Perry’s Pork Rinds invites vendors to join a

1st Annual Sizzling Summer Craft Fair
Admission to our air-conditioned event is FREE.
“We do ask you to donate any shampoo conditioner
toothpaste toothbrushes
sanitary items for women razors and
,” Kelly Perry said. ” Also feel free to donate a monetary donation for us to purchase the toiletries. Items will be given to local families in need in BB County via one of the many resource centers.”
“We will be accepting 60-100 craft, hand made, mass-produced, one of a kind or direct sales items as well as foods. No repeat of items will be allowed. Step away from the summer heatDrop the kids off at the aquatic center to swim
and come enjoy some free time with indoor shopping
in the AC right here in Ft Scott KS
Vendor Applications available Friday, March 13, 2010. Click on EVENTS tab & print form.
Mail to:
Perry’s Pork Rinds
PO Box 112
Bronson. KS66716