Preparations are being made for the next school year at USD 234, Fort Scott.
Among items on the USD 234 Board of Education on July 13 was a decision to keep the academic calendar the same as last year.
“The academic calendar is the same as it was last school year,” Ted Hessong, the superintendent, said in an email. ” At this time, we have not made any alterations to the academic calendar due to the pandemic.”
An additional nurse was added for duties at Fort Scott High School.
“The need for a fourth nurse has been a concern for the district to cover the high school,” Hessong said. “With the pandemic, the district made the commitment, working with Community Health Center, to add a fourth nurse for the high school.”
There have not been official decisions concerning the opening of school in the district, Hessong said.
“At this time we have not made any official decisions related to the opening of school buildings in August,” he said. “The district is working on alternate plans to possibly implement to ensure the safety of our students and staff.”
Here is the list of new teachers for the 2020-2021 school year in the district.
Linda Minor, Winfield Scott transferred from first-grade teacher to second-grade.
Krista Gorman, high school/middle school instructional coach’s contract was adjusted from 90% to 100% for the 2020-21 school year.
Breann Eden, Winfield Scott art teacher, was granted a leave of absence.
Harleigh Lowry was hired as a Winfield Scott 6.5-hour cook for the 2020-21 school year.
Reemployment for the school year: Beth Alexander as a Winfield Scott Focus Room teacher, Jered McKay as a Eugene Ware Behavior Specialist, and Daniel Long, as a high school paraprofessional.