What’s Happening in Fort Scott by the Chamber of Commerce Jan. 25

RADIO AUCTION – KOMB All Hit 103.9 FM – Started Jan. 16 through first week of March, every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Listen for details!
Care to Share (“The Sharing Bucket”) will be hosting the 5th Annual “TaTa” Ride on June 15th, 2019 and an “AR-15 Gun Raffle”. Raffle tickets are $5 each and on sale now! ATF Regulations apply. Contact Stacey Wright for tickets or more info. (See flyer below)
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!

Eat Smart, Live Strong class – Fort Scott Professional Building (formerly Newman Young Clinic), each Friday in January, 10:30am-12:00pm

Enjoy fun and lively activities with other older adults! Talk about easy ways to make smart food choices and exercise more

Contact Malynda Payne, K-State Research and Extension Nutrition Assistant, mpayne@ksu.edu, or call (620)768-9459 for more information
Meet the Author Elana A. Mugdan at Hedgehog.INK – 16 S. Main St., 4pm

Hedgehog.INK’s 1st ever in-store author event!

Meet and greet author Elana A. Mugdan. Her book, “Dragon Speaker” is Book 1 of The Shadow War Saga, and is available for purchase at the store

There will be an author talk, Q & A and book signing. Light refreshments provided (See flyer below)

Care to Share Fundraiser Auction @ 4-H Building, 2102 S. Huntington Blvd., Fort Scott, 10 am

Wonderful items have been donated for this fundraiser auction. Please plan to come! One day sale, will go quick! Lunch will be served: pulled pork, chips, drinks, pies

29-30 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library,                        201 S. National Ave., 10-11am
29 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center,
29 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12-1pm (Hedges Administrative Building)
30 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,                   308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm

Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)

TAG (Teen Advisory Group) – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 4-5pm

Exclusively for middle and high school students. We have meetings weekly, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and a craft night each month. Make a difference in your community while having fun at TAG! Each meeting includes food, drinks, and a good time with your fellow teens. Bring your friends!

Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Southwind Extension District

Location: 100 S. Main St.
31 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm
31 Learning to Navigate Your Smartphone and Tablet for Seniors – Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, 2401 S. Horton, 2:30-3:30pm

Class will cover the basics: sending emails, downloading attachments, sharing photos and searching Google. Also addressed: how to use maps, and which apps to download to make your life easier. Attendees names will be placed in a drawing for a $50 gift card

Class is FREE, but space is limited. RSVP by Jan. 28th to Becky Kellum at rkellum@pmma.org or call

31 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm. Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
1 YPL First Friday Luncheon (Young Professional’s League of Bourbon County) – In the Celebration Room of Papa Don’s Pizza, 10 N. Main St., Fort Scott

Join us for the YPL First Friday Luncheon, open to YPL members or anyone interested in  the organization

2-3 Youth Basketball Tournament hosted by FSHS Booster Club

To enter a team or for more information, contact Jeff DeLaTorre at jdelatorre@usd234.org

2 1st Annual All You Can Eat Pancake Meal at First Southern Baptist Church – 1818 S. Main St., 7am-7pm

The First Southern Baptist Church is planning to build a gymnasium to be used for youth programs, meetings, dinners and as a safe shelter for the surrounding area. Adult tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at the door. Children under 7 are FREE

The church is also hosting a study on the Book of Revelations on Sunday evenings at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall at the north end of the church

2 Care to Share Cancer Support Group – Mercy McAuley Center, 401 Woodland Hills Blvd., 10:30am-12pm

This meeting is for anyone: fighters, survivors, families, caregivers, and anyone that wants to be involved in caring and sharing. No refreshments provided by Mercy this time, so please bring your own

5-6 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library,                        201 S. National Ave., 10-11am
5 Fort Scott Middle School Pizza Hut Nights Fundraiser, 1st Tuesday of every month – Fort Scott Pizza Hut, 1810 S. Main St.

Please plan to eat at Pizza Hut sometime that day and use the FSMS voucher

5 Quarterly Downtown Meet & Greet hosted by the Chamber of Commerce – at the Boiler Room Brewhaus, 10 S. National Ave., 8:30-9:30am

The Chamber of Commerce hosts Quarterly Downtown Meet & Greets at a different location for Downtown business owners or representatives, or anyone in the community with an interest in Downtown issues to attend and share thoughts and ideas related to Downtown, and to stay current on new happenings

5 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center,
5 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12-1pm (Hedges Administrative Building)

Forecast 2019 – Presented by White Ember Financial Planning – Precision Coffee Company, 127 E. Cherry St., Nevada, MO

Join us as we discuss how the markets fared in 2018 and the expectations for 2019.

5:45-6:00 pm – Registration & Hors d’oeuvres

6:00 pm – Forecast 2019 Presentation by Ross Lawrence

Please RSVP prior to February 1st to (417) 667-4721 or info@whiteember.com

For a personalized portfolio review, call

(417) 667-4721 or visit. For more info, visit our website:  https://www.whiteember.com/

5 City Commission Meeting – City Hall, 6-7pm
6 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,                   308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
6 Monthly Grief Support Luncheon hosted by Cheney Witt Chapel – at the Carriage House, 301 S. Main, 12-1pm

A Grief Support Luncheon is hosted by Cheney Witt Chapel the 1st Wednesday of each month at noon. Anyone dealing with a loss is encouraged to come, and bring a friend. Cheney Witt Chapel will provide lunch at the Carriage House. Call 620-223-1186 with any questions

6 Bourbon County Coalition Monthly Meeting – Public Welcome! – In the basement of the First Baptist Church, 123 Scott Avenue, 12-1pm

Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm

Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)

TAG (Teen Advisory Group) – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 4-5pm

Exclusively for middle and high school students. We have meetings weekly, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and a craft night each month. Make a difference in your community while having fun at TAG! Each meeting includes food, drinks, and a good time with your fellow teens. Bring your friends!

Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by City State Bank

Location: 202 Scott Ave.
7 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12pm
7 City State Bank’s Grand Re-Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – 202 Scott Ave.

Starts at 5pm, remarks and ribbon cutting at 5:30

7 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm. Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

Meet the Author Gerri Hilger at Hedgehog.INK – 16 S. Main St., 6pm

Meet and greet author Gerri Hilger, former Fort Scott teacher and resident. Her book, “Our Duty” recalls Kansas WWII nurses and airmen, and is available for purchase in the store

There will be an author talk, Q & A and book signing. Light refreshments provided. (See flyer below)

Save the Date:
– February 9 – Winter Biker Meet & Greet Expo
– February 9 – Rotary’s 2019 Dancing With Our Stars
– February 10 – 3rd Annual Farm Toy Show & Sales
Click here for full events listing on our website.

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