Physical Therapist Meredith Tucker opened No Limits Rehabilitation Clinic at 18 N. Main in downtown Fort Scott in June, 2017.
Her specialty is pediatric physical therapy.
“For 12 years I’ve been doing mostly pediatrics,” Tucker said.
For insurance to provide coverage for her services, a doctor must provide a script to her, she said.
Her clinic exists not just to serve the patient, but the caregivers as well, so they can provide the best care for their loved ones at home, according to her website.
Tucker was ready for a new challenge following 9.5 years of working for Mercy Hospital.
During those years she did pediatric physical therapy and physical therapy for inpatients at the hospital.
“They closed the acute inpatient rehab unit,” Tucker said. “They still offer outpatient service and acute bed services.”
“I was ready for a new change and challenge. It’s been a good change,” she said.
Meredith Sewell Tucker is a Fort Scott High School graduate, then graduated from Kansas University with a children’s with disability and autism degree, then a masters degree in physical therapy.
She is married to Brad Tucker.
The physical therapy clinic phone number is (913) 406.8040.