The First Missionary Baptist Church of Uniontown has been distributing food baskets at Christmas time for many years,” said Marci Williams, chairperson of the mission board at the church.
“We get our suggestions (for those who might need extra food) from church and community members and the (USD 235) school,” she said.
“Church members donate food,” she said. “(And) Ruritan ( a local community service group) donates $500 to the mission board to purchase groceries.”
And the local school organizes a food drive.
“The students, staff, and W.B.E. families are very supportive and generous,” Jenny Covey, a member of the mission board said. “The sixth-grade class has been organizing a food drive since before I started teaching in Uniontown more than 18 years ago.”
“This is a great way to teach students about giving,” Covey said.
“Our church gets together a few days before Christmas to pack and deliver the boxes,” Williams said. “This year each family received a turkey, sausage, eggs, bread, bag of potatoes, apple juice, sugar, and apples. In addition, the boxes are filled to the brim.”