday at the Boiler Room Brewhaus, catered by Crooner’s Lounge.
Snacks and drinks are served each time the microbrewery is open.

Though the microbrewery doesn’t serve meals, they have menus from restaurants where people can order food and have it delivered or can bring it into the Brewhaus, she said.

“There is also a $5 taco bar catered by Crooner’s Lounge on Thursdays, $5 and you can eat all the tacos you want,” Barabara said.

They will also be offering some new appetizers.

Each Friday is karaoke from 7-9 p.m., and Sundays there are team trivia games from 5-7 p.m.

“We are looking to add a music bingo game, possibly on Saturday evenings,” she said. “We will try it once to see how it goes.”

“We are hoping to have musicians coming once a month,” she said. “There are three in the works so far for the next couple of months.”

Heather Fink did the lettering on the doors of the Boiler Room Brewhaus.

Currently, they have four part-time employees and two full-time.

“We are looking for one more part-time, one day a week,” she said. “Possibly an older employee with a good work ethic, who is looking for something to do.”

“We’ve had a really good year,” Barbara said. “Almost one-half of customers are new to Fort Scott. Fifty-one percent are local people.. We have a variety of people of all ages.”

“People say this is a cool little town,” she said. “This town has a lot to offer.”


Obituary of Florene Wilborn

Florene Helen Wilborn, 82, of Fort Scott, formerly of Batesville, Texas, passed away, Monday evening, January 13, 2020 at the Medicalodge Nursing Home.

She was born, May 20, 1937 in Batesville, Texas, the daughter of Clifford and Jamie Lily (Baxter) Jones. She married Paul Wilborn, June 2, 1955 in Batesville, Texas, he survives of the home (Cavalry Crossing).

In addition to her husband, Paul, she is survived by two daughters, Lisa Shank and her husband, Mark of Redfield, Kansas, and Jeannie Witty and her husband Robert of Wichita Falls, Texas, a sister, Barbara Wilborn of San Antonio, Texas, four grandsons and one granddaughter.

She was preceded in death by her parents.

Following cremation, the family will plan memorial services in Batesville, Texas, at a later date. Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home has charge of local arrangements.

Volunteers Needed Jan. 17-18: State Debate Tournament

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting the
Hospitality Lounge for the State Debate Tournament
to be held here this weekend
January 17-18, 2020!
Diana Mitchell is chairing this
hospitality project on behalf of the
Chamber and Youth Activities Team.
We are seeking time slot Volunteers to work the lounge & below donations:
No experience required!
Times Volunteers are Needed:
Note: Flexible/One Hour Increments
Friday @ Fort Scott Middle School
Noon – 4:00 pm
(We need one person working a shift)
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (serve dinner & clean-up)
(We need two people working a shift)
Friday @ Fort Scott High School
Noon – 4 pm
(We need one person working a shift
4 pm to 6 pm (serve dinner & clean-up)
(We need two people working a shift)
Saturday @ Fort Scott High School
7 am to 11 am
(We need one person working a shift)
11 am to 2 pm (serve lunch & clean-up)
(We need two people working a shift)
2 pm to 6 pm
(We need one person working a shift)
  • Coffee
  • Instant Tea
  • Napkins
  • Fresh Fuit
  • Paper Towels
  • Bottled Water
  • 8 oz cups/sytrofoam
  • Clorox Wipes (disinfecting)
Cell: 620-224-3633
THANK YOU to those businesses and individuals who have already committed to volunteering or donating items.
Please click here to emailDiana with times you can work or items you can donate. Monetary donations also welcome, made payable to the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, and we can purchase items needed.
Physical items or monetary donations may be dropped off at the Chamber through 5 pm Thursday.
Contact Lindsay Madison at the Chamber with any questions, 620-223-3566, or [email protected].

FSCC Heads Into Next Century

Fort Scott Community College has been a part of the community for over 100 years and it is looking to help future generations find their career path.

“Even though we are in an era of declining enrollment in Kansas colleges and universities; I am very positive about the future of FSCC due to the fact we have great faculty and staff that make student learning and student success their mission,”  FSCC President Alysia Johnston said. “We are also extremely fortunate to have an incredibly supportive community and Board of Trustees, which is greatly appreciated.”

On January 13, the spring semester at the college began.

To see the college calendar, click below:

A recent 2019 Annual Report Centennial Edition gave glimpses of events throughout the years and named current offerings as well.

