Sami Rogers, 21, started her business, The Baby Stitch, at the encouragement of her best friend, Chloe Mohn.

“I started with hairbows for my friend, Chloe, who had a baby,” Rogers said. “She suggested I start making bummies, a baby diaper cover. She said I had an eye for design.”

The only sewing she had been taught was in Fort Scott Middle School, “And it was a pillow,” she said.
She began looking on the internet.
“I got on Etsy and purchased patterns, and started on YouTube to learn the techniques of sewing,” she said.
For her business, she makes baby clothes, which include bummies, hairbows, bell bottom pants, leggings, shirts and joggers.
“I only make baby and toddler clothing, up to size 3-4 Toddler,” she said. “Everything is handmade.”
Go to her website to order: http://the-baby-stitch.myshopify.com
The Baby Stitch is also on Facebook and Instagram.
About Rogers
Rogers is a 2020 graduate of Fort Scott High School and attended Fort Scott Community College.
At age 19, while a freshman at FSCC, she started her business.
She is a recent recipient of the Healthy Bourbon County Action Team (HBCAT) grant for women, minorities or low income to start up a business, in the amount of $5,000.
“Dacia Clark was amazing to help you,” Rogers said.
Clark is Assistant Director of the Small Business Development Center at Pittsburg State University, with an office in the HBCAT office at 104 N National Ave, Fort Scott.
The HBCAT Phone is (620) 215-2892
“They help with a business plan, expense projection,” she said.
Rogers had applied for a grant previously, but wasn’t accepted.
“I felt defeated,” she said. “I do run a business and the grant would help me, so I reached out again. They gave pointers to improve the application.”
She applied again, and received the grant, which she plans to use on a serger sewing machine, fabric and specialty scissors to “help get the product out the door.”