On the November 5 ballot, The Fort Scott School District 234 and the Bourbon County Commission had the following questions about who/how many can serve as representatives of their constituents in their respective entities.
USD 234 Question
“Shall the method of election in Unified School District No. 234, Bourbon County, Kansas, be changed from the six-member district method of election, under which the school district is not divided into any member districts and all board members are elected at large?
The vote was 3,515 yes and 1,578 no, on November 5.
What’s next?
“We have advertised for an open board position,” said USD 234 Superintendent Destry Brown. “We will repost the position for at-large candidates now that it has passed. Next year, when we have four positions open for election, anyone can file for the open positions. Then, voters will see the whole group of candidates and vote for their top four. The four candidates with the most votes then become board members.”
The Bourbon County Commission Question
“Shall the current number of Bourbon County Commissioner Districts set forth in KSA 19-203(a)(b)(c)(d) & (e), be increased to five (5) Commissioner Districts?
3,769 voted yes and 2,238 voted no.
According to Kansas Law, this is the process of moving from three to five commissioners:
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 19-204a reads as follows: 19-204a. When the voters of a county approve a change in the number of county commissioner districts at an election held under K.S.A. 19-204(c), and amendments thereto, the board of county commissioners, on or before January 1 immediately following such election, shall adopt a resolution dividing the county into the number of districts approved by the voters. If the board of county commissioners fails to adopt such resolution within the time prescribed, the chief judge of the district court of the county, on or before the following January 31, shall order the county divided into the appropriate number of districts, according to https://www.sos.ks.gov/publications/register/Volume-43/Issues/Issue-16/04-18-24-52068.html#:~:text=(c)%20The%20board%20of%20county%20commissioners%20of,of%20the%20county%20are%20entitled%20to%20vote.
regarding the county commissioners: it appears to me or I missed something, the statute instructs division of the county into the approved number districts, but what then? We authorized adding two, the process to do that???? election? appointment? what?