Thirty-seven fields of study are available to students: agriculture, art, biological science, business, certified medication aide, certified nurse aid, chemistry, computer science, construction trades, cosmetology, criminal justice, education, emergency medical technician, engineering, English, environmental water technology, farm and ranch management, Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Technology, heating-ventilation-air conditioning, history, home health aide, John Deere Technology, mathematics,  manicuring, masonry, music, nursing, phlebotomy, physical education, physical science, physics, political science, psychology, sociology, speech, theater, and welding.

FSCC’s John Deere Progam has been recognized as a College of Tomorrow awardee by John Deere, Inc. The honor was earned because of program excellence, instructor development, internships, and facilities, according to the annual report.

The college marked 15 years in partnership with Harley-Davidson Motor Company. FSCC offers technician training in a hands-on Harley Davidson approved environment, equipping students with both knowledge and soft skills.

FSCC’s Nursing Program was ranked 2nd in Kansas because of its overall affordability and exemplary NCLEX pass rates after evaluating 36 nursing programs in the state.

In the college’s annual report, much has been accomplished in just the last year.

In 2019 FSCC initiated its eSports program, joining in a nation-wide growing collegiate sport: competitive video gaming. The FSCC eSports team helps students improve their gaming performance, social and leadership skills, according to the annual report.


Also, last year the college added onto the Burris Building, which gives FSCC agriculture program room for future growth.

Burris Hall on the campus of FSCC was expanded and the old section updated in 2019.

FSCC welcomed the new director of the Gordon Parks Museum, Kirk Sharp, after being a part of the Gordon Parks committee for over a decade. Kirk will work to advance the legacy and memory of visionary artist Gordon Parks.

Gordon Parks Museum Executive Director Kirk Sharp, center, looks over donated photos of the film “The Learning Tree” with onlookers during the Gordon Parks Celebration in Oct. 2019.

Sports Added

Women’s golf and track and field programs were added to the college in 2019.


New Board of Trustees Members

Two new board of trustees were elected in Nov. 2019: Dave Elliott and Kirk Hart. A third trustee Bill Meyer was selected to fill the vacancy of his wife, Liz, who died at the end of 2019.




“The expectation for 2020 is to continue to meet the needs of our students, community, faculty, and staff, as well as all of our stakeholders,” FSCC President Alysia Johnston said.

FSCC retiree Carolyn Sinn, from left, and FSCC Centennial speaker Gina Shelton, help FSCC Class of 1941 graduate Esther Sewell cut the Centennial Celebration cake while President Alysia Johnston, along with centennial speakers Mark Muller, Marcel Normand and Jim Barrows watch in the background, in September 2019.

Some of the events in 2020 include:

Bailey Hall

The fundraising for the renovation of Bailey Hall at the college continues.

“We have a plan for Bailey Hall renovation with a price tag of around one million dollars,” Johnston said.  “However, until we have more money we will not begin the project and we have no timeline for now.  We hope to use the money donated by Mr. and Mrs. Bailey as seed money to receive more dollars.”

“All gifts would be greatly appreciated and people can contact our Chief Development Officer, Jeff Tadtman, 620 223-2700 ext. 5830 [email protected]


Men’s Golf

The college will start a men’s golf program in August 2020.




“Accreditation is critical to the college as it allows us not only to ensure we are Title IV eligible (federal student financial aid), but we maintain high quality and transferable courses and programs,” Johnston said. “Accreditation is a peer-review, self-regulatory process by which non-governmental associations recognize educational institutions or programs that have been found to meet or exceed standards and criteria for educational quality. ”

“Accreditation also assists in the further improvement of the institutions or programs as related to resources invested, processes followed, and results achieved.”

” We will have our first Assurance Argument due this June under the Higher Learning Commissions (HLC) Open Pathway accreditation, and we have a committee that has been working on documentation and narrative for the Assurance Argument for at least a year.”

“We were fortunate to be placed in the Open Pathway accreditation model when we received our 10-year accreditation from HLC in 2016. The Open Pathway is a less prescriptive model for accreditation and allows us to determine our own path of continuous improvement.”


Nursing Program Evaluation

“The Nursing Program is scheduled for a comprehensive evaluation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN),” Johnston said. “ACEN is recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) as a specialized accrediting agency for nursing education programs located in the United States and its territories.”



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