Minutes of the Special Board of Trustees Meeting
June 10, 2024
PRESENT: Ronda Bailey, Jim Fewins, Bryan Holt, and Chad McKinnis
ALSO PRESENT: Sara Sutton-Interim President, Juley McDaniel-Board Clerk, staff, public
Chairman Holt called the meeting to order at 3:02 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Bailey, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote
to adjourn to executive session for one hour beginning at 3:05 pm to discuss personnel matters of non-elected
personnel as it relates organizational structure with no action expected to follow. The board invited Sara Sutton,
Sonia Gugnani, Missy Scott, Liza Erwin, and Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 4:07 am a motion was made by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous
vote to return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
4:8 pm by Fewins, seconded by McKinnis, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk11